Add German translation

Wuzzy 2016-11-22 01:32:43 +01:00
parent f9156a16cb
commit 9798eaaf06
3 changed files with 20 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ local magicbeans_w_list = {
S("Eating a running bean will greatly increase your walking speed for 30 seconds. It also cancels out any previous walking speed effects."),
eat, },
{ S("Magic running bean"), S("Magic super speed"), "running", 3, nil, nil, {"speed"},
S("Eating a flying bean will allow you to fly for 30 seconds, after which your flight will apruptly end. Use with caution. It also cancels out any gravity and walking speed effects you have."),
S("Eating a flying bean will allow you to fly for 30 seconds, after which your flight will abruptly end. Use with caution. It also cancels out any gravity and walking speed effects you have."),
S("Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat the bean. To initiate the flight, just jump. You will very slowly rise high in the skies and eventually sink again. Plan your flights carefully as falling down in mid-flight can be very harmful."), },
{ S("Magic beanstalk bean"), nil, "beanstalk", nil, nil, nil, nil,
S("This magic bean will grow into a giant beanstalk when planted. The beanstalk can grop up to a height of about 100 blocks, easily reaching into the clouds."),
S("This magic bean will grow into a giant beanstalk when planted. The beanstalk can grow up to a height of about 100 blocks, easily reaching into the clouds."),
S("Rightclick with it on dirt with grass (or any other block which allows saplings to grow) to plant it, then wait for a short while for the giant beanstalk to appear."),

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@ -11,3 +11,12 @@ Magic super jump = Magischer Supersprung
Magic flying = Magischer Flug
Sam and the Beanstalk = Sam und die Bohnenstange
Climb up a magic beanstalk and touch the clouds. = Klettern Sie eine magische Bohnenstange hoch und greifen Sie nach den Wolken.
Thin clouds are rather unstable, are destroyed by a single punch and can't be collected. You can walk and climb on them with ease, but be careful not to accidentaly fall off. = Dünne Wolken sind recht instabil, sie können mit nur einem Schlag zerstörtert werden und können nicht eingesammelt werden. Sie können Sie mit leichtigkeit erklettern und auf ihnen gehen, aber passen Sie auf, dass Sie nicht aus Versehen herunterfallen.
Leaves from a giant magic beanstalk, a plant which grows high into the sky. It is grown from a magic beanstalk bean. Can you climb to the top? = Blätter einer riesigen magischen Bohnenstange, einer Pflanze, welche in hoch in den Himmel wächst. Sie stammt aus einer magischen Bohnenstangenbohne. Können Sie bis nach ganz oben klettern?
A stem from a giant magic beanstalk, a plant which grows high into the sky. It is grown from a magic beanstalk bean. = Der Stängel einer riesigen magischen Bohnenstange, einer Pflanze, welche in hoch in den Himmel wächst. Sie stammt aus einer magischen Bohnenstangenbohne.
Eating this bean will make your jumps much, much higher for 30 seconds. In fact, you can jump so high that you may hurt yourself when you fall down again. Use with caution. It also cancels any previous jumping effects. = Das Essen dieser Bohne wird Ihre Sprünge 30 Sekunden lang viel höher machen. Tatsächlich springen Sie so hoch, dass Sie sich verletzen könnten, wenn Sie wieder herunterfallen. Mit Vorsicht zu genießen.
Eating a running bean will greatly increase your walking speed for 30 seconds. It also cancels out any previous walking speed effects. = Das Essen einer Rennbohne wird Ihre Laufgeschwindigkeit 30 Sekunden lang stark erhöhen. Sie wird auch alle vorherigen Laufgeschwindigkeitswirkungen abbrechen.
Eating a flying bean will allow you to fly for 30 seconds, after which your flight will abruptly end. Use with caution. It also cancels out any gravity and walking speed effects you have. = Das Essen einer Flugbohne ermöglicht es Ihnen, für 30 Sekunden lang zu fliegen; danach wird der Flug abrupt abbrechen. Benutzen Sie sie mit Vorsicht. Sie bricht außerdem alle besonderen Schwerkrafts- und Laufgeschwindigkeitswirkungen, die Sie eventuell haben, ab.
Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat the bean. To initiate the flight, just jump. You will very slowly rise high in the skies and eventually sink again. Plan your flights carefully as falling down in mid-flight can be very harmful. = Halten Sie sie in der Hand, dann linksklicken Sie, um die Bohne zu essen. Um den Flug zu starten, springen Sie einfach. Sie werden langsam in den Himmel aufsteigen und langsam wieder sinken. Planen Sie Ihre Flüge sorgfältig, da ein Sturz mitten im Flug sehr gefährlich sein kann.
This magic bean will grow into a giant beanstalk when planted. The beanstalk can grow up to a height of about 100 blocks, easily reaching into the clouds. = Aus dieser magischen Bohne wird eine riesige Bohnenstange wachsen, nachdem man sie gepflanzt hat. Die Bohnenstange kann bis zu ca. 100 Blöcke hoch und somit bis in die Wolken wachsen.
Rightclick with it on dirt with grass (or any other block which allows saplings to grow) to plant it, then wait for a short while for the giant beanstalk to appear. = Rechtsklicken Sie damit auf Erde mit Gras (oder einen beliebigen anderen Block, auf denen Setzlinge wachsen können), um sie zu pflanzen. Dann warten Sie einen kurzen Moment, bis die riesige Bohnenstange auftaucht.

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@ -11,3 +11,12 @@ Magic super jump
Magic flying
Sam and the Beanstalk
Climb up a magic beanstalk and touch the clouds.
Thin clouds are rather unstable, are destroyed by a single punch and can't be collected. You can walk and climb on them with ease, but be careful not to accidentaly fall off.
Leaves from a giant magic beanstalk, a plant which grows high into the sky. It is grown from a magic beanstalk bean. Can you climb to the top?
A stem from a giant magic beanstalk, a plant which grows high into the sky. It is grown from a magic beanstalk bean.
Eating this bean will make your jumps much, much higher for 30 seconds. In fact, you can jump so high that you may hurt yourself when you fall down again. Use with caution. It also cancels any previous jumping effects.
Eating a running bean will greatly increase your walking speed for 30 seconds. It also cancels out any previous walking speed effects.
Eating a flying bean will allow you to fly for 30 seconds, after which your flight will abruptly end. Use with caution. It also cancels out any gravity and walking speed effects you have.
Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat the bean. To initiate the flight, just jump. You will very slowly rise high in the skies and eventually sink again. Plan your flights carefully as falling down in mid-flight can be very harmful.
This magic bean will grow into a giant beanstalk when planted. The beanstalk can grow up to a height of about 100 blocks, easily reaching into the clouds.
Rightclick with it on dirt with grass (or any other block which allows saplings to grow) to plant it, then wait for a short while for the giant beanstalk to appear.