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337 lines
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#ifndef VOXEL_DATA_H
#define VOXEL_DATA_H
#include "../generators/voxel_generator.h"
#include "../streams/voxel_stream.h"
#include "modifiers.h"
#include "voxel_data_map.h"
namespace zylann::voxel {
class VoxelDataGrid;
// Generic storage containing everything needed to access voxel data.
// Contains edits, procedural sources and file stream so voxels not physically stored in memory can be obtained.
// This does not contain meshing or instancing information, only voxels.
// Individual calls should be thread-safe.
class VoxelData {
// Configuration.
// Changing these settings while data is already loaded can be expensive, or cause data to be reset.
// If threaded tasks are still working on the data while this happens, they should be cancelled or ignored.
inline unsigned int get_block_size() const {
return _lods[0].map.get_block_size();
inline unsigned int get_block_size_po2() const {
return _lods[0].map.get_block_size_pow2();
inline Vector3i voxel_to_block(Vector3i pos) const {
return _lods[0].map.voxel_to_block(pos);
inline Vector3i block_to_voxel(Vector3i pos) const {
return _lods[0].map.block_to_voxel(pos);
void set_lod_count(unsigned int p_lod_count);
// Clears voxel data. Keeps modifiers, generator and settings.
void reset_maps();
inline unsigned int get_lod_count() const {
MutexLock rlock(_settings_mutex);
return _lod_count;
void set_bounds(Box3i bounds);
inline Box3i get_bounds() const {
MutexLock rlock(_settings_mutex);
return _bounds_in_voxels;
void set_generator(Ref<VoxelGenerator> generator);
inline Ref<VoxelGenerator> get_generator() const {
MutexLock rlock(_settings_mutex);
return _generator;
void set_stream(Ref<VoxelStream> stream);
inline Ref<VoxelStream> get_stream() const {
MutexLock rlock(_settings_mutex);
return _stream;
inline VoxelModifierStack &get_modifiers() {
return _modifiers;
inline const VoxelModifierStack &get_modifiers() const {
return _modifiers;
void set_streaming_enabled(bool enabled);
inline bool is_streaming_enabled() const {
return _streaming_enabled;
// Voxel queries.
// When not specified, the used LOD index is 0.
VoxelSingleValue get_voxel(Vector3i pos, unsigned int channel_index, VoxelSingleValue defval) const;
bool try_set_voxel(uint64_t value, Vector3i pos, unsigned int channel_index);
float get_voxel_f(Vector3i pos, unsigned int channel_index) const;
bool try_set_voxel_f(real_t value, Vector3i pos, unsigned int channel_index);
// Copies voxel data in a box from LOD0.
// `channels_mask` bits tell which channel is read.
void copy(Vector3i min_pos, VoxelBufferInternal &dst_buffer, unsigned int channels_mask) const;
// Pastes voxel data in a box at LOD0.
// `channels_mask` bits tell which channel is pasted.
// If `use_mask` is used, will only write voxels of the source buffer that are not equal to `mask_value`.
// If `create_new_blocks` is true, blocks will be created if not found in the area.
void paste(Vector3i min_pos, const VoxelBufferInternal &src_buffer, unsigned int channels_mask, bool use_mask,
uint64_t mask_value, bool create_new_blocks);
// Tests if the given area is loaded at LOD0.
// This is necessary for editing destructively.
bool is_area_loaded(const Box3i p_voxels_box) const;
// Generates all non-present blocks in preparation for an edit.
// Every block intersecting with the box at every LOD will be checked.
// This function runs sequentially and should be thread-safe. May be used if blocks are immediately needed.
// It will block if other threads are accessing the same data.
// WARNING: this does not check if the area is editable.
void pre_generate_box(Box3i voxel_box);
// Clears voxel data from blocks that are pure results of generators and modifiers.
// WARNING: this does not check if the area is editable.
// TODO Rename `clear_cached_voxel_data_in_area`
void clear_cached_blocks_in_voxel_area(Box3i p_voxel_box);
// Flags all blocks in the given area as modified at LOD0.
// Also marks them as requiring LOD updates (if lod count is 1 this has no effect).
// Optionally, returns a list of affected block positions which did not require LOD updates before.
void mark_area_modified(Box3i p_voxel_box, std::vector<Vector3i> *lod0_new_blocks_to_lod);
// Block-aware API
// Sets voxel data at a block position. Also sets wether this is edited data (otherwise it is cached generator
// results).
