
90 lines
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-- returns function:
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- normal, point, box_id = function(player, pointed_thing)
-- ==========================================================================
-- normal - unit vector pointing out from the face which is pointed at
-- point - point (relative to the node position) which is being pointed at
-- box_id - index of the selection box which is being pointed at
-- ==========================================================================
-- Try to get the exact point the player is looking at.
-- There is some inaccuracy due to the client-side view bobbing animation.
-- To prevent the wrong node face from being found, it checks to make sure
-- the position returned by the raycaster matches pointed_thing.
-- If it doesn't match, the raycast is done again with slight offsets.
-- This will never return the WRONG node face, but may not be able to find the correct one in rare situations.
local function disp(...)
for _, x in ipairs({...}) do
local bob_amount = (minetest.settings:get("view_bobbing_amount") or 1)
-- Calculate offsets for one cycle of the view bobbing animation
local check_points = {}
for i = 0, 0.99999, 1/20 do
local bobfrac = i * 2 % 1
local bobdir = i < 0.5 and 1 or -1
local bobtmp = math.sin(bobfrac ^ 1.2 * math.pi)
local x = (0.3 * bobdir * math.sin(bobfrac * math.pi)) * bob_amount/10 -- Why is this divided by 10?
local y = (-0.28 * bobtmp ^ 2) * bob_amount/10
-- I'm not exactly sure how the roll actually works, and it has a very small effect.
--local roll = -0.03 * bobdir * bobtmp * math.pi * bob_amount/10
table.insert(check_points, {
x = x,-- * math.cos(roll) - y * math.sin(roll),
y = y,-- * math.cos(roll) - x * math.sin(roll),
-- no Z offset
-- Get the start and end points for the raycaster
local function get_look_dir(player)
local placer_pos = player:get_pos()
placer_pos.y = placer_pos.y + player:get_properties().eye_height
return placer_pos, vector.multiply(player:get_look_dir(), 20)
local function try_raycast(pos, look_dir, pointed_thing, offset)
if offset then
--disp(offset.x .. " " .. offset.z)
pos = vector.add(pos, offset)
local raycast = minetest.raycast(pos, vector.add(pos, look_dir), false)
local pointed = raycast:next()
if pointed and pointed.type == "node" then
-- minetest.add_particle({
-- pos = pointed.intersection_point,
-- expirationtime = 5,
-- size = 0.1,
-- texture = "heart.png",
-- glow = 14,
-- })
if vector.equals(pointed.under, pointed_thing.under) and vector.equals(pointed.above, pointed_thing.above) then
vector.subtract(pointed.intersection_point, pointed.under),
-- Get the point the player is looking at
return function(player, pointed_thing)
local pos, look_dir = get_look_dir(player)
local pitch = player:get_look_vertical()
local yaw = player:get_look_horizontal()
for i, offset in ipairs(check_points) do
local a, b, c = try_raycast(pos, look_dir, pointed_thing, i > 1 and { -- (don't apply offset for the first check)
x = math.sin(-yaw) * math.sin(pitch) * offset.y + math.cos(yaw) * offset.x,
y = math.cos(pitch) * offset.y,
z = math.cos(-yaw) * math.sin(pitch) * offset.y + math.sin(yaw) * offset.x,
if a then return a, b, c end