move homedecor tool cabinet, beer taps and mug, and soda machine to here

This commit is contained in:
Vanessa Dannenberg 2021-03-02 04:49:22 -05:00
parent f6a2fdf428
commit 1e67e8e2f9
28 changed files with 3511 additions and 0 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-- nothing to see here :P
-- this is just a stub to provide a few textures

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 225 B

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 218 B

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 186 B

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
output = "home_workshop_misc:tool_cabinet",
recipe = {
{ "basic_materials:motor", "default:axe_steel", "default:pick_steel" },
{ "default:steel_ingot", "home_workshop_misc:drawer_small", "default:steel_ingot" },
{ "default:steel_ingot", "home_workshop_misc:drawer_small", "default:steel_ingot" }
output = "home_workshop_misc:beer_tap",
recipe = {
{ "group:stick", "default:steel_ingot", "group:stick" },
{ "home_workshop_misc:kitchen_faucet", "default:steel_ingot", "home_workshop_misc:kitchen_faucet" },
{ "default:steel_ingot", "default:steel_ingot", "default:steel_ingot" }
output = "homedecor:soda_machine",
recipe = {
{"default:steel_ingot", "default:steel_ingot", "default:steel_ingot"},
{"default:steel_ingot", "dye:red", "default:steel_ingot"},
{"default:steel_ingot", "default:copperblock", "default:steel_ingot"},

home_workshop_misc/init.lua Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
-- Miscellanous tools and mechanical contrivances
local S = minetest.get_translator("home_workshop_misc")
minetest.register_node("home_workshop_misc:tool_cabinet", {
description = S("Metal tool cabinet and work table"),
mesh = "home_workshop_misc_tool_cabinet.obj",
tiles = {
{ name = "home_workshop_common_generic_metal.png", color = 0xffd00000 },
{ name = "home_workshop_common_generic_metal.png", color = 0xff006000 },
{ name = "home_workshop_common_generic_metal.png", color = 0xffa0a0a0 },
inventory_image = "home_workshop_misc_tool_cabinet_inv.png",
on_rotate = minetest.get_modpath("screwdriver") and screwdriver.rotate_simple or nil,
groups = { snappy=3 },
expand = { top="placeholder" },
inventory = {
minetest.register_node("home_workshop_misc:beer_tap", {
description = S("Beer tap"),
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "home_workshop_misc_beer_taps.obj",
tiles = {
{ name = "home_workshop_common_generic_metal.png", color = 0xff303030 }
inventory_image = "home_workshop_misc_beertap_inv.png",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = { snappy=3 },
walkable = false,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -0.25, -0.5, -0.4375, 0.25, 0.235, 0 }
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
local inv = clicker:get_inventory()
local wieldname = itemstack:get_name()
if wieldname == "vessels:drinking_glass" then
if inv:room_for_item("main", "home_workshop_misc:beer_mug 1") then
inv:add_item("main", "home_workshop_misc:beer_mug 1")
S("Ahh, a frosty cold beer - look in your inventory for it!"))
S("No room in your inventory to add a beer mug!"))
local beer_cbox = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -5/32, -8/16, -9/32 , 7/32, -2/16, 1/32 }
minetest.register_node("home_workshop_misc:beer_mug", {
description = S("Beer mug"),
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "home_workshop_misc_beer_mug.obj",
tiles = { "home_workshop_misc_beer_mug.png" },
inventory_image = "home_workshop_misc_beer_mug_inv.png",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = { snappy=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3 },
walkable = false,
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
selection_box = beer_cbox,
on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
if not creative.is_enabled_for(user:get_player_name()) then
minetest.do_item_eat(2, "vessels:drinking_glass 1", itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
return itemstack
local svm_cbox = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5}
minetest.register_node("home_workshop_misc:soda_machine", {
description = S("Soda vending machine"),
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "home_workshop_misc_soda_machine.obj",
tiles = {"home_workshop_misc_soda_machine.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {snappy=3},
selection_box = svm_cbox,
collision_box = svm_cbox,
expand = { top="placeholder" },
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_rotate = minetest.get_modpath("screwdriver") and screwdriver.rotate_simple or nil,
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
local playername = clicker:get_player_name()
local wielditem = clicker:get_wielded_item()
local wieldname = wielditem:get_name()
local fdir_to_fwd = { {0, -1}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0} }
local fdir = node.param2
local pos_drop = { x=pos.x+fdir_to_fwd[fdir+1][1], y=pos.y, z=pos.z+fdir_to_fwd[fdir+1][2] }
if wieldname == "currency:minegeld_cent_25" then
minetest.spawn_item(pos_drop, "home_workshop_misc:soda_can")
minetest.sound_play("insert_coin", {
pos=pos, max_hear_distance = 5
if not creative.is_enabled_for(playername) then
return wielditem
minetest.chat_send_player(playername, S("Please insert a 25 Mg cent coin in the machine."))
minetest.register_craftitem("home_workshop_misc:soda_can", {
description = S("Soda Can"),
inventory_image = "home_workshop_misc_soda_can.png",
on_use = minetest.item_eat(2),
if minetest.get_modpath("homedecor_common") then
minetest.register_alias("home_workshop_misc:drawer_small", "homedecor:drawer_small")
minetest.register_craftitem("home_workshop_misc:drawer_small", {
description = S("Small Wooden Drawer"),
inventory_image = "home_workshop_machines_drawer_small.png",
local MODPATH = minetest.get_modpath("home_workshop_misc")
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:tool_cabinet_bottom", "home_workshop_misc:tool_cabinet")
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:tool_cabinet_top", "air")
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:soda_machine", "home_workshop_misc:soda_machine")
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:beer_tap", "home_workshop_misc:beer_tap")
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:beer_mug", "home_workshop_misc:beer_mug")
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:coin", "currency:minegeld_cent_25")

