Make mod translatable

Wuzzy 2019-03-20 09:41:30 +01:00
parent 58aad91296
commit 48d42d7e21
2 changed files with 356 additions and 204 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("ltool")
local N = function(s) return s end
local F = minetest.formspec_escape
ltool = {}
ltool.VERSION = {}
@ -29,8 +33,8 @@ ltool.default_edit_fields = {
local mod_select_item = minetest.get_modpath("select_item") ~= nil
local sapling_base_name = "L-System Tree Sapling"
local sapling_format_string = "L-System Tree Sapling (%s)"
local sapling_base_name = S("L-System Tree Sapling")
local sapling_format_string = N("L-System Tree Sapling (@1)")
local place_tree = function(pos)
-- Place tree
@ -43,8 +47,8 @@ end
--[[ This registers the sapling for planting the trees ]]
minetest.register_node("ltool:sapling", {
description = sapling_base_name,
_doc_items_longdesc = "This artificial sapling does not come from nature and contains the genome of a genetically engineered L-system tree. Every sapling of this kind is unique. Who knows what might grow from it when you plant it?",
_doc_items_usagehelp = "Place the sapling on any floor and wait 5 seconds for the tree to appear. If you have the “lplant” privilege, you can grow it instantly by rightclicking it. If you hold down the sneak key while placing it, you will keep a copy of the sapling in your inventory. To create your own saplings, you need to have the “lplant” privilege and pick a tree from the L-System Tree Utility (accessed with the server command “treeform”).",
_doc_items_longdesc = S("This artificial sapling does not come from nature and contains the genome of a genetically engineered L-system tree. Every sapling of this kind is unique. Who knows what might grow from it when you plant it?"),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Place the sapling on any floor and wait 5 seconds for the tree to appear. If you have the “lplant” privilege, you can grow it instantly by using it. If you hold down the sneak key while placing it, you will keep a copy of the sapling in your inventory.").."\n"..S("To create your own saplings, you need to have the “lplant” privilege and pick a tree from the L-System Tree Utility (accessed with the server command “treeform”)."),
drawtype = "plantlike",
tiles = { "ltool_sapling.png" },
inventory_image = "ltool_sapling.png",
@ -96,9 +100,9 @@ minetest.register_node("ltool:sapling", {
minetest.register_craftitem("ltool:tool", {
description = "L-System Tree Utility",
_doc_items_longdesc = "This gadget allows the aspiring genetic engineer to invent and change L-system trees, create L-system tree saplings and look at the inventions from other players. L-system trees are trees and tree-like strucures which are built by a set of (possibly recursive) production rules.",
_doc_items_usagehelp = "Punch to open the L-System editor. A tabbed form will open. To edit and create trees, you need the “ledit” privilege, to make saplings, you need “lplant”. Detailed usage help can be found in that menu. You can also access the same editor with the server command “treeform”.",
description = S("L-System Tree Utility"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("This gadget allows the aspiring genetic engineer to invent and change L-system trees, create L-system tree saplings and look at the inventions from other players. L-system trees are trees and tree-like strucures which are built by a set of (possibly recursive) production rules."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Punch to open the L-System editor. A tabbed form will open. To edit and create trees, you need the “ledit” privilege, to make saplings, you need “lplant”. Detailed usage help can be found in that menu. You can also access the same editor with the server command “treeform”."),
inventory_image = "ltool_tool.png",
wield_image = "ltool_tool.png",
on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
@ -108,11 +112,11 @@ minetest.register_craftitem("ltool:tool", {
--[[ Register privileges ]]
minetest.register_privilege("ledit", {
description = "Can add, edit, rename and delete own L-system tree definitions of the ltool mod",
description = S("Can add, edit, rename and delete own L-system tree definitions of the ltool mod"),
give_to_singleplayer = false,
minetest.register_privilege("lplant", {
description = "Can place L-system trees and get L-system tree samplings of the ltool mod",
description = S("Can place L-system trees and get L-system tree samplings of the ltool mod"),
give_to_singleplayer = false,
@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ function ltool.give_sapling(treedef, seed, player_name, ignore_priv, treename)
local smeta = sapling:get_meta()
smeta:set_string("treedef", minetest.serialize(treedef))
if treename and treename ~= "" then
smeta:set_string("description", string.format(sapling_format_string, treename))
smeta:set_string("description", S(sapling_format_string, treename))
treedef.seed = nil
local leftover = player:get_inventory():add_item("main", sapling)
@ -287,7 +291,7 @@ ltool.formspec_size = "size[12,9]"
--[[ This is a part of the main formspec: Tab header ]]
function ltool.formspec_header(index)
return "tabheader[0,0;ltool_tab;Edit,Database,Plant,Help;"..tostring(index)..";true;false]"
return "tabheader[0,0;ltool_tab;"..F(S("Edit"))..","..F(S("Database"))..","..F(S("Plant"))..","..F(S("Help"))..";"..tostring(index)..";true;false]"
--[[ This creates the edit tab of the formspec
@ -301,7 +305,7 @@ function ltool.tab_edit(fields, has_ledit_priv, has_lplant_priv)
if(input==nil) then
ret = ""
ret = minetest.formspec_escape(tostring(input))
ret = F(tostring(input))
return ret
@ -309,13 +313,13 @@ function ltool.tab_edit(fields, has_ledit_priv, has_lplant_priv)
-- Show save/clear buttons depending on privs
local leditbuttons
if has_ledit_priv then
leditbuttons = "button[0,8.7;4,0;edit_save;Save tree to database]"..
"button[4,8.7;4,0;edit_clear;Reset fields]"
leditbuttons = "button[0,8.7;4,0;edit_save;"..F(S("Save tree to database")).."]"..
