686 lines
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686 lines
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Copyright (C) 2021 Jude Melton-Houghton
This file is part of area_containers. It implements node functionality.
area_containers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
area_containers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with area_containers. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
A container node is associated with an inside chamber through its param1 and
param2. The active nodes in the chamber have the same params to map back to
the container. This relation is managed by relation.lua.
The container lets players teleport into its inside chamber. They can leave
similarly with the inside exit node.
Port nodes inside the chamber correspond to faces of the container. Pipeworks
tubes can pass items through the ports. A mesecons signal can conduct between
the horizontal container faces and the ports.
Digilines messages can pass unaltered between the container and the digiline
node inside.
NOTE: port nodes are assumed to be on the -X side of the chamber. Digiline
nodes are assumed to be on the floor.
The container cannot be broken until it is empty of nodes and objects. While
the inside's block is active, a special "object counter" node continuously
tallies the objects so that the number can be checked when one attempts to
break the container. Despite its name, the object counter now also performs
the function of updating internal light according to the wall_light setting.
This file sets various things in the mod namespace to communicate with
nodes.lua. For example, area_containers.<node-name> will be merged into the
definition of <node-name>, where <node-name> is e.g. "container".
-- Name the private namespace:
local area_containers = ...
local S = minetest.get_translator("area_containers")
-- Gets a node. If get_node fails because the position is not loaded, the
-- position is loaded and get_node is again tried. If this fails, a table is
-- returned with name = "ignore".
local function get_node_maybe_load(pos)
local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos)
if node then return node end
return minetest.get_node(pos) -- Might be "ignore"
-- Gets the stored count of non-player objects associated with the inside.
local function get_non_player_object_count(inside_pos)
local inside_meta = minetest.get_meta(inside_pos)
return inside_meta:get_int("area_containers:object_count")
-- Updates the stored count of non-player objects associated with the inside.
-- The new count is returned. This should only be called for active blocks.
local function update_non_player_object_count(inside_pos)
-- Try to limit updates to active blocks if possible:
if not minetest.compare_block_status or
minetest.compare_block_status(inside_pos, "active") then
local object_count = 0
local objects_inside = minetest.get_objects_in_area(
inside_pos, vector.add(inside_pos, 15))
for _, object in ipairs(objects_inside) do
if not object:is_player() then
object_count = object_count + 1
local inside_meta = minetest.get_meta(inside_pos)
return object_count
return get_non_player_object_count(inside_pos)
local desired_wall_light = area_containers.settings.wall_light
-- Updates the lighting to the desired setting for the chamber at inside_pos.
local function update_inside_lighting(inside_pos)
local inside_meta = minetest.get_meta(inside_pos)
local wall_light = inside_meta:get("area_containers:wall_light")
if not wall_light or tonumber(wall_light) ~= desired_wall_light then
minetest.fix_light(inside_pos, vector.add(inside_pos, 15))
-- The connection rules (relative positions to link to) for the digiline node.
local digiline_node_rules = {
{x = 1, y = 1, z = 0},
{x = 0, y = 1, z = 1},
{x = -1, y = 1, z = 0},
{x = 0, y = 1, z = -1},
-- Determines whether a tube item can be inserted at the position going in the
-- direction by checking if there's a receptacle in that direction. This works
-- pretty much like the filter injector in Pipeworks does.
local function can_insert(to_pos, dir)
local toward_pos = vector.round(vector.add(to_pos, dir))
local toward_node = get_node_maybe_load(toward_pos)
if not toward_node or
not minetest.registered_nodes[toward_node.name] then
return false
return minetest.get_item_group(toward_node.name, "tube") == 1 or
minetest.get_item_group(toward_node.name, "tubedevice") == 1 or
minetest.get_item_group(toward_node.name, "tubedevice_receiver")
== 1
-- The longest common prefix of all container node names.
local container_name_prefix = "area_containers:container_"
-- The offsets of the exit and digiline nodes from the inside position
-- (the chamber wall position with the lowest x, y, and z.)
