
549 lines
19 KiB

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Copyright (C) 2013 Michael Fogleman
Copyright (C) 2018/2019 Stefano Peris <xenonlab.develop@gmail.com>
Github repository: <https://github.com/XenonLab-Studio/TerraCraft>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import time
from collections import deque
from pyglet.gl import *
from .blocks import *
from .utilities import *
def iter_neighbors(position):
"""Iterate all the positions neighboring this position"""
x, y, z = position
for face in FACES:
dx, dy, dz = face
neighbor = x + dx, y + dy, z + dz
yield neighbor, face
class Sector:
"""A sector is a chunk of the world of the size SECTOR_SIZE in each directions.
It contains the block description of a sector. As it is initially generated.
def __init__(self, position):
self.blocks = {}
"""Location and kind of the blocks in this sector."""
self.visible = set({})
"""Set of visible blocks if we look at this sector alone"""
self.outline = set({})
"""Blocks on the outline of the section"""
self.face_full_cache = set({})
self.position = position
"""Location of this sector."""
self.min_block = [i * SECTOR_SIZE for i in position]
"""Minimum location (included) of block in this section."""
self.max_block = [(i + 1) * SECTOR_SIZE for i in position]
"""Maximum location (excluded) of block in this section."""
def is_face_full(self, direction):
"""Check if one of the face of this section is full of blocks.
The direction is a normalized vector from `FACES`."""
return direction in self.face_full_cache
def contains(self, pos):
"""True if the position `pos` is inside this sector."""
return (self.min_block[0] <= pos[0] < self.max_block[0]
and self.min_block[1] <= pos[1] < self.max_block[1]
and self.min_block[2] <= pos[2] < self.max_block[2])
def contains_y(self, y):
"""True if the horizontal plan `y` is inside this sector."""
return self.min_block[1] <= y < self.max_block[1]
def contains_y_range(self, ymin, ymax):
"""True if the horizontal plan between `ymin` and `ymax` is inside this
return self.min_block[1] <= ymax and ymin <= self.max_block[1]
def blocks_from_face(self, face):
"""Iterate all blocks from a face"""
axis = 0 if face[0] != 0 else (1 if face[1] != 0 else 2)
if face[axis] == -1:
pos = self.min_block[axis]
pos = self.max_block[axis] - 1
for block in self.outline:
if block[axis] == pos:
yield block
def empty(self, pos):
"""Return false if there is no block at this position in this chunk"""
return pos not in self.blocks
def get_block(self, position):
"""Return the block stored at this position of this sector. Else None."""
return self.blocks[position]
def add_block(self, position, block):
"""Add a block to this chunk only if the `position` is part of this chunk."""
if not self.contains(position):
self.blocks[position] = block
if self.exposed(position):
for axis in range(3):
if position[axis] == self.min_block[axis]:
face = [0] * 3
face[axis] = -1
face = tuple(face)
if self.check_face_full(face):
elif position[axis] == self.max_block[axis] - 1:
face = [0] * 3
face[axis] = 1
face = tuple(face)
if self.check_face_full(face):
def check_face_full(self, face):
axis = (face[1] != 0) * 1 + (face[2] != 0) * 2
if face[axis] == -1:
fixed_pos = self.min_block[axis]
fixed_pos = self.max_block[axis] - 1
axis2 = (axis + 1) % 3
axis3 = (axis + 2) % 3
pos = [None] * 3
pos[axis] = fixed_pos
for a2 in range(self.min_block[axis2], self.max_block[axis2]):
for a3 in range(self.min_block[axis3], self.max_block[axis3]):
pos[axis2] = a2
pos[axis3] = a3
block_pos = tuple(pos)
if block_pos not in self.blocks:
return False
return True
def remove_block(self, position):
"""Remove a block from this sector at the `position`.
