Use blockseed again for the randomizer...

Wuzzy 2019-02-13 03:09:53 +01:00
parent 8f3414495f
commit 4f57871cb9
1 changed files with 12 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -106,20 +106,17 @@ local chaos_mode = minetest.settings:get_bool("tsm_railcorridors_chaos") or fals
-- Random Perlin noise generators
local pr, pr_carts, webperlin_major, webperlin_minor
local pr_inited = false
local function InitRandomizer()
if not pr_inited then
local seed = minetest.get_mapgen_setting("seed")
local function InitRandomizer(seed)
-- Mostly used for corridor gen.
pr = PseudoRandom(seed)
-- Separate randomizer for carts because spawning carts is very timing-dependent
pr_carts = PseudoRandom(seed-654)
-- Used for cobweb generation, both noises have to reach a high value for cobwebs to appear
webperlin_major = PerlinNoise(934, 3, 0.6, 500)
webperlin_minor = PerlinNoise(834, 3, 0.6, 50)
pr_inited = true
-- Checks if the mapgen is allowed to carve through this structure and only sets
@ -967,7 +964,9 @@ end
-- The rail corridor algorithm starts here
minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, blockseed)
-- We re-init the randomizer for every mapblock as we start generating in the middle of each mapblock.
-- We can't use the mapgen seed as this would make the algorithm depending on the order the mapblocks generate.
if minp.y < height_max and maxp.y > height_min and pr:next() < probability_railcaves_in_chunk then
-- Get semi-random height in chunk
local buffer = 5