
890 lines
31 KiB

#include "voxel_tool_lod_terrain.h"
#include "../constants/voxel_string_names.h"
#include "../generators/graph/voxel_generator_graph.h"
#include "../storage/voxel_buffer_gd.h"
#include "../storage/voxel_data_grid.h"
#include "../terrain/variable_lod/voxel_lod_terrain.h"
#include "../util/dstack.h"
#include "../util/godot/mesh.h"
#include "../util/island_finder.h"
#include "../util/math/conv.h"
#include "../util/tasks/async_dependency_tracker.h"
#include "../util/voxel_raycast.h"
#include "funcs.h"
#include "voxel_mesh_sdf_gd.h"
#include <scene/3d/collision_shape_3d.h>
#include <scene/3d/mesh_instance_3d.h>
#include <scene/3d/physics_body_3d.h>
#include <scene/main/timer.h>
namespace zylann::voxel {
VoxelToolLodTerrain::VoxelToolLodTerrain(VoxelLodTerrain *terrain) : _terrain(terrain) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(terrain == nullptr);
// At the moment, only LOD0 is supported.
// Don't destroy the terrain while a voxel tool still references it
bool VoxelToolLodTerrain::is_area_editable(const Box3i &box) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, false);
return _terrain->get_storage().is_area_loaded(box);
// Binary search can be more accurate than linear regression because the SDF can be inaccurate in the first place.
// An alternative would be to polygonize a tiny area around the middle-phase hit position.
// `d1` is how far from `pos0` along `dir` the binary search will take place.
// The segment may be adjusted internally if it does not contain a zero-crossing of the
template <typename Volume_F>
float approximate_distance_to_isosurface_binary_search(
const Volume_F &f, Vector3 pos0, Vector3 dir, float d1, int iterations) {
float d0 = 0.f;
float sdf0 = get_sdf_interpolated(f, pos0);
// The position given as argument may be a rough approximation coming from the middle-phase,
// so it can be slightly below the surface. We can adjust it a little so it is above.
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && sdf0 < 0.f; ++i) {
d0 -= 0.5f;
sdf0 = get_sdf_interpolated(f, pos0 + dir * d0);
float sdf1 = get_sdf_interpolated(f, pos0 + dir * d1);
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && sdf1 > 0.f; ++i) {
d1 += 0.5f;
sdf1 = get_sdf_interpolated(f, pos0 + dir * d1);
if ((sdf0 > 0) != (sdf1 > 0)) {
// Binary search
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
const float dm = 0.5f * (d0 + d1);
const float sdf_mid = get_sdf_interpolated(f, pos0 + dir * dm);
if ((sdf_mid > 0) != (sdf0 > 0)) {
sdf1 = sdf_mid;
d1 = dm;
} else {
sdf0 = sdf_mid;
d0 = dm;
// Pick distance closest to the surface
if (Math::abs(sdf0) < Math::abs(sdf1)) {
return d0;
} else {
return d1;
Ref<VoxelRaycastResult> VoxelToolLodTerrain::raycast(
Vector3 pos, Vector3 dir, float max_distance, uint32_t collision_mask) {
// TODO Transform input if the terrain is rotated
// TODO Implement reverse raycast? (going from inside ground to air, could be useful for undigging)
// TODO Optimization: voxel raycast uses `get_voxel` which is the slowest, but could be made faster.
// Instead, do a broad-phase on blocks. If a block's voxels need to be parsed, get all positions the ray could go
// through in that block, then query them all at once (better for bulk processing without going again through
// locking and data structures, and allows SIMD). Then check results in order.
// If no hit is found, carry on with next blocks.
struct RaycastPredicate {
VoxelData &data;
bool operator()(const VoxelRaycastState &rs) {
// This is not particularly optimized, but runs fast enough for player raycasts
VoxelSingleValue defval;
defval.f = 1.f;
const VoxelSingleValue v = data.get_voxel(rs.hit_position, VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF, defval);
return v.f < 0;
Ref<VoxelRaycastResult> res;
// We use grid-raycast as a middle-phase to roughly detect where the hit will be
RaycastPredicate predicate = { _terrain->get_storage() };
Vector3i hit_pos;
Vector3i prev_pos;
float hit_distance;
float hit_distance_prev;
// Voxels polygonized using marching cubes influence a region centered on their lower corner,
// and extend up to 0.5 units in all directions.
