[Renderer] Deleted, code moved to Application. [Transformable] Transformations are now applied to model matrix in applyTransform. [ResourceHandler|TextureLoader|XMLFile] Added. [Debug|Exception] Updated.
172 lines
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172 lines
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* =====================================================================================
* Filename: World.cpp
* Description:
* Created: 16/12/2014 15:28:19
* Author: Quentin Bazin, <quent42340@gmail.com>
* =====================================================================================
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
#include "Camera.hpp"
#include "Config.hpp"
#include "ResourceHandler.hpp"
#include "World.hpp"
World::World() : m_texture(ResourceHandler::getInstance().get<Texture>("texture-blocks")) {
for(s32 z = 0 ; z < m_depth ; z++) {
for(s32 y = 0 ; y < m_height ; y++) {
for(s32 x = 0 ; x < m_width ; x++) {
m_chunks.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Chunk>(new Chunk(x - m_width / 2,
y - m_height / 2,
z - m_depth / 2, m_texture)));
for(s32 z = -m_depth / 2 ; z < m_depth / 2 ; z++) {
for(s32 y = -m_height / 2 ; y < m_height / 2 ; y++) {
for(s32 x = -m_width / 2 ; x < m_width / 2 ; x++) {
Chunk *chunk = getChunk(x, y, z);
if(x > -m_width / 2) chunk->setLeft(getChunk(x - 1, y, z));
if(x < m_width / 2 - 1) chunk->setRight(getChunk(x + 1, y, z));
if(y > -m_height / 2) chunk->setBelow(getChunk(x, y - 1, z));
if(y < m_height / 2 - 1) chunk->setAbove(getChunk(x, y + 1, z));
if(z > -m_depth / 2) chunk->setFront(getChunk(x, y, z - 1));
if(z < m_depth / 2 - 1) chunk->setBack(getChunk(x, y, z + 1));
void World::updateChunks() {
for (auto &it : m_chunks) {
void World::draw(RenderTarget &target, RenderStates states) const {
float ud = 1000.0;
int ux = 0;
int uy = 0;
int uz = 0;
states.shader->setUniform("u_renderDistance", renderDistance * Chunk::width);
for(auto &it : m_chunks) {
glm::mat4 modelMatrix{glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f),
glm::vec3(it->x() * Chunk::width,
it->y() * Chunk::height,
it->z() * Chunk::depth))};
states.modelMatrix = &modelMatrix;
// Is the chunk close enough?
glm::vec4 center = *states.viewMatrix
// * *states.projectionMatrix
* *states.modelMatrix
* glm::vec4(Chunk::width / 2, Chunk::height / 2, Chunk::depth / 2, 1);
if(glm::length(center) > (renderDistance + 1) * Chunk::width) {
// Is this chunk on the screen?
center = *states.projectionMatrix * center;
float d = glm::length(center);
center.x /= center.w;
center.y /= center.w;
// If it is behind the camera, don't bother drawing it
if(center.z < -Chunk::height / 2) {
// If it is outside the screen, don't bother drawing it
if(fabsf(center.x) > 1 + fabsf(Chunk::height * 2 / center.w)
|| fabsf(center.y) > 1 + fabsf(Chunk::height * 2 / center.w)) {
// If this chunk is not initialized, skip it
if(!it->isInitialized()) {
// But if it is the closest to the camera, mark it for initialization
if(d < ud) {
ud = d;
ux = it->x();
uy = it->y();
uz = it->z();
// states.shader->setUniform("u_modelMatrix", modelMatrix);
target.draw(*it, states);
if(ud < 1000) {
m_terrainGenerator.generate(*getChunk(ux, uy, uz));
if(getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->left()) m_terrainGenerator.generate(*getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->left());
if(getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->right()) m_terrainGenerator.generate(*getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->right());
if(getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->below()) m_terrainGenerator.generate(*getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->below());
if(getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->above()) m_terrainGenerator.generate(*getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->above());
if(getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->front()) m_terrainGenerator.generate(*getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->front());
if(getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->back()) m_terrainGenerator.generate(*getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->back());
getChunk(ux, uy, uz)->setInitialized(true);
Chunk *World::getChunk(int cx, int cy, int cz) const {
cx += m_width / 2;
cy += m_height / 2;
cz += m_depth / 2;
if (cx < 0 || cx >= m_width || cy < 0 || cy >= m_height || cz < 0 || cz >= m_depth)
return nullptr;
return m_chunks.at(cx + cy * m_width + cz * m_width * m_height).get();
Block *World::getBlock(int x, int y, int z) const {
int cx = (x + Chunk::width * (m_width / 2)) / Chunk::width;
int cy = (y + Chunk::height * (m_height / 2)) / Chunk::height;
int cz = (z + Chunk::depth * (m_depth / 2)) / Chunk::depth;
if (cx < 0 || cx >= m_width || cy < 0 || cy >= m_height || cz < 0 || cz >= m_depth)
return nullptr;
Chunk *chunk = m_chunks.at(cx + cy * m_width + cz * m_width * m_height).get();
if (chunk)
return chunk->getBlock(x & (Chunk::width - 1), y & (Chunk::height - 1), z & (Chunk::depth - 1));
return nullptr;
void World::setBlock(int x, int y, int z, u32 id) {
int cx = (x + Chunk::width * (m_width / 2)) / Chunk::width;
int cy = (y + Chunk::height * (m_height / 2)) / Chunk::height;
int cz = (z + Chunk::depth * (m_depth / 2)) / Chunk::depth;
if (cx < 0 || cx >= m_width || cy < 0 || cy >= m_height || cz < 0 || cz >= m_depth)
Chunk *chunk = m_chunks.at(cx + cy * m_width + cz * m_width * m_height).get();
if (chunk)
chunk->setBlock(x & (Chunk::width - 1), y & (Chunk::height - 1), z & (Chunk::depth - 1), id);