
431 lines
14 KiB

#include "voxel_data_map.h"
#include "../constants/cube_tables.h"
#include "../generators/voxel_generator.h"
#include "../util/macros.h"
#include "../util/memory.h"
#include "../util/string_funcs.h"
#include <limits>
namespace zylann::voxel {
VoxelDataMap::VoxelDataMap() {
// This is not planned to change at runtime at the moment.
VoxelDataMap::~VoxelDataMap() {
void VoxelDataMap::create(unsigned int lod_index) {
ZN_ASSERT(lod_index < constants::MAX_LOD);
// void VoxelDataMap::set_block_size_pow2(unsigned int p) {
// ZN_ASSERT_RETURN_MSG(p >= 1, "Block size is too small");
// ZN_ASSERT_RETURN_MSG(p <= 8, "Block size is too big");
// _block_size_pow2 = p;
// _block_size = 1 << _block_size_pow2;
// _block_size_mask = _block_size - 1;
// }
void VoxelDataMap::set_lod_index(int lod_index) {
ZN_ASSERT_RETURN_MSG(lod_index >= 0, "LOD index can't be negative");
ZN_ASSERT_RETURN_MSG(lod_index < 32, "LOD index is too big");
_lod_index = lod_index;
unsigned int VoxelDataMap::get_lod_index() const {
return _lod_index;
int VoxelDataMap::get_voxel(Vector3i pos, unsigned int c) const {
Vector3i bpos = voxel_to_block(pos);
const VoxelDataBlock *block = get_block(bpos);
if (block == nullptr || !block->has_voxels()) {
return VoxelBufferInternal::get_default_value_static(c);
RWLockRead lock(block->get_voxels_const().get_lock());
return block->get_voxels_const().get_voxel(to_local(pos), c);
VoxelDataBlock *VoxelDataMap::create_default_block(Vector3i bpos) {
std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> buffer = make_shared_instance<VoxelBufferInternal>();
buffer->create(get_block_size(), get_block_size(), get_block_size());
ZN_ASSERT_RETURN_V(!has_block(bpos), nullptr);
VoxelDataBlock &map_block = _blocks_map[bpos];
// TODO Clang complains the `move` prevents copy elision.
// But I dont want `VoxelDataBlock` to have copy... so what, should I add [expensive] copy construction just so
// clang is able to elide it?
map_block = std::move(VoxelDataBlock(buffer, _lod_index));
return &map_block;
VoxelDataBlock *VoxelDataMap::get_or_create_block_at_voxel_pos(Vector3i pos) {
Vector3i bpos = voxel_to_block(pos);
VoxelDataBlock *block = get_block(bpos);
if (block == nullptr) {
block = create_default_block(bpos);
return block;
void VoxelDataMap::set_voxel(int value, Vector3i pos, unsigned int c) {
VoxelDataBlock *block = get_or_create_block_at_voxel_pos(pos);
// TODO If it turns out to be a problem, use CoW
VoxelBufferInternal &voxels = block->get_voxels();
RWLockWrite lock(voxels.get_lock());
voxels.set_voxel(value, to_local(pos), c);
float VoxelDataMap::get_voxel_f(Vector3i pos, unsigned int c) const {
Vector3i bpos = voxel_to_block(pos);
const VoxelDataBlock *block = get_block(bpos);
// TODO The generator needs to be invoked if the block has no voxels
if (block == nullptr || !block->has_voxels()) {
// TODO Not valid for a float return value
return VoxelBufferInternal::get_default_value_static(c);
Vector3i lpos = to_local(pos);
RWLockRead lock(block->get_voxels_const().get_lock());
return block->get_voxels_const().get_voxel_f(lpos.x, lpos.y, lpos.z, c);
void VoxelDataMap::set_voxel_f(real_t value, Vector3i pos, unsigned int c) {
VoxelDataBlock *block = get_or_create_block_at_voxel_pos(pos);
Vector3i lpos = to_local(pos);
// TODO In this situation, the generator must be invoked to fill the block
ZN_ASSERT_RETURN_MSG(block->has_voxels(), "Block not cached");
VoxelBufferInternal &voxels = block->get_voxels();
RWLockWrite lock(voxels.get_lock());
voxels.set_voxel_f(value, lpos.x, lpos.y, lpos.z, c);
VoxelDataBlock *VoxelDataMap::get_block(Vector3i bpos) {
auto it = _blocks_map.find(bpos);
if (it != _blocks_map.end()) {
return &it->second;
return nullptr;