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# textdomain: home_workshop_misc
### init.lua ###
Metal tool cabinet and work table=Metallwerkzeugschrank und Arbeitstisch
Ahh, a frosty cold beer - look in your inventory for it!=Ahh ein kühles Bier sehen Sie in Ihrem Inventar nach!
Beer mug=Bierkrug
Beer tap=Bierzapfhahn
Soda Can=Limodose
Soda vending machine=Limoautomat
No room in your inventory to add a beer mug!=Kein Platz im Inventar für einen Bierkrug!
Please insert a 25 Mg cent coin in the machine.=Bitte Münze in Automaten einwerfen.

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# textdomain: home_workshop_misc
### init.lua ###
Metal tool cabinet and work table=Mesa de trabajo y gabinete en hierro
Ahh, a frosty cold beer - look in your inventory for it!=¡Ah, una cerveza fría! La encontrarás en tu inventario.
Beer mug=Jarra de cerveza
Beer tap=Grifo de cerveza
Soda Can=Lata de refresco
Soda vending machine=Máquina expendedora de refrescos
No room in your inventory to add a beer mug!=¡No hay lugar para tomar una jarra de cerveza!
Please insert a 25 Mg cent coin in the machine.=Por favor introduzca una moneda en la máquina.

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# textdomain: home_workshop_misc
### init.lua ###
Metal tool cabinet and work table=Établi pour le travail du métal
Ahh, a frosty cold beer - look in your inventory for it!=Ahh, une bière bien fraîche - regardez dans votre inventaire !
Beer mug=Pinte de bière
Beer tap=Pompe à bière
No room in your inventory to add a beer mug!=Pas de place dans votre inventaire pour ajouter une pinte de bière !
Please insert a 25 Mg cent coin in the machine.=Veuillez insérer une pièce dans la machine.
Soda Can=Canette de soda
Soda vending machine=Distributeur de boissons

