Added vox scene importer. No options at the moments.

This commit is contained in:
Marc Gilleron 2021-07-31 18:48:47 +01:00
parent 059f490669
commit 9a74362aca
10 changed files with 1012 additions and 155 deletions

View File

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ if env["tools"]:
voxel_files += voxel_editor_files

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include "vox_editor_plugin.h"
#include "vox_importer.h"
VoxEditorPlugin::VoxEditorPlugin(EditorNode *p_node) {
Ref<VoxelVoxImporter> vox_importer;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include <editor/editor_plugin.h>
class VoxEditorPlugin : public EditorPlugin {
GDCLASS(VoxEditorPlugin, EditorPlugin)
VoxEditorPlugin(EditorNode *p_node);

editor/vox/vox_importer.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
#include "vox_importer.h"
#include "../../meshers/cubes/voxel_mesher_cubes.h"
#include "../../storage/voxel_buffer.h"
#include "../../streams/vox_data.h"
#include <scene/3d/mesh_instance.h>
#include <scene/3d/spatial.h>
#include <scene/resources/mesh.h>
#include <scene/resources/packed_scene.h>
String VoxelVoxImporter::get_importer_name() const {
return "VoxelVoxImporter";
String VoxelVoxImporter::get_visible_name() const {
return "VoxelVoxImporter";
void VoxelVoxImporter::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const {
String VoxelVoxImporter::get_preset_name(int p_idx) const {
return "Default";
int VoxelVoxImporter::get_preset_count() const {
return 1;
String VoxelVoxImporter::get_save_extension() const {
return "tscn";
String VoxelVoxImporter::get_resource_type() const {
return "PackedScene";
// float VoxelVoxImporter::get_priority() const {
// return 0;
// }
// int VoxelVoxImporter::get_import_order() const {
// }
void VoxelVoxImporter::get_import_options(List<ImportOption> *r_options, int p_preset) const {
bool VoxelVoxImporter::get_option_visibility(const String &p_option, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options) const {
return false;
static void add_mesh_instance(Ref<Mesh> mesh, Node *parent, Node *owner, Vector3 offset) {
MeshInstance *mesh_instance = memnew(MeshInstance);
// TODO Colliders? Needs conventions or attributes probably
struct VoxMesh {
Ref<Mesh> mesh;
Vector3 pivot;
static Error process_scene_node_recursively(const vox::Data &data, int node_id, Spatial *parent_node,
Spatial *&root_node, int depth, const Vector<VoxMesh> &meshes) {
const vox::Node *vox_node = data.get_node(node_id);
switch (vox_node->type) {
case vox::Node::TYPE_TRANSFORM: {
Spatial *node = memnew(Spatial);
if (root_node == nullptr) {
root_node = node;
} else {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(parent_node == nullptr, ERR_BUG);
const vox::TransformNode *vox_transform_node = reinterpret_cast<const vox::TransformNode *>(vox_node);
node->set_transform(Transform(vox_transform_node->rotation.basis, vox_transform_node->position.to_vec3()));
process_scene_node_recursively(data, vox_transform_node->child_node_id, node, root_node, depth + 1, meshes);
} break;
case vox::Node::TYPE_GROUP: {
const vox::GroupNode *vox_group_node = reinterpret_cast<const vox::GroupNode *>(vox_node);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vox_group_node->child_node_ids.size(); ++i) {
const int child_node_id = vox_group_node->child_node_ids[i];
process_scene_node_recursively(data, child_node_id, parent_node, root_node, depth + 1, meshes);
} break;
case vox::Node::TYPE_SHAPE: {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(parent_node == nullptr, ERR_BUG);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(root_node == nullptr, ERR_BUG);
const vox::ShapeNode *vox_shape_node = reinterpret_cast<const vox::ShapeNode *>(vox_node);
const VoxMesh &mesh_data = meshes[vox_shape_node->model_id];
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mesh_data.mesh.is_null(), ERR_BUG);
const Vector3 offset = -mesh_data.pivot;
add_mesh_instance(mesh_data.mesh, parent_node, root_node, offset);
} break;
return OK;
Error VoxelVoxImporter::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_save_path,
const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options, List<String> *r_platform_variants, List<String> *r_gen_files,
Variant *r_metadata) {
vox::Data data;
const Error load_err = data.load_from_file(p_source_file);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(load_err != OK, load_err);
Vector<VoxMesh> meshes;
// Get color palette
Ref<VoxelColorPalette> palette;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.get_palette().size(); ++i) {
Color8 color = data.get_palette()[i];
palette->set_color8(i, color);
Ref<VoxelMesherCubes> mesher;
Ref<SpatialMaterial> material;
material->set_flag(SpatialMaterial::FLAG_ALBEDO_FROM_VERTEX_COLOR, true);
Ref<SpatialMaterial> material2;
material2->set_flag(SpatialMaterial::FLAG_ALBEDO_FROM_VERTEX_COLOR, true);
Array materials_array;
// Build meshes from voxel models
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.get_model_count(); ++i) {
const vox::Model &model = data.get_model(i);
Ref<VoxelBuffer> voxels;
voxels->create(model.size + Vector3i(VoxelMesherCubes::PADDING * 2));
Span<uint8_t> dst_color_indices;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!voxels->get_channel_raw(VoxelBuffer::CHANNEL_COLOR, dst_color_indices), ERR_BUG);
Span<const uint8_t> src_color_indices = to_span_const(model.color_indexes);
copy_3d_region_zxy(dst_color_indices, voxels->get_size(), Vector3i(VoxelMesherCubes::PADDING),
src_color_indices, model.size, Vector3i(), model.size);
Ref<Mesh> mesh = mesher->build_mesh(voxels, materials_array);
VoxMesh mesh_info;
mesh_info.mesh = mesh;
// In MagicaVoxel scene graph, pivots are at the center of models, not at the lower corner.
