update coloredwood, digilines, technic, gloopblocks, homedecor, mesecons,
pipeworks, player_textures, signs_lib, unifieddyes, and worldedit
2017-03-14 00:04:17 -04:00
-- The power monitor can be used to monitor how much power is available on a network,
-- similarly to the old "slave" switching stations.
local S = technic.getter
2017-04-12 03:11:48 -04:00
local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png"
update coloredwood, digilines, technic, gloopblocks, homedecor, mesecons,
pipeworks, player_textures, signs_lib, unifieddyes, and worldedit
2017-03-14 00:04:17 -04:00
output = "technic:power_monitor",
recipe = {
{"", "", ""},
{"", "technic:machine_casing", "default:copper_ingot"},
{"technic:lv_cable", "technic:lv_cable", "technic:lv_cable"}
description = S("Power Monitor"),
tiles = {
2017-04-12 03:11:48 -04:00
update coloredwood, digilines, technic, gloopblocks, homedecor, mesecons,
pipeworks, player_textures, signs_lib, unifieddyes, and worldedit
2017-03-14 00:04:17 -04:00
2017-04-12 03:11:48 -04:00
update coloredwood, digilines, technic, gloopblocks, homedecor, mesecons,
pipeworks, player_textures, signs_lib, unifieddyes, and worldedit
2017-03-14 00:04:17 -04:00
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, technic_all_tiers=1, technic_machine=1},
connect_sides = {"bottom", "back"},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Power Monitor"))
nodenames = {"technic:power_monitor"},
2017-03-31 20:25:46 -04:00
label = "Machines: run power monitor",
update coloredwood, digilines, technic, gloopblocks, homedecor, mesecons,
pipeworks, player_textures, signs_lib, unifieddyes, and worldedit
2017-03-14 00:04:17 -04:00
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local network_hash = technic.cables[minetest.hash_node_position(pos)]
local network = network_hash and minetest.get_position_from_hash(network_hash)
local sw_pos = network and {x=network.x,y=network.y+1,z=network.z}
local timeout = 0
for tier in pairs(technic.machines) do
timeout = math.max(meta:get_int(tier.."_EU_timeout"),timeout)
if timeout > 0 and sw_pos and minetest.get_node(sw_pos).name == "technic:switching_station" then
local sw_meta = minetest.get_meta(sw_pos)
local supply = sw_meta:get_int("supply")
local demand = sw_meta:get_int("demand")
S("Power Monitor. Supply: @1 Demand: @2",
update castles, cottages, digistuff, gloopblocks, locks,
maptools, mesecons, pipeworks, technic, unified inventory,
unified dyes, and xban2
2018-08-03 09:31:05 -04:00
technic.EU_string(supply), technic.EU_string(demand)))
update coloredwood, digilines, technic, gloopblocks, homedecor, mesecons,
pipeworks, player_textures, signs_lib, unifieddyes, and worldedit
2017-03-14 00:04:17 -04:00
meta:set_string("infotext",S("Power Monitor Has No Network"))
for tier in pairs(technic.machines) do
-- RE in order to use the "timeout" functions, although it consumes 0 power
technic.register_machine(tier, "technic:power_monitor", "RE")