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# textdomain: home_workshop_misc
### init.lua ###
Metal tool cabinet and work table=Kabinet Alatan Logam dan Meja Kerja
Ahh, a frosty cold beer - look in your inventory for it!=Ahh, bir sejuk dingin - cari dalam inventori anda!
Beer mug=Kole Bir
Beer tap=Paip Bir
No room in your inventory to add a beer mug!=Tiada ruang dalam inventori anda untuk menambah kole bir!
Please insert a 25 Mg cent coin in the machine.=Sila masukkan duit syiling ke dalam mesin.
Soda Can=Tin Soda
Soda vending machine=Mesin Soda Layan Diri

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# textdomain: home_workshop_misc
### init.lua ###
Metal tool cabinet and work table=Gabinete de ferramentas metálicas e mesa de trabalho
Ahh, a frosty cold beer - look in your inventory for it!=Ahh, uma cerveja bem gelada - procure por ela em seu inventário!
Beer mug=Caneca de cerveja
Beer tap=Torneira de cerveja
No room in your inventory to add a beer mug!=Sem espaço no inventário para colocar uma caneca de cerveja
Please insert a 25 Mg cent coin in the machine.=Por favor insira uma moeda na máquina.
Soda Can=Lata de Refrigerante
Soda vending machine=Máquina de refrigerante

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# textdomain: home_workshop_misc
### init.lua ###
Metal tool cabinet and work table=Gabinete de ferramentas metálicas e mesa de trabalho
Ahh, a frosty cold beer - look in your inventory for it!=Ahh, uma cerveja bem gelada - procure por ela em seu inventário!
Beer mug=Caneca de cerveja
Beer tap=Torneira de cerveja
No room in your inventory to add a beer mug!=Sem espaço no inventário para colocar uma caneca de cerveja
Please insert a 25 Mg cent coin in the machine.=Por favor insira uma moeda na máquina.
Soda Can=Lata de Refrigerante
Soda vending machine=Máquina de refrigerante

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# textdomain: home_workshop_misc
### init.lua ###
Metal tool cabinet and work table=Шкаф с металлическим инструментом и рабочий стол
Ahh, a frosty cold beer - look in your inventory for it!=О, холодное пиво! Ищи его в инвентаре!
Beer mug=Пивная кружка
Beer tap=Пивной кран
No room in your inventory to add a beer mug!=В инвентаре нет места для пивной кружки!
Please insert a 25 Mg cent coin in the machine.=Вставьте монету в автомат.
Soda Can=Банка газировки
Soda vending machine=Автомат с газировкой

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# textdomain: home_workshop_misc
### init.lua ###
Metal tool cabinet and work table=金属工具柜及工作台
Ahh, a frosty cold beer - look in your inventory for it!=啊,一杯冰凉的啤酒-看看你的库存吧!
Beer mug=啤酒杯
Beer tap=啤酒龙头
No room in your inventory to add a beer mug!=你的库存里没有地方放啤酒杯!
Please insert a 25 Mg cent coin in the machine.=请在机器里放一枚硬币。
Soda Can=易拉罐
Soda vending machine=汽水自动售货机

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# textdomain: home_workshop_misc
### init.lua ###
Metal tool cabinet and work table=
Ahh, a frosty cold beer - look in your inventory for it!=
Beer mug=
Beer tap=
No room in your inventory to add a beer mug!=
Please insert a 25 Mg cent coin in the machine.=
Soda Can=
Soda vending machine=

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
name = home_workshop_misc
depends = default, home_workshop_common
optional_depends = currency, screwdriver, homedecor_common