"button[4,8.7;4,0;edit_clear;"..F(S("Reset fields")).."]"
if has_lplant_priv then
leditbuttons = leditbuttons .. "button[8,8.7;4,0;edit_sapling;Generate sapling]"
leditbuttons = leditbuttons .. "button[8,8.7;4,0;edit_sapling;"..F(S("Generate sapling")).."]"
leditbuttons = "label[0,8.3;Read-only mode. You need the “ledit” privilege to save trees to the database.]"
leditbuttons = "label[0,8.3;"..F(S("Read-only mode. You need the “ledit” privilege to save trees to the database.")).."]"
local nlength = "3"
@ -323,14 +327,14 @@ function ltool.tab_edit(fields, has_ledit_priv, has_lplant_priv)
if mod_select_item then
nlength = "2.6"
fields_select_item = ""..
"tooltip[edit_trunk;Select node]"..
"tooltip[edit_leaves;Select node]"..
"tooltip[edit_leaves2;Select node]"..
"tooltip[edit_fruit;Select node]"
"tooltip[edit_trunk;"..F(S("Select node")).."]"..
"tooltip[edit_leaves;"..F(S("Select node")).."]"..
"tooltip[edit_leaves2;"..F(S("Select node")).."]"..
"tooltip[edit_fruit;"..F(S("Select node")).."]"
local trunk_type_mapping_reverse = {
@ -346,45 +350,45 @@ function ltool.tab_edit(fields, has_ledit_priv, has_lplant_priv)
return ""..
"tooltip[edit_axiom;Opens larger text field for Axiom]"..
"field[0.2,2;11,0;rules_a;Rules set A;"..s(fields.rules_a).."]"..
"tooltip[edit_rules_a;Opens larger text field for Rules set A]"..
"field[0.2,3;11,0;rules_b;Rules set B;"..s(fields.rules_b).."]"..
"tooltip[edit_rules_b;Opens larger text field for Rules set B]"..
"field[0.2,4;11,0;rules_c;Rules set C;"..s(fields.rules_c).."]"..
"tooltip[edit_rules_c;Opens larger text field for Rules set C]"..
"field[0.2,5;11,0;rules_d;Rules set D;"..s(fields.rules_d).."]"..
"tooltip[edit_rules_d;Opens larger text field for Rules set D]"..
"tooltip[edit_axiom;"..F(S("Opens larger text field for Axiom")).."]"..
"field[0.2,2;11,0;rules_a;"..F(S("Rules set A"))..";"..s(fields.rules_a).."]"..
"tooltip[edit_rules_a;"..F(S("Opens larger text field for Rules set A")).."]"..
"field[0.2,3;11,0;rules_b;"..F(S("Rules set B"))..";"..s(fields.rules_b).."]"..
"tooltip[edit_rules_b;"..F(S("Opens larger text field for Rules set B")).."]"..
"field[0.2,4;11,0;rules_c;"..F(S("Rules set C"))..";"..s(fields.rules_c).."]"..
"tooltip[edit_rules_c;"..F(S("Opens larger text field for Rules set C")).."]"..
"field[0.2,5;11,0;rules_d;"..F(S("Rules set D"))..";"..s(fields.rules_d).."]"..
"tooltip[edit_rules_d;"..F(S("Opens larger text field for Rules set D")).."]"..
"field[0.2,6;"..nlength..",0;trunk;Trunk node;"..s(fields.trunk).."]"..
"field[3.2,6;"..nlength..",0;leaves;Leaves node;"..s(fields.leaves).."]"..
"field[6.2,6;"..nlength..",0;leaves2;Secondary leaves node;"..s(fields.leaves2).."]"..
"field[9.2,6;"..nlength..",0;fruit;Fruit node;"..s(fields.fruit).."]"..
"field[0.2,6;"..nlength..",0;trunk;"..F(S("Trunk node"))..";"..s(fields.trunk).."]"..
"field[3.2,6;"..nlength..",0;leaves;"..F(S("Leaves node"))..";"..s(fields.leaves).."]"..
"field[6.2,6;"..nlength..",0;leaves2;"..F(S("Secondary leaves node"))..";"..s(fields.leaves2).."]"..
"field[9.2,6;"..nlength..",0;fruit;"..F(S("Fruit node"))..";"..s(fields.fruit).."]"..
"label[-0.075,5.95;Trunk type]"..
"label[-0.075,5.95;"..F(S("Trunk type")).."]"..
"tooltip[trunk_type;Tree trunk type. Possible values:\n- \"single\": trunk of size 1×1\n- \"double\": trunk of size 2×2\n- \"crossed\": trunk in cross shape (3×3).]"..
"checkbox[2.9,6.2;thin_branches;Thin branches;"..s(fields.thin_branches).."]"..
"tooltip[thin_branches;If enabled\\, all branches are just 1 node wide\\, otherwise, branches can be larger.]"..
"field[6.2,7;3,0;leaves2_chance;Secondary leaves chance (%);"..s(fields.leaves2_chance).."]"..
"tooltip[leaves2_chance;Chance (in percent) to replace a leaves node by a secondary leaves node]"..
"field[9.2,7;3,0;fruit_chance;Fruit chance (%);"..s(fields.fruit_chance).."]"..
"tooltip[fruit_chance;Chance (in percent) to replace a leaves node by a fruit node.]"..
"tooltip[trunk_type;"..F(S("Tree trunk type. Possible values:\n- \"single\": trunk of size 1×1\n- \"double\": trunk of size 2×2\n- \"crossed\": trunk in cross shape (3×3).")).."]"..
"checkbox[2.9,6.2;thin_branches;"..F(S("Thin branches"))..";"..s(fields.thin_branches).."]"..
"tooltip[thin_branches;"..F(S("If enabled, all branches are just 1 node wide, otherwise, branches can be larger.")).."]"..
"field[6.2,7;3,0;leaves2_chance;"..F(S("Secondary leaves chance (%)"))..";"..s(fields.leaves2_chance).."]"..
"tooltip[leaves2_chance;"..F(S("Chance (in percent) to replace a leaves node by a secondary leaves node")).."]"..
"field[9.2,7;3,0;fruit_chance;"..F(S("Fruit chance (%)"))..";"..s(fields.fruit_chance).."]"..
