Not easy to use yet, might need the user to use voxel raycast instead of physics because the hit points will not update often as they sculpt
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#include "../server/voxel_server.h"
#include "voxel_map.h"
#include "voxel_node.h"
#include <scene/3d/spatial.h>
class VoxelTool;
// Infinite paged terrain made of voxel blocks all with the same level of detail.
// Voxels are polygonized around the viewer by distance in a large cubic space.
// Data is streamed using a VoxelStream.
class VoxelTerrain : public VoxelNode {
GDCLASS(VoxelTerrain, VoxelNode)
static const unsigned int MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE_FOR_LARGE_VOLUME = 512;
void set_stream(Ref<VoxelStream> p_stream) override;
Ref<VoxelStream> get_stream() const override;
void set_generator(Ref<VoxelGenerator> p_generator) override;
Ref<VoxelGenerator> get_generator() const override;
void set_mesher(Ref<VoxelMesher> mesher) override;
Ref<VoxelMesher> get_mesher() const override;
unsigned int get_block_size_pow2() const;
void set_block_size_po2(unsigned int p_block_size_po2);
void make_voxel_dirty(Vector3i pos);
void make_area_dirty(Rect3i box);
void set_generate_collisions(bool enabled);
bool get_generate_collisions() const { return _generate_collisions; }
unsigned int get_max_view_distance() const;
void set_max_view_distance(unsigned int distance_in_voxels);
// TODO Make this obsolete with multi-viewers
void set_viewer_path(NodePath path);
NodePath get_viewer_path() const;
void set_material(unsigned int id, Ref<Material> material);
Ref<Material> get_material(unsigned int id) const;
VoxelMap &get_storage() { return _map; }
const VoxelMap &get_storage() const { return _map; }
Ref<VoxelTool> get_voxel_tool();
void set_run_stream_in_editor(bool enable);
bool is_stream_running_in_editor() const;
void set_bounds(Rect3i box);
Rect3i get_bounds() const;
void restart_stream() override;
void remesh_all_blocks() override;
// For convenience, this is actually stored in a particular type of mesher
Ref<VoxelLibrary> get_voxel_library() const;
struct Stats {
int updated_blocks = 0;
int dropped_block_loads = 0;
int dropped_block_meshs = 0;
int remaining_main_thread_blocks = 0;
uint32_t time_detect_required_blocks = 0;
uint32_t time_request_blocks_to_load = 0;
uint32_t time_process_load_responses = 0;
uint32_t time_request_blocks_to_update = 0;
uint32_t time_process_update_responses = 0;
const Stats &get_stats() const;
struct BlockToSave {
Ref<VoxelBuffer> voxels;
Vector3i position;
void _notification(int p_what);
bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value);
bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const;
void _get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const;
void _process();
void _on_stream_params_changed();
void _set_block_size_po2(int p_block_size_po2);
void make_all_view_dirty();
void start_updater();
void stop_updater();
void start_streamer();
void stop_streamer();
void reset_map();
void view_block(Vector3i bpos, bool data_flag, bool mesh_flag, bool collision_flag);
void unview_block(Vector3i bpos, bool data_flag, bool mesh_flag, bool collision_flag);
void immerge_block(Vector3i bpos);
void make_block_dirty(Vector3i bpos);
void make_block_dirty(VoxelBlock *block);
void try_schedule_block_update(VoxelBlock *block);
void save_all_modified_blocks(bool with_copy);
void get_viewer_pos_and_direction(Vector3 &out_pos, Vector3 &out_direction) const;
void send_block_data_requests();
void emit_block_loaded(const VoxelBlock *block);
void emit_block_unloaded(const VoxelBlock *block);
bool try_get_paired_viewer_index(uint32_t id, size_t &out_i) const;
static void _bind_methods();
// Bindings
Vector3 _b_voxel_to_block(Vector3 pos);
Vector3 _b_block_to_voxel(Vector3 pos);
//void _force_load_blocks_binding(Vector3 center, Vector3 extents) { force_load_blocks(center, extents); }
void _b_save_modified_blocks();
void _b_save_block(Vector3 p_block_pos);
void _b_set_bounds(AABB aabb);
AABB _b_get_bounds() const;
Dictionary _b_get_statistics() const;
uint32_t _volume_id = 0;
VoxelServer::ReceptionBuffers _reception_buffers;
struct PairedViewer {
struct State {
Vector3i block_position;
int view_distance_blocks = 0;
bool requires_collisions = false;
bool requires_meshes = false;
uint32_t id;
State state;
State prev_state;
std::vector<PairedViewer> _paired_viewers;
// Voxel storage
VoxelMap _map;
// Area within which voxels can exist.
// Note, these bounds might not be exactly represented. This volume is chunk-based, so the result will be
// approximated to the closest chunk.
Rect3i _bounds_in_voxels;
Rect3i _prev_bounds_in_voxels;
// How many blocks to load around the viewer
unsigned int _max_view_distance_blocks = 8;
// TODO Terrains only need to handle the visible portion of voxels, which reduces the bounds blocks to handle.
// Therefore, could a simple grid be better to use than a hashmap?
struct LoadingBlock {
VoxelViewerRefCount viewers;
HashMap<Vector3i, LoadingBlock, Vector3iHasher> _loading_blocks;
std::vector<Vector3i> _blocks_pending_load;
std::vector<Vector3i> _blocks_pending_update;
std::vector<BlockToSave> _blocks_to_save;
Ref<VoxelStream> _stream;
Ref<VoxelMesher> _mesher;
Ref<VoxelGenerator> _generator;
bool _generate_collisions = true;
bool _run_stream_in_editor = true;
//bool _stream_enabled = false;
Ref<Material> _materials[VoxelMesherBlocky::MAX_MATERIALS];
Stats _stats;