// o--------o--------o
// | A | B | Here voxel B is full, voxels A, C and D are empty.
// | xxx | Matter will show up at the lower corner of B due to interpolation.
// | xxxxxxx |
// o---xxxxxoxxxxx---o
// | xxxxxxx |
// | xxx |
// | C | D |
// o--------o--------o
// `voxel_raycast` operates on a discrete grid of cubic voxels, so to account for the smooth interpolation,
// we may offset the ray so that cubes act as if they were centered on the filtered result.
const Vector3 offset(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
if (voxel_raycast(pos + offset, dir, predicate, max_distance, hit_pos, prev_pos, hit_distance, hit_distance_prev)) {
// Approximate surface
float d = hit_distance;
if (_raycast_binary_search_iterations > 0) {
// This is not particularly optimized, but runs fast enough for player raycasts
struct VolumeSampler {
VoxelData &data;
inline float operator()(const Vector3i &pos) const {
VoxelSingleValue defval;
defval.f = 1.f;
const VoxelSingleValue value = data.get_voxel(pos, VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF, defval);
return value.f;
VolumeSampler sampler{ _terrain->get_storage() };
d = hit_distance_prev +
approximate_distance_to_isosurface_binary_search(sampler, pos + dir * hit_distance_prev, dir,
hit_distance - hit_distance_prev, _raycast_binary_search_iterations);
res->position = hit_pos;
res->previous_position = prev_pos;
res->distance_along_ray = d;
return res;
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::do_sphere(Vector3 center, float radius) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
ops::DoSphere op;
op.shape.center = center;
op.shape.radius = radius;
op.shape.sdf_scale = get_sdf_scale();
op.box = op.shape.get_box().clipped(_terrain->get_voxel_bounds());
op.mode = ops::Mode(get_mode());
op.texture_params = _texture_params;
op.blocky_value = _value;
op.channel = get_channel();
op.strength = get_sdf_strength();
if (!is_area_editable(op.box)) {
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Area not editable");
VoxelData &data = _terrain->get_storage();
data.get_blocks_grid(op.blocks, op.box, 0);
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::do_hemisphere(Vector3 center, float radius, Vector3 flat_direction, float smoothness) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
ops::DoHemisphere op;
op.shape.center = center;
op.shape.radius = radius;
op.shape.flat_direction = flat_direction;
op.shape.plane_d = flat_direction.dot(center);
op.shape.smoothness = smoothness;
op.shape.sdf_scale = get_sdf_scale();
op.box = op.shape.get_box().clipped(_terrain->get_voxel_bounds());
op.mode = ops::Mode(get_mode());
op.texture_params = _texture_params;
op.blocky_value = _value;
op.channel = get_channel();
op.strength = get_sdf_strength();
if (!is_area_editable(op.box)) {
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Area not editable");
VoxelData &data = _terrain->get_storage();
data.get_blocks_grid(op.blocks, op.box, 0);
template <typename Op_T>
class VoxelToolAsyncEdit : public IThreadedTask {
VoxelToolAsyncEdit(Op_T op, std::shared_ptr<VoxelData> data) : _op(op), _data(data) {
_tracker = make_shared_instance<AsyncDependencyTracker>(1);
void run(ThreadedTaskContext ctx) override {
ZN_ASSERT(_data != nullptr);
// TODO Thread-safety: not sure if this is entirely safe, VoxelDataBlock members aren't protected.
// Only the map and VoxelBuffers are. To fix this we could migrate to a spatial lock.