"tooltip[fruit_chance;"..F(S("Chance (in percent) to replace a leaves node by a fruit node.")).."]"..
"tooltip[iterations;Maximum number of iterations, usually between 2 and 5.]"..
"field[3.2,8;3,0;random_level;Randomness level;"..s(fields.random_level).."]"..
"tooltip[random_level;Factor to lower number of iterations, usually between 0 and 3.]"..
"field[6.2,8;3,0;angle;Angle (°);"..s(fields.angle).."]"..
"tooltip[name;Descriptive name for this tree, only used for convenience.]"..
"tooltip[iterations;"..F(S("Maximum number of iterations, usually between 2 and 5.")).."]"..
"field[3.2,8;3,0;random_level;"..F(S("Randomness level"))..";"..s(fields.random_level).."]"..
"tooltip[random_level;"..F(S("Factor to lower number of iterations, usually between 0 and 3.")).."]"..
"field[6.2,8;3,0;angle;"..F(S("Angle (°)"))..";"..s(fields.angle).."]"..
"tooltip[name;"..F(S("Descriptive name for this tree, only used for convenience.")).."]"..
@ -405,13 +409,13 @@ function ltool.tab_database(index, playername)
local leditbuttons, lplantbuttons
if minetest.get_player_privs(playername).ledit then
leditbuttons = "button[3,7.5;3,1;database_rename;Rename tree]"..
"button[6,7.5;3,1;database_delete;Delete tree]"
leditbuttons = "button[3,7.5;3,1;database_rename;"..S(F("Rename tree")).."]"..
"button[6,7.5;3,1;database_delete;"..S(F("Delete tree")).."]"
leditbuttons = "label[0.2,7.2;Read-only mode. You need the “ledit” privilege to edit trees.]"
leditbuttons = "label[0.2,7.2;"..S(F("Read-only mode. You need the “ledit” privilege to edit trees.")).."]"
if minetest.get_player_privs(playername).lplant then
lplantbuttons = "button[0,8.5;3,1;sapling;Generate sapling]"
lplantbuttons = "button[0,8.5;3,1;sapling;"..S(F("Generate sapling")).."]"
lplantbuttons = ""
@ -420,28 +424,28 @@ function ltool.tab_database(index, playername)
"button[3,8.5;3,1;database_copy;Copy tree to editor]"..
"button[6,8.5;3,1;database_update;Reload database]"
"button[3,8.5;3,1;database_copy;"..S(F("Copy tree to editor")).."]"..
"button[6,8.5;3,1;database_update;"..S(F("Reload database")).."]"
return "label[0,0;The tree database is empty.]"..
"button[6.5,8.5;3,1;database_update;Reload database]"
return "label[0,0;"..S(F("The tree database is empty.")).."]"..
"button[6.5,8.5;3,1;database_update;"..S(F("Reload database")).."]"
--[[ This creates the "Plant" tab part of the main formspec ]]
function ltool.tab_plant(tree, fields, has_lplant_priv)
if(tree ~= nil) then
local seltree = "label[0,-0.2;Selected tree: "..minetest.formspec_escape("]"
local seltree = "label[0,-0.2;"..S(F("Selected tree: @1","]"
if not has_lplant_priv then
return seltree..
"label[0,0.3;Planting of trees is not allowed. You need to have the “lplant” privilege.]"
"label[0,0.3;"..S(F("Planting of trees is not allowed. You need to have the “lplant” privilege.")).."]"
if(fields==nil) then
fields = {}
local s = function(i)
if(i==nil) then return ""
else return tostring(minetest.formspec_escape(i))
else return tostring(F(i))
local seed
@ -451,11 +455,11 @@ function ltool.tab_plant(tree, fields, has_lplant_priv)
seed = fields.seed
local dropdownindex
if(fields.plantmode == "Absolute coordinates") then
if(fields.plantmode == F(S("Absolute coordinates"))) then
dropdownindex = 1
elseif(fields.plantmode == "Relative coordinates") then
elseif(fields.plantmode == F(S("Relative coordinates"))) then
dropdownindex = 2
elseif(fields.plantmode == "Distance in viewing direction") then
elseif(fields.plantmode == F(S("Distance in viewing direction"))) then
dropdownindex = 3
dropdownindex = 1
@ -463,34 +467,34 @@ function ltool.tab_plant(tree, fields, has_lplant_priv)
return ""..
"dropdown[-0.1,0.5;5;plantmode;Absolute coordinates,Relative coordinates,Distance in viewing direction;"..dropdownindex.."]"..
"dropdown[-0.1,0.5;5;plantmode;"..F(S("Absolute coordinates"))..","..F(S("Relative coordinates"))..","..F(S("Distance in viewing direction"))..";"..dropdownindex.."]"..
--[[ NOTE: This tooltip does not work for the dropdown list in 0.4.10,
but it is added anyways in case this gets fixed in later Minetest versions. ]]
"- \"Absolute coordinates\": Fields \"x\", \"y\" and \"z\" specify the absolute world coordinates where to plant the tree\n"..
"- \"Relative coordinates\": Fields \"x\", \"y\" and \"z\" specify the relative position from your position\n"..
"- \"Distance in viewing direction\": Plant tree relative from your position in the direction you look to, at the specified distance"..
F(S("- \"Absolute coordinates\": Fields \"x\", \"y\" and \"z\" specify the absolute world coordinates where to plant the tree")).."\n"..
F(S("- \"Relative coordinates\": Fields \"x\", \"y\" and \"z\" specify the relative position from your position")).."\n"..
F(S("- \"Distance in viewing direction\": Plant tree relative from your position in the direction you look to, at the specified distance"))..
"tooltip[x;Field is only used by absolute and relative coordinates.]"..
"tooltip[y;Field is only used by absolute and relative coordinates.]"..
"tooltip[z;Field is only used by absolute and relative coordinates.]"..
