ES locale fix

Nathaniel Freeman 2021-01-26 09:33:32 +00:00
parent fd596ea83b
commit 62cdcc5795
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ Barbecue=Barbacoa
Doghouse=Casa de perros
Garden Lattice (@1)=Enrejado de jardín (@1)
Garden stone path=Camino de piedra de jardín
No room in your inventory to add a filled bucket!=
No room under there to hang a swing.=
No room in your inventory to add a filled bucket!=No hay espacio en tu inv para el cubo
No room under there to hang a swing.=No hay espacio para colgar el columpio
Shrubbery (@1)=Arbustos (@1)
Shrubbery (large, @1)=Arbustos (@1)
Tree's swing=Columpio
Water well=Pozo de agua
You have to point at the bottom side of an overhanging object to place a swing.=
You have to point at the bottom side of an overhanging object to place a swing.=Debe ser la parte inferior de un objeto para colocar el columpio.