2021-05-09 20:49:45 +01:00

297 lines
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#include "../server/voxel_server.h"
#include "lod_octree.h"
#include "voxel_data_map.h"
#include "voxel_mesh_map.h"
#include "voxel_node.h"
#include <core/set.h>
#include <scene/3d/spatial.h>
#include "../editor/voxel_debug.h"
class VoxelTool;
class VoxelStream;
class VoxelInstancer;
// Paged terrain made of voxel blocks of variable level of detail.
// Designed for highest view distances, preferably using smooth voxels.
// Voxels are polygonized around the viewer by distance in a very large sphere, usually extending beyond far clip.
// Data is streamed using a VoxelStream, which must support LOD.
class VoxelLodTerrain : public VoxelNode {
GDCLASS(VoxelLodTerrain, VoxelNode)
Ref<Material> get_material() const;
void set_material(Ref<Material> p_material);
Ref<VoxelStream> get_stream() const override;
void set_stream(Ref<VoxelStream> p_stream) override;
Ref<VoxelGenerator> get_generator() const override;
void set_generator(Ref<VoxelGenerator> p_stream) override;
Ref<VoxelMesher> get_mesher() const override;
void set_mesher(Ref<VoxelMesher> p_mesher) override;
int get_view_distance() const;
void set_view_distance(int p_distance_in_voxels);
void set_lod_distance(float p_lod_distance);
float get_lod_distance() const;
void set_lod_count(int p_lod_count);
int get_lod_count() const;
void set_generate_collisions(bool enabled);
bool get_generate_collisions() const { return _generate_collisions; }
// Sets up to which amount of LODs collision will generate. -1 means all of them.
void set_collision_lod_count(int lod_count);
int get_collision_lod_count() const;
void set_collision_layer(int layer);
int get_collision_layer() const;
void set_collision_mask(int mask);
int get_collision_mask() const;
int get_data_block_region_extent() const;
int get_mesh_block_region_extent() const;
Vector3 voxel_to_data_block_position(Vector3 vpos, int lod_index) const;
Vector3 voxel_to_mesh_block_position(Vector3 vpos, int lod_index) const;
unsigned int get_data_block_size_pow2() const;
unsigned int get_data_block_size() const;
void set_data_block_size_po2(unsigned int p_block_size_po2);
unsigned int get_mesh_block_size_pow2() const;
unsigned int get_mesh_block_size() const;
void set_mesh_block_size(unsigned int mesh_block_size);
// These must be called after an edit
void post_edit_area(Rect3i p_box);
void post_edit_block_lod0(Vector3i bpos);
void set_voxel_bounds(Rect3i p_box);
inline Rect3i get_voxel_bounds() const { return _bounds_in_voxels; }
void set_collision_update_delay(int delay_msec);
int get_collision_update_delay() const;
void set_lod_fade_duration(float seconds);
float get_lod_fade_duration() const;
enum ProcessMode {
// This was originally added to fix a problem with rigidbody teleportation and floating world origin:
// The player teleported at a different rate than the rest of the world due to delays in transform updates,
// which caused the world to unload and then reload entirely over the course of 3 frames,
// producing flickers and CPU lag. Changing process mode allows to align update rate,
// and freeze LOD for the duration of the teleport.
void set_process_mode(ProcessMode mode);
ProcessMode get_process_mode() const { return _process_mode; }
Ref<VoxelTool> get_voxel_tool();
struct Stats {
int blocked_lods = 0;
int updated_blocks = 0;
int dropped_block_loads = 0;
int dropped_block_meshs = 0;
int remaining_main_thread_blocks = 0;
uint32_t time_detect_required_blocks = 0;
uint32_t time_request_blocks_to_load = 0;
uint32_t time_process_load_responses = 0;
uint32_t time_request_blocks_to_update = 0;
uint32_t time_process_update_responses = 0;
const Stats &get_stats() const;
void restart_stream() override;
void remesh_all_blocks() override;
struct BlockToSave {
Ref<VoxelBuffer> voxels;
Vector3i position;
uint8_t lod;
// Debugging
Array debug_raycast_mesh_block(Vector3 world_origin, Vector3 world_direction) const;
Dictionary debug_get_data_block_info(Vector3 fbpos, int lod_index) const;
Dictionary debug_get_mesh_block_info(Vector3 fbpos, int lod_index) const;
Array debug_get_octree_positions() const;
Array debug_get_octrees_detailed() const;
// Editor
void set_run_stream_in_editor(bool enable);
bool is_stream_running_in_editor() const;
void set_show_gizmos(bool enable);
bool is_showing_gizmos() const { return _show_gizmos_enabled; }
// Internal
void set_instancer(VoxelInstancer *instancer);