"tooltip[distance;This field is used to specify the distance (in node lengths) from your position\nin the viewing direction. It is ignored if you use coordinates.]"..
"field[0.2,2;6,10;seed;Randomness seed;"..seed.."]"..
"tooltip[seed;A number used for the random number generators. Identical randomness seeds will produce identical trees. This field is optional.]"..
"button[3.5,8;3,1;plant_plant;Plant tree]"..
"tooltip[plant_plant;Immediately place the tree at the specified position]"..
"button[6.5,8;3,1;sapling;Generate sapling]"..
"tooltip[sapling;This gives you an item which you can place manually in the world later]"
"tooltip[x;"..F(S("Field is only used by absolute and relative coordinates.")).."]"..
"tooltip[y;"..F(S("Field is only used by absolute and relative coordinates.")).."]"..
"tooltip[z;"..F(S("Field is only used by absolute and relative coordinates.")).."]"..
"tooltip[distance;"..F(S("This field is used to specify the distance (in node lengths) from your position\nin the viewing direction. It is ignored if you use coordinates.")).."]"..
"field[0.2,2;6,10;seed;"..F(S("Randomness seed"))..";"..seed.."]"..
"tooltip[seed;"..F(S("A number used for the random number generators. Identical randomness seeds will produce identical trees. This field is optional.")).."]"..
"button[3.5,8;3,1;plant_plant;"..F(S("Plant tree")).."]"..
"tooltip[plant_plant;"..F(S("Immediately place the tree at the specified position")).."]"..
"button[6.5,8;3,1;sapling;"..F(S("Generate sapling")).."]"..
"tooltip[sapling;"..F(S("This gives you an item which you can place manually in the world later")).."]"
local notreestr = "No tree in database selected or database is empty."
local notreestr = F(S("No tree in database selected or database is empty."))
if has_lplant_priv then
return "label[0,0;"..notreestr.."]"
return "label[0,0;"..notreestr.."\nYou are not allowed to plant trees anyway as you don't have the “lplant” privilege.]"
return "label[0,0;"..notreestr.."\n"..F(S("You are not allowed to plant trees anyway as you don't have the “lplant” privilege.")).."]"
@ -502,36 +506,37 @@ function ltool.tab_cheat_sheet()
"G,Move forward one unit with the pen up,"..
"F,Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks and branches,"..
"f,Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing leaves,"..
"T,Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks,"..
"R,Move forward one unit with the pen down placing fruit,"..
"A,Replace with rules set A,"..
"B,Replace with rules set B,"..
"C,Replace with rules set C,"..
"D,Replace with rules set D,"..
"a,Replace with rules set A\\, chance 90%,"..
"b,Replace with rules set B\\, chance 80%,"..
"c,Replace with rules set C\\, chance 70%,"..
"d,Replace with rules set D\\, chance 60%,"..
"+,Yaw the turtle right by angle parameter,"..
"-,Yaw the turtle left by angle parameter,"..
"&,Pitch the turtle down by angle parameter,"..
"^,Pitch the turtle up by angle parameter,"..
"/,Roll the turtle to the right by angle parameter,"..
"*,Roll the turtle to the left by angle parameter,"..
"\\[,Save in stack current state info,"..
"\\],Recover from stack state info]"
"G,"..F(S("Move forward one unit with the pen up"))..","..
"F,"..F(S("Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks and branches"))..","..
"f,"..F(S("Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing leaves"))..","..
"T,"..F(S("Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks"))..","..
"R,"..F(S("Move forward one unit with the pen down placing fruit"))..","..
"A,"..F(S("Replace with rules set A"))..","..
"B,"..F(S("Replace with rules set B"))..","..
"C,"..F(S("Replace with rules set C"))..","..
"D,"..F(S("Replace with rules set D"))..","..
"a,"..F(S("Replace with rules set A, chance 90%"))..","..
"b,"..F(S("Replace with rules set B, chance 80%"))..","..
"c,"..F(S("Replace with rules set C, chance 70%"))..","..
"d,"..F(S("Replace with rules set D, chance 60%"))..","..
"+,"..F(S("Yaw the turtle right by angle parameter"))..","..
"-,"..F(S("Yaw the turtle left by angle parameter"))..","..
"&,"..F(S("Pitch the turtle down by angle parameter"))..","..
"^,"..F(S("Pitch the turtle up by angle parameter"))..","..
"/,"..F(S("Roll the turtle to the right by angle parameter"))..","..
"*,"..F(S("Roll the turtle to the left by angle parameter"))..","..
"\\[,"..F(S("Save in stack current state info"))..","..
"\\],"..F(S("Recover from stack state info")).."]"
-- TODO: Make help translatable
function ltool.tab_help_intro()
return ""..
string.format("You are using the L-System Tree Utility, version %s.,", ltool.VERSION.STRING)..
F(S("You are using the L-System Tree Utility, version @1.", ltool.VERSION.STRING))..","..
"The purpose of this utility is to aid with the creation of L-system trees.,"..
"You can create\\, save\\, manage and plant L-system trees.,"..
@ -611,7 +616,7 @@ function ltool.tab_help_plant()
function ltool.tab_help(index)
local formspec = "tabheader[0.1,1;ltool_help_tab;Introduction,Creating Trees,Managing Trees,Planting Trees,Cheat Sheet;"..tostring(index)..";true;false]"
local formspec = "tabheader[0.1,1;ltool_help_tab;"..F(S("Introduction"))..","..F(S("Creating Trees"))..","..F(S("Managing Trees"))..","..F(S("Planting Trees"))..","..F(S("Cheat Sheet"))..";"..tostring(index)..";true;false]"
if(index==1) then
formspec = formspec .. ltool.tab_help_intro()
elseif(index==2) then
@ -631,58 +636,58 @@ function ltool.formspec_editplus(fragment)
local formspec = ""..