local exit_offset = vector.new(0, 2, 1)
local digiline_offset = vector.new(3, 0, 3)
-- A mapping from port IDs to offsets from the inside position.
local port_offsets = {
nx = vector.new(0, 2, 4), pz = vector.new(0, 2, 6),
px = vector.new(0, 2, 8), nz = vector.new(0, 2, 10),
py = vector.new(0, 2, 12), ny = vector.new(0, 2, 14),
-- A mapping from port IDs to unit vectors encoding the directions the
-- corresponding outside ports face.
local port_dirs = {
nx = vector.new(-1, 0, 0), pz = vector.new(0, 0, 1),
px = vector.new(1, 0, 0), nz = vector.new(0, 0, -1),
py = vector.new(0, 1, 0), ny = vector.new(0, -1, 0),
-- The list of horizontal port IDs in the order they appear inside,
-- left to right.
local port_ids_horiz = {"nx", "pz", "px", "nz"}
-- The longest common prefix of all port node names.
local port_name_prefix = "area_containers:port_"
-- Maps a port node name to the corresponding port ID.
local function get_port_id_from_name(node_name)
return string.sub(node_name,
#port_name_prefix + 1, #port_name_prefix + 2)
-- Maps a tube output direction parallel to exactly one axis to the best guess
-- of the port ID.
local function get_port_id_from_direction(dir)
if dir.x > 0 then
return "px"
elseif dir.x < 0 then
return "nx"
elseif dir.z > 0 then
return "pz"
elseif dir.z < 0 then
return "nz"
elseif dir.y > 0 then
return "py"
return "ny"
-- Sets up the "object counter" controller node at inside_pos. The params encode
-- the relation.
local function set_up_object_counter(param1, param2, inside_pos)
-- Swap the node to keep the relation metadata:
minetest.swap_node(inside_pos, {
name = "area_containers:object_counter",
param1 = param1, param2 = param2,
-- Reset the periodically updated data, just in case:
local meta = minetest.get_meta(inside_pos)
meta:set_int("area_containers:object_count", 0)
meta:set_int("area_containers:wall_light", desired_wall_light)
-- The node checks for objects periodically when active:
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(inside_pos)
-- Sets up the exit node near inside_pos. The params encode the relation.
local function set_up_exit(param1, param2, inside_pos)
local pos = vector.add(inside_pos, exit_offset)
minetest.set_node(pos, {
name = "area_containers:exit",
param1 = param1, param2 = param2,
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Exit"))
-- Sets up the digiline node near inside_pos. The params encode the relation.
local function set_up_digiline(param1, param2, inside_pos)
local pos = vector.add(inside_pos, digiline_offset)
minetest.set_node(pos, {
name = "area_containers:digiline",
param1 = param1, param2 = param2,
-- Sets up the port nodes near inside_pos. The params encode the relation.
local function set_up_ports(param1, param2, inside_pos)
for id, offset in pairs(port_offsets) do
local pos = vector.add(inside_pos, offset)
minetest.set_node(pos, {
name = port_name_prefix .. id .. "_off",
param1 = param1, param2 = param2,
-- Creats a chamber with all the necessary nodes related with param1 and param2.
local function construct_inside(param1, param2)
local inside_pos = area_containers.get_related_inside(param1, param2)
-- The min and max provide the guidelines for the walls:
local min_pos = inside_pos
local max_pos = vector.add(min_pos, 15)
local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip()
local min_edge, max_edge = vm:read_from_map(min_pos, max_pos)
local area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge = min_edge, MaxEdge = max_edge}
-- Make the walls:
local data = vm:get_data()
local c_air = minetest.CONTENT_AIR
local c_wall = minetest.get_content_id("area_containers:wall")
for z = min_pos.z, max_pos.z do
for y = min_pos.y, max_pos.y do
for x = min_pos.x, max_pos.x do
local content_id = c_air
if x == min_pos.x or x == max_pos.x or
y == min_pos.y or y == max_pos.y or
z == min_pos.z or z == max_pos.z then
content_id = c_wall
data[area:index(x, y, z)] = content_id
-- Set up the special nodes:
set_up_object_counter(param1, param2, inside_pos)
set_up_exit(param1, param2, inside_pos)
set_up_digiline(param1, param2, inside_pos)
set_up_ports(param1, param2, inside_pos)
area_containers.container = {}
-- The 16 container node names counting up from off to on in binary. The bits
-- from most to least significant are: +X, -X, +Z, -Z.