// TODO May want to fail if not all blocks were found
// TODO Need to apply modifiers
_data->get_blocks_grid(_op.blocks, _op.box, 0);
std::shared_ptr<AsyncDependencyTracker> get_tracker() {
return _tracker;
Op_T _op;
// We reference this just to keep map pointers alive
std::shared_ptr<VoxelData> _data;
std::shared_ptr<AsyncDependencyTracker> _tracker;
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::do_sphere_async(Vector3 center, float radius) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
ops::DoSphere op;
op.shape.center = center;
op.shape.radius = radius;
op.shape.sdf_scale = get_sdf_scale();
op.box = op.shape.get_box().clipped(_terrain->get_voxel_bounds());
op.mode = ops::Mode(get_mode());
op.texture_params = _texture_params;
op.blocky_value = _value;
op.channel = get_channel();
op.strength = get_sdf_strength();
if (!is_area_editable(op.box)) {
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Area not editable");
std::shared_ptr<VoxelData> data = _terrain->get_storage_shared();
VoxelToolAsyncEdit<ops::DoSphere> *task = memnew(VoxelToolAsyncEdit<ops::DoSphere>(op, data));
_terrain->push_async_edit(task, op.box, task->get_tracker());
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::copy(Vector3i pos, Ref<gd::VoxelBuffer> dst, uint8_t channels_mask) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
if (channels_mask == 0) {
channels_mask = (1 << _channel);
_terrain->get_storage().copy(pos, dst->get_buffer(), channels_mask);
float VoxelToolLodTerrain::get_voxel_f_interpolated(Vector3 position) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, 0);
const int channel = get_channel();
VoxelData &data = _terrain->get_storage();
// TODO Optimization: is it worth a making a fast-path for this?
return get_sdf_interpolated(
[&data, channel](Vector3i ipos) {
VoxelSingleValue defval;
defval.f = 1.f;
VoxelSingleValue value = data.get_voxel(ipos, channel, defval);
return value.f;
uint64_t VoxelToolLodTerrain::_get_voxel(Vector3i pos) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, 0);
VoxelSingleValue defval;
defval.i = 0;
return _terrain->get_storage().get_voxel(pos, _channel, defval).i;
float VoxelToolLodTerrain::_get_voxel_f(Vector3i pos) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, 0);
VoxelSingleValue defval;
defval.f = 1.f;
return _terrain->get_storage().get_voxel(pos, _channel, defval).f;
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::_set_voxel(Vector3i pos, uint64_t v) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
_terrain->get_storage().try_set_voxel(v, pos, _channel);
// No post_update, the parent class does it, it's a generic slow implemntation
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::_set_voxel_f(Vector3i pos, float v) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
// TODO Format should be accessible from terrain
_terrain->get_storage().try_set_voxel_f(v, pos, _channel);
// No post_update, the parent class does it, it's a generic slow implemntation
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::_post_edit(const Box3i &box) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
int VoxelToolLodTerrain::get_raycast_binary_search_iterations() const {
return _raycast_binary_search_iterations;
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::set_raycast_binary_search_iterations(int iterations) {
_raycast_binary_search_iterations = math::clamp(iterations, 0, 16);
// Turns floating chunks of voxels into rigidbodies:
// Detects separate groups of connected voxels within a box. Each group fully contained in the box is removed from
// the source volume, and turned into a rigidbody.
// This is one way of doing it, I don't know if it's the best way (there is rarely a best way)
// so there are probably other approaches that could be explored in the future, if they have better performance
Array separate_floating_chunks(VoxelTool &voxel_tool, Box3i world_box, Node *parent_node, Transform3D transform,
Ref<VoxelMesher> mesher, Array materials) {
// Checks
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mesher.is_null(), Array());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(parent_node == nullptr, Array());
// Copy source data
// TODO Do not assume channel, at the moment it's hardcoded for smooth terrain
static const int channels_mask = (1 << VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF);
static const VoxelBufferInternal::ChannelId main_channel = VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF;
// TODO We should be able to use `VoxelBufferInternal`, just needs some things exposed
Ref<gd::VoxelBuffer> source_copy_buffer_ref;
