biome_lib, boost cart, homedecor modpack, plantlife modpack, cottages, currency, farming redo, gloopblocks, ilights, moreores, moretrees, pipeworks, plasticbox, replacer, signs_lib, streets, travelnet, unified dyes, and vines, and maybe one or two others that I didn't see in the list. :-) I fixed the misc_overrides component (it broke when I switched over to farming redo a while back), and also I've added the classic peaceful_npc mod back into the modpack, since it seems to work now. Be sure when you run a world for the first time after this update, that you "Configure" the world, *disable* all of Dreambuilder Modpack, then re-enable the whole thing. If you don't, a few mods will fail to load due to recent changes in their dependencies.
159 lines
4.7 KiB
159 lines
4.7 KiB
-- Archae Plantae - Horsetail 0.0.5
-- by Mossmanikin
-- License (everything): WTFPL
-- Contains code from: biome_lib
-- Looked at code from: default, flowers, trees
-- Dependencies: biome_lib
-- Supports: dryplants, stoneage, sumpf
assert(abstract_ferns.config.enable_horsetails == true)
-- support for i18n
local S = plantlife_i18n.gettext
local node_names = {}
local function create_nodes()
local selection_boxes = {
{ -0.15, -1/2, -0.15, 0.15, -1/16, 0.15 },
{ -0.15, -1/2, -0.15, 0.15, 1/16, 0.15 },
{ -0.15, -1/2, -0.15, 0.15, 4/16, 0.15 },
{ -0.15, -1/2, -0.15, 0.15, 7/16, 0.15 },
for i = 1, 4 do
local node_name = "ferns:horsetail_" .. string.format("%02d", i)
local node_img = "ferns_horsetail_" .. string.format("%02d", i) .. ".png"
local node_desc
local node_on_use = nil
local node_drop = "ferns:horsetail_04"
if i == 1 then
node_desc = S("Young Horsetail (Equisetum)")
node_on_use = minetest.item_eat(1) -- young ones edible https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equisetum
node_drop = node_name
elseif i == 4 then
node_desc = S("Horsetail (Equisetum)")
node_desc = S("Horsetail (Equisetum)").." ".. string.format("%02d", i)
node_names[i] = node_name
minetest.register_node(node_name, {
description = node_desc,
drawtype = "plantlike",
paramtype = "light",
tiles = { node_img },
inventory_image = node_img,
walkable = false,
buildable_to = true,
groups = {snappy=3,flammable=2,attached_node=1,horsetail=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = selection_boxes[i],
on_use = node_on_use,
drop = node_drop,
-- Init
-- Spawning
if abstract_ferns.config.enable_horsetails_spawning == true then
spawn_delay = 1200,
spawn_plants = node_names,
spawn_chance = 400,
spawn_surfaces = {
seed_diff = 329,
min_elevation = 1, -- above sea level
near_nodes = {"default:water_source","default:gravel"},
near_nodes_size = 2,
near_nodes_vertical = 1,
near_nodes_count = 1,
--random_facedir = { 0, 179 },
-- Generating
if abstract_ferns.config.enable_horsetails_on_grass == true then
surface = {
max_count = 35,
rarity = 40,
min_elevation = 1, -- above sea level
near_nodes = {
"group:water", -- likes water (of course)
"default:gravel", -- near those on gravel
"default:sand", -- some like sand
"default:clay", -- some like clay
near_nodes_size = 3,
near_nodes_vertical = 2,--3,
near_nodes_count = 1,
plantlife_limit = -0.9,
humidity_min = 0.4,
temp_max = -0.5, -- 55 °C
temp_min = 0.53, -- 0 °C, dies back in winter
--random_facedir = { 0, 179 },
if abstract_ferns.config.enable_horsetails_on_stones == true then
surface = {
"default:gravel", -- roots go deep
"stoneage:sand_with_silex", -- roots go deep
max_count = 35,
rarity = 20,
min_elevation = 1, -- above sea level
plantlife_limit = -0.9,
humidity_min = 0.4,
temp_max = -0.5, -- 55 °C
temp_min = 0.53, -- 0 °C, dies back in winter
--random_facedir = { 0, 179 },