@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
v -0.201 -0.271 -0.101
v 0.027 -0.5 0.014
v 0.078 -0.5 -0.007
v -0.214 -0.263 -0.113
v 0.117 -0.5 -0.046
v 0.138 -0.5 -0.097
v -0.202 -0.214 -0.137
v 0.138 -0.5 -0.152
v 0.117 -0.5 -0.202
v -0.191 -0.231 -0.149
v 0.078 -0.5 -0.241
v 0.027 -0.5 -0.262
v -0.18 -0.247 -0.137
v -0.027 -0.5 -0.262
v -0.078 -0.5 -0.241
v -0.18 -0.247 -0.113
v -0.117 -0.5 -0.202
v -0.138 -0.5 -0.152
v -0.191 -0.231 -0.101
v -0.138 -0.5 -0.097
v -0.117 -0.5 -0.046
v -0.202 -0.214 -0.113
v -0.078 -0.5 -0.007
v -0.027 -0.5 0.014
v -0.183 -0.176 -0.137
v 0.024 -0.167 -0.003
v 0.069 -0.167 -0.022
v -0.175 -0.198 -0.149
v 0.103 -0.167 -0.056
v 0.121 -0.167 -0.1
v -0.167 -0.221 -0.137
v 0.121 -0.167 -0.148
v 0.103 -0.167 -0.193
v -0.167 -0.221 -0.113
v 0.069 -0.167 -0.227
v 0.024 -0.167 -0.245
v -0.175 -0.198 -0.101
v -0.024 -0.167 -0.245
v -0.069 -0.167 -0.227
v -0.183 -0.176 -0.113
v -0.103 -0.167 -0.193
v -0.121 -0.167 -0.148
v -0.16 -0.151 -0.137
v -0.121 -0.167 -0.1
v -0.103 -0.167 -0.056
v -0.156 -0.178 -0.149
v -0.069 -0.167 -0.022
v -0.024 -0.167 -0.003
v -0.151 -0.204 -0.137
v 0.027 -0.125 0.014
v 0.078 -0.125 -0.007
v -0.151 -0.204 -0.113
v 0.117 -0.125 -0.046
v 0.138 -0.125 -0.097
v -0.156 -0.178 -0.101
v 0.138 -0.125 -0.152
v 0.117 -0.125 -0.202
v -0.16 -0.151 -0.113
v 0.078 -0.125 -0.241
v 0.027 -0.125 -0.262
v -0.134 -0.143 -0.137
v -0.027 -0.125 -0.262
v -0.078 -0.125 -0.241
v -0.134 -0.171 -0.149
v -0.117 -0.125 -0.202
v -0.138 -0.125 -0.152
v -0.134 -0.198 -0.137
v -0.138 -0.125 -0.097
v -0.117 -0.125 -0.046
v -0.134 -0.198 -0.113
v -0.078 -0.125 -0.007
v -0.027 -0.125 0.014
v -0.134 -0.171 -0.101
v 0.024 -0.125 -0.003
v 0.069 -0.125 -0.022
v -0.134 -0.143 -0.113
v 0.103 -0.125 -0.056
v 0.121 -0.125 -0.1
v -0.134 -0.49 -0.137
v 0.121 -0.125 -0.148
v 0.103 -0.125 -0.193
v -0.134 -0.462 -0.149
v 0.069 -0.125 -0.227
v 0.024 -0.125 -0.245
v -0.134 -0.434 -0.137
v -0.024 -0.125 -0.245
v -0.069 -0.125 -0.227
v -0.134 -0.434 -0.113
v -0.103 -0.125 -0.193
v -0.121 -0.125 -0.148
v -0.134 -0.462 -0.101
v -0.121 -0.125 -0.1
v -0.103 -0.125 -0.056
v -0.134 -0.49 -0.113
v -0.069 -0.125 -0.022
v -0.024 -0.125 -0.003
v -0.188 -0.28 -0.113
v -0.188 -0.28 -0.137
v -0.201 -0.271 -0.149
v -0.214 -0.263 -0.137
v -0.218 -0.316 -0.113
v -0.204 -0.316 -0.101
v -0.191 -0.316 -0.113
v -0.191 -0.316 -0.137
v -0.204 -0.316 -0.149
v -0.218 -0.316 -0.137
