
236 lines
6.7 KiB

local S = minetest.get_translator("hades_core")
local function register_stone(subname, def)
if not def.texture_base then
def.texture_base = "hades_core_"..subname..".png"
if not def.cracky then
def.cracky = 3
local groups_base = {cracky=def.cracky, stone=1, porous=1}
local groups_block = {cracky=def.cracky}
local groups_brick = {cracky=def.cracky}
if def.extra_groups then
for k,v in pairs(def.extra_groups) do
groups_base[k] = v
groups_block[k] = v
groups_brick[k] = v
local id_base = def.id_base or "hades_core:"..subname
-- Base stone
minetest.register_node(id_base, {
description = def.description_base,
tiles = {def.texture_base},
is_ground_content = true,
groups = groups_base,
drop = def.drop_base,
_tt_help = def._tt_help_base,
sounds = hades_sounds.node_sound_stone_defaults(def.sound_table),
-- Block
if not def.no_block then
local id_block = def.id_block or "hades_core:"..subname.."_block"
if not def.texture_block then
def.texture_block = "hades_core_"..subname.."_block.png"
minetest.register_node(id_block, {
description = def.description_block,
tiles = {def.texture_block},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = groups_block,
sounds = hades_sounds.node_sound_stone_defaults(def.sound_table),
if not def.no_craft then
output = "hades_core:"..subname.."_block",
recipe = {
{"hades_core:"..subname, "hades_core:"..subname, "hades_core:"..subname},
{"hades_core:"..subname, "hades_core:"..subname, "hades_core:"..subname},
{"hades_core:"..subname, "hades_core:"..subname, "hades_core:"..subname},
output = "hades_core:"..subname.." 9",
recipe = {
-- Brick
if not def.no_brick then
local id_brick = def.id_brick or "hades_core:"..subname.."_brick"
if not def.texture_brick then
def.texture_brick = "hades_core_"..subname.."_brick.png"
minetest.register_node(id_brick, {
description = def.description_brick,
tiles = {def.texture_brick},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = groups_brick,
sounds = hades_sounds.node_sound_stone_defaults(def.sound_table),
if not def.no_craft then
output = "hades_core:"..subname.."_brick 4",
recipe = {
{"hades_core:"..subname, "hades_core:"..subname, ""},
{"", "hades_core:"..subname, "hades_core:"..subname},
-- Simple nodes (full solid cubes)
-- Basic rocks (and crafted variants)
register_stone("stone", {
description_base = S("Stone"),
description_block = S("Stone Block"),
description_brick = S("Stone Brick"),
id_brick = "hades_core:stonebrick",
cracky = 3,
texture_base = "default_stone.png",
texture_block= "default_stone_block.png",
texture_brick = "default_stone_brick.png",
drop_base = "hades_core:cobble",
minetest.register_node("hades_core:mossystone", {
description = S("Mossy Stone"),
tiles = {"hades_core_mossystone.png"},
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {cracky=3, stone=1, porous=1},
drop = 'hades_core:mossycobble',
sounds = hades_sounds.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
register_stone("stone_baked", {
description_base = S("Burned Stone"),
description_block = S("Burned Stone Block"),
description_brick = S("Burned Stone Brick"),
id_brick = "hades_core:stonebrick_baked",
id_block = "hades_core:stone_block_baked",
cracky = 3,
extra_groups = {burned_node=1},
texture_base = "hades_core_stone_baked.png",
texture_block = "hades_core_stone_block_baked.png",
texture_brick = "hades_core_stone_brick_baked.png",
drop_base = "hades_core:cobble_baked",
register_stone("chondrite", {
description_base = S("Chondrite"),
description_block = S("Chondrite Block"),
description_brick = S("Chondrite Brick"),
_tt_help_base = S("Becomes Marble when close to water and at Y=-500 or below"),
cracky = 2,
register_stone("basalt", {
description_base = S("Basalt"),
description_block = S("Basalt Block"),
description_brick = S("Basalt Brick"),
cracky = 3,
register_stone("tuff", {
description_base = S("Tuff"),
description_block = S("Tuff Block"),
description_brick = S("Tuff Brick"),
cracky = 3,
minetest.register_node("hades_core:mossytuff", {
description = S("Mossy Tuff"),
tiles = {"hades_core_mossytuff.png"},
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {cracky=3, porous=1, mossy=1},
drop = 'hades_core:mossytuff',
sounds = hades_sounds.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
register_stone("tuff_baked", {
description_base = S("Burned Tuff"),
description_block = S("Burned Tuff Block"),
description_brick = S("Burned Tuff Brick"),
cracky = 3,
texture_base = "hades_core_tuff_baked.png",
texture_block = "hades_core_tuff_baked_block.png",
texture_brick = "hades_core_tuff_baked_brick.png",
register_stone("marble", {
description_base = S("Marble"),
description_block = S("Marble Block"),
description_brick = S("Marble Brick"),
cracky = 3,
register_stone("essexite", {
description_base = S("Essexite"),
description_block = S("Essexite Block"),
description_brick = S("Essexite Brick"),
cracky = 1,
register_stone("obsidian", {
description_base = S("Obsidian"),
description_block = S("Obsidian Block"),
description_brick = S("Obsidian Brick"),
id_brick = "hades_core:obsidianbrick",
cracky = 1,
extra_groups = {level=2},
texture_base = "default_obsidian.png",
texture_block = "default_obsidian_block.png",
texture_brick = "default_obsidian_brick.png",
-- Color stones (stone with a natural vibrant color)
register_stone("olivine", {
description_base = S("Olivine"),
description_block = S("Olivine Block"),
description_brick = S("Olivine Brick"),
register_stone("cinnaber", {
description_base = S("Cinnaber"),
description_block = S("Cinnaber Block"),
description_brick = S("Cinnaber Brick"),
register_stone("apolline", {
-- Invented word, based on "Apollon"
description_base = S("Apolline"),
description_block = S("Apolline Block"),
description_brick = S("Apolline Brick"),
register_stone("orangite", {
-- Invented word, based on "orange"
description_base = S("Orangite"),
description_block = S("Orangite Block"),
description_brick = S("Orangite Brick"),
register_stone("azurite", {
-- Invented word, based on "azure"
description_base = S("Azurite"),
description_block = S("Azurite Block"),
description_brick = S("Azurite Brick"),
register_stone("lillite", {
-- Invented word, based on German word "lila" (=vilet)
description_base = S("Lillite"),
description_block = S("Lillite Block"),
description_brick = S("Lillite Brick"),
register_stone("turquosite", {
-- Invented word, based on "turquoise"
description_base = S("Turquosite"),
description_block = S("Turquosite Block"),
description_brick = S("Turquosite Brick"),