"tooltip[editplus_c_G;Move forward one unit with the pen up]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_G;"..F(S("Move forward one unit with the pen up")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_F;Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks and branches]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_F;"..F(S("Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks and branches")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_f;Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing leaves]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_f;"..F(S("Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing leaves")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_T;Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_T;"..F(S("Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_R;Move forward one unit with the pen down placing fruit]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_R;"..F(S("Move forward one unit with the pen down placing fruit")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_A;Replace with rules set A]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_A;"..F(S("Replace with rules set A")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_B;Replace with rules set B]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_B;"..F(S("Replace with rules set B")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_C;Replace with rules set C]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_C;"..F(S("Replace with rules set C")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_D;Replace with rules set D]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_D;"..F(S("Replace with rules set D")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_a;Replace with rules set A, chance 90%]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_a;"..F(S("Replace with rules set A, chance 90%")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_b;Replace with rules set B, chance 80%]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_b;"..F(S("Replace with rules set B, chance 80%")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_c;Replace with rules set C, chance 70%]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_c;"..F(S("Replace with rules set C, chance 70%")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_d;Replace with rules set D, chance 60%]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_d;"..F(S("Replace with rules set D, chance 60%")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_+;Yaw the turtle right by the value specified in \"Angle\"]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_+;"..F(S("Yaw the turtle right by the value specified in \"Angle\"")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_-;Yaw the turtle left by the value specified in \"Angle\"]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_-;"..F(S("Yaw the turtle left by the value specified in \"Angle\"")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_&;Pitch the turtle down by the value specified in \"Angle\"]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_&;"..F(S("Pitch the turtle down by the value specified in \"Angle\"")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_^;Pitch the turtle up by the value specified in \"Angle\"]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_^;"..F(S("Pitch the turtle up by the value specified in \"Angle\"")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_/;Roll the turtle to the right by the value specified in \"Angle\"]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_/;"..F(S("Roll the turtle to the right by the value specified in \"Angle\"")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_*;Roll the turtle to the left by the value specified in \"Angle\"]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_*;"..F(S("Roll the turtle to the left by the value specified in \"Angle\"")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_P;Save current state info into stack]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_P;"..F(S("Save current state info into stack")).."]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_p;Recover from current stack state info]"..
"tooltip[editplus_c_p;"..F(S("Recover from current stack state info")).."]"..
return formspec
@ -708,7 +713,7 @@ function ltool.build_tree_textlist(index, playername)
colorstring = ""
string = string .. colorstring .. tostring(tree_id) .. ": " .. minetest.formspec_escape(
string = string .. colorstring .. tostring(tree_id) .. ": " .. F(
if(i~=#tree_ids) then
string = string .. ","
@ -728,7 +733,7 @@ end
--[[ spawns a simple dialog formspec to a player ]]
function ltool.show_dialog(playername, formname, message)
local formspec = "size[12,2;]label[0,0.2;"..message.."]"..
minetest.show_formspec(playername, formname, formspec)
@ -775,10 +780,10 @@ function ltool.evaluate_edit_fields(fields, ignore_name)
treedef.rules_d = fields.rules_d
treedef.axiom = fields.axiom
return nil, "The brackets are unbalanced! For each of the axiom and the rule sets, each opening bracket must be matched by a closing bracket."
return nil, S("The brackets are unbalanced! For each of the axiom and the rule sets, each opening bracket must be matched by a closing bracket.")
return nil, "The axiom or one of the rule sets contains at least one invalid character.\nSee the cheat sheet for a list of allowed characters."
return nil, S("The axiom or one of the rule sets contains at least one invalid character.\nSee the cheat sheet for a list of allowed characters.")
treedef.trunk = fields.trunk
treedef.leaves = fields.leaves
@ -786,29 +791,29 @@ function ltool.evaluate_edit_fields(fields, ignore_name)
treedef.leaves2_chance = fields.leaves2_chance
treedef.angle = tonumber(fields.angle)
if(treedef.angle == nil) then
return nil, "The field \"Angle\" must contain a number."
return nil, S("The field \"Angle\" must contain a number.")
treedef.iterations = tonumber(fields.iterations)
if(treedef.iterations == nil) then
return nil, "The field \"Iterations\" must contain a natural number greater or equal to 0."
return nil, S("The field \"Iterations\" must contain a natural number greater or equal to 0.")
elseif(treedef.iterations < 0) then
return nil, "The field \"Iterations\" must contain a natural number greater or equal to 0."
return nil, S("The field \"Iterations\" must contain a natural number greater or equal to 0.")
treedef.random_level = tonumber(fields.random_level)
if(treedef.random_level == nil) then
return nil, "The field \"Randomness level\" must contain a number."
return nil, S("The field \"Randomness level\" must contain a number.")
treedef.fruit = fields.fruit
treedef.fruit_chance = tonumber(fields.fruit_chance)
if(treedef.fruit_chance == nil) then
return nil, "The field \"Fruit chance\" must contain a number."
return nil, S("The field \"Fruit chance\" must contain a number.")
elseif(treedef.fruit_chance > 100 or treedef.fruit_chance < 0) then
return nil, "Fruit chance must be between 0% and 100%."
return nil, S("Fruit chance must be between 0% and 100%.")
if(fields.trunk_type == "single" or fields.trunk_type == "double" or fields.trunk_type == "crossed") then
treedef.trunk_type = fields.trunk_type
return nil, "Trunk type must be \"single\", \"double\" or \"crossed\"."
return nil, S("Trunk type must be \"single\", \"double\" or \"crossed\".")
treedef.thin_branches = fields.thin_branches
if(fields.thin_branches == "true") then
@ -816,11 +821,11 @@ function ltool.evaluate_edit_fields(fields, ignore_name)
elseif(fields.thin_branches == "false") then
treedef.thin_branches = false
return nil, "Field \"Thin branches?\" must be \"true\" or \"false\"."
return nil, S("Field \"Thin branches?\" must be \"true\" or \"false\".")
local name =
if(ignore_name ~= true and name == "") then
return nil, "Name is empty."
return nil, S("Name is empty.")