area_containers.all_container_states = {}
local all_container_variants = {
"off", "0001", "0010", "0011", "0100", "0101", "0110", "0111",
"1000", "1001", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1101", "1110", "on",
for i, variant in ipairs(all_container_variants) do
area_containers.all_container_states[i] =
container_name_prefix .. variant
-- A set of unique parameter pairs (as two-item lists.) Their inside areas have
-- their emergences queued but are not yet constructed. When the server shuts
-- down, these pending relations must be freed; they would be hard to save. They
-- are removed from the set after being freed, just in case.
local emerging_relations = {}
for _, params in pairs(emerging_relations) do
local param1, param2 = unpack(params)
minetest.log("error", "The area container with param1 = " ..
param1 .. " and param2 = " .. param2 ..
" had its construction interrupted by the shutdown")
area_containers.free_relation(param1, param2)
-- Clear the list in case any emerge callbacks somehow run after this:
emerging_relations = {}
-- Relates an inside to the container and sets up the inside (asynchronously.)
function area_containers.container.on_construct(pos)
-- Make a copy for safety:
pos = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}
local node = get_node_maybe_load(pos)
local param1 = node.param1
local param2 = node.param2
if param1 ~= 0 or param2 ~= 0 then
-- If the relation is set, the container was probably moved by
-- a piston or something.
if area_containers.reclaim_relation(param1, param2) then
area_containers.set_related_container(param1, param2,
minetest.log("error", "Could not reclaim the inside " ..
"of the area container now located at " ..
minetest.pos_to_string(pos) .. " with " ..
"param1 = " .. param1 .. " and param2 = " ..
param2 .. "; allocating a new inside instead")
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-- Make a broken container; it will be un-broken if all goes to plan:
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Broken Area Container"))
minetest.swap_node(pos, {
name = node.name,
param1 = 0, param2 = 0,
param1, param2 = area_containers.alloc_relation()
if not param1 then
minetest.log("error", "Could not allocate an inside when " ..
"constructing an area container at " ..
-- Generate stuff (after emergence, to prevent conflicts with mapgen):
local index = area_containers.get_params_index(param1, param2)
emerging_relations[index] = {param1, param2}
local function after_emerge(_blockpos, action)
-- Abort if the relation was somehow freed or used up:
if not emerging_relations[index] then return end
emerging_relations[index] = nil
-- Check that the emerge didn't fail:
if action == minetest.EMERGE_ERRORED or
action == minetest.EMERGE_CANCELLED then
minetest.log("error", "An emerge failure prevented " ..
"complete construction of " ..
"the area container located at " ..
minetest.pos_to_string(pos) ..
" with param1 = " .. param1 ..
" and param2 = " .. param2)
area_containers.free_relation(param1, param2)
-- Check that the node hasn't changed:
local node_now = get_node_maybe_load(pos)
if node_now.name ~= node.name or
node_now.param1 ~= 0 or node_now.param2 ~= 0 then
area_containers.free_relation(param1, param2)
-- Now actually do the work, at long last:
construct_inside(param1, param2)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Area Container"))
minetest.swap_node(pos, {
name = node.name,
param1 = param1, param2 = param2,
area_containers.set_related_container(param1, param2, pos)
-- Start the emergence:
local inside_pos = area_containers.get_related_inside(param1, param2)
minetest.emerge_area(inside_pos, inside_pos, after_emerge)
-- Frees the inside related to the container.
function area_containers.container.on_destruct(pos)
-- Only free properly allocated containers (with relation set):
local node = get_node_maybe_load(pos)
if node.param1 ~= 0 or node.param2 ~= 0 then
area_containers.free_relation(node.param1, node.param2)
-- Teleports the player into the container.
function area_containers.container.on_rightclick(pos, node, clicker)
if clicker then
local inside_pos = area_containers.get_related_inside(
node.param1, node.param2)
local self_pos = area_containers.get_related_container(
node.param1, node.param2)
-- Make sure the clicker will be able to get back:
if self_pos and vector.equals(pos, self_pos) then
local dest = vector.offset(inside_pos, 1, 0.6, 1)
-- Returns whether there are any nodes or objects in the container.