// TODO I don't know if this is correct, but I could not find a reference saying how that pivot should be calculated
mesh_info.pivot = (voxels->get_size() / 2 - Vector3i(1)).to_vec3();
meshes.write[i] = mesh_info;
Spatial *root_node = nullptr;
if (data.get_root_node_id() != -1) {
// Convert scene graph into a node tree
process_scene_node_recursively(data, data.get_root_node_id(), nullptr, root_node, 0, meshes);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(root_node == nullptr, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
} else if (meshes.size() > 0) {
// Some vox files don't have a scene graph
root_node = memnew(Spatial);
const VoxMesh &mesh0 = meshes[0];
add_mesh_instance(mesh0.mesh, root_node, root_node, Vector3());
// Save meshes
for (int i = 0; i < meshes.size(); ++i) {
Ref<Mesh> mesh = meshes[i].mesh;
String res_save_path = String("{0}.model{1}.mesh").format(varray(p_save_path, i));
ResourceSaver::save(res_save_path, mesh);
// Save scene
Ref<PackedScene> scene;
String scene_save_path = p_save_path + ".tscn";
Error save_err = ResourceSaver::save(scene_save_path, scene);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(save_err != OK, save_err, "Cannot save scene to file '" + scene_save_path);
return OK;

editor/vox/vox_importer.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#include <editor/import/editor_import_plugin.h>
class VoxelVoxImporter : public ResourceImporter {
GDCLASS(VoxelVoxImporter, ResourceImporter)
String get_importer_name() const override;
String get_visible_name() const override;
void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const override;
String get_preset_name(int p_idx) const override;
int get_preset_count() const override;
String get_save_extension() const override;
String get_resource_type() const override;
//float get_priority() const override;
//int get_import_order() const override;
void get_import_options(List<ImportOption> *r_options, int p_preset = 0) const override;
bool get_option_visibility(const String &p_option, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options) const override;
Error import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_save_path, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options,
List<String> *r_platform_variants, List<String> *r_gen_files, Variant *r_metadata = nullptr) override;
#endif // VOX_IMPORTER_H

View File

@ -3,11 +3,6 @@
#include "edition/voxel_tool_buffer.h"
#include "edition/voxel_tool_lod_terrain.h"
#include "edition/voxel_tool_terrain.h"
#include "editor/editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/fast_noise_lite/fast_noise_lite_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/graph/voxel_graph_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/instance_library/voxel_instance_library_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/terrain/voxel_terrain_editor_plugin.h"
#include "generators/graph/voxel_generator_graph.h"
#include "generators/graph/voxel_graph_node_db.h"
#include "generators/simple/voxel_generator_flat.h"
@ -48,6 +43,12 @@
#include <core/engine.h>
#include "editor/editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/fast_noise_lite/fast_noise_lite_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/graph/voxel_graph_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/instance_library/voxel_instance_library_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/terrain/voxel_terrain_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/vox/vox_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/voxel_debug.h"
@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ void register_voxel_types() {

streams/vox_data.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
#include "vox_data.h"
#include "../util/macros.h"
#include <core/os/file_access.h>
#include <core/variant.h>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace vox {
const uint32_t PALETTE_SIZE = 256;
uint32_t g_default_palette[PALETTE_SIZE] = {
0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0xffccffff, 0xff99ffff, 0xff66ffff, 0xff33ffff, 0xff00ffff, 0xffffccff,
