Added function in mesher to create collision mesh

This commit is contained in:
Nathan 2020-05-06 14:42:46 -07:00
parent e045c0f350
commit 89691f6ece
3 changed files with 327 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -47,6 +47,285 @@ inline bool contributes_to_ao(const VoxelLibrary &lib, int voxel_id) {
} // namespace
template <typename Type_T>
static void generate_collision_surface(
VoxelMesherBlocky::Arrays &arrays,
const ArraySlice<Type_T> type_buffer,
const Vector3i block_size,
const VoxelLibrary &library,
bool bake_occlusion, float baked_occlusion_darkness) {
// Build lookup tables so to speed up voxel access.
// These are values to add to an address in order to get given neighbor.
int row_size = block_size.y;
int deck_size = block_size.x * row_size;
// Data must be padded, hence the off-by-one
Vector3i min = Vector3i(VoxelMesherBlocky::PADDING);
Vector3i max = block_size - Vector3i(VoxelMesherBlocky::PADDING);
int index_offsets[VoxelMesherBlocky::MAX_MATERIALS] = { 0 };
FixedArray<int, Cube::SIDE_COUNT> side_neighbor_lut;
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT] = row_size;
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT] = -row_size;
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] = -deck_size;
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] = deck_size;
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] = -1;
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] = 1;
FixedArray<int, Cube::EDGE_COUNT> edge_neighbor_lut;
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BOTTOM_BACK] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK];
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BOTTOM_FRONT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT];
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BOTTOM_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BOTTOM_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BACK_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BACK_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_FRONT_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_FRONT_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_TOP_BACK] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK];
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_TOP_FRONT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT];
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_TOP_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];
edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_TOP_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];
FixedArray<int, Cube::CORNER_COUNT> corner_neighbor_lut;
corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_BOTTOM_BACK_LEFT] =
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] +
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] +
corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_BOTTOM_BACK_RIGHT] =
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] +
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] +
corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_BOTTOM_FRONT_RIGHT] =
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] +
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] +
corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_BOTTOM_FRONT_LEFT] =
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] +
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] +
corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_TOP_BACK_LEFT] =
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] +
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] +
corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_TOP_BACK_RIGHT] =
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] +
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] +
corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_TOP_FRONT_RIGHT] =
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] +
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] +
corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_TOP_FRONT_LEFT] =
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] +
side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] +
//uint64_t time_prep = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - time_before;
//time_before = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();
for (unsigned int z = min.z; z < (unsigned int)max.z; ++z) {
for (unsigned int x = min.x; x < (unsigned int)max.x; ++x) {
