
21 lines
840 B
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
function solveReCAPTCHA (url, sitekey, callback) {
// Here you do some magic with the sitekey provided by cloudscraper
function onCaptcha (options, response, body) {
const captcha = response.captcha;
// solveReCAPTCHA is a method that you should come up with and pass it href and sitekey, in return it will return you a reponse
solveReCAPTCHA(captcha.uri.href, captcha.siteKey, (error, gRes) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-void
if (error) return void captcha.submit(error);
captcha.form['g-recaptcha-response'] = gRes;
const cloudscraper = require('../..').defaults({ onCaptcha });
var uri = process.argv[2];
cloudscraper.get({ uri: uri, headers: { cookie: 'captcha=1' } }).catch(console.warn).then(console.log); // eslint-disable-line promise/catch-or-return