Dhruv Kanojia (Xonshiz) 2bbc1de6a1
Merge pull request #316 from darodi/improve_ignores
improve ignores
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Comic-dl is a command line tool to download Comics and Manga from various Manga and Comic sites easily. You can search Manga from this tool as well. Idea from youtube-dl.

If you're looking for an application, or a UI for this, please move to : CoManga

Don't overuse this script. Support the developers of those websites by disabling your adblock on their site. Advertisments pay for the website servers.

Searching and downloading that manga is supported via MangaEden's API : http://www.mangaeden.com/api/

Table of Content

Supported Websites

You can check the list of supported websites HERE.

Dependencies Installation

This script can run on multiple Operating Systems. You need Node.js in your system's path for this script to work (You need this on each and every Operating System, even on WINDOWS :/). Download the Node.Js from Node.js official website. Doesn't matter which operating system you're on, this is a must. Follow the instructions mentioned below, according to your OS.

Linux/Debian :

Since most (if not all) Linux/Debian OS come with python pre-installed, you don't have to install python manually. Make sure you're using python >= 2.7.x though.

We need pip to install any external dependency(ies). So, open any terminal and type in pip list and if it shows some data, then it is fine. But, if it shows error, like pip not found or something along this line, then you need to install pip. Just type this command in terminal :

sudo apt-get install python-pip

If you're on Fedora, CentOS/RHEL, openSUSE, Arch Linux, then you simply need to follow THIS TUTORIAL to install pip.

If this still doesn't work, then you'll manually need to install pip. Doing so is an easy one time job and you can follow THIS TUTORIAL to do so.

Windows :

If you're on windows, then it is recommended to download the windows binary for this script. If you use the windows binary, you don't need to install anything, except Node.js. But, if for some weird reason you want to use Python script instead, then follow these steps :

  • Install Python > 2.7.6. Download the desired installer from here.
  • Add it in the system path (if not already added).
  • If you're using python >2.7.9, you don't need to install PIP. However, if you don't have pip installed and added in windows path, then do so by following this little tutorial.
  • Download this text file and put it in some directory/folder.
  • Open Command Prompt and browse to the directory where you downloaded your requiremenets.txt file and run this command :
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • It should install the required external libraries.

Now, install Node.Js as well and make sure it's in your path.

Well, if everything came up good without any error(s), then you're good to go!

Mac OS X :

Mac OS X users will have to fetch their version of Python and Pip.

After downloading and installing these, you need to add PIP & Python in your path. Follow THIS LITTLE GUIDE to install both, Python & pip successfully.


After installing and setting up all the dependencies in your Operating System, you're good to go and use this script. The instructions for all the OS would remain same. Download THIS REPOSITORY and put it somewhere in your system. Move over to the comic_dl folder.

Windows users, it's better to not place it places where it requires administrator privileges. Good example would be C:\Windows. This goes for both, the Python script and the windows binary file (.exe).

Linux/Debian users make sure that this script is executable.just run this command, if you run into problem(s) :

chmod +x cli.py

and then, execute with this :



With docker, you can get the whole dependencies enclosed in a container and use the comic_dl from your system.

You need an up and running Docker client running, follow the Docker Documentation.

Docker images are available here

Define a handy alias on your system with some docker tricks. This mounts the local directory under /directory in the container. This works on *NIX systems, and also under Windows Linux subsystem.

You can change the value of PGID and PUID with the value for the user needed in your download directory.

alias comic_dl="docker run -it --rm -e PGID=$(id -g) -e PUID=$(id -u) -v $(pwd):/directory:rw -w /directory ghcr.io/xonshiz/comic-dl:latest comic_dl -dd /directory"

Run it on your system. This actually starts a container on request and stop&delete it when finished.

usage: comicdl [-h] [--version] [-s SORTING] [-a] [-c]
               [-dd DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY] [-rn RANGE] [--convert CONVERT]
               [--keep KEEP] [--quality QUALITY] [-i INPUT] [--comic]
               [-comic-search SEARCH_COMIC] [-comic-info COMIC_INFO]
               [--update UPDATE] [--print-index] [-find SEARCH]
               [-ml MANGA_LANGUAGE] [-sc SKIP_CACHE] [-cid CHAPTER_ID]
               [-pid PAGE_ID] [-fd] [-p PASSWORD] [-u USERNAME] [-v]

Python Support

This script supports python 3. You can run this on python 2 as well, as long as you have all the dependencies installed.

Windows Binary

It is recommended that windows users use this binary to save both, your head and time from installing all the dependencies.