source_copy_buffer_ref->create(world_box.size.x, world_box.size.y, world_box.size.z);
voxel_tool.copy(world_box.pos, source_copy_buffer_ref, channels_mask);
VoxelBufferInternal &source_copy_buffer = source_copy_buffer_ref->get_buffer();
// Label distinct voxel groups
static thread_local std::vector<uint8_t> ccl_output;
unsigned int label_count = 0;
// TODO Allow to run the algorithm at a different LOD, to trade precision for speed
IslandFinder island_finder;
Box3i(Vector3i(), world_box.size),
[&source_copy_buffer](Vector3i pos) {
// TODO Can be optimized further with direct access
return source_copy_buffer.get_voxel_f(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, main_channel) < 0.f;
to_span(ccl_output), &label_count);
struct Bounds {
Vector3i min_pos;
Vector3i max_pos; // inclusive
bool valid = false;
// Compute bounds of each group
std::vector<Bounds> bounds_per_label;
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Bounds calculation");
// Adding 1 because label 0 is the index for "no label"
bounds_per_label.resize(label_count + 1);
unsigned int ccl_index = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < world_box.size.z; ++z) {
for (int x = 0; x < world_box.size.x; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < world_box.size.y; ++y) {
CRASH_COND(ccl_index >= ccl_output.size());
const uint8_t label = ccl_output[ccl_index];
if (label == 0) {
CRASH_COND(label >= bounds_per_label.size());
Bounds &bounds = bounds_per_label[label];
if (bounds.valid == false) {
bounds.min_pos = Vector3i(x, y, z);
bounds.max_pos = bounds.min_pos;
bounds.valid = true;
} else {
if (x < bounds.min_pos.x) {
bounds.min_pos.x = x;
} else if (x > bounds.max_pos.x) {
bounds.max_pos.x = x;
if (y < bounds.min_pos.y) {
bounds.min_pos.y = y;
} else if (y > bounds.max_pos.y) {
bounds.max_pos.y = y;
if (z < bounds.min_pos.z) {
bounds.min_pos.z = z;
} else if (z > bounds.max_pos.z) {
bounds.max_pos.z = z;
// Eliminate groups that touch the box border,
// because that means we can't tell if they are truly hanging in the air or attached to land further away
const Vector3i lbmax = world_box.size - Vector3i(1, 1, 1);
for (unsigned int label = 1; label < bounds_per_label.size(); ++label) {
CRASH_COND(label >= bounds_per_label.size());
Bounds &local_bounds = bounds_per_label[label];
if (local_bounds.min_pos.x == 0 || local_bounds.min_pos.y == 0 || local_bounds.min_pos.z == 0 ||
local_bounds.max_pos.x == lbmax.x || local_bounds.max_pos.y == lbmax.y ||
local_bounds.max_pos.z == lbmax.z) {
local_bounds.valid = false;
// Create voxel buffer for each group
struct InstanceInfo {
Ref<gd::VoxelBuffer> voxels;
Vector3i world_pos;
unsigned int label;
std::vector<InstanceInfo> instances_info;
const int min_padding = 2; //mesher->get_minimum_padding();
const int max_padding = 2; //mesher->get_maximum_padding();
for (unsigned int label = 1; label < bounds_per_label.size(); ++label) {
CRASH_COND(label >= bounds_per_label.size());
const Bounds local_bounds = bounds_per_label[label];
if (!local_bounds.valid) {
const Vector3i world_pos = world_box.pos + local_bounds.min_pos - Vector3iUtil::create(min_padding);
const Vector3i size =
local_bounds.max_pos - local_bounds.min_pos + Vector3iUtil::create(1 + max_padding + min_padding);
// TODO We should be able to use `VoxelBufferInternal`, just needs some things exposed
Ref<gd::VoxelBuffer> buffer_ref;
buffer_ref->create(size.x, size.y, size.z);
// Read voxels from the source volume
voxel_tool.copy(world_pos, buffer_ref, channels_mask);
VoxelBufferInternal &buffer = buffer_ref->get_buffer();
// Cleanup padding borders
const Box3i inner_box(Vector3iUtil::create(min_padding),
buffer.get_size() - Vector3iUtil::create(min_padding + max_padding));
Box3i(Vector3i(), buffer.get_size()).difference(inner_box, [&buffer](Box3i box) {
buffer.fill_area_f(1.f, box.pos, box.pos + box.size, main_channel);
// Filter out voxels that don't belong to this label
for (int z = local_bounds.min_pos.z; z <= local_bounds.max_pos.z; ++z) {
for (int x = local_bounds.min_pos.x; x <= local_bounds.max_pos.x; ++x) {
for (int y = local_bounds.min_pos.y; y <= local_bounds.max_pos.y; ++y) {
const unsigned int ccl_index = Vector3iUtil::get_zxy_index(Vector3i(x, y, z), world_box.size);
CRASH_COND(ccl_index >= ccl_output.size());
const uint8_t label2 = ccl_output[ccl_index];
if (label2 != 0 && label != label2) {
buffer.set_voxel_f(1.f, min_padding + x - local_bounds.min_pos.x,
min_padding + y - local_bounds.min_pos.y, min_padding + z - local_bounds.min_pos.z,
instances_info.push_back(InstanceInfo{ buffer_ref, world_pos, label });
// Erase voxels from source volume.
