Calculate weekday

Wuzzy 2020-08-27 09:42:22 +02:00
parent 037ff86e4f
commit 53e45a1c3c
2 changed files with 9 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ local function show_calendar(player_name, ordinal, wanted_months, wanted_years)
wanted_dmonths = wanted_dmonths + 1
wanted_dyears = wanted_dyears + 1
local weekday = 0
local formspec = "formspec_version[3]size["..(calendar.WEEK_DAYS+2)..",9]"
local formspec = "formspec_version[3]size["..(calendar.WEEK_DAYS+2)..",10]"
if ordinal then
formspec = formspec .. "label[0.5,0.5;"..F(S("@1, year @2", calendar.month_names[wanted_months+1], wanted_dyears)).."]"
@ -42,6 +41,7 @@ local function show_calendar(player_name, ordinal, wanted_months, wanted_years)
local tdays = 0
tdays = tdays + wanted_years * (calendar.MONTHS * calendar.MONTH_DAYS)
tdays = tdays + wanted_months * calendar.MONTH_DAYS
local weekday = calendar.get_weekday(tdays)
local x, y = 0.75, 1.2
for w=1, #calendar.weekday_names_short do

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ calendar.YEAR_DAYS = calendar.MONTHS * calendar.MONTH_DAYS
calendar.weekday_names = { S("Monday"), S("Tuesday"), S("Wednesday"), S("Thursday"), S("Friday"), S("Saturday"), S("Sunday") }
calendar.weekday_names_short = { S("Mo"), S("Tu"), S("We"), S("Th"), S("Fr"), S("Sa"), S("Su") }
calendar.WEEK_DAYS = #calendar.weekday_names
calendar.FIRST_WEEK_DAY = 0
local holidays = {
{ name = S("New Year's Eve"),
@ -67,6 +68,12 @@ calendar.get_holidays = function(total_days)
return found_holidays
-- Returny weekday number
-- * total_days: elapsed days since start of world
calendar.get_weekday = function(total_days)
return (total_days + calendar.FIRST_WEEK_DAY) % calendar.WEEK_DAYS
-- Returns day, month, year, days in year
-- * days: elapsed days since start of world
-- * ordinal: if true, use ordinal numbers (day, month, year start counting at 1).