for (unsigned int y = min.y; y < (unsigned int)max.y; ++y) {
// min and max are chosen such that you can visit 1 neighbor away from the current voxel without size check
const int voxel_index = y + x * row_size + z * deck_size;
const int voxel_id = type_buffer[voxel_index];
if (voxel_id != 0 && library.has_voxel(voxel_id)) {
const Voxel &voxel = library.get_voxel_const(voxel_id);
int &index_offset = index_offsets[voxel.get_material_id()];
// Hybrid approach: extract cube faces and decimate those that aren't visible,
// and still allow voxels to have geometry that is not a cube
// Sides
for (unsigned int side = 0; side < Cube::SIDE_COUNT; ++side) {
const std::vector<Vector3> &side_positions = voxel.get_model_side_positions(side);
const unsigned int vertex_count = side_positions.size();
if (vertex_count == 0) {
const int neighbor_voxel_id = type_buffer[voxel_index + side_neighbor_lut[side]];
if (!is_face_visible(library, voxel, neighbor_voxel_id, side)) {
// The face is visible
int shaded_corner[8] = { 0 };
if (bake_occlusion) {
// Combinatory solution for
// (inverted)
// function vertexAO(side1, side2, corner) {
// if(side1 && side2) {
// return 0
// }
// return 3 - (side1 + side2 + corner)
// }
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
const unsigned int edge = Cube::g_side_edges[side][j];
const int edge_neighbor_id = type_buffer[voxel_index + edge_neighbor_lut[edge]];
if (contributes_to_ao(library, edge_neighbor_id)) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
const unsigned int corner = Cube::g_side_corners[side][j];
if (shaded_corner[corner] == 2) {
shaded_corner[corner] = 3;
} else {
const int corner_neigbor_id = type_buffer[voxel_index + corner_neighbor_lut[corner]];
if (contributes_to_ao(library, corner_neigbor_id)) {
const std::vector<Vector2> &side_uvs = voxel.get_model_side_uv(side);
// Subtracting 1 because the data is padded
Vector3 pos(x - 1, y - 1, z - 1);
// Append vertices of the faces in one go, don't use push_back
const int append_index = arrays.positions.size();
arrays.positions.resize(arrays.positions.size() + vertex_count);
Vector3 *w = + append_index;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
w[i] = side_positions[i] + pos;
const int append_index = arrays.uvs.size();
arrays.uvs.resize(arrays.uvs.size() + vertex_count);
memcpy( + append_index,, vertex_count * sizeof(Vector2));
const int append_index = arrays.normals.size();
arrays.normals.resize(arrays.normals.size() + vertex_count);
Vector3 *w = + append_index;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
w[i] = Cube::g_side_normals[side].to_vec3();
const int append_index = arrays.colors.size();
arrays.colors.resize(arrays.colors.size() + vertex_count);
Color *w = + append_index;
const Color modulate_color = voxel.get_color();
if (bake_occlusion) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
Vector3 v = side_positions[i];
// General purpose occlusion colouring.
// TODO Optimize for cubes
// TODO Fix occlusion inconsistency caused by triangles orientation? Not sure if worth it
float shade = 0;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
unsigned int corner = Cube::g_side_corners[side][j];
if (shaded_corner[corner]) {
float s = baked_occlusion_darkness * static_cast<float>(shaded_corner[corner]);
//float k = 1.f - Cube::g_corner_position[corner].distance_to(v);
float k = 1.f - Cube::g_corner_position[corner].distance_squared_to(v);
if (k < 0.0) {
k = 0.0;
s *= k;
if (s > shade) {
shade = s;
const float gs = 1.0 - shade;
w[i] = Color(gs, gs, gs) * modulate_color;
} else {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
w[i] = modulate_color;
const std::vector<int> &side_indices = voxel.get_model_side_indices(side);
const unsigned int index_count = side_indices.size();
int i = arrays.indices.size();
arrays.indices.resize(arrays.indices.size() + index_count);
int *w =;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < index_count; ++j) {
w[i++] = index_offset + side_indices[j];
index_offset += vertex_count;
// Inside
if (voxel.get_model_positions().size() != 0) {
// TODO Get rid of push_backs
const std::vector<Vector3> &positions = voxel.get_model_positions();
unsigned int vertex_count = positions.size();
const Color modulate_color = voxel.get_color();
const std::vector<Vector3> &normals = voxel.get_model_normals();
const std::vector<Vector2> &uvs = voxel.get_model_uv();
Vector3 pos(x - 1, y - 1, z - 1);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
