Remove item name override of air

Wuzzy 2022-02-03 03:25:17 +01:00
parent 76a9c3cb56
commit 642da2e83c
6 changed files with 0 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ local mininggroups = {}
local miscgroups = {}
local item_name_overrides = {
[""] = S("Hand"),
["air"] = S("Air")
local suppressed = {
["ignore"] = true,

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
and = und
1 second=1 Sekunde
A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Ein transparenter Block, praktisch leerer Raum. Er wird üblicherweise hinterlassen, nachdem man etwas ausgegraben hat.
Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Wird ein anderer Block an diesem Block gebaut, wird dieser andere Block seine Stelle einnehmen.
Building this block is completely silent.=Das Bauen dieses Blocks ist völlig lautlos.

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=L'utiliser comme combustible le transforme e
and = et
1 second=1 seconde
A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Un bloc transparent, tout simplement un espace vide. Il apparaît généralement après avoir creusé quelque chose.
Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Construire un autre bloc sur ce bloc le placera à l'intérieur et le remplacera.
Building this block is completely silent.=Construire ce bloc est complètement silentieux

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
and = e
1 second=1 segundo
A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Um bloco transparente, basicamente um vazio. Isso geralmente fica no lugar de um bloco removido.
Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Construir outro bloco nesse bloco vai subistitui-lo.
Building this block is completely silent.=Construir esse bloco é completamente silencioso.

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
and = e
1 second=1 segundo
A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Um bloco transparente, basicamente um vazio. Isso geralmente fica no lugar de um bloco removido.
Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Construir outro bloco nesse bloco vai subistitui-lo.
Building this block is completely silent.=Construir esse bloco é completamente silencioso.

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=
and =
1 second=
A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=
Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=
Building this block is completely silent.=