208 lines
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208 lines
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#include "../../constants/voxel_constants.h"
#include "../../engine/distance_normalmaps.h"
#include "../../generators/voxel_generator.h"
#include "../../storage/voxel_data.h"
#include "../../streams/voxel_stream.h"
#include "../../util/fixed_array.h"
#include "../voxel_mesh_map.h"
#include "lod_octree.h"
#include <map>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace zylann {
class AsyncDependencyTracker;
namespace voxel {
// Settings and states needed for the multi-threaded part of the update loop of VoxelLodTerrain.
// See `VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask` for more info.
struct VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData {
struct OctreeItem {
LodOctree octree;
struct TransitionUpdate {
Vector3i block_position;
uint8_t transition_mask;
struct BlockLocation {
Vector3i position;
uint8_t lod;
// struct BlockToSave {
// std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> voxels;
// Vector3i position;
// uint8_t lod;
// };
// These values don't change during the update task.
struct Settings {
// Area within which voxels can exist.
// Note, these bounds might not be exactly represented. This volume is chunk-based, so the result will be
// approximated to the closest chunk.
// Box3i bounds_in_voxels;
// unsigned int lod_count = 0;
// Distance between a viewer and the end of LOD0
float lod_distance = 0.f;
unsigned int view_distance_voxels = 512;
// bool full_load_mode = false;
bool run_stream_in_editor = true;
// If true, try to generate blocks and store them in the data map before posting mesh requests.
// If false, everything will generate non-edited voxels on the fly instead.
// Not really exposed for now, will wait for it to be really needed. It might never be.
bool cache_generated_blocks = false;
bool collision_enabled = true;
unsigned int mesh_block_size_po2 = 4;
NormalMapSettings virtual_texture_settings;
enum MeshState {
MESH_NEED_UPDATE, // The mesh is out of date but was not yet scheduled for update
MESH_UPDATE_NOT_SENT, // The mesh is out of date and was scheduled for update, but no request have been sent
// yet
MESH_UPDATE_SENT // The mesh is out of date, and an update request was sent, pending response
enum VirtualTextureState { //
struct MeshBlockState {
std::atomic<MeshState> state;
std::atomic<VirtualTextureState> virtual_texture_state;
uint8_t transition_mask;
bool active;
bool pending_transition_update;
MeshBlockState() :
pending_transition_update(false) {}
// Version of the mesh map designed to be mainly used for the threaded update task.
// It contains states used to determine when to actually load/unload meshes.
struct MeshMapState {
// Values in this map are expected to have stable addresses.
std::unordered_map<Vector3i, MeshBlockState> map;
// Locked for writing when blocks get inserted or removed from the map.
// If you need to lock more than one Lod, always do so in increasing order, to avoid deadlocks.
// - The update task will add and remove blocks from this map.
// - Threads outside the update task must never add or remove blocks to the map (even with locking),
// unless the task is not running in parallel.
RWLock map_lock;
// Each LOD works in a set of coordinates spanning 2x more voxels the higher their index is
struct Lod {
// Keeping track of asynchronously loading blocks so we don't try to redundantly load them
std::unordered_set<Vector3i> loading_blocks;
BinaryMutex loading_blocks_mutex;
// These are relative to this LOD, in block coordinates
Vector3i last_viewer_data_block_pos;
int last_view_distance_data_blocks = 0;
MeshMapState mesh_map_state;
std::vector<Vector3i> blocks_pending_update;
Vector3i last_viewer_mesh_block_pos;
int last_view_distance_mesh_blocks = 0;
// Deferred outputs to main thread
std::vector<Vector3i> mesh_blocks_to_unload;
std::vector<TransitionUpdate> mesh_blocks_to_update_transitions;
std::vector<Vector3i> mesh_blocks_to_activate;
std::vector<Vector3i> mesh_blocks_to_deactivate;
inline bool has_loading_block(const Vector3i &pos) const {
return loading_blocks.find(pos) != loading_blocks.end();
struct AsyncEdit {
IThreadedTask *task;
Box3i box;
std::shared_ptr<AsyncDependencyTracker> task_tracker;
struct RunningAsyncEdit {
std::shared_ptr<AsyncDependencyTracker> tracker;
Box3i box;
struct Stats {
uint32_t blocked_lods = 0;
uint32_t time_detect_required_blocks = 0;
uint32_t time_io_requests = 0;
uint32_t time_mesh_requests = 0;
uint32_t time_total = 0;
// Data modified by the update task
struct State {
// This terrain type is a sparse grid of octrees.
// Indexed by a grid coordinate whose step is the size of the highest-LOD block.
// Not using a pointer because Map storage is stable.
// TODO Optimization: could be replaced with a grid data structure
std::map<Vector3i, OctreeItem> lod_octrees;
Box3i last_octree_region_box;
Vector3i local_viewer_pos_previous_octree_update;
bool had_blocked_octree_nodes_previous_update = false;
bool force_update_octrees_next_update = false;
FixedArray<Lod, constants::MAX_LOD> lods;
// This is the entry point for notifying data changes, which will cause mesh updates.
// Contains blocks that were edited and need their LOD counterparts to be updated.
// Scheduling is only done at LOD0 because it is the only editable LOD.
std::vector<Vector3i> blocks_pending_lodding_lod0;
BinaryMutex blocks_pending_lodding_lod0_mutex;
std::vector<AsyncEdit> pending_async_edits;
BinaryMutex pending_async_edits_mutex;
std::vector<RunningAsyncEdit> running_async_edits;
// Areas where generated stuff has changed. Similar to an edit, but non-destructive.
std::vector<Box3i> changed_generated_areas;
BinaryMutex changed_generated_areas_mutex;
Stats stats;
// Set to true when the update task is finished
std::atomic_bool task_is_complete;
// Will be locked as long as the update task is running.
BinaryMutex completion_mutex;
Settings settings;
State state;
// After this call, no locking is necessary, as no other thread should be using the data.
// However it can stall for longer, so prefer using it when doing structural changes, such as changing LOD count,
// LOD distances, or the way the update logic runs.
void wait_for_end_of_task() {
MutexLock lock(completion_mutex);
} // namespace voxel
} // namespace zylann