return treedef, name
@ -919,24 +924,24 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("treeform",
description = "Plant a L-system tree at the specified position",
description = S("Plant a L-system tree at the specified position"),
privs = { lplant = true },
params = "<tree ID> <x> <y> <z> [<seed>]",
params = S("<tree ID> <x> <y> <z> [<seed>]"),
func = function(playername, param)
local p = {}
local tree_id, x, y, z, seed = string.match(param, "^([^ ]+) +([%d.-]+)[, ] *([%d.-]+)[, ] *([%d.-]+) *([%d.-]*)")
tree_id, p.x, p.y, p.z, seed = tonumber(tree_id), tonumber(x), tonumber(y), tonumber(z), tonumber(seed)
if not tree_id or not p.x or not p.y or not p.z then
return false, "Invalid usage, see /help lplant."
return false, S("Invalid usage, see /help lplant.")
local lm = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("map_generation_limit") or 31000)
if p.x < -lm or p.x > lm or p.y < -lm or p.y > lm or p.z < -lm or p.z > lm then
return false, "Cannot plant tree out of map bounds!"
return false, S("Cannot plant tree out of map bounds!")
local success = ltool.plant_tree(tree_id, p, seed)
if success == false then
return false, "Unknown tree ID!"
return false, S("Unknown tree ID!")
return true
@ -964,7 +969,7 @@ local function handle_sapling_button_database_plant(seltree, seltree_id, privs,
if(seltree ~= nil) then
if(privs.lplant ~= true) then
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
local message = "You can't request saplings, you need to have the \"lplant\" privilege."
local message = S("You can't request saplings, you need to have the \"lplant\" privilege.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_sapling", message)
return false
@ -976,7 +981,7 @@ local function handle_sapling_button_database_plant(seltree, seltree_id, privs,
local ret, ret2 = ltool.give_sapling(ltool.trees[seltree_id].treedef, seed, playername, true, ltool.trees[seltree_id].name)
if(ret==false and ret2==2) then
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_sapling", "Error: The sapling could not be given to you. Probably your inventory is full.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_sapling", S("Error: The sapling could not be given to you. Probably your inventory is full."))
@ -994,7 +999,7 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
if(input==nil) then
ret = ""
ret = minetest.formspec_escape(tostring(input))
ret = F(tostring(input))
return ret
@ -1043,7 +1048,7 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
if(seltree ~= nil) then
if(privs.lplant ~= true) then
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
local message = "You can't plant trees, you need to have the \"lplant\" privilege."
local message = S("You can't plant trees, you need to have the \"lplant\" privilege.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_lplant", message)
@ -1055,19 +1060,19 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
local tree_pos
local fail_coordinates = function()
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_badplantfields", "Error: When using coordinates, you have to specifiy numbers in the fields \"x\", \"y\", \"z\".")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_badplantfields", S("Error: When using coordinates, you have to specifiy numbers in the fields \"x\", \"y\", \"z\"."))
local fail_distance = function()
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_badplantfields", "Error: When using viewing direction for planting trees,\nyou must specify how far away you want the tree to be placed in the field \"Distance\".")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_badplantfields", S("Error: When using viewing direction for planting trees,\nyou must specify how far away you want the tree to be placed in the field \"Distance\"."))
if(fields.plantmode == "Absolute coordinates") then
if(fields.plantmode == F(S("Absolute coordinates"))) then
if(type(x)~="number" or type(y) ~= "number" or type(z) ~= "number") then
tree_pos = {x=x, y=y, z=z}
elseif(fields.plantmode == "Relative coordinates") then
elseif(fields.plantmode == F(S("Relative coordinates"))) then
if(type(x)~="number" or type(y) ~= "number" or type(z) ~= "number") then
@ -1076,7 +1081,7 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
tree_pos.x = tree_pos.x + x
tree_pos.y = tree_pos.y + y
tree_pos.z = tree_pos.z + z
elseif(fields.plantmode == "Distance in viewing direction") then
elseif(fields.plantmode == F(S("Distance in viewing direction"))) then
if(type(distance)~="number") then
@ -1107,13 +1112,13 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
param1, param2 = ltool.evaluate_edit_fields(fields, fields.edit_sapling ~= nil)
if(fields.edit_save and privs.ledit ~= true) then
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
local message = "You can't save trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege."
local message = S("You can't save trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit", message)
if(fields.edit_sapling and privs.lplant ~= true) then
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
local message = "You can't request saplings, you need to have the \"lplant\" privilege."
local message = S("You can't request saplings, you need to have the \"lplant\" privilege.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit", message)
@ -1127,11 +1132,11 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
if( == playername) then
local formspec = "size[6,2;]label[0,0.2;You already have a tree with this name.\nDo you want to replace it?]"..
minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_replace", formspec)
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nameclash", "Error: This name is already taken by someone else.\nPlease choose a different name.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nameclash", S("Error: This name is already taken by someone else.\nPlease choose a different name."))
@ -1147,12 +1152,12 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
local ret, ret2 = ltool.give_sapling(treedef, tostring(ltool.seed), playername, true,
if(ret==false and ret2==2) then
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_sapling", "Error: The sapling could not be given to you. Probably your inventory is full.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_sapling", S("Error: The sapling could not be given to you. Probably your inventory is full."))
local message = "Error: The tree definition is invalid.\n"..
local message = S("Error: The tree definition is invalid.").."\n"..