uint32_t get_volume_id() const { return _volume_id; }
Array get_mesh_block_surface(Vector3i block_pos, int lod_index) const;
Vector<Vector3i> get_meshed_block_positions_at_lod(int lod_index) const;
static void _bind_methods();
void _notification(int p_what);
void _process(float delta);
void unload_data_block(Vector3i block_pos, int lod_index);
void unload_mesh_block(Vector3i block_pos, int lod_index);
static inline bool check_block_sizes(int data_block_size, int mesh_block_size) {
return (data_block_size == 16 || data_block_size == 32) &&
(mesh_block_size == 16 || mesh_block_size == 32) &&
mesh_block_size >= data_block_size;
void start_updater();
void stop_updater();
void start_streamer();
void stop_streamer();
void reset_maps();
Vector3 get_local_viewer_pos() const;
void try_schedule_loading_with_neighbors(const Vector3i &p_data_block_pos, int lod_index);
bool is_block_surrounded(const Vector3i &p_bpos, int lod_index, const VoxelDataMap &map) const;
bool check_block_loaded_and_meshed(const Vector3i &p_mesh_block_pos, int lod_index);
bool check_block_mesh_updated(VoxelMeshBlock *block);
void _set_lod_count(int p_lod_count);
void _set_block_size_po2(int p_block_size_po2);
void set_mesh_block_active(VoxelMeshBlock &block, bool active);
void _on_stream_params_changed();
void flush_pending_lod_edits();
void save_all_modified_blocks(bool with_copy);
void send_block_data_requests();
void process_deferred_collision_updates(uint32_t timeout_msec);
void process_fading_blocks(float delta);
void add_transition_update(VoxelMeshBlock *block);
void add_transition_updates_around(Vector3i block_pos, int lod_index);
void process_transition_updates();
uint8_t get_transition_mask(Vector3i block_pos, int lod_index) const;
void _b_save_modified_blocks();
void _b_set_voxel_bounds(AABB aabb);
AABB _b_get_voxel_bounds() const;
Array _b_debug_print_sdf_top_down(Vector3 center, Vector3 extents) const;
int _b_debug_get_mesh_block_count() const;
int _b_debug_get_data_block_count() const;
Error _b_debug_dump_as_scene(String fpath) const;
Dictionary _b_get_statistics() const;
struct OctreeItem {
LodOctree octree;
void update_gizmos();
// This terrain type is a sparse grid of octrees.
// Indexed by a grid coordinate whose step is the size of the highest-LOD block.
// Not using a pointer because Map storage is stable.
Map<Vector3i, OctreeItem> _lod_octrees;
Rect3i _last_octree_region_box;
// Area within which voxels can exist.
// Note, these bounds might not be exactly represented. This volume is chunk-based, so the result will be
// approximated to the closest chunk.
Rect3i _bounds_in_voxels;
//Rect3i _prev_bounds_in_voxels;
Ref<VoxelStream> _stream;
Ref<VoxelGenerator> _generator;
Ref<VoxelMesher> _mesher;
// TODO Might put this batch into VoxelServer directly instead of here
std::vector<BlockToSave> _blocks_to_save;
VoxelServer::ReceptionBuffers _reception_buffers;
uint32_t _volume_id = 0;
ProcessMode _process_mode = PROCESS_MODE_IDLE;
// Only populated and then cleared inside _process, so lifetime of pointers should be valid
std::vector<VoxelMeshBlock *> _blocks_pending_transition_update;
Ref<Material> _material;
std::vector<Ref<ShaderMaterial> > _shader_material_pool;
bool _generate_collisions = true;
unsigned int _collision_lod_count = 0;
unsigned int _collision_layer = 1;
unsigned int _collision_mask = 1;
int _collision_update_delay = 0;
VoxelInstancer *_instancer = nullptr;
// Each LOD works in a set of coordinates spanning 2x more voxels the higher their index is
struct Lod {
VoxelDataMap data_map;
Set<Vector3i> loading_blocks;
// Blocks that were edited and need their LOD counterparts to be updated
std::vector<Vector3i> blocks_pending_lodding;
// These are relative to this LOD, in block coordinates
Vector3i last_viewer_data_block_pos;
int last_view_distance_data_blocks = 0;
VoxelMeshMap mesh_map;
std::vector<Vector3i> blocks_pending_update;
std::vector<Vector3i> deferred_collision_updates;
Map<Vector3i, VoxelMeshBlock *> fading_blocks;
Vector3i last_viewer_mesh_block_pos;
int last_view_distance_mesh_blocks = 0;
// Members for memory caching
std::vector<Vector3i> blocks_to_load;
FixedArray<Lod, VoxelConstants::MAX_LOD> _lods;
unsigned int _lod_count = 0;
// Distance between a viewer and the end of LOD0
float _lod_distance = 0.f;
float _lod_fade_duration = 0.f;
unsigned int _view_distance_voxels = 512;
bool _run_stream_in_editor = true;
bool _show_gizmos_enabled = false;
VoxelDebug::DebugRenderer _debug_renderer;
Stats _stats;