arrays.positions.push_back(positions[i] + pos);
// TODO handle ambient occlusion on inner parts
const std::vector<int> &indices = voxel.get_model_indices();
unsigned int index_count = indices.size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < index_count; ++i) {
arrays.indices.push_back(index_offset + indices[i]);
index_offset += vertex_count;
template <typename Type_T>
static void generate_blocky_mesh(
FixedArray<VoxelMesherBlocky::Arrays, VoxelMesherBlocky::MAX_MATERIALS> &out_arrays_per_material,
@ -427,16 +706,22 @@ void VoxelMesherBlocky::build(VoxelMesher::Output &output, const VoxelMesher::In
const Vector3i block_size = voxels.get_size();
const VoxelBuffer::Depth channel_depth = voxels.get_channel_depth(channel);
Arrays collision_arrays;
switch (channel_depth) {
case VoxelBuffer::DEPTH_8_BIT:
generate_blocky_mesh(_arrays_per_material, raw_channel,
block_size, library, _bake_occlusion, baked_occlusion_darkness);
generate_collision_surface(collision_arrays, raw_channel,
block_size, library, _bake_occlusion, baked_occlusion_darkness);
case VoxelBuffer::DEPTH_16_BIT:
generate_blocky_mesh(_arrays_per_material, raw_channel.reinterpret_cast_to<uint16_t>(),
block_size, library, _bake_occlusion, baked_occlusion_darkness);
generate_collision_surface(collision_arrays, raw_channel.reinterpret_cast_to<uint16_t>(),
block_size, library, _bake_occlusion, baked_occlusion_darkness);
@ -482,6 +767,39 @@ void VoxelMesherBlocky::build(VoxelMesher::Output &output, const VoxelMesher::In
//create the collision surface
if (collision_arrays.positions.size() != 0) {
Array collision_surface;
PoolVector<Vector3> positions;
PoolVector<Vector2> uvs;
PoolVector<Vector3> normals;
PoolVector<Color> colors;
PoolVector<int> indices;
raw_copy_to(positions, collision_arrays.positions);
raw_copy_to(uvs, collision_arrays.uvs);
raw_copy_to(normals, collision_arrays.normals);
raw_copy_to(colors, collision_arrays.colors);
raw_copy_to(indices, collision_arrays.indices);
collision_surface[Mesh::ARRAY_VERTEX] = positions;
collision_surface[Mesh::ARRAY_TEX_UV] = uvs;
collision_surface[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL] = normals;
collision_surface[Mesh::ARRAY_COLOR] = colors;
collision_surface[Mesh::ARRAY_INDEX] = indices;
output.collision_surface = collision_surface;
} else {
// Empty
output.collision_surface = Array();
output.primitive_type = Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES;

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ public:
struct Output {
// Each surface correspond to a different material
Vector<Array> surfaces;
Array collision_surface;
FixedArray<Vector<Array>, Cube::SIDE_COUNT> transition_surfaces;
Mesh::PrimitiveType primitive_type = Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES;
unsigned int compression_flags = Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT;

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@ -1007,10 +1007,13 @@ void VoxelTerrain::_process() {
// TODO Allow multiple collision surfaces
Vector<Array> collidable_surfaces;
Array collidable_surface = Array();
int surface_index = 0;
const VoxelMeshUpdater::OutputBlockData &data =;
if (!data.blocky_surfaces.collision_surface.empty()) {
collidable_surface = data.blocky_surfaces.collision_surface;
for (int i = 0; i < data.blocky_surfaces.surfaces.size(); ++i) {
Array surface = data.blocky_surfaces.surfaces[i];
@ -1023,13 +1026,14 @@ void VoxelTerrain::_process() {
mesh->add_surface_from_arrays(data.blocky_surfaces.primitive_type, surface, Array(), data.blocky_surfaces.compression_flags);
mesh->surface_set_material(surface_index, _materials[i]);
/*if (!data.smooth_surfaces.collision_surface.empty()) {
collidable_surface = data.smooth_surfaces.collision_surface;
for (int i = 0; i < data.smooth_surfaces.surfaces.size(); ++i) {
Array surface = data.smooth_surfaces.surfaces[i];
@ -1042,8 +1046,6 @@ void VoxelTerrain::_process() {
mesh->add_surface_from_arrays(data.smooth_surfaces.primitive_type, surface, Array(), data.smooth_surfaces.compression_flags);
mesh->surface_set_material(surface_index, _materials[i]);
@ -1053,7 +1055,7 @@ void VoxelTerrain::_process() {
mesh = Ref<Mesh>();
block->set_mesh(mesh, this, _generate_collisions, collidable_surfaces, get_tree()->is_debugging_collisions_hint());
block->set_mesh(mesh, this, _generate_collisions, collidable_surface, get_tree()->is_debugging_collisions_hint());