0xffccccff, 0xff99ccff, 0xff66ccff, 0xff33ccff, 0xff00ccff, 0xffff99ff, 0xffcc99ff, 0xff9999ff,
0xff6699ff, 0xff3399ff, 0xff0099ff, 0xffff66ff, 0xffcc66ff, 0xff9966ff, 0xff6666ff, 0xff3366ff,
0xff0066ff, 0xffff33ff, 0xffcc33ff, 0xff9933ff, 0xff6633ff, 0xff3333ff, 0xff0033ff, 0xffff00ff,
0xffcc00ff, 0xff9900ff, 0xff6600ff, 0xff3300ff, 0xff0000ff, 0xffffffcc, 0xffccffcc, 0xff99ffcc,
0xff66ffcc, 0xff33ffcc, 0xff00ffcc, 0xffffcccc, 0xffcccccc, 0xff99cccc, 0xff66cccc, 0xff33cccc,
0xff00cccc, 0xffff99cc, 0xffcc99cc, 0xff9999cc, 0xff6699cc, 0xff3399cc, 0xff0099cc, 0xffff66cc,
0xffcc66cc, 0xff9966cc, 0xff6666cc, 0xff3366cc, 0xff0066cc, 0xffff33cc, 0xffcc33cc, 0xff9933cc,
0xff6633cc, 0xff3333cc, 0xff0033cc, 0xffff00cc, 0xffcc00cc, 0xff9900cc, 0xff6600cc, 0xff3300cc,
0xff0000cc, 0xffffff99, 0xffccff99, 0xff99ff99, 0xff66ff99, 0xff33ff99, 0xff00ff99, 0xffffcc99,
0xffcccc99, 0xff99cc99, 0xff66cc99, 0xff33cc99, 0xff00cc99, 0xffff9999, 0xffcc9999, 0xff999999,
0xff669999, 0xff339999, 0xff009999, 0xffff6699, 0xffcc6699, 0xff996699, 0xff666699, 0xff336699,
0xff006699, 0xffff3399, 0xffcc3399, 0xff993399, 0xff663399, 0xff333399, 0xff003399, 0xffff0099,
0xffcc0099, 0xff990099, 0xff660099, 0xff330099, 0xff000099, 0xffffff66, 0xffccff66, 0xff99ff66,
0xff66ff66, 0xff33ff66, 0xff00ff66, 0xffffcc66, 0xffcccc66, 0xff99cc66, 0xff66cc66, 0xff33cc66,
0xff00cc66, 0xffff9966, 0xffcc9966, 0xff999966, 0xff669966, 0xff339966, 0xff009966, 0xffff6666,
0xffcc6666, 0xff996666, 0xff666666, 0xff336666, 0xff006666, 0xffff3366, 0xffcc3366, 0xff993366,
0xff663366, 0xff333366, 0xff003366, 0xffff0066, 0xffcc0066, 0xff990066, 0xff660066, 0xff330066,
0xff000066, 0xffffff33, 0xffccff33, 0xff99ff33, 0xff66ff33, 0xff33ff33, 0xff00ff33, 0xffffcc33,
0xffcccc33, 0xff99cc33, 0xff66cc33, 0xff33cc33, 0xff00cc33, 0xffff9933, 0xffcc9933, 0xff999933,
0xff669933, 0xff339933, 0xff009933, 0xffff6633, 0xffcc6633, 0xff996633, 0xff666633, 0xff336633,
0xff006633, 0xffff3333, 0xffcc3333, 0xff993333, 0xff663333, 0xff333333, 0xff003333, 0xffff0033,
0xffcc0033, 0xff990033, 0xff660033, 0xff330033, 0xff000033, 0xffffff00, 0xffccff00, 0xff99ff00,
0xff66ff00, 0xff33ff00, 0xff00ff00, 0xffffcc00, 0xffcccc00, 0xff99cc00, 0xff66cc00, 0xff33cc00,
0xff00cc00, 0xffff9900, 0xffcc9900, 0xff999900, 0xff669900, 0xff339900, 0xff009900, 0xffff6600,
0xffcc6600, 0xff996600, 0xff666600, 0xff336600, 0xff006600, 0xffff3300, 0xffcc3300, 0xff993300,
0xff663300, 0xff333300, 0xff003300, 0xffff0000, 0xffcc0000, 0xff990000, 0xff660000, 0xff330000,
0xff0000ee, 0xff0000dd, 0xff0000bb, 0xff0000aa, 0xff000088, 0xff000077, 0xff000055, 0xff000044,
0xff000022, 0xff000011, 0xff00ee00, 0xff00dd00, 0xff00bb00, 0xff00aa00, 0xff008800, 0xff007700,
0xff005500, 0xff004400, 0xff002200, 0xff001100, 0xffee0000, 0xffdd0000, 0xffbb0000, 0xffaa0000,
0xff880000, 0xff770000, 0xff550000, 0xff440000, 0xff220000, 0xff110000, 0xffeeeeee, 0xffdddddd,
0xffbbbbbb, 0xffaaaaaa, 0xff888888, 0xff777777, 0xff555555, 0xff444444, 0xff222222, 0xff111111
static Error parse_string(FileAccess &f, String &s) {
const int size = f.get_32();
// Sanity checks
static thread_local std::vector<char> bytes;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f.get_buffer((uint8_t *), bytes.size()) != bytes.size(), ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(s.parse_utf8(, bytes.size()), ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
return OK;
static Error parse_dictionary(FileAccess &f, std::unordered_map<String, String> &dict) {
const int item_count = f.get_32();
// Sanity checks
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(item_count > 256, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
for (int i = 0; i < item_count; ++i) {
String key;
Error key_err = parse_string(f, key);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(key_err != OK, key_err);
String value;
Error value_err = parse_string(f, value);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(value_err != OK, value_err);
dict[key] = value;
return OK;
// MagicaVoxel uses a Z-up coordinate system similar to 3DS Max.
// Here we read the data such that it follows OpenGL coordinate system.