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_badtreedef", message)
@ -1181,15 +1186,15 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
if(fields.edit_axiom or fields.edit_rules_a or fields.edit_rules_b or fields.edit_rules_c or fields.edit_rules_d) then
local fragment
if(fields.edit_axiom) then
fragment = "axiom;Axiom;"..s(fields.axiom)
fragment = "axiom;"..F(S("Axiom"))..";"..s(fields.axiom)
elseif(fields.edit_rules_a) then
fragment = "rules_a;Rules set A;"..s(fields.rules_a)
fragment = "rules_a;"..F(S("Rules set A"))..";"..s(fields.rules_a)
elseif(fields.edit_rules_b) then
fragment = "rules_b;Rules set B;"..s(fields.rules_b)
fragment = "rules_b;"..F(S("Rules set B"))..";"..s(fields.rules_b)
elseif(fields.edit_rules_c) then
fragment = "rules_c;Rules set C;"..s(fields.rules_c)
fragment = "rules_c;"..F(S("Rules set C"))..";"..s(fields.rules_c)
elseif(fields.edit_rules_d) then
fragment = "rules_d;Rules set D;"..s(fields.rules_d)
fragment = "rules_d;"..F(S("Rules set D"))..";"..s(fields.rules_d)
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
@ -1256,15 +1261,15 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
if(c=="P") then c = "[" end
if(c=="p") then c = "]" end
if(fields.axiom) then
fragment = "axiom;Axiom;"..s(fields.axiom..c)
fragment = "axiom;"..F(S("Axiom"))..";"..s(fields.axiom..c)
elseif(fields.rules_a) then
fragment = "rules_a;Rules set A;"..s(fields.rules_a..c)
fragment = "rules_a;"..F(S("Rules set A"))..";"..s(fields.rules_a..c)
elseif(fields.rules_b) then
fragment = "rules_b;Rules set B;"..s(fields.rules_b..c)
fragment = "rules_b;"..F(S("Rules set B"))..";"..s(fields.rules_b..c)
elseif(fields.rules_c) then
fragment = "rules_c;Rules set C;"..s(fields.rules_c..c)
fragment = "rules_c;"..F(S("Rules set C"))..";"..s(fields.rules_c..c)
elseif(fields.rules_d) then
fragment = "rules_d;Rules set D;"..s(fields.rules_d..c)
fragment = "rules_d;"..F(S("Rules set D"))..";"..s(fields.rules_d..c)
local formspec = ltool.formspec_editplus(fragment)
minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_editplus", formspec)
@ -1311,7 +1316,7 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_edit", formspec)
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nodbsel", "Error: No tree is selected.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nodbsel", S("Error: No tree is selected."))
elseif(fields.database_update) then
local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(2)..ltool.tab_database(ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel, playername)
@ -1320,7 +1325,7 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
elseif(fields.database_delete) then
if(privs.ledit ~= true) then
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
local message = "You can't delete trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege."
local message = S("You can't delete trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit_db", message)
@ -1333,27 +1338,27 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_database", formspec)
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_delete", "Error: This tree is not your own. You may only delete your own trees.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_delete", S("Error: This tree is not your own. You may only delete your own trees."))
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nodbsel", "Error: No tree is selected.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nodbsel", S("Error: No tree is selected."))
elseif(fields.database_rename) then
if(seltree ~= nil) then
if(privs.ledit ~= true) then
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
local message = "You can't rename trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege."
local message = S("You can't rename trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit_db", message)
if(playername == then
local formspec = "field[newname;New name:;"..minetest.formspec_escape("]"
local formspec = "field[newname;"..F(S("New name:"))..";"..F("]"
minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_rename", formspec)
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_rename_forbidden", "Error: This tree is not your own. You may only rename your own trees.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_rename_forbidden", S("Error: This tree is not your own. You may only rename your own trees."))
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nodbsel", "Error: No tree is selected.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nodbsel", S("Error: No tree is selected."))
elseif(fields.sapling) then
local ret = handle_sapling_button_database_plant(seltree, seltree_id, privs, formname, fields, playername)
@ -1366,7 +1371,7 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
local editfields = ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.edit.fields
local newtreedef, newname = ltool.evaluate_edit_fields(editfields)
if(privs.ledit ~= true) then
local message = "You can't overwrite trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege."
local message = S("You can't overwrite trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege.")
minetest.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit", message)
@ -1420,7 +1425,7 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_rename") then
if(privs.ledit ~= true) then
ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields)
local message = "You can't delete trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege."
local message = S("You can't delete trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit_delete", message)
@ -1429,7 +1434,7 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(2)..ltool.tab_database(ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel, playername)
minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_database", formspec)
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_bad_rename", "Error: This name is empty. The tree name must be non-empty.")
ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_bad_rename", S("Error: This name is empty. The tree name must be non-empty."))