const VoxelDataBlock *VoxelDataMap::get_block(Vector3i bpos) const {
auto it = _blocks_map.find(bpos);
if (it != _blocks_map.end()) {
return &it->second;
return nullptr;
VoxelDataBlock *VoxelDataMap::set_block_buffer(
Vector3i bpos, std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> &buffer, bool overwrite) {
ZN_ASSERT_RETURN_V(buffer != nullptr, nullptr);
VoxelDataBlock *block = get_block(bpos);
if (block == nullptr) {
VoxelDataBlock &map_block = _blocks_map[bpos];
map_block = std::move(VoxelDataBlock(buffer, _lod_index));
block = &map_block;
} else if (overwrite) {
} else {
ZN_PROFILE_MESSAGE("Redundant data block");
"Discarded block {} lod {}, there was already data and overwriting is not enabled", bpos, _lod_index));
return block;
VoxelDataBlock *VoxelDataMap::set_empty_block(Vector3i bpos, bool overwrite) {
VoxelDataBlock *block = get_block(bpos);
if (block == nullptr) {
VoxelDataBlock &map_block = _blocks_map[bpos];
map_block = std::move(VoxelDataBlock(_lod_index));
block = &map_block;
} else if (overwrite) {
} else {
ZN_PROFILE_MESSAGE("Redundant data block");
"Discarded block {} lod {}, there was already data and overwriting is not enabled", bpos, _lod_index));
return block;
bool VoxelDataMap::has_block(Vector3i pos) const {
return _blocks_map.find(pos) != _blocks_map.end();
bool VoxelDataMap::is_block_surrounded(Vector3i pos) const {
// TODO If that check proves to be too expensive with all blocks we deal with, cache it in VoxelBlocks
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Cube::MOORE_NEIGHBORING_3D_COUNT; ++i) {
Vector3i bpos = pos + Cube::g_moore_neighboring_3d[i];
if (!has_block(bpos)) {
return false;
return true;
void VoxelDataMap::copy(Vector3i min_pos, VoxelBufferInternal &dst_buffer, unsigned int channels_mask,
void *callback_data, void (*gen_func)(void *, VoxelBufferInternal &, Vector3i)) const {
const Vector3i max_pos = min_pos + dst_buffer.get_size();
const Vector3i min_block_pos = voxel_to_block(min_pos);
const Vector3i max_block_pos = voxel_to_block(max_pos - Vector3i(1, 1, 1)) + Vector3i(1, 1, 1);
const Vector3i block_size_v(get_block_size(), get_block_size(), get_block_size());
unsigned int channels_count;
FixedArray<uint8_t, VoxelBufferInternal::MAX_CHANNELS> channels =
VoxelBufferInternal::mask_to_channels_list(channels_mask, channels_count);
Vector3i bpos;
for (bpos.z = min_block_pos.z; bpos.z < max_block_pos.z; ++bpos.z) {
for (bpos.x = min_block_pos.x; bpos.x < max_block_pos.x; ++bpos.x) {
for (bpos.y = min_block_pos.y; bpos.y < max_block_pos.y; ++bpos.y) {
const VoxelDataBlock *block = get_block(bpos);
const Vector3i src_block_origin = block_to_voxel(bpos);
if (block != nullptr && block->has_voxels()) {
const VoxelBufferInternal &src_buffer = block->get_voxels_const();
RWLockRead rlock(src_buffer.get_lock());
for (unsigned int ci = 0; ci < channels_count; ++ci) {
const uint8_t channel = channels[ci];
dst_buffer.set_channel_depth(channel, src_buffer.get_channel_depth(channel));
// Note: copy_from takes care of clamping the area if it's on an edge
src_buffer, min_pos - src_block_origin, src_buffer.get_size(), Vector3i(), channel);
} else if (gen_func != nullptr) {
const Box3i box = Box3i(bpos << get_block_size_pow2(), block_size_v)
.clipped(Box3i(min_pos, dst_buffer.get_size()));
// TODO Format?
VoxelBufferInternal temp;
gen_func(callback_data, temp, box.pos);
for (unsigned int ci = 0; ci < channels_count; ++ci) {
dst_buffer.copy_from(temp, Vector3i(), temp.get_size(), box.pos - min_pos, channels[ci]);
} else {
for (unsigned int ci = 0; ci < channels_count; ++ci) {
const uint8_t channel = channels[ci];
// For now, inexistent blocks default to hardcoded defaults, corresponding to "empty space".
// If we want to change this, we may have to add an API for that.