// Z Y
// | Y | X
// |/ |/
// o----X o----Z
// MagicaVoxel OpenGL
inline Vector3i magica_to_opengl(const Vector3i &src) {
Vector3i dst;
dst.x = src.y;
dst.y = src.z;
dst.z = src.x;
return dst;
static Basis parse_basis(uint8_t data) {
// bits 0 and 1 are the index of the non-zero entry in the first row
const int xi = (data >> 0) & 0x03;
// bits 2 and 3 are the index of the non-zero entry in the second row
const int yi = (data >> 2) & 0x03;
// The index of the non-zero entry in the last row can be deduced as the last not "occupied" index
bool occupied[3] = { false };
occupied[xi] = true;
occupied[yi] = true;
const int zi = occupied[0] == false ? 0 : occupied[1] == false ? 1 : 2;
const int x_sign = ((data >> 4) & 0x01) == 0 ? 1 : -1;
const int y_sign = ((data >> 5) & 0x01) == 0 ? 1 : -1;
const int z_sign = ((data >> 6) & 0x01) == 0 ? 1 : -1;
Vector3i x, y, z;
x[xi] = x_sign;
y[yi] = y_sign;
z[zi] = z_sign;
// TODO Not sure yet if that also works
x = magica_to_opengl(x);
y = magica_to_opengl(y);
z = magica_to_opengl(z);
Basis b;
x.x, x.y, x.z,
y.x, y.y, y.z,
z.x, z.y, z.z);
return b;
Error parse_node_common_header(Node &node, FileAccess &f,
const std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<Node>> &scene_graph) {
const int node_id = f.get_32();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(scene_graph.find(node_id) != scene_graph.end(), ERR_INVALID_DATA,
String("Node with ID {0} already exists").format(varray(node_id))); = node_id;
const Error attributes_err = parse_dictionary(f, node.attributes);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(attributes_err != OK, attributes_err);
return OK;
void Data::clear() {
_root_node_id = -1;
Error Data::load_from_file(String fpath) {
const Error err = _load_from_file(fpath);
if (err != OK) {
return err;
Error Data::_load_from_file(String fpath) {
PRINT_VERBOSE(String("Loading ") + fpath);
Error open_err;
FileAccessRef f_ref = FileAccess::open(fpath, FileAccess::READ, &open_err);
if (f_ref == nullptr) {
return open_err;
FileAccess &f = *f_ref;
char magic[5] = { 0 };
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f.get_buffer((uint8_t *)magic, 4) != 4, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(strcmp(magic, "VOX ") != 0, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
const uint32_t version = f.get_32();
const size_t file_length = f.get_len();
Vector3i last_size;
while (f.get_position() < file_length) {
char chunk_id[5] = { 0 };
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f.get_buffer((uint8_t *)chunk_id, 4) != 4, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
const uint32_t chunk_size = f.get_32();
f.get_32(); // child_chunks_size
PRINT_VERBOSE(String("Reading chunk {0} at {1}, size={2}")
.format(varray(chunk_id, f.get_position(), chunk_size)));
if (strcmp(chunk_id, "SIZE") == 0) {
Vector3i size;
size.x = f.get_32();
size.y = f.get_32();
size.z = f.get_32();
last_size = magica_to_opengl(size);
} else if (strcmp(chunk_id, "XYZI") == 0) {
std::unique_ptr<Model> model = std::make_unique<Model>();
model->color_indexes.resize(last_size.x * last_size.y * last_size.z, 0);
model->size = last_size;
const uint32_t num_voxels = f.get_32();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_voxels; ++i) {
Vector3i pos;
pos.x = f.get_8();
pos.y = f.get_8();
pos.z = f.get_8();
const uint32_t c = f.get_8();
pos = magica_to_opengl(pos);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(pos.x >= model->size.x || pos.x < 0, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(pos.y >= model->size.y || pos.y < 0, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(pos.z >= model->size.z || pos.z < 0, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
model->color_indexes[pos.get_zxy_index(model->size)] = c;
} else if (strcmp(chunk_id, "RGBA") == 0) {
_palette[0] = Color8{ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < _palette.size(); ++i) {
Color8 c;
c.r = f.get_8();
c.g = f.get_8();
c.b = f.get_8();
c.a = f.get_8();
_palette[i] = c;
} else if (strcmp(chunk_id, "nTRN") == 0) {
std::unique_ptr<TransformNode> node_ptr = std::make_unique<TransformNode>();
TransformNode &node = *node_ptr;
Error header_err = parse_node_common_header(node, f, _scene_graph);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(header_err != OK, header_err);
auto name_it = node.attributes.find("_name");
if (name_it != node.attributes.end()) { = name_it->second;
auto hidden_it = node.attributes.find("_hidden");
if (hidden_it != node.attributes.end()) {
node.hidden = (hidden_it->second == "1");
} else {
node.hidden = false;
node.child_node_id = f.get_32();
const int reserved_id = f.get_32();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(reserved_id != -1, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
node.layer_id = f.get_32();
const int frame_count = f.get_32();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(frame_count != 1, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
//for (int frame_index = 0; frame_index < frame_count; ++frame_index) {
std::unordered_map<String, String> frame;
const Error frame_err = parse_dictionary(f, frame);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(frame_err != OK, frame_err);
auto r_it = frame.find("_r");
if (r_it != frame.end()) {
Rotation rot;
// TODO Is it really an integer formatted as text? = r_it->second.to_int();
rot.basis = parse_basis(;
node.rotation = rot;
auto t_it = frame.find("_t");
if (t_it != frame.end()) {
// It is 3 integers formatted as text
Vector<float> coords = t_it->second.split_floats(" ");
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(coords.size() < 3, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
node.position = magica_to_opengl(Vector3i(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]));
_scene_graph[] = std::move(node_ptr);
} else if (strcmp(chunk_id, "nGRP") == 0) {
std::unique_ptr<GroupNode> node_ptr = std::make_unique<GroupNode>();
GroupNode &node = *node_ptr;
Error header_err = parse_node_common_header(node, f, _scene_graph);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(header_err != OK, header_err);
const unsigned int child_count = f.get_32();
// Sanity check
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(child_count > 65536, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) {
node.child_node_ids[i] = f.get_32();
_scene_graph[] = std::move(node_ptr);
} else if (strcmp(chunk_id, "nSHP") == 0) {
std::unique_ptr<ShapeNode> node_ptr = std::make_unique<ShapeNode>();
ShapeNode &node = *node_ptr;
