391 lines
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391 lines
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#include "../../server/mesh_block_task.h"
#include "../../server/voxel_server.h"
#include "../../storage/voxel_data_map.h"
#include "../voxel_mesh_map.h"
#include "../voxel_node.h"
#include "lod_octree.h"
#include "voxel_lod_terrain_update_data.h"
#include "voxel_mesh_block_vlt.h"
#include <map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "../../editor/voxel_debug.h"
namespace zylann::voxel {
class VoxelTool;
class VoxelStream;
class VoxelInstancer;
// Paged terrain made of voxel blocks of variable level of detail.
// Designed for highest view distances, preferably using smooth voxels.
// Voxels are polygonized around the viewer by distance in a very large sphere, usually extending beyond far clip.
// VoxelStream and VoxelGenerator must support LOD.
class VoxelLodTerrain : public VoxelNode {
GDCLASS(VoxelLodTerrain, VoxelNode)
Ref<Material> get_material() const;
void set_material(Ref<Material> p_material);
Ref<VoxelStream> get_stream() const override;
void set_stream(Ref<VoxelStream> p_stream) override;
Ref<VoxelGenerator> get_generator() const override;
void set_generator(Ref<VoxelGenerator> p_stream) override;
Ref<VoxelMesher> get_mesher() const override;
void set_mesher(Ref<VoxelMesher> p_mesher) override;
int get_view_distance() const;
void set_view_distance(int p_distance_in_voxels);
void set_lod_distance(float p_lod_distance);
float get_lod_distance() const;
void set_lod_count(int p_lod_count);
int get_lod_count() const;
void set_generate_collisions(bool enabled);
bool get_generate_collisions() const {
return _generate_collisions;
// Sets up to which amount of LODs collision will generate. -1 means all of them.
void set_collision_lod_count(int lod_count);
int get_collision_lod_count() const;
void set_collision_layer(int layer);
int get_collision_layer() const;
void set_collision_mask(int mask);
int get_collision_mask() const;
void set_collision_margin(float margin);
float get_collision_margin() const;
int get_data_block_region_extent() const;
int get_mesh_block_region_extent() const;
Vector3i voxel_to_data_block_position(Vector3 vpos, int lod_index) const;
Vector3i voxel_to_mesh_block_position(Vector3 vpos, int lod_index) const;
unsigned int get_data_block_size_pow2() const;
unsigned int get_data_block_size() const;
//void set_data_block_size_po2(unsigned int p_block_size_po2);
unsigned int get_mesh_block_size_pow2() const;
unsigned int get_mesh_block_size() const;
void set_mesh_block_size(unsigned int mesh_block_size);
void set_full_load_mode_enabled(bool enabled);
bool is_full_load_mode_enabled() const;
void set_threaded_update_enabled(bool enabled);
bool is_threaded_update_enabled() const;
bool is_area_editable(Box3i p_box) const;
VoxelSingleValue get_voxel(Vector3i pos, unsigned int channel, VoxelSingleValue defval);
bool try_set_voxel_without_update(Vector3i pos, unsigned int channel, uint64_t value);
void copy(Vector3i p_origin_voxels, VoxelBufferInternal &dst_buffer, uint8_t channels_mask);
template <typename F>
void write_box(const Box3i &p_voxel_box, unsigned int channel, F action) {
const Box3i voxel_box = p_voxel_box.clipped(get_voxel_bounds());
if (is_full_load_mode_enabled() == false && !is_area_editable(voxel_box)) {
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Area not editable");
Ref<VoxelGenerator> generator = _generator;
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod0 = _data->lods[0];
RWLockWrite wlock(data_lod0.map_lock);
voxel_box, channel, action, [&generator](VoxelBufferInternal &voxels, Vector3i pos) {
if (generator.is_valid()) {
VoxelGenerator::VoxelQueryData q{ voxels, pos, 0 };
template <typename F>
void write_box_2(const Box3i &p_voxel_box, unsigned int channel1, unsigned int channel2, F action) {