src_block_origin - min_pos, src_block_origin - min_pos + block_size_v, channel);
void VoxelDataMap::paste(Vector3i min_pos, const VoxelBufferInternal &src_buffer, unsigned int channels_mask,
bool use_mask, uint64_t mask_value, bool create_new_blocks) {
const Vector3i max_pos = min_pos + src_buffer.get_size();
const Vector3i min_block_pos = voxel_to_block(min_pos);
const Vector3i max_block_pos = voxel_to_block(max_pos - Vector3i(1, 1, 1)) + Vector3i(1, 1, 1);
Vector3i bpos;
for (bpos.z = min_block_pos.z; bpos.z < max_block_pos.z; ++bpos.z) {
for (bpos.x = min_block_pos.x; bpos.x < max_block_pos.x; ++bpos.x) {
for (bpos.y = min_block_pos.y; bpos.y < max_block_pos.y; ++bpos.y) {
for (unsigned int channel = 0; channel < VoxelBufferInternal::MAX_CHANNELS; ++channel) {
if (((1 << channel) & channels_mask) == 0) {
VoxelDataBlock *block = get_block(bpos);
if (block == nullptr) {
if (create_new_blocks) {
block = create_default_block(bpos);
} else {
// TODO In this situation, the generator has to be invoked to fill the blanks
ZN_ASSERT_CONTINUE_MSG(block->has_voxels(), "Area not cached");
const Vector3i dst_block_origin = block_to_voxel(bpos);
VoxelBufferInternal &dst_buffer = block->get_voxels();
RWLockWrite lock(dst_buffer.get_lock());
if (use_mask) {
const Box3i dst_box(min_pos - dst_block_origin, src_buffer.get_size());
const Vector3i src_offset = -dst_box.pos;
dst_buffer.read_write_action(dst_box, channel,
[&src_buffer, mask_value, src_offset, channel](const Vector3i pos, uint64_t dst_v) {
const uint64_t src_v = src_buffer.get_voxel(pos + src_offset, channel);
if (src_v == mask_value) {
return dst_v;
return src_v;
} else {
src_buffer, Vector3i(), src_buffer.get_size(), min_pos - dst_block_origin, channel);
void VoxelDataMap::clear() {
int VoxelDataMap::get_block_count() const {
return _blocks_map.size();
bool VoxelDataMap::is_area_fully_loaded(const Box3i voxels_box) const {
Box3i block_box = voxels_box.downscaled(get_block_size());
return block_box.all_cells_match([this](Vector3i pos) { //
return has_block(pos);
void preload_box(VoxelDataLodMap &data, Box3i voxel_box, VoxelGenerator *generator, bool is_streaming) {
//ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(_full_load_mode == false, nullptr, "This function can only be used in full load mode");
struct Task {
Vector3i block_pos;
uint32_t lod_index;
std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> voxels;
std::vector<Task> todo;
// We'll pack tasks per LOD so we'll have less locking to do
std::vector<unsigned int> count_per_lod;
const unsigned int data_block_size = data.lods[0].map.get_block_size();
// Find empty slots
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < data.lod_count; ++lod_index) {
const Box3i block_box = voxel_box.downscaled(data_block_size << lod_index);
//ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE(format("Preloading box {} at lod {} synchronously", block_box, lod_index));
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = data.lods[lod_index];
const unsigned int prev_size = todo.size();
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
block_box.for_each_cell([&data_lod, lod_index, &todo, is_streaming](Vector3i block_pos) {
// We don't check "loading blocks", because this function wants to complete the task right now.
const VoxelDataBlock *block = data_lod.map.get_block(block_pos);
if (is_streaming) {
// Non-resident blocks must not be touched because we don't know what's in them.
// We can generate caches if resident ones have no voxel data.
if (block != nullptr && !block->has_voxels()) {
todo.push_back(Task{ block_pos, lod_index, nullptr });
} else {
// We can generate anywhere voxel data is not in memory
if (block == nullptr || !block->has_voxels()) {
todo.push_back(Task{ block_pos, lod_index, nullptr });
count_per_lod.push_back(todo.size() - prev_size);
const Vector3i block_size = Vector3iUtil::create(data_block_size);
// Generate
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < todo.size(); ++i) {
Task &task = todo[i];
task.voxels = make_shared_instance<VoxelBufferInternal>();
// TODO Format?
if (generator != nullptr) {
VoxelGenerator::VoxelQueryData q{ *task.voxels, task.block_pos * (data_block_size << task.lod_index),
task.lod_index };
data.modifiers.apply(q.voxel_buffer, AABB(q.origin_in_voxels, q.voxel_buffer.get_size() << q.lod));
// Populate slots
unsigned int task_index = 0;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < data.lod_count; ++lod_index) {
ZN_ASSERT(lod_index < count_per_lod.size());
const unsigned int count = count_per_lod[lod_index];
if (count > 0) {
const unsigned int end_task_index = task_index + count;
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = data.lods[lod_index];
RWLockWrite wlock(data_lod.map_lock);
for (; task_index < end_task_index; ++task_index) {
Task &task = todo[task_index];
ZN_ASSERT(task.lod_index == lod_index);
const VoxelDataBlock *prev_block = data_lod.map.get_block(task.block_pos);
if (prev_block != nullptr && prev_block->has_voxels()) {
// Sorry, that block has been set in the meantime by another thread.
// We'll assume the block we just generated is redundant and discard it.
data_lod.map.set_block_buffer(task.block_pos, task.voxels, true);
void clear_cached_blocks_in_voxel_area(VoxelDataLodMap &data, Box3i p_voxel_box) {
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < data.lod_count; ++lod_index) {
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &lod = data.lods[lod_index];
RWLockRead rlock(lod.map_lock);
const Box3i blocks_box = p_voxel_box.downscaled(lod.map.get_block_size() << lod_index);
blocks_box.for_each_cell_zxy([&lod](const Vector3i bpos) {
VoxelDataBlock *block = lod.map.get_block(bpos);
if (block == nullptr || block->is_edited() || block->is_modified()) {
} // namespace zylann::voxel