Error header_err = parse_node_common_header(node, f, _scene_graph);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(header_err != OK, header_err);
const unsigned int model_count = f.get_32();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(model_count != 1, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
//for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model_count; ++i) {
node.model_id = f.get_32();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(node.model_id > 65536, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(node.model_id < 0, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
Error model_attributes_err = parse_dictionary(f, node.model_attributes);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(model_attributes_err != OK, model_attributes_err);
_scene_graph[] = std::move(node_ptr);
} else if (strcmp(chunk_id, "LAYR") == 0) {
std::unique_ptr<Layer> layer_ptr = std::make_unique<Layer>();
Layer &layer = *layer_ptr;
const int layer_id = f.get_32();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _layers.size(); ++i) {
const Layer *existing_layer = _layers[i].get();
CRASH_COND(existing_layer == nullptr);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(existing_layer->id == layer_id, ERR_INVALID_DATA,
String("Layer with ID {0} already exists").format(varray(layer_id)));
} = layer_id;
Error attributes_err = parse_dictionary(f, layer.attributes);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(attributes_err != OK, attributes_err);
auto name_it = layer.attributes.find("_name");
if (name_it != layer.attributes.end()) { = name_it->second;
auto hidden_it = layer.attributes.find("_hidden");
if (hidden_it != layer.attributes.end()) {
layer.hidden = (hidden_it->second == "1");
} else {
layer.hidden = false;
const int reserved_id = f.get_32();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(reserved_id != -1, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
} else if (strcmp(chunk_id, "MATL") == 0) {
std::unique_ptr<Material> material_ptr = std::make_unique<Material>();
Material &material = *material_ptr;
const int material_id = f.get_32();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(material_id < 1 || material_id > _palette.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(_materials.find(material_id) != _materials.end(), ERR_INVALID_DATA,
String("Material ID {0} already exists").format(varray(material_id))); = material_id;
std::unordered_map<String, String> attributes;
Error attributes_err = parse_dictionary(f, attributes);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(attributes_err != OK, attributes_err);
auto type_it = attributes.find("_type");
if (type_it != attributes.end()) {
String type_name = type_it->second;
if (type_name == "_diffuse") {
material.type = Material::TYPE_DIFFUSE;
} else if (type_name == "_metal") {
material.type = Material::TYPE_METAL;
} else if (type_name == "_glass") {
material.type = Material::TYPE_GLASS;
} else if (type_name == "_emit") {
material.type = Material::TYPE_EMIT;
auto weight_it = attributes.find("_weight");
if (weight_it != attributes.end()) {
material.weight = weight_it->second.to_float();
auto rough_it = attributes.find("_rough");
if (rough_it != attributes.end()) {
material.roughness = rough_it->second.to_float();
auto spec_it = attributes.find("_spec");
if (spec_it != attributes.end()) {
material.specular = spec_it->second.to_float();
auto ior_it = attributes.find("_ior");
if (ior_it != attributes.end()) {
material.ior = ior_it->second.to_float();
auto att_it = attributes.find("_att");
if (att_it != attributes.end()) {
material.att = att_it->second.to_float();
auto flux_it = attributes.find("_flux");
if (flux_it != attributes.end()) {
material.flux = flux_it->second.to_float();
// auto plastic_it = attributes.find("_plastic");
// if (plastic_it != attributes.end()) {
// // ???
// }
_materials.insert(std::make_pair(material_id, std::move(material_ptr)));
} else {
PRINT_VERBOSE(String("Skipping chunk ") + chunk_id);
// Ignore chunk + chunk_size);
// There is no indication on the official spec to detect the root node of the scene graph.
// It might just be the first one we find in the file, but the specification does not explicitely enforce that.
// So we have to do it the long way, marking which nodes are referenced by others.
std::unordered_set<int> referenced_nodes;
// Validate scene graph
for (auto it = _scene_graph.begin(); it != _scene_graph.end(); ++it) {
const Node *node = it->second.get();
CRASH_COND(node == nullptr);
// TODO We should check for cycles too...
switch (node->type) {
case Node::TYPE_TRANSFORM: {
const TransformNode *transform_node = reinterpret_cast<const TransformNode *>(node);
const int child_id = transform_node->child_node_id;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(_scene_graph.find(child_id) == _scene_graph.end(), ERR_INVALID_DATA,
String("Child node {0} does not exist").format(varray(child_id)));
const int layer_id = transform_node->layer_id;
// Apparently it is possible to find nodes that are not attached to any layer
if (layer_id != -1) {
bool layer_exists = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _layers.size(); ++i) {
const Layer *layer = _layers[i].get();
CRASH_COND(layer == nullptr);
if (layer->id == layer_id) {
layer_exists = true;
String("Layer {0} does not exist").format(varray(layer_id)));
} break;
case Node::TYPE_GROUP: {
const GroupNode *group_node = reinterpret_cast<const GroupNode *>(node);
for (size_t i = 0; i < group_node->child_node_ids.size(); ++i) {
const int child_id = group_node->child_node_ids[i];
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(_scene_graph.find(child_id) == _scene_graph.end(), ERR_INVALID_DATA,
String("Child node {0} does not exist").format(varray(child_id)));
} break;
case Node::TYPE_SHAPE: {
const ShapeNode *shape_node = reinterpret_cast<const ShapeNode *>(node);
const int model_id = shape_node->model_id;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(model_id < 0 || model_id >= static_cast<int>(_models.size()), ERR_INVALID_DATA,
String("Model {0} does not exist").format(varray(model_id)));
} break;
for (auto it = _scene_graph.begin(); it != _scene_graph.end(); ++it) {
const int node_id = it->first;
if (referenced_nodes.find(node_id) != referenced_nodes.end()) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(_root_node_id != -1, ERR_INVALID_DATA, "More than one root node was found");
_root_node_id = node_id;
// Some vox files don't have scene graph chunks
if (_scene_graph.size() > 0) {
// But if they do, they must have a root.