--[[ Here come various error messages to handle ]]
elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_error_badtreedef" or formname == "ltool:treeform_error_nameclash" or formname == "ltool:treeform_error_ledit") then
@ -1442,7 +1447,7 @@ function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields)
local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(2)..ltool.tab_database(ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel, playername)
minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_database", formspec)
elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_error_bad_rename") then
local formspec = "field[newname;New name:;"..minetest.formspec_escape("]"
local formspec = "field[newname;"..F(S("New name:"))..";"..F("]"
minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_rename", formspec)
-- Action for Inventory++ button
@ -1509,7 +1514,7 @@ function ltool.join(player)
-- Add Inventory++ support
if minetest.get_modpath("inventory_plus") then
inventory_plus.register_button(player, "ltool", "L-System Tree Utility")
inventory_plus.register_button(player, "ltool", S("L-System Tree Utility"))
@ -1547,15 +1552,15 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory") ~= nil then
unified_inventory.register_button("ltool", {
type = "image",
image = "ltool_sapling.png",
tooltip = "L-System Tree Utility",
tooltip = S("L-System Tree Utility"),
action = button_action,
if minetest.get_modpath("sfinv_buttons") ~= nil then
sfinv_buttons.register_button("ltool", {
title = "L-System Tree Utility",
tooltip = "Invent your own trees and plant them",
title = S("L-System Tree Utility"),
tooltip = S("Invent your own trees and plant them"),
image = "ltool_sapling.png",
action = button_action,

locale/template.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
# textdomain: ltool
L-System Tree Sapling=
This artificial sapling does not come from nature and contains the genome of a genetically engineered L-system tree. Every sapling of this kind is unique. Who knows what might grow from it when you plant it?=
Place the sapling on any floor and wait 5 seconds for the tree to appear. If you have the “lplant” privilege, you can grow it instantly by using it. If you hold down the sneak key while placing it, you will keep a copy of the sapling in your inventory.=
To create your own saplings, you need to have the “lplant” privilege and pick a tree from the L-System Tree Utility (accessed with the server command “treeform”).=
L-System Tree Utility=
This gadget allows the aspiring genetic engineer to invent and change L-system trees, create L-system tree saplings and look at the inventions from other players. L-system trees are trees and tree-like strucures which are built by a set of (possibly recursive) production rules.=
Punch to open the L-System editor. A tabbed form will open. To edit and create trees, you need the “ledit” privilege, to make saplings, you need “lplant”. Detailed usage help can be found in that menu. You can also access the same editor with the server command “treeform”.=
Can add, edit, rename and delete own L-system tree definitions of the ltool mod=
Can place L-system trees and get L-system tree samplings of the ltool mod=
Save tree to database=
Reset fields=
Generate sapling=
Read-only mode. You need the “ledit” privilege to save trees to the database.=
Select node=
Opens larger text field for Axiom=
Rules set A=
Opens larger text field for Rules set A=
Rules set B=
Opens larger text field for Rules set B=
Rules set C=
Opens larger text field for Rules set C=
Rules set D=
Opens larger text field for Rules set D=
Trunk node=
Leaves node=
Secondary leaves node=
Fruit node=
Trunk type=
Tree trunk type. Possible values:@n- "single": trunk of size 1×1@n- "double": trunk of size 2×2@n- "crossed": trunk in cross shape (3×3).=
Thin branches=
If enabled, all branches are just 1 node wide, otherwise, branches can be larger.=
Secondary leaves chance (%)=
Chance (in percent) to replace a leaves node by a secondary leaves node=
Fruit chance (%)=
Chance (in percent) to replace a leaves node by a fruit node.=
Maximum number of iterations, usually between 2 and 5.=
Randomness level=
Factor to lower number of iterations, usually between 0 and 3.=
Angle (°)=
Descriptive name for this tree, only used for convenience.=
Absolute coordinates=
Relative coordinates=
Distance in viewing direction=
- "Absolute coordinates": Fields "x", "y" and "z" specify the absolute world coordinates where to plant the tree=
- "Relative coordinates": Fields "x", "y" and "z" specify the relative position from your position=
- "Distance in viewing direction": Plant tree relative from your position in the direction you look to, at the specified distance=
Field is only used by absolute and relative coordinates.=
This field is used to specify the distance (in node lengths) from your position@nin the viewing direction. It is ignored if you use coordinates.=
Randomness seed=
A number used for the random number generators. Identical randomness seeds will produce identical trees. This field is optional.=
Plant tree=
Immediately place the tree at the specified position=
This gives you an item which you can place manually in the world later=
No tree in database selected or database is empty.=
You are not allowed to plant trees anyway as you don't have the “lplant” privilege.=
Move forward one unit with the pen up=
Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks and branches=
Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing leaves=
Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks=
Move forward one unit with the pen down placing fruit=
Replace with rules set A=
Replace with rules set B=
Replace with rules set C=
Replace with rules set D=
Replace with rules set A, chance 90%=
Replace with rules set B, chance 80%=
Replace with rules set C, chance 70%=
Replace with rules set D, chance 60%=
Yaw the turtle right by angle parameter=
Yaw the turtle left by angle parameter=
Pitch the turtle down by angle parameter=
Pitch the turtle up by angle parameter=
Roll the turtle to the right by angle parameter=
Roll the turtle to the left by angle parameter=
Save in stack current state info=
Recover from stack state info=
You are using the L-System Tree Utility, version @1.=
Creating Trees=
Managing Trees=
Planting Trees=
Cheat Sheet=
Yaw the turtle right by the value specified in "Angle"=
Yaw the turtle left by the value specified in "Angle"=
Pitch the turtle down by the value specified in "Angle"=
Pitch the turtle up by the value specified in "Angle"=
Roll the turtle to the right by the value specified in "Angle"=
Roll the turtle to the left by the value specified in "Angle"=
Save current state info into stack=
Recover from current stack state info=
The brackets are unbalanced! For each of the axiom and the rule sets, each opening bracket must be matched by a closing bracket.=
The axiom or one of the rule sets contains at least one invalid character.@nSee the cheat sheet for a list of allowed characters.=
The field "Angle" must contain a number.=
The field "Iterations" must contain a natural number greater or equal to 0.=
The field "Randomness level" must contain a number.=
The field "Fruit chance" must contain a number.=
Fruit chance must be between 0% and 100%.=
Trunk type must be "single", "double" or "crossed".=
Field "Thin branches?" must be "true" or "false".=
Name is empty.=
Plant a L-system tree at the specified position=
<tree ID> <x> <y> <z> [<seed>]=
Invalid usage, see /help lplant.=
Cannot plant tree out of map bounds!=
Unknown tree ID!=
You can't request saplings, you need to have the "lplant" privilege.=
Error: The sapling could not be given to you. Probably your inventory is full.=
You can't plant trees, you need to have the "lplant" privilege.=
Error: When using coordinates, you have to specifiy numbers in the fields "x", "y", "z".=
Error: When using viewing direction for planting trees,@nyou must specify how far away you want the tree to be placed in the field "Distance".=
You can't save trees, you need to have the "ledit" privilege.=
Error: This name is already taken by someone else.@nPlease choose a different name.=
Error: The tree definition is invalid.=
Error: No tree is selected.=
You can't delete trees, you need to have the "ledit" privilege.=
Error: This tree is not your own. You may only delete your own trees.=
You can't rename trees, you need to have the "ledit" privilege.=
New name:=
Error: This tree is not your own. You may only rename your own trees.=
You can't overwrite trees, you need to have the "ledit" privilege.=
Error: This name is empty. The tree name must be non-empty.=
Invent your own trees and plant them=