update castles, areas, bakedclay, basic_materials, currency, digistuff,
farming_redo, homedecor, street_signs, technic, and unified inventory
removed item_tweaks and teleport_request
2020-04-05 22:04:00 -04:00
# textdomain: basic_materials
update castles, cool_trees, plantlife, basic_materials, bees, bonemeal,
homedecor, currency, digilines, farming redo, item_drop, maptools,
mesecons, moreblocks, moreores, moretrees, pipeworks, signs_lib,
stained_glass, technic, titanium, unified_inventory, unifieddyes,and
added Tenplus1's ambience mod
2020-11-01 13:02:30 -05:00
Silicon lump=Siliziumklumpen
Simple Integrated Circuit=Einfacher Integrierter Schaltkreis
Simple Motor=Einfacher Motor
update castles, areas, bakedclay, basic_materials, currency, digistuff,
farming_redo, homedecor, street_signs, technic, and unified inventory
removed item_tweaks and teleport_request
2020-04-05 22:04:00 -04:00
Heating element=Heizelement
update castles, cool_trees, plantlife, basic_materials, bees, bonemeal,
homedecor, currency, digilines, farming redo, item_drop, maptools,
mesecons, moreblocks, moreores, moretrees, pipeworks, signs_lib,
stained_glass, technic, titanium, unified_inventory, unifieddyes,and
added Tenplus1's ambience mod
2020-11-01 13:02:30 -05:00
Simple energy crystal=Einfacher Energiekristall
update castles, areas, bakedclay, basic_materials, currency, digistuff,
farming_redo, homedecor, street_signs, technic, and unified inventory
removed item_tweaks and teleport_request
2020-04-05 22:04:00 -04:00
Spool of steel wire=Spule mit Stahldraht
Spool of copper wire=Spule mit Kupferdraht
Spool of silver wire=Spule mit Silberdraht
Spool of gold wire=Spule mit Golddraht
Steel Strip=Stahlstreifen
Copper Strip=Kupferstreifen
Steel Bar=Stahlstab
update castles, cool_trees, plantlife, basic_materials, bees, bonemeal,
homedecor, currency, digilines, farming redo, item_drop, maptools,
mesecons, moreblocks, moreores, moretrees, pipeworks, signs_lib,
stained_glass, technic, titanium, unified_inventory, unifieddyes,and
added Tenplus1's ambience mod
2020-11-01 13:02:30 -05:00
Chainlinks (brass)=Messingkettenglieder
Chainlinks (steel)=Stahlkettenglieder
update castles, areas, bakedclay, basic_materials, currency, digistuff,
farming_redo, homedecor, street_signs, technic, and unified inventory
removed item_tweaks and teleport_request
2020-04-05 22:04:00 -04:00
Brass Ingot=Messingbarren
Steel gear=Stahlzahnrad
update castles, cool_trees, plantlife, basic_materials, bees, bonemeal,
homedecor, currency, digilines, farming redo, item_drop, maptools,
mesecons, moreblocks, moreores, moretrees, pipeworks, signs_lib,
stained_glass, technic, titanium, unified_inventory, unifieddyes,and
added Tenplus1's ambience mod
2020-11-01 13:02:30 -05:00
Chain (steel, hanging)=Hängende Stahlkette
Chain (brass, hanging)=Hängende Messingkette
update castles, areas, bakedclay, basic_materials, currency, digistuff,
farming_redo, homedecor, street_signs, technic, and unified inventory
removed item_tweaks and teleport_request
2020-04-05 22:04:00 -04:00
Brass Block=Messingblock
update castles, cool_trees, plantlife, basic_materials, bees, bonemeal,
homedecor, currency, digilines, farming redo, item_drop, maptools,
mesecons, moreblocks, moreores, moretrees, pipeworks, signs_lib,
stained_glass, technic, titanium, unified_inventory, unifieddyes,and
added Tenplus1's ambience mod
2020-11-01 13:02:30 -05:00
Oil extract=Ölextrakt
Unprocessed paraffin=Unverarbeitetes Paraffin
Uncooked Terracotta Base=Ungebranntes Terrakotta
Wet Cement=Nasser Zement
update castles, areas, bakedclay, basic_materials, currency, digistuff,
farming_redo, homedecor, street_signs, technic, and unified inventory
removed item_tweaks and teleport_request
2020-04-05 22:04:00 -04:00
Concrete Block=Betonblock
Plastic sheet=Kunststoffplatte
Plastic strips=Kunststoffstreifen
update castles, cool_trees, plantlife, basic_materials, bees, bonemeal,
homedecor, currency, digilines, farming redo, item_drop, maptools,
mesecons, moreblocks, moreores, moretrees, pipeworks, signs_lib,
stained_glass, technic, titanium, unified_inventory, unifieddyes,and
added Tenplus1's ambience mod
2020-11-01 13:02:30 -05:00
Empty wire spool=Leere Drahtspule