const Box3i voxel_box = p_voxel_box.clipped(get_voxel_bounds());
if (is_full_load_mode_enabled() == false && !is_area_editable(voxel_box)) {
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Area not editable");
Ref<VoxelGenerator> generator = _generator;
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod0 = _data->lods[0];
RWLockWrite wlock(data_lod0.map_lock);
voxel_box, channel1, channel2, action, [&generator](VoxelBufferInternal &voxels, Vector3i pos) {
if (generator.is_valid()) {
VoxelGenerator::VoxelQueryData q{ voxels, pos, 0 };
// These must be called after an edit
void post_edit_area(Box3i p_box);
void post_edit_modifiers(Box3i p_voxel_box);
// TODO This still sucks atm cuz the edit will still run on the main thread
void push_async_edit(IThreadedTask *task, Box3i box, std::shared_ptr<AsyncDependencyTracker> tracker);
void abort_async_edits();
void set_voxel_bounds(Box3i p_box);
inline Box3i get_voxel_bounds() const {
CRASH_COND(_update_data == nullptr);
return _update_data->settings.bounds_in_voxels;
void set_collision_update_delay(int delay_msec);
int get_collision_update_delay() const;
void set_lod_fade_duration(float seconds);
float get_lod_fade_duration() const;
enum ProcessCallback { //
// This was originally added to fix a problem with rigidbody teleportation and floating world origin:
// The player teleported at a different rate than the rest of the world due to delays in transform updates,
// which caused the world to unload and then reload entirely over the course of 3 frames,
// producing flickers and CPU lag. Changing process mode allows to align update rate,
// and freeze LOD for the duration of the teleport.
void set_process_callback(ProcessCallback mode);
ProcessCallback get_process_callback() const {
return _process_callback;
Ref<VoxelTool> get_voxel_tool();
struct Stats {
// Amount of octree nodes waiting for data. It should reach zero when everything is loaded.
uint32_t blocked_lods = 0;
// How many data blocks were rejected this frame (due to loading too late for example).
uint32_t dropped_block_loads = 0;
// How many mesh blocks were rejected this frame (due to loading too late for example).
uint32_t dropped_block_meshs = 0;
// Time spent in the last update unloading unused blocks and detecting required ones, in microseconds
uint32_t time_detect_required_blocks = 0;
// Time spent in the last update requesting data blocks, in microseconds
uint32_t time_io_requests = 0;
// Time spent in the last update requesting meshes, in microseconds
uint32_t time_mesh_requests = 0;
// Total time spent in the last update task, in microseconds.
// This only includes the threadable part, not the whole `process` function.
uint32_t time_update_task = 0;
const Stats &get_stats() const;
void restart_stream() override;
void remesh_all_blocks() override;
// Debugging
Array debug_raycast_mesh_block(Vector3 world_origin, Vector3 world_direction) const;
Dictionary debug_get_data_block_info(Vector3 fbpos, int lod_index) const;
Dictionary debug_get_mesh_block_info(Vector3 fbpos, int lod_index) const;
Array debug_get_octree_positions() const;
Array debug_get_octrees_detailed() const;
enum DebugDrawFlag {
void debug_set_draw_enabled(bool enabled);
bool debug_is_draw_enabled() const;
void debug_set_draw_flag(DebugDrawFlag flag_index, bool enabled);
bool debug_get_draw_flag(DebugDrawFlag flag_index) const;
// Editor
void set_run_stream_in_editor(bool enable);
bool is_stream_running_in_editor() const;
TypedArray<String> get_configuration_warnings() const override;
// Internal
void set_instancer(VoxelInstancer *instancer);
uint32_t get_volume_id() const override {
return _volume_id;
std::shared_ptr<StreamingDependency> get_streaming_dependency() const override {
return _streaming_dependency;
Array get_mesh_block_surface(Vector3i block_pos, int lod_index) const;
