Integrated into the game is most of minetest_game as the stable base
-=- Gardening mod - By: philipbenr -=- Before use, realize this; This mod is purely decorative. It has crafting recipes, but no natural spawning abilities. Those may be added later with the removal of crafting. -=- License : WTFPL -=- Depends : Default, Minetest 0.4.7 or Flowers. -=- Crafting recipes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Packed Dirt = Stone Sand Dirt in any column -------------- Rosebush = Rose Leaves Tree in any column -------------- Violas = Viola Leaves Tree in any column -------------- Geraniums = Geranium Leaves Tree in any column -------------- Tulips = Tulips Leaves Tree in any column -------------- Dandelions = _, Yellow Dandelion, White Dandelion _, Leaves, _ _, Tree, _ this is the only fixed recipe -------------- -=- Thats all for now.