// If this fails, that means there is a cycle (the opposite is not true)
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(_root_node_id == -1, ERR_INVALID_DATA, "Root node not found");
PRINT_VERBOSE(String("Done loading ") + fpath);
return OK;
unsigned int Data::get_model_count() const {
return _models.size();
const Model &Data::get_model(unsigned int index) const {
CRASH_COND(index >= _models.size());
const Model *model = _models[index].get();
CRASH_COND(model == nullptr);
return *model;
const Node *Data::get_node(int id) const {
auto it = _scene_graph.find(id);
CRASH_COND(it == _scene_graph.end());
const Node *node = it->second.get();
CRASH_COND(node == nullptr);
return node;
int Data::get_root_node_id() const {
return _root_node_id;
unsigned int Data::get_layer_count() const {
return _layers.size();
const Layer &Data::get_layer_by_index(unsigned int index) const {
CRASH_COND(index >= _layers.size());
const Layer *layer = _layers[index].get();
CRASH_COND(layer == nullptr);
return *layer;
const int Data::get_material_id_for_palette_index(unsigned int palette_index) const {
auto it = _materials.find(palette_index);
if (it == _materials.end()) {
return -1;
return it->first;
const Material &Data::get_material_by_id(int id) const {
auto it = _materials.find(id);
CRASH_COND(it == _materials.end());
const Material *material = it->second.get();
CRASH_COND(material == nullptr);
return *material;
} // namespace vox

streams/vox_data.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
#ifndef VOX_DATA_H
#define VOX_DATA_H
#include "../util/fixed_array.h"
#include "../util/math/color8.h"
#include "../util/math/vector3i.h"
#include <core/math/basis.h>
#include <core/ustring.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<String> {
size_t operator()(const String &v) const {
return v.hash();
} // namespace std
namespace vox {
struct Model {
Vector3i size;
// TODO Optimization: implement lazy loading/streaming to reduce intermediary memory allocations?
// Loading a full 256^3 model needs 16 megabytes, but a lot of areas might actually be uniform,
// and we might not need the actual model immediately
std::vector<uint8_t> color_indexes;
struct Shape {
unsigned int model_id;
Vector3i position;
struct Node {
enum Type {
int id;
// Depending on the type, a node pointer can be casted to different structs
const Type type;
std::unordered_map<String, String> attributes;
Node(Type p_type) :
type(p_type) {}
virtual ~Node() {}
struct Rotation {
uint8_t data;
Basis basis;
struct TransformNode : public Node {
int child_node_id;
int layer_id;
Vector3i position;
Rotation rotation;
String name;
bool hidden;
TransformNode() :
struct GroupNode : public Node {
std::vector<int> child_node_ids;
GroupNode() :
Node(Node::TYPE_GROUP) {}
struct ShapeNode : public Node {
int model_id; // corresponds to index in the array of models
std::unordered_map<String, String> model_attributes;
ShapeNode() :
Node(Node::TYPE_SHAPE) {}
struct Layer {
int id;
std::unordered_map<String, String> attributes;
String name;
bool hidden;
struct Material {
enum Type {
int id;
Type type = TYPE_DIFFUSE;
float weight = 0.f;
float roughness = 1.f;
float specular = 0.f;
float ior = 1.f; // refraction
float flux = 0.f;
// TODO I don't know what `_att` means
float att = 0.f;
// TODO WTF is `_plastic`?