// Must be done after we copied voxels from it.
for (unsigned int instance_index = 0; instance_index < instances_info.size(); ++instance_index) {
CRASH_COND(instance_index >= instances_info.size());
const InstanceInfo info = instances_info[instance_index];
voxel_tool.sdf_stamp_erase(info.voxels, info.world_pos);
// Create instances
Array nodes;
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Remeshing and instancing");
for (unsigned int instance_index = 0; instance_index < instances_info.size(); ++instance_index) {
CRASH_COND(instance_index >= instances_info.size());
const InstanceInfo info = instances_info[instance_index];
CRASH_COND(info.label >= bounds_per_label.size());
const Bounds local_bounds = bounds_per_label[info.label];
// print_line(String("--- Instance {0}").format(varray(instance_index)));
// for (int z = 0; z < info.voxels->get_size().z; ++z) {
// for (int x = 0; x < info.voxels->get_size().x; ++x) {
// String s;
// for (int y = 0; y < info.voxels->get_size().y; ++y) {
// float sdf = info.voxels->get_voxel_f(x, y, z, VoxelBuffer::CHANNEL_SDF);
// if (sdf < -0.1f) {
// s += "X ";
// } else if (sdf < 0.f) {
// s += "x ";
// } else {
// s += "- ";
// }
// }
// print_line(s);
// }
// print_line("//");
// }
const Transform3D local_transform(Basis(), info.world_pos);
for (int i = 0; i < materials.size(); ++i) {
Ref<ShaderMaterial> sm = materials[i];
if (sm.is_valid() && sm->get_shader().is_valid() &&
sm->get_shader()->has_uniform(VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_block_local_transform)) {
// That parameter should have a valid default value matching the local transform relative to the
// volume, which is usually per-instance, but in Godot 3 we have no such feature, so we have to
// duplicate.
sm = sm->duplicate(false);
sm->set_shader_uniform(VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_block_local_transform, local_transform);
materials[i] = sm;
// TODO If normalmapping is used here with the Transvoxel mesher, we need to either turn it off just for
// this call, or to pass the right options
Ref<Mesh> mesh = mesher->build_mesh(info.voxels, materials, Dictionary());
// The mesh is not supposed to be null,
// because we build these buffers from connected groups that had negative SDF.
if (is_mesh_empty(**mesh)) {
// {
// Ref<VoxelBlockSerializer> serializer;
// serializer.instance();
// Ref<StreamPeerBuffer> peer;
// peer.instance();
// serializer->serialize(peer, info.voxels, false);
// String fpath = String("debug_data/split_dump_{0}.bin").format(varray(instance_index));
// FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(fpath, FileAccess::WRITE);
// PoolByteArray bytes = peer->get_data_array();
// PoolByteArray::Read bytes_read = bytes.read();
// f->store_buffer(bytes_read.ptr(), bytes.size());
// f->close();
// memdelete(f);
// }
// TODO Option to make multiple convex shapes
// TODO Use the fast way. This is slow because of the internal TriangleMesh thing.
// TODO Don't create a body if the mesh has no triangles
Ref<Shape3D> shape = mesh->create_convex_shape();
CollisionShape3D *collision_shape = memnew(CollisionShape3D);
// Center the shape somewhat, because Godot is confusing node origin with center of mass
const Vector3i size =
local_bounds.max_pos - local_bounds.min_pos + Vector3iUtil::create(1 + max_padding + min_padding);
const Vector3 offset = -Vector3(size) * 0.5f;
RigidBody3D *rigid_body = memnew(RigidBody3D);
rigid_body->set_transform(transform * local_transform.translated_local(-offset));
// Switch to rigid after a short time to workaround clipping with terrain,
// because colliders are updated asynchronously
Timer *timer = memnew(Timer);
timer->connect("timeout", callable_mp(rigid_body, &RigidBody3D::set_freeze_enabled).bind(false));
// Cannot use start() here because it requires to be inside the SceneTree,
// and we don't know if it will be after we add to the parent.
