The collision is built along with the mesh. So any blocks that have already been built will not be affected by the setting unless they are regenerated.
VoxelBoxMover has a function that can test AABB collision. The code below shows how to use it, but see the [blocky demo]( for the full code.
var box_mover =
var aabb = AABB(Vector3(-0.4, -0.9, -0.4), Vector3(0.8, 1.8, 0.8))
You may want to use raycasts when collision has not been enabled. For instance picking the terrain with the mouse cursor. `VoxelTerrain` supports a rudimentary raycast. `VoxelLODTerrain` does not.
Returned values are blocky, integer grid positions, while physics based raycasting will return fine-grained floating point positions.