
134 lines
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#include "../../storage/voxel_buffer_gd.h"
#include "../voxel_generator.h"
#include <core/io/image.h>
namespace zylann::voxel {
// Common base class for basic heightmap generators
class VoxelGeneratorHeightmap : public VoxelGenerator {
GDCLASS(VoxelGeneratorHeightmap, VoxelGenerator)
void set_channel(VoxelBufferInternal::ChannelId p_channel);
VoxelBufferInternal::ChannelId get_channel() const;
int get_used_channels_mask() const override;
void set_height_start(float start);
float get_height_start() const;
void set_height_range(float range);
float get_height_range() const;
void set_iso_scale(float iso_scale);
float get_iso_scale() const;
void _b_set_channel(gd::VoxelBuffer::ChannelId p_channel);
gd::VoxelBuffer::ChannelId _b_get_channel() const;
template <typename Height_F>
Result generate(VoxelBufferInternal &out_buffer, Height_F height_func, Vector3i origin, int lod) {
Parameters params;
RWLockRead rlock(_parameters_lock);
params = _parameters;
const int channel = params.channel;
const Vector3i bs = out_buffer.get_size();
const bool use_sdf = channel == VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF;
if (origin.y > get_height_start() + get_height_range()) {
// The bottom of the block is above the highest ground can go (default is air)
Result result;
result.max_lod_hint = true;
return result;
if (origin.y + (bs.y << lod) < get_height_start()) {
// The top of the block is below the lowest ground can go
out_buffer.clear_channel(params.channel, use_sdf ? 0 : params.matter_type);
Result result;
result.max_lod_hint = true;
return result;
const int stride = 1 << lod;
if (use_sdf) {
int gz = origin.z;
for (int z = 0; z < bs.z; ++z, gz += stride) {
int gx = origin.x;
for (int x = 0; x < bs.x; ++x, gx += stride) {
float h = params.range.xform(height_func(gx, gz));
int gy = origin.y;
for (int y = 0; y < bs.y; ++y, gy += stride) {
float sdf = params.iso_scale * (gy - h);
out_buffer.set_voxel_f(sdf, x, y, z, channel);
} // for x
} // for z
} else {
// Blocky
int gz = origin.z;
for (int z = 0; z < bs.z; ++z, gz += stride) {
int gx = origin.x;
for (int x = 0; x < bs.x; ++x, gx += stride) {
// Output is blocky, so we can go for just one sample
float h = params.range.xform(height_func(gx, gz));
h -= origin.y;
int ih = int(h) >> lod;
if (ih > 0) {
if (ih > bs.y) {
ih = bs.y;
params.matter_type, Vector3i(x, 0, z), Vector3i(x + 1, ih, z + 1), channel);
} // for x
} // for z
} // use_sdf
return Result();
static void _bind_methods();
struct Range {
float start = -50.f;
float height = 200.f;
inline float xform(float x) const {
return x * height + start;
struct Parameters {
VoxelBufferInternal::ChannelId channel = VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF;
int matter_type = 1;
Range range;
float iso_scale = 0.1;
RWLock _parameters_lock;
Parameters _parameters;
} // namespace zylann::voxel