MeshInstance3D *mesh_instance = memnew(MeshInstance3D);
return nodes;
Array VoxelToolLodTerrain::separate_floating_chunks(AABB world_box, Node *parent_node) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, Array());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!math::is_valid_size(world_box.size), Array());
Ref<VoxelMesher> mesher = _terrain->get_mesher();
Array materials;
const Box3i int_world_box(math::floor_to_int(world_box.position), math::ceil_to_int(world_box.size));
return zylann::voxel::separate_floating_chunks(
*this, int_world_box, parent_node, _terrain->get_global_transform(), mesher, materials);
// Combines a precalculated SDF with the terrain at a specific position, rotation and scale.
// `transform` is where the buffer should be applied on the terrain.
// `isolevel` alters the shape of the SDF: positive "puffs" it, negative "erodes" it. This is a applied after
// `sdf_scale`.
// `sdf_scale` scales SDF values (it doesnt make the shape bigger or smaller). Usually defaults to 1 but may be lower if
// artifacts show up due to scaling used in terrain SDF.
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::stamp_sdf(
Ref<VoxelMeshSDF> mesh_sdf, Transform3D transform, float isolevel, float sdf_scale) {
// TODO Asynchronous version
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
Ref<gd::VoxelBuffer> buffer_ref = mesh_sdf->get_voxel_buffer();
const VoxelBufferInternal &buffer = buffer_ref->get_buffer();
const VoxelBufferInternal::ChannelId channel = VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF;
ERR_FAIL_COND(buffer.get_channel_compression(channel) == VoxelBufferInternal::COMPRESSION_UNIFORM);
ERR_FAIL_COND(buffer.get_channel_depth(channel) != VoxelBufferInternal::DEPTH_32_BIT);
const Transform3D &box_to_world = transform;
const AABB local_aabb = mesh_sdf->get_aabb();
// Note, transform is local to the terrain
const AABB aabb = box_to_world.xform(local_aabb);
const Box3i voxel_box = Box3i::from_min_max(aabb.position.floor(), (aabb.position + aabb.size).ceil());
// TODO Sometimes it will fail near unloaded blocks, even though the transformed box does not intersect them.
// This could be avoided with a box/transformed-box intersection algorithm. Might investigate if the use case
// occurs. It won't happen with full load mode. This also affects other shapes.
if (!is_area_editable(voxel_box)) {
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Area not editable");
VoxelData &data = _terrain->get_storage();
// TODO Maybe more efficient to "rasterize" the box? We're going to iterate voxels the box doesnt intersect
// TODO Maybe we should scale SDF values based on the scale of the transform too
const Transform3D buffer_to_box =
Transform3D(Basis().scaled(Vector3(local_aabb.size / buffer.get_size())), local_aabb.position);
const Transform3D buffer_to_world = box_to_world * buffer_to_box;
// TODO Support other depths, format should be accessible from the volume
ops::SdfOperation16bit<ops::SdfUnion, ops::SdfBufferShape> op;
op.shape.world_to_buffer = buffer_to_world.affine_inverse();
op.shape.buffer_size = buffer.get_size();
op.shape.isolevel = isolevel;
op.shape.sdf_scale = sdf_scale;
// Note, the passed buffer must not be shared with another thread.
ZN_ASSERT_RETURN(buffer.get_channel_data(channel, op.shape.buffer));
VoxelDataGrid grid;
data.get_blocks_grid(grid, voxel_box, 0);
grid.write_box(voxel_box, VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF, op);
// Runs the given graph in a bounding box in the terrain.
// The graph must have an SDF output and can also have an SDF input to read source voxels.
// The transform contains the position of the edit, its orientation and scale.
// Graph base size is the original size of the brush, as designed in the graph. It will be scaled using the transform.