class Data {
void clear();
Error load_from_file(String fpath);
unsigned int get_model_count() const;
const Model &get_model(unsigned int index) const;
// Can return -1 if there is no scene graph
int get_root_node_id() const;
const Node *get_node(int id) const;
unsigned int get_layer_count() const;
const Layer &get_layer_by_index(unsigned int index) const;
const int get_material_id_for_palette_index(unsigned int palette_index) const;
const Material &get_material_by_id(int id) const;
inline const FixedArray<Color8, 256> &get_palette() const {
return _palette;
Error _load_from_file(String fpath);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Model>> _models;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Layer>> _layers;
std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<Node>> _scene_graph;
// Material IDs are supposedly tied to palette indices
std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<Material>> _materials;
int _root_node_id = -1;
FixedArray<Color8, 256> _palette;
} // namespace vox
#endif // VOX_DATA_H

View File

@ -1,156 +1,40 @@
#include "vox_loader.h"
#include "../meshers/cubes/voxel_color_palette.h"
#include "../storage/voxel_buffer.h"
#include <core/os/file_access.h>
namespace vox {
const uint32_t PALETTE_SIZE = 256;
uint32_t g_default_palette[PALETTE_SIZE] = {
0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0xffccffff, 0xff99ffff, 0xff66ffff, 0xff33ffff, 0xff00ffff, 0xffffccff,
0xffccccff, 0xff99ccff, 0xff66ccff, 0xff33ccff, 0xff00ccff, 0xffff99ff, 0xffcc99ff, 0xff9999ff,
0xff6699ff, 0xff3399ff, 0xff0099ff, 0xffff66ff, 0xffcc66ff, 0xff9966ff, 0xff6666ff, 0xff3366ff,
0xff0066ff, 0xffff33ff, 0xffcc33ff, 0xff9933ff, 0xff6633ff, 0xff3333ff, 0xff0033ff, 0xffff00ff,
0xffcc00ff, 0xff9900ff, 0xff6600ff, 0xff3300ff, 0xff0000ff, 0xffffffcc, 0xffccffcc, 0xff99ffcc,
0xff66ffcc, 0xff33ffcc, 0xff00ffcc, 0xffffcccc, 0xffcccccc, 0xff99cccc, 0xff66cccc, 0xff33cccc,
0xff00cccc, 0xffff99cc, 0xffcc99cc, 0xff9999cc, 0xff6699cc, 0xff3399cc, 0xff0099cc, 0xffff66cc,
0xffcc66cc, 0xff9966cc, 0xff6666cc, 0xff3366cc, 0xff0066cc, 0xffff33cc, 0xffcc33cc, 0xff9933cc,
0xff6633cc, 0xff3333cc, 0xff0033cc, 0xffff00cc, 0xffcc00cc, 0xff9900cc, 0xff6600cc, 0xff3300cc,
0xff0000cc, 0xffffff99, 0xffccff99, 0xff99ff99, 0xff66ff99, 0xff33ff99, 0xff00ff99, 0xffffcc99,
0xffcccc99, 0xff99cc99, 0xff66cc99, 0xff33cc99, 0xff00cc99, 0xffff9999, 0xffcc9999, 0xff999999,
0xff669999, 0xff339999, 0xff009999, 0xffff6699, 0xffcc6699, 0xff996699, 0xff666699, 0xff336699,
0xff006699, 0xffff3399, 0xffcc3399, 0xff993399, 0xff663399, 0xff333399, 0xff003399, 0xffff0099,
0xffcc0099, 0xff990099, 0xff660099, 0xff330099, 0xff000099, 0xffffff66, 0xffccff66, 0xff99ff66,
0xff66ff66, 0xff33ff66, 0xff00ff66, 0xffffcc66, 0xffcccc66, 0xff99cc66, 0xff66cc66, 0xff33cc66,
0xff00cc66, 0xffff9966, 0xffcc9966, 0xff999966, 0xff669966, 0xff339966, 0xff009966, 0xffff6666,
0xffcc6666, 0xff996666, 0xff666666, 0xff336666, 0xff006666, 0xffff3366, 0xffcc3366, 0xff993366,
0xff663366, 0xff333366, 0xff003366, 0xffff0066, 0xffcc0066, 0xff990066, 0xff660066, 0xff330066,
0xff000066, 0xffffff33, 0xffccff33, 0xff99ff33, 0xff66ff33, 0xff33ff33, 0xff00ff33, 0xffffcc33,
0xffcccc33, 0xff99cc33, 0xff66cc33, 0xff33cc33, 0xff00cc33, 0xffff9933, 0xffcc9933, 0xff999933,
0xff669933, 0xff339933, 0xff009933, 0xffff6633, 0xffcc6633, 0xff996633, 0xff666633, 0xff336633,
0xff006633, 0xffff3333, 0xffcc3333, 0xff993333, 0xff663333, 0xff333333, 0xff003333, 0xffff0033,
0xffcc0033, 0xff990033, 0xff660033, 0xff330033, 0xff000033, 0xffffff00, 0xffccff00, 0xff99ff00,
0xff66ff00, 0xff33ff00, 0xff00ff00, 0xffffcc00, 0xffcccc00, 0xff99cc00, 0xff66cc00, 0xff33cc00,
0xff00cc00, 0xffff9900, 0xffcc9900, 0xff999900, 0xff669900, 0xff339900, 0xff009900, 0xffff6600,
0xffcc6600, 0xff996600, 0xff666600, 0xff336600, 0xff006600, 0xffff3300, 0xffcc3300, 0xff993300,
0xff663300, 0xff333300, 0xff003300, 0xffff0000, 0xffcc0000, 0xff990000, 0xff660000, 0xff330000,
0xff0000ee, 0xff0000dd, 0xff0000bb, 0xff0000aa, 0xff000088, 0xff000077, 0xff000055, 0xff000044,
0xff000022, 0xff000011, 0xff00ee00, 0xff00dd00, 0xff00bb00, 0xff00aa00, 0xff008800, 0xff007700,
0xff005500, 0xff004400, 0xff002200, 0xff001100, 0xffee0000, 0xffdd0000, 0xffbb0000, 0xffaa0000,
0xff880000, 0xff770000, 0xff550000, 0xff440000, 0xff220000, 0xff110000, 0xffeeeeee, 0xffdddddd,
0xffbbbbbb, 0xffaaaaaa, 0xff888888, 0xff777777, 0xff555555, 0xff444444, 0xff222222, 0xff111111
Error load_vox(const String &fpath, Data &data) {
Error err;
FileAccessRef f = FileAccess::open(fpath, FileAccess::READ, &err);
if (f == nullptr) {
return err;
char magic[5] = { 0 };
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->get_buffer((uint8_t *)magic, 4) != 4, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(strcmp(magic, "VOX ") != 0, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
const uint32_t version = f->get_32();
data.size = Vector3i();
data.has_palette = false;
const size_t flen = f->get_len();
while (f->get_position() < flen) {
char chunk_id[5] = { 0 };
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->get_buffer((uint8_t *)chunk_id, 4) != 4, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
const uint32_t chunk_size = f->get_32();
f->get_32(); // child_chunks_size
if (strcmp(chunk_id, "SIZE") == 0) {
data.size.x = f->get_32();
data.size.y = f->get_32();
data.size.z = f->get_32();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data.size.x > 0xff, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data.size.y > 0xff, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data.size.z > 0xff, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
} else if (strcmp(chunk_id, "XYZI") == 0) {
data.color_indexes.resize(data.size.x * data.size.y * data.size.z, 0);
const uint32_t num_voxels = f->get_32();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_voxels; ++i) {
const uint32_t z = f->get_8();
const uint32_t x = f->get_8();
const uint32_t y = f->get_8();
const uint32_t c = f->get_8();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(x >= static_cast<uint32_t>(data.size.x), ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(y >= static_cast<uint32_t>(data.size.y), ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(z >= static_cast<uint32_t>(data.size.z), ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
data.color_indexes[Vector3i(x, y, z).get_zxy_index(data.size)] = c;
} else if (strcmp(chunk_id, "RGBA") == 0) {
data.palette[0] = Color8{ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
data.has_palette = true;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < data.palette.size(); ++i) {
Color8 c;
c.r = f->get_8();
c.g = f->get_8();
c.b = f->get_8();
c.a = f->get_8();
data.palette[i] = c;
} else {
// Ignore chunk
f->seek(f->get_position() + chunk_size);
return OK;
} // namespace vox
#include "vox_data.h"
Error VoxelVoxLoader::load_from_file(String fpath, Ref<VoxelBuffer> voxels, Ref<VoxelColorPalette> palette) {
const Error err = vox::load_vox(fpath, _data);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, err);
vox::Data data;
Error load_err = data.load_from_file(fpath);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(load_err != OK, load_err);
const vox::Model &model = data.get_model(0);
const VoxelBuffer::ChannelId channel = VoxelBuffer::CHANNEL_COLOR;
const Span<Color8> src_palette =
_data.has_palette ?
Span<Color8>(_data.palette) :
Span<Color8>(reinterpret_cast<Color8 *>(vox::g_default_palette), 0, vox::PALETTE_SIZE);
Span<const Color8> src_palette = to_span_const(data.get_palette());
const VoxelBuffer::Depth depth = voxels->get_channel_depth(VoxelBuffer::CHANNEL_COLOR);
Span<uint8_t> dst_raw;
CRASH_COND(!voxels->get_channel_raw(channel, dst_raw));
if (palette.is_valid() && _data.has_palette) {
if (palette.is_valid()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < src_palette.size(); ++i) {
palette->set_color8(i, src_palette[i]);
switch (depth) {
case VoxelBuffer::DEPTH_8_BIT: {
memcpy(,, _data.color_indexes.size());
memcpy(,, model.color_indexes.size());
} break;
case VoxelBuffer::DEPTH_16_BIT: {
Span<uint16_t> dst = dst_raw.reinterpret_cast_to<uint16_t>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < dst.size(); ++i) {
dst[i] = _data.color_indexes[i];
dst[i] = model.color_indexes[i];
} break;
@ -163,7 +47,7 @@ Error VoxelVoxLoader::load_from_file(String fpath, Ref<VoxelBuffer> voxels, Ref<
switch (depth) {
case VoxelBuffer::DEPTH_8_BIT: {
for (size_t i = 0; i < dst_raw.size(); ++i) {
const uint8_t ci = _data.color_indexes[i];
const uint8_t ci = model.color_indexes[i];
dst_raw[i] = src_palette[ci].to_u8();
} break;
@ -171,7 +55,7 @@ Error VoxelVoxLoader::load_from_file(String fpath, Ref<VoxelBuffer> voxels, Ref<
case VoxelBuffer::DEPTH_16_BIT: {
Span<uint16_t> dst = dst_raw.reinterpret_cast_to<uint16_t>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < dst.size(); ++i) {
const uint8_t ci = _data.color_indexes[i];
const uint8_t ci = model.color_indexes[i];
dst[i] = src_palette[ci].to_u16();
} break;
@ -182,7 +66,7 @@ Error VoxelVoxLoader::load_from_file(String fpath, Ref<VoxelBuffer> voxels, Ref<
return err;
return load_err;
void VoxelVoxLoader::_bind_methods() {

View File

@ -1,25 +1,10 @@
#ifndef VOX_LOADER_H
#define VOX_LOADER_H
#include "../meshers/cubes/voxel_color_palette.h"
#include "../util/math/vector3i.h"
#include <vector>
#include <core/reference.h>
class VoxelBuffer;
namespace vox {
struct Data {
Vector3i size;
std::vector<uint8_t> color_indexes;
FixedArray<Color8, 256> palette;
bool has_palette;
// TODO Eventually, will need specialized loaders, because data structures may vary and memory shouldn't be wasted
Error load_vox(const String &fpath, Data &data);
} // namespace vox
class VoxelColorPalette;
// Simple loader for MagicaVoxel
class VoxelVoxLoader : public Reference {
@ -32,8 +17,6 @@ public:
static void _bind_methods();
vox::Data _data;
#endif // VOX_LOADER_H