// If the block has different size than expected, returns nullptr and doesn't set the data.
// If the block already exists, it will be overwritten if `overwrite` is `true`.
// The block is returned if it exists.
// WARNING: the returned pointer may only be used if you know that this block won't get removed by another thread.
VoxelDataBlock *try_set_block_buffer(Vector3i block_position, unsigned int lod_index,
std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> buffer, bool edited, bool overwrite);
// Sets empty voxel data at a block position. It means this block is known to have no edits and no cached generator
// data.
// If the block already exists, it is not overwritten.
// TODO Might need to expose a parameter for the overwriting behavior.
void set_empty_block_buffer(Vector3i block_position, unsigned int lod_index);
// void op(Vector3i bpos, const VoxelDataBlock &block)
template <typename F>
void for_each_block(F op) const {
const unsigned int lod_count = get_lod_count();
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < lod_count; ++lod_index) {
const Lod &lod = _lods[lod_index];
RWLockRead rlock(lod.map_lock);
// void op(Vector3i bpos, const VoxelDataBlock &block)
template <typename F>
void for_each_block_at_lod(F op, unsigned int lod_index) const {
const Lod &lod = _lods[lod_index];
RWLockRead rlock(lod.map_lock);
// Tests if a block exists at the specified block position and LOD index.
// This is mainly used for debugging so it isn't optimal, don't use this if you plan to query many blocks.
bool has_block(Vector3i bpos, unsigned int lod_index) const;
// Gets a block directly from LOD0.
// WARNING: the returned pointer may only be used if you know that this block won't get removed by another thread.
// Prefer using other safe functions if possible.
//VoxelDataBlock *get_block(Vector3i bpos);
// Tests if all blocks in a LOD0 area are loaded. If any isn't, returns false. Otherwise, returns true.
bool has_all_blocks_in_area(Box3i data_blocks_box) const;
// Gets the total amount of allocated blocks. This includes blocks having no voxel data.
unsigned int get_block_count() const;
struct BlockLocation {
Vector3i position;
uint32_t lod_index;
// Updates the LODs of all blocks at given positions, and resets their flags telling that they need LOD updates.
// Optionally, returns a list of affected block positions.
void update_lods(Span<const Vector3i> modified_lod0_blocks, std::vector<BlockLocation> *out_updated_blocks);
struct BlockToSave {
std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> voxels;
Vector3i position;
uint32_t lod_index;
// Unloads data blocks in the specified area. If some of them were modified and `to_save` is not null, their data
// will be returned for the caller to save.
void unload_blocks(Box3i bbox, unsigned int lod_index, std::vector<BlockToSave> *to_save);
// Unloads data blocks at specified positions of LOD0. If some of them were modified and `to_save` is not null,
// their data will be returned for the caller to save.
void unload_blocks(Span<const Vector3i> positions, std::vector<BlockToSave> *to_save);
// If the block at the specified LOD0 position exists and is modified, marks it as non-modified and returns a copy
// of its data to save. Returns true if there is something to save.
bool consume_block_modifications(Vector3i bpos, BlockToSave &out_to_save);
// Marks all modified blocks as unmodified and returns their data to save. if `with_copy` is true, the returned data
// will be a copy, otherwise it will reference voxel data. Prefer using references when about to quit for example.
void consume_all_modifications(std::vector<BlockToSave> &to_save, bool with_copy);
// Gets missing blocks out of the given block positions.
// WARNING: positions outside bounds will be considered missing too.
// TODO Don't consider positions outside bounds to be missing? This is only a byproduct of migrating old
// code. It doesnt check this because the code using this function already does it (a bit more efficiently,
// but still).
void get_missing_blocks(
Span<const Vector3i> block_positions, unsigned int lod_index, std::vector<Vector3i> &out_missing) const;
// Gets missing blocks out of the given area in block coordinates.
// If the area intersects the outside of the bounds, it will be clipped.
void get_missing_blocks(Box3i p_blocks_box, unsigned int lod_index, std::vector<Vector3i> &out_missing) const;
// Gets blocks with voxel data in the given area in block coordinates.
// Voxel data references are returned in an array big enough to contain a grid of the size of the area.
// Blocks found will be placed at an index computed as if the array was a flat grid (ZXY).
// Entries without voxel data will be left to null.
void get_blocks_with_voxel_data(
Box3i p_blocks_box, unsigned int lod_index, Span<std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal>> out_blocks) const;
void get_blocks_grid(VoxelDataGrid &grid, Box3i box_in_voxels, unsigned int lod_index) const;
std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> try_get_block_voxels(Vector3i bpos);
// Reference-counted API (LOD0 only)
// Data blocks have a reference count that can be optionally used.
// Increases the reference count of loaded blocks in the area.
// Returns positions where blocks were loaded, and where they were missing.
void view_area(Box3i blocks_box, std::vector<Vector3i> &missing_blocks,
std::vector<Vector3i> &found_blocks_positions, std::vector<VoxelDataBlock *> &found_blocks);
// Decreases the reference count of loaded blocks in the area. Blocks reaching zero will be unloaded.
// Returns positions where blocks were found, and where they were missing.
// If `to_save` is not null and some unloaded blocks contained modifications, their data will be returned too.
void unview_area(Box3i blocks_box, std::vector<Vector3i> &missing_blocks, std::vector<Vector3i> &found_blocks,
std::vector<BlockToSave> *to_save);
// Metadata queries.
// Only at LOD0.
void set_voxel_metadata(Vector3i pos, Variant meta);
Variant get_voxel_metadata(Vector3i pos);
void reset_maps_no_settings_lock();
struct Lod {
// Storage for edited and cached voxels.
VoxelDataMap map;
// This lock should be locked in write mode only when the map gets modified (adding or removing blocks).
// Otherwise it may be locked in read mode.
// It is possible to unlock it after we are done querying the map.
RWLock map_lock;
static void pre_generate_box(Box3i voxel_box, Span<Lod> lods, unsigned int data_block_size, bool streaming,
unsigned int lod_count, Ref<VoxelGenerator> generator, VoxelModifierStack &modifiers);
static inline std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> try_get_voxel_buffer_with_lock(
const Lod &data_lod, Vector3i block_pos, bool &out_generate) {
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
const VoxelDataBlock *block = data_lod.map.get_block(block_pos);
if (block == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// TODO Thread-safety: this checking presence of voxels is not safe.
// It can change while meshing takes place if a modifier is moved in the same area,
// because it invalidates cached data (that doesn't require locking the map, and doesn't lock a VoxelBuffer,
// so there is no sync going on). One way to fix this is to implement a spatial lock.
if (!block->has_voxels()) {
out_generate = true;
return nullptr;
return block->get_voxels_shared();
// Each LOD works in a set of coordinates spanning 2x more voxels the higher their index is.
// LOD 0 is the primary storage for edited data. Higher indices are "mip-maps".
// A fixed array is used because max lod count is small, and it doesn't require locking by threads.
// Note that these LODs do not automatically update, it is up to users of the class to trigger it.
// TODO Optimize: (low priority) this takes more than 5Kb in the object, even when not using LODs.
// Each LOD contains an RWLock, which is 242 bytes, so *24 it adds up quickly.
// A solution would be to allocate LODs dynamically in the constructor (the potential presence of LODs doesnt
// need to change after being constructed, there is no use case for that so far)
FixedArray<Lod, constants::MAX_LOD> _lods;
// Area within which voxels can exist.
// Note, these bounds might not be exactly represented. Volumes are chunk-based, so the result may be
// approximated to the closest chunk.
Box3i _bounds_in_voxels;
uint8_t _lod_count = 1;
// If enabled, some data blocks can have the "not loaded" and "loaded" status. Which means we can't assume what
// they contain, until we load them from the stream. If disabled, all edits are loaded in memory, and we know if
// a block isn't stored, it means we can use the generator and modifiers to obtain its data. This mostly changes
// how this class is used, streaming itself is not directly implemented in this class.
bool _streaming_enabled = true;
// Procedural generation stack
VoxelModifierStack _modifiers;
Ref<VoxelGenerator> _generator;
// Persistent storage (file(s)).
Ref<VoxelStream> _stream;
// This should be locked when accessing settings members.
// If other locks are needed simultaneously such as voxel maps, they should always be locked AFTER, to prevent
// deadlocks.
// It is not a RWLock because it may be locked for VERY short periods of time (just reading small values).
// In comparison, RWLock uses a `shared_timed_mutex` under the hood, and locking that for reading locks a
// mutex internally either way.
// There are times where locking can take longer, but it only happens rarely, when changing LOD count for
// example.
Mutex _settings_mutex;
} // namespace zylann::voxel
#endif // VOXEL_DATA_H