void get_meshed_block_positions_at_lod(int lod_index, std::vector<Vector3i> &out_positions) const;
std::shared_ptr<VoxelDataLodMap> get_storage() const {
return _data;
void _notification(int p_what);
void _on_gi_mode_changed() override;
void _process(float delta);
void apply_main_thread_update_tasks();
void apply_mesh_update(VoxelServer::BlockMeshOutput &ob);
void apply_data_block_response(VoxelServer::BlockDataOutput &ob);
void start_updater();
void stop_updater();
void start_streamer();
void stop_streamer();
void reset_maps();
void reset_mesh_maps();
Vector3 get_local_viewer_pos() const;
void _set_lod_count(int p_lod_count);
void set_mesh_block_active(VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block, bool active);
void _on_stream_params_changed();
void save_all_modified_blocks(bool with_copy);
// TODO Put in common with VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask
// void send_block_save_requests(Span<BlockToSave> blocks_to_save);
void process_deferred_collision_updates(uint32_t timeout_msec);
void process_fading_blocks(float delta);
void _b_save_modified_blocks();
void _b_set_voxel_bounds(AABB aabb);
AABB _b_get_voxel_bounds() const;
Array _b_debug_print_sdf_top_down(Vector3i center, Vector3i extents);
int _b_debug_get_mesh_block_count() const;
int _b_debug_get_data_block_count() const;
Error _b_debug_dump_as_scene(String fpath, bool include_instancer) const;
Dictionary _b_get_statistics() const;
void update_gizmos();
static void _bind_methods();
friend class BuildTransitionMeshTask;
uint32_t _volume_id = 0;
ProcessCallback _process_callback = PROCESS_CALLBACK_IDLE;
Ref<Material> _material;
std::vector<Ref<ShaderMaterial>> _shader_material_pool;
FixedArray<VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT>, constants::MAX_LOD> _mesh_maps_per_lod;
bool _generate_collisions = true;
unsigned int _collision_lod_count = 0;
unsigned int _collision_layer = 1;
unsigned int _collision_mask = 1;
float _collision_margin = constants::DEFAULT_COLLISION_MARGIN;
int _collision_update_delay = 0;
FixedArray<std::vector<Vector3i>, constants::MAX_LOD> _deferred_collision_updates_per_lod;
float _lod_fade_duration = 0.f;
// Note, direct pointers to mesh blocks should be safe because these blocks are always destroyed from the same
// thread that updates fading blocks. If a mesh block is destroyed, these maps should be updated at the same time.
// TODO Optimization: use FlatMap? Need to check how many blocks get in there, probably not many
FixedArray<std::map<Vector3i, VoxelMeshBlockVLT *>, constants::MAX_LOD> _fading_blocks_per_lod;
VoxelInstancer *_instancer = nullptr;
Ref<VoxelMesher> _mesher;
Ref<VoxelGenerator> _generator;
Ref<VoxelStream> _stream;
// Data stored with a shared pointer so it can be sent to asynchronous tasks
bool _threaded_update_enabled = false;
std::shared_ptr<VoxelDataLodMap> _data;
std::shared_ptr<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData> _update_data;
std::shared_ptr<StreamingDependency> _streaming_dependency;
std::shared_ptr<MeshingDependency> _meshing_dependency;
struct ApplyMeshUpdateTask : public ITimeSpreadTask {
void run(TimeSpreadTaskContext &ctx) override;
uint32_t volume_id = 0;
VoxelLodTerrain *self = nullptr;
VoxelServer::BlockMeshOutput data;
FixedArray<std::unordered_map<Vector3i, RefCount>, constants::MAX_LOD> _queued_main_thread_mesh_updates;
bool _debug_draw_enabled = false;
uint8_t _debug_draw_flags = 0;
uint8_t _edited_blocks_gizmos_lod_index = 0;
DebugRenderer _debug_renderer;
struct DebugMeshUpdateItem {
static constexpr uint32_t LINGER_FRAMES = 10;
Vector3i position;
uint32_t lod;
uint32_t remaining_frames;
std::vector<DebugMeshUpdateItem> _debug_mesh_update_items;
struct DebugEditItem {
static constexpr uint32_t LINGER_FRAMES = 10;
Box3i voxel_box;
uint32_t remaining_frames;
std::vector<DebugEditItem> _debug_edit_items;
Stats _stats;
} // namespace zylann::voxel