You need to download and install Node.js and make sure it is in your Windows path (watch out for the tick box during install).

If you already have it, then you can download this binary and start using the script right off the bat :

NOTE: This is a COMMAND LINE TOOL and will NOT work when you double click it. So, download this .exe file and put it in some folder (Not in windows or some other restricted folder) and then hold down SHIFT KEY and right click anywhere on the screen and select "Open Command Window here". It'll open a CMD window for you. Now, you need to execute it and pass arguments to it like:

comic_dl.exe -i "https://readcomicsonline.ru/comic/irredeemable-omnibus-2012"

Read which argument does what in List of Arguments section.

List of Arguments

Currently, the script supports these arguments :

-h, --help                             Prints the basic help menu of the script and exits.
-i,--input                             Defines the input link to the comic/manga.
--print-index                          Prints the range index for links in the input URL
-V,--version                           Prints the VERSION and exits.
-u,--username                          Indicates username for a website.
-p,--password                          Indicates password for a website.
-v,--verbose                           Enables Verbose logging.
--sorting							   Sorts the download order.(VALUES = asc, ascending,old,new,desc,descending,latest,new)
-a, --auto                             Download new chapters automatically (needs config file!)
-c, --config                           Generates config file for autodownload function
-dd,--download-directory               Specifies custom download location for the comics/manga.
-rn,--range                            Selects the range of Chapters to download (Default = All) [ Ex : --range 1-10 (This will download first 10 episodes of a series)]
--convert						       Tells the script to convert the downloaded Images to PDF or anything else. (Supported Values : pdf, cbz) (Default : No) [By default, script will not convert anything.]
--keep   							   Tells the script whether to keep the files after conversion or not. (Supported : No, False) (Default : Yes/True) [By default, images will be kept even after conversion.]
--quality   						   Tells the script about the image quality you want to download. (Supported Values : low/bad/worst/mobile/cancer) [By default, images will be downloaded in Highest Quality Available. No need to provide any option.]
-find, --search                        Searches for a manga through the Manga Eden Database.
-ml, --manga-language                  Selects the language for manga. 0 is English (Default) and 1 is Italian.
-sc, --skip-cache                      Forces to skip cache checking.
-cid, --chapter-id                     Takes the Chapter ID to list all the chapters in a Manga.
-fd, --force-download                  Forces download of chapters, when using comic-dl's search function.
-pid, --page-id                        Takes the Page ID to download a particular "chapter number" of a manga.
--comic                                Add this after -i if you are inputting a comic id or the EXACT comic name.
                                       [ Ex : -i "Deadpool Classic" --comic ]
-comic-search, --search-comic          Searches for a comic through the scraped data from ReadComicOnline.li
                                       [ Ex : -comic-search "Deadpool" ]
-comic-info, --comic-info              Lists all the information about the given comic (argument can be either comic id or the exact comic name).
                                       [ Ex : -comic-info "Deadpool Classic" ] or [ Ex : -comic-info 3865 ]
--update                               Updates the comic database for the given argument.
                                       [ Ex: --update "Deadpool Classic" ] or [ Ex: --update "https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Deadpool-Classic" ]
-cookie, --cookie                      Passes a cookie to be used throughout the session.

Language Codes:

These codes correspond to the languages. So, just pass in these language codes, to download Manga/Comic in that language (only supported by few sites).

Language Code --> Language

0 --> English
1 --> Italian
2 --> Spanish
3 --> French
4 --> German
5 --> Portuguese
6 --> Turkish
7 --> Indonesian
8 --> Greek
9 --> Filipino
10 --> Polish
11 --> Thai
12 --> Malay
13  --> Hungarian
14 --> Romanian
15 -->  Arabic
16 --> Hebrew
17 --> Russian
18 --> Vietnamese
19 --> Dutch
20 --> Bengali
21 --> Persian
22 --> Czech
23 --> Brazilian
24 --> Bulgarian
25 --> Danish
26 --> Esperanto
27 --> Swedish
28 --> Lithuanian
29 --> Other

Note :

1.) Some websites like bato.to don't let you view some pages if you're not logged in. You'll have to create an account and pass the login information to the script via -p and -u arguments.

2.) Since omgbeaupeep is uh... well, you just need to pass the absolute chapter numbers in the range section for that. For eg : Check out Richie Rich. If you want to download first 600 episodes, you would pass : --range 001-600. Just check the URLs for those chapters and pass accordingly.

In the updated of version 2017.12.28, searching is also available. This is a rather confusing approach though, so carefully read this section.