Returns discarded full faces in case.
del self.blocks[position]
discarded = set({})
# Update the full faces
for face in list(self.face_full_cache):
axis = (face[1] != 0) * 1 + (face[2] != 0) * 2
if face[axis] == -1:
border = self.min_block
x, y, z = self.max_block
border = x - 1, y - 1, z - 1
if position[axis] == border[axis]:
return discarded
def exposed(self, position):
""" Returns False if given `position` is surrounded on all 6 sides by
blocks, True otherwise.
for neighbor, _face in iter_neighbors(position):
if self.empty(neighbor):
return True
return False
def check_neighbors(self, position):
""" Check all blocks surrounding `position` and ensure their visual
state is current. This means hiding blocks that are not exposed and
ensuring that all exposed blocks are shown. Usually used after a block
is added or removed.
for neighbor, _face in iter_neighbors(position):
if self.empty(neighbor):
if self.exposed(neighbor):
if neighbor not in self.visible:
if neighbor in self.visible:
class Model(object):
def __init__(self, batch, group):
self.batch = batch
self.group = group
# Procedural generator
self._generator = None
# Same mapping as `world` but only contains blocks that are shown.
self.shown = {}
# Mapping from position to a pyglet `VertextList` for all shown sections.
self._shown = {}
# Mapping from sector index a list of positions inside that sector.
self.sectors = {}
# Actual set of shown sectors
self.shown_sectors = set({})
# List of sectors requested but not yet received
self.requested = set({})
# Simple function queue implementation. The queue is populated with
# _show_block() and _hide_block() calls
self.queue = deque()
def count_blocks(self):
"""Return the number of blocks in this model"""
return sum([len(s.blocks) for s in self.sectors.values()])
def generator(self):
return self._generator
def generator(self, generator):
assert self._generator is None
self._generator = generator
def on_sector_received(self, chunk):
"""Called when a part of the world is returned.
This is not executed by the main thread. So the result have to be passed
to the main thread.
self._enqueue(self.register_sector, chunk)
# This sleep looks to be needed to reduce the load of the main thread.
# Maybe it also release the GIL and reduce the coupling with the main thread.
def hit_test(self, position, vector, max_distance=NODE_SELECTOR):
""" Line of sight search from current position. If a block is
intersected it is returned, along with the block previously in the line
of sight. If no block is found, return None, None.
position : tuple of len 3
The (x, y, z) position to check visibility from.
vector : tuple of len 3
The line of sight vector.
max_distance : int
How many blocks away to search for a hit.
m = 8
x, y, z = position
dx, dy, dz = vector
previous = None
for _ in range(max_distance * m):
checked_position = normalize((x, y, z))
if checked_position != previous and not self.empty(checked_position):
return checked_position, previous
previous = checked_position
x, y, z = x + dx / m, y + dy / m, z + dz / m
return None, None
def empty(self, position, must_be_loaded=False):
""" Returns True if given `position` does not contain block.
If `must_be_loaded` is True, this returns False if the block is not yet loaded.
sector_pos = sectorize(position)
sector = self.sectors.get(sector_pos, None)
if sector is None:
return not must_be_loaded
return sector.empty(position)
def exposed(self, position):
""" Returns False if given `position` is surrounded on all 6 sides by
blocks, True otherwise.
x, y, z = position
for dx, dy, dz in FACES:
pos = (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)
if self.empty(pos, must_be_loaded=True):
return True
return False
def add_block(self, position, block, immediate=True):
""" Add a block with the given `texture` and `position` to the world.
position : tuple of len 3
The (x, y, z) position of the block to add.
block : Block object
An instance of the Block class.
immediate : bool
Whether or not to draw the block immediately.
sector_pos = sectorize(position)
sector = self.sectors.get(sector_pos, None)
if sector is None:
# Sector not yet loaded
# It would be better to create it
# and then to merge it when the sector is loaded
if position in sector.blocks:
self.remove_block(position, immediate)
sector.add_block(position, block)
self._enqueue(self.update_batch_sector, sector)
def remove_block(self, position, immediate=True):
""" Remove the block at the given `position`.
position : tuple of len 3
The (x, y, z) position of the block to remove.
immediate : bool
Whether or not to immediately remove block from canvas.
sector_pos = sectorize(position)
sector = self.sectors.get(sector_pos)
if sector is None:
# Nothing to do
if position not in sector.blocks:
# Nothing to do
discarded = sector.remove_block(position)
# Removing a block can make a neighbor section visible
if discarded:
x, y, z = sector.position
for dx, dy, dz in discarded:
neighbor_pos = x + dx, y + dy, z + dz
if neighbor_pos in self.sectors:
if neighbor_pos in self.requested:
if neighbor_pos not in self.shown_sectors:
neighbor = self.generator.generate(neighbor_pos)
self._enqueue(self.update_batch_sector, sector)
def get_block(self, position):
"""Return a block from this position.