v -0.214 -0.37 -0.113
v -0.201 -0.361 -0.101
v -0.188 -0.353 -0.113
v -0.188 -0.353 -0.137
v -0.201 -0.361 -0.149
v -0.214 -0.37 -0.137
v -0.202 -0.419 -0.113
v -0.191 -0.402 -0.101
v -0.18 -0.386 -0.113
v -0.18 -0.386 -0.137
v -0.191 -0.402 -0.149
v -0.202 -0.419 -0.137
v -0.183 -0.457 -0.113
v -0.175 -0.434 -0.101
v -0.167 -0.412 -0.113
v -0.167 -0.412 -0.137
v -0.175 -0.434 -0.149
v -0.183 -0.457 -0.137
v -0.16 -0.482 -0.113
v -0.156 -0.455 -0.101
v -0.151 -0.429 -0.113
v -0.151 -0.429 -0.137
v -0.156 -0.455 -0.149
v -0.16 -0.482 -0.137
vt 0.156 0.219
vt 0.156 0.188
vt 0.219 0.188
vt 0.219 0.219
vt 0.466 0.406
vt 0.537 0.406
vt 0.603 0.433
vt 0.654 0.484
vt 0.681 0.55
vt 0.681 0.621
vt 0.654 0.687
vt 0.603 0.738
vt 0.537 0.765
vt 0.466 0.765
vt 0.4 0.738
vt 0.349 0.687
vt 0.322 0.621
vt 0.322 0.55
vt 0.349 0.484
vt 0.4 0.433
vt 0.625 0.906
vt 0.688 0.906
vt 0.688 0.938
vt 0.625 0.938
vt 0.938 0.906
vt 1 0.906
vt 1 0.938
vt 0.938 0.938
vt 0.25 0.906
vt 0.313 0.906
vt 0.313 0.938
vt 0.25 0.938
vt 0.563 0.906
vt 0.563 0.938
vt 0.875 0.906
vt 0.875 0.938
vt 0.188 0.906
vt 0.188 0.938
vt 0.813 0.906
vt 0.813 0.938
vt 0.438 0.906
vt 0.5 0.906
vt 0.5 0.938
vt 0.438 0.938
vt 0.125 0.906
vt 0.125 0.938
vt 0.75 0.906
vt 0.75 0.938
vt 0.375 0.906
vt 0.375 0.938
vt 0.063 0.906
vt 0.063 0.938
vt 0 0.906
vt 0 0.938
vt 0.281 0.313
vt 0.281 0.281
vt 0.344 0.281
vt 0.344 0.313
vt 0.094 0.219
vt 0.156 0.25
vt 0.094 0.25
vt 0.375 1
vt 0.313 1
vt 0.281 0.25
vt 0.344 0.25
vt 0.156 0.313
vt 0.156 0.281
vt 0.219 0.281
vt 0.219 0.313
vt 0.531 0.188
vt 0.594 0.188
vt 0.594 0.219
vt 0.531 0.219
vt 0.656 0.188
vt 0.656 0.219
vt 0.094 0.188
vt 0.219 0.25
vt 0.125 0.406
vt 0.188 0.406
vt 0.688 1
vt 0.625 1
vt 0.938 0.406
vt 1 0.406
vt 0.063 1
vt 0.125 1
vt 0.375 0.406
vt 0.438 0.406
vt 0.688 0.406
vt 0.75 0.406
vt 0.938 1
vt 0.875 1
vt 0.25 0.406
vt 0.188 1
vt 0.094 0.344
vt 0.094 0.313
vt 0.156 0.344
vt 0.5 0.406
vt 0.813 0.406
vt 0.438 1
vt 0.219 0.156
vt 0.281 0.156
vt 0.281 0.188
vt 0.75 1
vt 0.031 0.25
vt 0.031 0.219
vt 0.563 0.406
vt 0 0.406
vt 0.063 0.406
vt 1 1
vt 0.344 0.188
vt 0.344 0.156
vt 0.406 0.156
vt 0.406 0.188
vt 0.313 0.406
vt 0.625 0.406
vt 0.25 1
vt 0.406 0.344
vt 0.406 0.313
vt 0.469 0.313
vt 0.469 0.344
vt 0.875 0.406
vt 0.469 0.156
vt 0.469 0.188
vt 0.5 1
vt 0.813 1
vt 0.406 0.281
vt 0.406 0.25
vt 0.563 1
vt 0 1
vt 0.219 0.344
vt 0.531 0.313
vt 0.531 0.281
vt 0.594 0.281