When you search via this tool, you will get the list of Manga and their respective unique IDs, that you will later use to download those Manga. Firstly, you will search for a Manga, it'll show it's unique ID, which you will copy and then pass into the tool again, it will list all the chapters listed in that particular Manga. The tool will then ask whether you want to download all the chapters belonging to that Manga. You can type in "Yes", "Y", "N" or "No" accordingly.

How To Find A Manga:

To search for a Manga, you need to use -find or --search argument followed by Manga Name.

Windows Binary Command : `comic_dl.exe -find "<name_of_manga>"`
Python Command : `__main__.py -find "<name_of_manga>"`

For Example : If we wish to search for "One Piece", we wil use this : comic_dl.exe -find "One Piece"

This will show something like this :

Manga Name  --> Manga ID
One Piece: Wanted! --> 4e70ea60c092255ef7006726
One Piece (Databook) --> 5218b0ef45b9ef8b83731b00
One Piece x Toriko --> 4e70ea75c092255ef7006ee2
One Piece dj - Boukyaku Countdown --> 55a19e2b719a1609004ad1f3
One Piece --> 4e70ea10c092255ef7004aa2
One Piece Party --> 566d9611719a1697dd8cf79a
One Piece dj - Tears Will Surely Turn into Strength --> 55a19e31719a1609004ad1f7
One Piece dj - Lotus Maker --> 55a19e2e719a1609004ad1f5
One Piece dj - Three Days of Extreme Extravagance --> 55a19e34719a1609004ad1f9

As you can see, all the Manga matching the name show up, along with their unique IDs. You need to note these IDs down, if you want to download any of these Manga. Here, for sake of an example, we'll take "One Piece" Manga and its ID is : "4e70ea10c092255ef7004aa2".

Note :

  • When ever you search/find a Manga, comic_dl makes a "Manga_Eden_Data.json" file, which more or less serves as a Cache. It'll always reference the cache file for the next 24 hours. However, if you don't want it to use that cache file, just pass --skip-cache argument along with your command, and it will ignore the cache completely and fetch fresh resources and overwrite the older cache to update it.
  • By default, the tool searches for only Manga translated in English Language. But, if you want to search for Manga translated in Italian, you can pass this argument : --manga-language 1.

Getting List Of Chapters For A Manga:

So, now that you have the Manga's unique ID (mentioned above), you can now use that ID to get list of all the chapters for that Manga, or can even download those chapters directly. So, to list all the chapters of "One Piece", we will pass its ID with the argument --chapter-id. The command will be:

Windows Binary Command : `comic_dl.exe --chapter-id "<unique_id_of_manga>"`
Python Command : `__main__.py --chapter-id "<unique_id_of_manga>"`

Our example command for One Piece would be : comic_dl.exe --chapter-id "4e70ea10c092255ef7004aa2"

This will return all the chapters, along with their unique IDs, which can be later used to download a separate chapter.

Chapter Number --> Chapter ID
761.5 --> 54ad50d045b9ef961eeeda2e
714.5 --> 5552a262719a163d21dc7125
2 --> 4efe1d2ac0922504a300001a
127.5 --> 54ad15c445b9ef961eee798b
4 --> 4efe1d20c092250492000014
379.5 --> 5372485a45b9ef6a97744417
217.5 --> 54ad1f3245b9ef961eee826b


  • If you use this command, it'll just list the chapters and then ask whether you want to download the chapters or not. If you wish to download the chapters without asking, just pass --force-download option along with the main command line. Script will NOT ask you anything. It'll list the chapters and start downloading them.
  • If you wish to download only a few chapters in a range, you can do so by giving the good old --range command. If you pass this argument, the script will not ask you whether you want to download the chapters or not. You will not need --force-download option, if you are using --range already.
  • Sorting is NOT supported in this, yet. YET!

Download A Chapter:

You can download all the chapters of a Manga, as stated in the previous step. But, if you wish to download a particular chapter, then you need to get the unique ID of the chapter (mentioned above) and then download that chapter separately. You need to use --page-id "<unique_id_of_chapter>" argument.

Windows Binary Command : `comic_dl.exe --page-id "<unique_id_of_chapter>"`
Python Command : `__main__.py --page-id "<unique_id_of_chapter>"`

Our example command for One Piece, chapter 2 would be : comic_dl.exe --page-id "4efe1d2ac0922504a300001a"


  • If you download the chapter separately, you will need to provide the Manga Name and Chapter Number yourself. Because MangaEden's API doesn't list those values in their JSON reply (weird).