If no blocks, None is returned.
sector_pos = sectorize(position)
sector = self.sectors.get(sector_pos)
if sector is None:
return None
return sector.blocks.get(position, None)
def update_batch_sector(self, sector):
visible = sector.position in self.shown_sectors
# Clean up previous description
block = self._shown.pop(sector.position, None)
if block:
if visible:
points = len(sector.visible) * 24
vertex_data = []
tex_coords = []
# Merge all the blocks together
for position in sector.visible:
x, y, z = position
vertex_data.extend(cube_vertices(x, y, z, 0.5))
block = sector.get_block(position)
# create vertex list
# FIXME Maybe `add_indexed()` should be used instead
vertex_list = self.batch.add(points, GL_QUADS, self.group,
('v3f/static', vertex_data),
('t2f/static', tex_coords))
self._shown[sector.position] = vertex_list
def register_sector(self, sector):
"""Add a new sector to this world definition.
# Assert if the sector is already there.
# It also could be skipped, or merged together.
assert sector.position not in self.sectors
self.sectors[sector.position] = sector
if sector.position not in self.shown_sectors:
# Update the displayed blocks
self._enqueue(self.update_batch_sector, sector)
# Is sector around have to be loaded too?
x, y, z = sector.position
for face in FACES:
# The sector have to be accessible
if sector.is_face_full(face):
pos = x + face[0], y + face[1], z + face[2]
# Must not be already loaded
if pos in self.sectors:
# Must be shown actually
if pos not in self.shown_sectors:
# Must not be already requested
if pos in self.requested:
# Then request the sector
if self.generator is not None:
def show_sector(self, sector_pos):
""" Ensure all blocks in the given sector that should be shown are
drawn to the canvas.
sector = self.sectors.get(sector_pos, None)
if sector is None:
if sector_pos in self.requested:
# Already requested
# If sectors around not yet loaded
if not self.is_sector_visible(sector_pos):
if self.generator is not None:
# This sector is about to be loaded
self._enqueue(self.update_batch_sector, sector)
def is_sector_visible(self, sector_pos):
"""Check if a sector is visible.
For now only check if no from a sector position.
x, y, z = sector_pos
for dx, dy, dz in FACES:
pos = (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)
neighbor = self.sectors.get(pos, None)
if neighbor is not None:
neighbor_face = (-dx, -dy, -dz)
if not neighbor.is_face_full(neighbor_face):
return True
return False
def hide_sector(self, sector_pos):
""" Ensure all blocks in the given sector that should be hidden are
removed from the canvas.
sector = self.sectors.get(sector_pos, None)
if sector is not None:
self._enqueue(self.update_batch_sector, sector)
def show_only_sectors(self, sector_positions):
""" Update the shown sectors.
Show the ones which are not part of the list, and hide the others.
after_set = set(sector_positions)
before_set = self.shown_sectors
hide = before_set - after_set
# Use a list to respect the order of the sectors
show = [s for s in sector_positions if s not in before_set]
for sector_pos in show:
for sector_pos in hide:
def _enqueue(self, func, *args):
""" Add `func` to the internal queue.
self.queue.append((func, args))
def _dequeue(self):
""" Pop the top function from the internal queue and call it.
func, args = self.queue.popleft()
def process_queue(self):
""" Process the entire queue while taking periodic breaks. This allows
the game loop to run smoothly. The queue contains calls to
_show_block() and _hide_block() so this method should be called if
add_block() or remove_block() was called with immediate=False
start = time.perf_counter()
while self.queue and time.perf_counter() - start < 1.0 / TICKS_PER_SEC:
def process_entire_queue(self):
""" Process the entire queue with no breaks.
while self.queue: