74 lines
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#version 120
varying vec4 v_coord3d;
varying vec4 v_color;
varying vec2 v_lightValue;
varying float v_ambientOcclusion;
varying float v_blockFace;
varying float v_dist;
uniform int u_renderDistance;
// Get current pixel color
vec4 getColor();
// Get light color
vec4 light(vec4 color, vec3 lightColor, vec4 lightPosition, float ambientIntensity, float diffuseIntensity);
// Apply fog
vec4 fog(vec4 color, float fogCoord, float fogStart, float fogEnd);
void main() {
// Needed to prevent bad interpolation on some systems
// Refer to #23 for more informations
float blockFace = floor(v_blockFace + 0.5);
float lightCheck = floor(v_lightValue.x + 0.5);
// Discard if the pixel is too far away
if(blockFace != -1. && v_dist > u_renderDistance) discard;
// Get current pixel color and apply multiplier on grayscale textures
vec4 color = getColor();
if (blockFace != -1 && color != v_color && color.r == color.g && color.g == color.b) {
color *= v_color;
// Very cheap "transparency": don't draw pixels with a low alpha value
if(color.a < 0.3 && blockFace != -1.) discard;
// int maxTime = 5 * 1000;
// float time = mod(u_lightPosition, maxTime) / maxTime * 2 - 1;
// vec3 lightPosition = vec3(0.0, sin(time) * 40, cos(time) * 40);
// color *= light(vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), vec4(lightPosition, 1.0), 0.5, 0.5);
float minBrightness = 2.0 / 16.0;
if (lightCheck != -1.) {
float ambientIntensity = max(max(v_lightValue.x, v_lightValue.y) / 16.0, minBrightness);
float diffuseIntensity = max(v_lightValue.x, v_lightValue.y) / 32.0;
// These numbers should be in sync with enum BlockFace in TilesDef.hpp
// Bottom
if (blockFace == 4.)
ambientIntensity = max(ambientIntensity * 0.6, minBrightness);
// West or East
if (blockFace == 0. || blockFace == 1.)
ambientIntensity = max(ambientIntensity * 0.75, minBrightness);
// South or North
if (blockFace == 2. || blockFace == 3.)
ambientIntensity = max(ambientIntensity * 0.9, minBrightness);
color = light(color, vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), v_coord3d, ambientIntensity, diffuseIntensity);
// color = vec4(0, 0, v_lightValue.x / 16.0, 1);
color.rgb *= v_ambientOcclusion;
color = fog(color, v_dist, u_renderDistance - 32, u_renderDistance);
gl_FragColor = color;