With this script, you have to pass arguments in order to be able to download anything. Passing arguments in a script is pretty easy. Since the script is pretty basic, it doesn't have too many arguments. Go check the ARGUMENTS SECTION to know more about which arguments the script offers.

Follow the instructions according to your OS :


After you've saved this script in a directory/folder, you need to open command prompt and browse to that directory and then execute the script. Let's do it step by step :

  • Open the folder where you've downloaded the files of this repository.
  • Hold down the SHIFT key and while holding down the SHIFT key, RIGHT CLICK and select Open Command Prompt Here from the options that show up.
  • Now, in the command prompt, type this :

If you're using the windows binary :

comic_dl.exe -i <URL TO THE COMIC>

If you're using the Python Script :

__main__.py -i <URL TO THE COMIC>

URL can be any URL of the supported websites.


After you've saved this script in a directory/folder, you need to open command prompt and browse to that directory and then execute the script. Let's do it step by step :

  • Open a terminal, Ctrl + Alt + T is the shortcut to do so (if you didn't know).
  • Now, change the current working directory of the terminal to the one where you've downloaded this repository.
  • Now, in the Terminal, type this :

__main__.py -i <URL TO THE COMIC>

URL can be any URL of the supported websites.

Auto Download

You can autodownload the new chapters of your favorite comics by creating a config file in json format.

To generate the config file run the comand below and follow the instructions

python __main__.py --config

or with the binary

comic_dl.exe --config

This commands supports the creation of the config file, the addition and remove of series and the edition of the common download configuration.

Once the config file is generated you can download automatically the new chapters available for your selected comics by running the command bellow. The command will automatically update the config file to the lastest chapter downloaded, so in the next run it'll download just the new ones.

python __main__.py --auto

or with the binary

comic_dl.exe --auto

Note: It's not necesary to keep the comic files to download the next chapters.


This is a very basic and small sript, so at the moment it only have a few features.

  • Downloads a Single Chapter and puts in a directory with the comic name, volume and chapter.
  • Downloads all the chapters available for a series.
  • Skip if the file has already been downloaded.
  • Show human readable error(s) in most places.


You can check the changelog HERE.

Opening An Issue/Requesting A Site

If your're planning to open an issue for the script or ask for a new feature or anything that requires opening an Issue, then please do keep these things in mind.

Reporting Issues

If you're going to report an issue, then please run the script again with the "-v or --verbose" argument. It should generate a file in the same directory, with the name "Error Log.log". Copy that log file's data and post it on a Gist and share that gist's link while reporting the issue here. Make sure you EDIT OUT YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD, if supplied within the command.

If you don't include the verbose log, there are chances it'll take time to fix the issue(s) you're having. Please follow this syntax :

Command You Gave : What was the command that you used to invoke the script?

Expected Behaviour : After giving the above command, what did you expect shoud've happened?

Actual Behaviour : What actually happened?

Link To Gist : As mentioned earlier, post the error log in a gist and share that link here.

P.S : Just attaching a screenshot will NOT tell or anyone else what happened behind the scenes. So, Error Log is mandatory.

Suggesting A Feature

If you're here to make suggestions, please follow the basic syntax to post a request :

Subject : Something that briefly tells us about the feature.

Long Explanation : Describe in details what you want and how you want.

This should be enough, but it'll be great if you can add more ;)


  • Readcomiconline.li has been a pain to work with and it might block you out a lot. Now you can use --cookie parameter to pass a working cookie. You can retrieve the cookie by checking network tab for Cookie value in request headers or by using an external browser plugin. Read more about this on #299.

  • comic.naver.com has korean characters and some OS won't handle those characters. So, instead of naming the file folder with the series name in korean, the script will download and name the folder with the comic's ID instead.

  • Bato.to requires you to "log in" to read some chapters. So, to be on a safe side, provide the username/password combination to the script via "-p" and "-u" arguments.

  • Bato.to also has comics for various languages. You need to pass the language code via "-ml" argument. Read the Language Codes section to find out the language codes.

  • Bato.to only supports custom language downloads in "Batch" mode.

  • URLs with special characters are tricky to work with, because of "Character Encoding". If you wish to download such a comic/manga, you will need to use Python 3 (If on python) and also, you need to set your terminal's character encoding to "utf-8" or "latin-1". #95 is the same issue.


You can always send some money over from this :

Paypal : Donate

Patreon Link : https://www.patreon.com/xonshiz

Any amount is appreciated :)

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