vt 0.594 0.313
vt 0.469 0.281
vt 0.469 0.25
vt 0.531 0.25
vt 0.281 0.344
vt 0.594 0.25
vt 0.281 0.219
vt 0.344 0.219
vt 0.031 0.156
vt 0.094 0.156
vt 0.031 0.188
vt 0.813 0.373
vt 0.756 0.35
vt 0.713 0.306
vt 0.689 0.249
vt 0.689 0.188
vt 0.713 0.131
vt 0.756 0.088
vt 0.813 0.064
vt 0.874 0.064
vt 0.931 0.088
vt 0.975 0.131
vt 0.998 0.188
vt 0.998 0.249
vt 0.975 0.306
vt 0.931 0.35
vt 0.874 0.373
vt 0.156 0.156
vt 0.656 0.25
vt 0.031 0.313
vt 0.031 0.281
vt 0.094 0.281
vt 0.656 0.281
vt 0.656 0.313
vt 0.406 0.219
vt 0.469 0.219
vt 0.031 0.344
vt 0.656 0.344
vt 0.594 0.344
vt 0.531 0.344
vt 0.531 0.156
vt 0.594 0.156
vt 0.344 0.344
vt 0.656 0.156
s 1
f 120/1 121/2 115/3 114/4
f 2/5 24/6 23/7 21/8 20/9 18/10 17/11 15/12 14/13 12/14 11/15 9/16 8/17 6/18 5/19 3/20
f 51/21 53/22 77/23 75/24
f 59/25 60/26 84/27 83/28
f 66/29 68/30 92/31 90/32
f 50/33 51/21 75/24 74/34
f 57/35 59/25 83/28 81/36
f 65/37 66/29 90/32 89/38
f 56/39 57/35 81/36 80/40
f 71/41 72/42 96/43 95/44
f 63/45 65/37 89/38 87/46
f 54/47 56/39 80/40 78/48
f 69/49 71/41 95/44 93/50
f 62/51 63/45 87/46 86/52
f 53/22 54/47 78/48 77/23
f 60/53 62/51 86/52 84/54
f 111/55 112/56 106/57 105/58
f 72/42 50/33 74/34 96/43
f 126/59 120/1 119/60 125/61
f 45/62 44/63 92/31 93/50
f 106/57 112/56 107/64 101/65
f 123/66 124/67 118/68 117/69
f 34/70 52/71 55/72 37/73
f 55/72 52/71 70/74 73/75
f 126/59 127/76 121/2 120/1
f 112/56 118/68 113/77 107/64
f 15/78 17/79 65/37 63/45
f 29/80 27/81 75/24 77/23
f 11/82 12/83 60/26 59/25
f 38/84 86/52 87/46 39/85
f 21/86 23/87 71/41 69/49
f 5/88 6/89 54/47 53/22
f 35/90 33/91 81/36 83/28
f 17/79 18/92 66/29 65/37
f 41/93 39/85 87/46 89/38
f 128/94 129/95 123/66 122/96
f 23/87 24/97 72/42 71/41
f 6/89 8/98 56/39 54/47
f 47/99 45/62 93/50 95/44
f 115/3 116/100 110/101 109/102
f 30/103 29/80 77/23 78/48
f 94/104 91/105 126/59 125/61
f 24/97 2/106 50/33 72/42
f 12/107 14/108 62/51 60/53
f 36/109 35/90 83/28 84/27
f 103/110 104/111 98/112 97/113
f 18/92 20/114 68/30 66/29
f 2/106 3/115 51/21 50/33
f 42/116 41/93 89/38 90/32
f 98/117 99/118 10/119 13/120
f 8/98 9/121 57/35 56/39
f 97/113 98/112 13/122 16/123
f 48/124 47/99 95/44 96/43
f 32/125 30/103 78/48 80/40
f 100/126 106/57 101/65 4/127
f 14/108 15/78 63/45 62/51
f 118/68 112/56 111/55 117/69
f 26/128 48/124 96/43 74/34
f 38/84 36/129 84/54 86/52
f 20/114 21/86 69/49 68/30
f 122/96 123/66 117/69 116/130
f 3/115 5/88 53/22 51/21
f 44/63 42/116 90/32 92/31
