Optimize LOD propagation a bit

Marc Gilleron 2019-09-07 22:59:09 +01:00
parent b687909806
commit 1680516ea0
1 changed files with 59 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -1164,95 +1164,80 @@ void VoxelLodTerrain::_process() {
void VoxelLodTerrain::flush_pending_lod_edits() {
// Propagates edits performed so far to other LODs.
// These LODs must be currently in memory, otherwise terrain data will miss it.
// This is currently ensured by the fact we load blocks in a "pyramidal" way,
// i.e there is no way for a block to be loaded if its parent LOD isn't loaded already.
// In the future we may implement storing of edits to be applied later if blocks can't be found.
//ProfilingClock profiling_clock;
// Only LOD0 is editable at the moment, so we'll downscale from there
Lod &lod0 = _lods[0];
for (int i = 0; i < lod0.blocks_pending_lodding.size(); ++i) {
Vector3i block_pos_lod0 = lod0.blocks_pending_lodding[i];
Vector3i bpos = block_pos_lod0;
int half_bs = get_block_size() >> 1;
VoxelBlock *prev_block = nullptr;
// TODO Optimize this with a second pass, some blocks will be updated multiple times
for (int lod_index = 0; lod_index < _lod_count; ++lod_index) {
Lod &lod = _lods[lod_index];
VoxelBlock *block = lod.map->get_block(bpos);
// The block and its lower LODs are expected to be available.
// Otherwise it means the function was called too lat
CRASH_COND(block == nullptr);
// {
// Rect3i dbox = Rect3i::from_center_extents(bpos, Vector3i(4, 4, 4));
// Vector3i min_pos = dbox.pos;
// Vector3i max_pos = dbox.pos + dbox.size;
// Vector3i pos(0, bpos.y, 0);
// String s;
// for (pos.z = min_pos.z; pos.z < max_pos.z; ++pos.z) {
// for (pos.x = min_pos.x; pos.x < max_pos.x; ++pos.x) {
// if (pos == bpos) {
// if (lod.map->has_block(pos)) {
// s += "X ";
// } else {
// s += "x ";
// }
// } else {
// if (lod.map->has_block(pos)) {
// s += "O ";
// } else {
// s += "- ";
// }
// }
// }
// s += "\n";
// }
// print_line(s);
// }
struct L {
static inline void schedule_update(VoxelBlock *block, std::vector<Vector3i> &blocks_pending_update) {
if (block->get_mesh_state() != VoxelBlock::MESH_UPDATE_NOT_SENT) {
if (block->is_visible()) {
// Schedule an update
} else {
// Just mark it as needing update, so the visibility system will schedule its update when needed
if (lod_index != 0) {
Vector3i rel = prev_block->position - (bpos << 1);
// Update lower LOD
// This must always be done after an edit before it gets saved, otherwise LODs won't match and it will look ugly.
VoxelBuffer *voxels = *block->voxels;
CRASH_COND(voxels == nullptr);
// TODO Try to narrow to edited region instead of taking whole block
prev_block->voxels->downscale_to(*voxels, Vector3i(), prev_block->voxels->get_size(), rel * half_bs);
// Ref<Image> im = block->voxels->debug_print_sdf_to_image_top_down();
// im->resize(im->get_width() * 4, im->get_height() * 4, Image::INTERPOLATE_NEAREST);
// im->save_png(String("vb_op{0}_lod{1}_block{2}.{3}.{4}.png")
// .format(varray(i, lod_index, bpos.x, bpos.y, bpos.z)));
prev_block = block;
bpos = bpos >> 1;
// Make sure LOD0 gets updates even if _lod_count is 1
Lod &lod0 = _lods[0];
for (int i = 0; i < lod0.blocks_pending_lodding.size(); ++i) {
Vector3i bpos = lod0.blocks_pending_lodding[i];
VoxelBlock *block = lod0.map->get_block(bpos);
L::schedule_update(block, lod0.blocks_pending_update);
int half_bs = get_block_size() >> 1;
// Process downscales upwards in pairs of consecutive LODs.
// This ensures we don't process multiple times the same blocks.
// Only LOD0 is editable at the moment, so we'll downscale from there
for (int dst_lod_index = 1; dst_lod_index < _lod_count; ++dst_lod_index) {
Lod &src_lod = _lods[dst_lod_index - 1];
Lod &dst_lod = _lods[dst_lod_index];
for (int i = 0; i < src_lod.blocks_pending_lodding.size(); ++i) {
Vector3i src_bpos = src_lod.blocks_pending_lodding[i];
Vector3i dst_bpos = src_bpos >> 1;
VoxelBlock *src_block = src_lod.map->get_block(src_bpos);
VoxelBlock *dst_block = dst_lod.map->get_block(dst_bpos);
// The block and its lower LODs are expected to be available.
// Otherwise it means the function was called too late
CRASH_COND(src_block == nullptr);
CRASH_COND(dst_block == nullptr);
L::schedule_update(dst_block, dst_lod.blocks_pending_update);
if (dst_lod_index != _lod_count - 1 && !dst_block->get_needs_lodding()) {
Vector3i rel = src_bpos - (dst_bpos << 1);
// Update lower LOD
// This must always be done after an edit before it gets saved, otherwise LODs won't match and it will look ugly.
// TODO Try to narrow to edited region instead of taking whole block
src_block->voxels->downscale_to(**dst_block->voxels, Vector3i(), src_block->voxels->get_size(), rel * half_bs);
// uint64_t time_spent = profiling_clock.restart();
// if (time_spent > 10) {