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::do_graph(Ref<VoxelGeneratorGraph> graph, Transform3D transform, Vector3 graph_base_size) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
const Vector3 area_size = math::abs(transform.basis.xform(graph_base_size));
const Box3i box = Box3i::from_min_max( //
math::floor_to_int(transform.origin - 0.5 * area_size),
math::ceil_to_int(transform.origin + 0.5 * area_size))
if (!is_area_editable(box)) {
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Area not editable");
VoxelData &data = _terrain->get_storage();
const unsigned int channel_index = VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF;
VoxelBufferInternal buffer;
data.copy(box.pos, buffer, 1 << channel_index);
// Convert input SDF
static thread_local std::vector<float> tls_in_sdf_full;
Span<float> in_sdf_full = to_span(tls_in_sdf_full);
get_unscaled_sdf(buffer, in_sdf_full);
static thread_local std::vector<float> tls_in_x;
static thread_local std::vector<float> tls_in_y;
static thread_local std::vector<float> tls_in_z;
const unsigned int deck_area = box.size.x * box.size.y;
Span<float> in_x = to_span(tls_in_x);
Span<float> in_y = to_span(tls_in_y);
Span<float> in_z = to_span(tls_in_z);
const Transform3D inv_transform = transform.affine_inverse();
const int output_sdf_buffer_index = graph->get_sdf_output_port_address();
ZN_ASSERT_RETURN_MSG(output_sdf_buffer_index != -1, "The graph has no SDF output, cannot use it as a brush");
// The graph works at a fixed dimension, so if we scale the operation with the Transform3D then we have to also
// scale the distance field the graph is working at
const float graph_scale = transform.basis.get_scale().length();
const float inv_graph_scale = 1.f / graph_scale;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < in_sdf_full.size(); ++i) {
in_sdf_full[i] *= inv_graph_scale;
const float op_strength = get_sdf_strength();
// For each deck of the box (doing this to reduce memory usage since the graph will allocate temporary buffers
// for each operation, which can be a lot depending on the complexity of the graph)
Vector3i pos;
const Vector3i endpos = box.pos + box.size;
for (pos.z = box.pos.z; pos.z < endpos.z; ++pos.z) {
// Set positions
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deck_area; ++i) {
in_z[i] = pos.z;
unsigned int i = 0;
for (pos.x = box.pos.x; pos.x < endpos.x; ++pos.x) {
for (pos.y = box.pos.y; pos.y < endpos.y; ++pos.y) {
in_x[i] = pos.x;
in_y[i] = pos.y;
// Transform positions to be local to the graph
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deck_area; ++i) {
Vector3 graph_local_pos(in_x[i], in_y[i], in_z[i]);
graph_local_pos = inv_transform.xform(pos);
in_x[i] = graph_local_pos.x;
in_y[i] = graph_local_pos.y;
in_z[i] = graph_local_pos.z;
// Get SDF input
Span<float> in_sdf = in_sdf_full.sub(deck_area * (pos.z - box.pos.z), deck_area);
// Run graph
graph->generate_series(in_x, in_y, in_z, in_sdf);
// Read result
const VoxelGraphRuntime::State &state = VoxelGeneratorGraph::get_last_state_from_current_thread();
const VoxelGraphRuntime::Buffer &graph_buffer = state.get_buffer(output_sdf_buffer_index);
// Apply strength and graph scale. Input serves as output too, shouldn't overlap
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < in_sdf.size(); ++i) {
in_sdf[i] = Math::lerp(in_sdf[i], graph_buffer.data[i] * graph_scale, op_strength);
scale_and_store_sdf(buffer, in_sdf_full);
data.paste(box.pos, buffer, 1 << channel_index, false, 0, false);
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_raycast_binary_search_iterations", "iterations"),
D_METHOD("get_voxel_f_interpolated", "position"), &VoxelToolLodTerrain::get_voxel_f_interpolated);
D_METHOD("separate_floating_chunks", "box", "parent_node"), &VoxelToolLodTerrain::separate_floating_chunks);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("do_sphere_async", "center", "radius"), &VoxelToolLodTerrain::do_sphere_async);
D_METHOD("stamp_sdf", "mesh_sdf", "transform", "isolevel", "sdf_scale"), &VoxelToolLodTerrain::stamp_sdf);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("do_graph", "graph", "transform", "area_size"), &VoxelToolLodTerrain::do_graph);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("do_hemisphere", "center", "radius", "flat_direction", "smoothness"),
&VoxelToolLodTerrain::do_hemisphere, DEFVAL(0.0));
} // namespace zylann::voxel