f 27/81 26/128 74/34 75/24
f 28/131 25/132 43/133 46/134
f 9/121 11/82 59/25 57/35
f 33/91 32/125 80/40 81/36
f 25/132 7/135 22/136 40/137
f 116/130 117/69 111/55 110/138
f 40/137 37/73 55/72 58/139
f 107/64 108/140 102/141 101/65
f 105/58 106/57 100/126 99/118
f 43/133 25/132 40/137 58/139
f 85/142 128/143 127/76 88/144
f 26/145 27/146 29/147 30/148 32/149 33/150 35/151 36/152 38/153 39/154 41/155 42/156 44/157 45/158 47/159 48/160
f 68/30 69/49 93/50 92/31
f 127/76 128/143 122/161 121/2
f 55/72 73/75 76/162 58/139
f 99/118 100/126 7/135 10/119
f 82/163 79/164 130/165 129/95
f 119/60 120/1 114/4 113/77
f 118/68 124/67 119/60 113/77
f 43/133 61/166 64/167 46/134
f 10/119 7/135 25/132 28/131
f 130/165 124/67 123/66 129/95
f 4/127 1/168 19/169 22/136
f 124/67 130/165 125/61 119/60
f 61/166 43/133 58/139 76/162
f 110/101 104/111 103/110 109/102
f 108/140 109/102 103/110 102/141
f 88/144 127/76 126/59 91/105
f 97/113 16/123 19/169 1/168
f 82/163 129/95 128/94 85/170
f 19/169 16/123 34/70 37/73
f 19/169 37/73 40/137 22/136
f 46/134 64/167 67/171 49/172
f 114/4 108/140 107/64 113/77
f 115/3 109/102 108/140 114/4
f 101/65 102/141 1/168 4/127
f 10/119 28/131 31/173 13/120
f 16/123 13/122 31/174 34/70
f 102/141 103/110 97/113 1/168
f 31/174 49/175 52/71 34/70
f 111/55 105/58 104/176 110/138
f 7/135 100/126 4/127 22/136
f 122/161 116/100 115/3 121/2
f 105/58 99/118 98/117 104/176
f 31/173 28/131 46/134 49/172
f 130/165 79/164 94/104 125/61
f 52/71 49/175 67/177 70/74

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
v 0.5 -0.5 -0.5
v 0.5 -0.5 0.5
v -0.5 -0.5 0.5
v -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
v 0.5 1.5 -0.5
v 0.5 1.5 0.5
v -0.5 1.5 0.5
v -0.5 1.5 -0.5
vt 0.25 0.25
vt 0 0.25
vt 0 0
vt 0.25 0
vt 0.25 0.75
vt 0.25 1
vt 0 1
vt 0 0.75
vt 1 0.25
vt 1 0.75
vt 0.75 0.75
vt 0.75 0.25
vt 0.5 0.75
vt 0.5 0.25
s off
f 1/1 2/2 3/3 4/4
f 5/5 8/6 7/7 6/8
f 1/1 5/5 6/8 2/2
f 2/9 6/10 7/11 3/12
f 3/12 7/11 8/13 4/14
f 5/5 1/1 4/14 8/13

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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(image error) Size: 155 B

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(image error) Size: 1.3 KiB

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(image error) Size: 365 B

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(image error) Size: 4.1 KiB

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