-- The object count might not be 100% accurate if the container is unloaded.
function area_containers.container_is_empty(pos, node)
node = node or get_node_maybe_load(pos)
local name_prefix = string.sub(node.name, 1, #container_name_prefix)
if name_prefix ~= container_name_prefix then return true end
-- Invalid containers are empty:
if node.param1 == 0 and node.param2 == 0 then return true end
local inside_pos = area_containers.get_related_inside(
node.param1, node.param2)
-- These represent the area of the inner chamber (inclusive):
local min_pos = vector.add(inside_pos, 1)
local max_pos = vector.add(inside_pos, 14)
-- Detect nodes left inside.
local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip()
local min_edge, max_edge = vm:read_from_map(min_pos, max_pos)
local area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge = min_edge, MaxEdge = max_edge}
local data = vm:get_data()
local c_air = minetest.CONTENT_AIR
for i in area:iterp(min_pos, max_pos) do
if data[i] ~= c_air then return false end
-- Detect objects inside.
local objects_inside = minetest.get_objects_in_area(
vector.subtract(min_pos, 1), vector.add(max_pos, 1))
if #objects_inside > 0 then return false end
-- Detect non-player objects in unloaded inside chambers:
if get_non_player_object_count(inside_pos) > 0 then return false end
return true
function area_containers.container.can_dig(pos)
return area_containers.container_is_empty(pos)
function area_containers.container.on_blast()
-- The simplest way to preserve the inside is just to do nothing.
area_containers.container.digiline = {
effector = {},
receptor = {},
-- Forwards messages to the inside.
function area_containers.container.digiline.effector.action(_pos, node,
channel, msg)
local inside_pos = area_containers.get_related_inside(
node.param1, node.param2)
local digiline_pos = vector.add(inside_pos, digiline_offset)
digiline:receptor_send(digiline_pos, digiline_node_rules, channel, msg)
area_containers.container.groups = {
tubedevice = 1,
tubedevice_receiver = 1,
area_containers.container.tube = {
connect_sides = {
left = 1, right = 1,
back = 1, front = 1,
bottom = 1, top = 1,
function area_containers.container.tube.can_insert(_pos, node, _stack, dir)
if node.param1 == 0 and node.param2 == 0 then return false end
local inside_pos = area_containers.get_related_inside(
node.param1, node.param2)
local port_id = get_port_id_from_direction(vector.multiply(dir, -1))
local port_pos = vector.add(inside_pos, port_offsets[port_id])
return can_insert(port_pos, vector.new(1, 0, 0))
function area_containers.container.tube.insert_object(_pos, node, stack, dir,
local inside_pos = area_containers.get_related_inside(
node.param1, node.param2)
local port_id = get_port_id_from_direction(vector.multiply(dir, -1))
local port_pos = vector.add(inside_pos, port_offsets[port_id])
local out_speed = math.max(vector.length(dir), 0.1)
local out_vel = vector.new(out_speed, 0, 0)
pipeworks.tube_inject_item(port_pos, port_pos, out_vel, stack, owner)
return ItemStack() -- All inserted.
if minetest.global_exists("pipeworks") then
-- For updating tube connections.
area_containers.container.after_place_node = pipeworks.after_place
area_containers.container.after_dig_node = pipeworks.after_dig
-- A container is a conductor to its insides. The position of its insides can
-- be determined from param1 and param2.
area_containers.container.mesecons = {conductor = {
states = area_containers.all_container_states,
local function container_rules_add_port(rules, port_id, self_pos, inside_pos)
local port_pos = vector.add(inside_pos, port_offsets[port_id])
local offset_to_port = vector.subtract(port_pos, self_pos)
rules[#rules + 1] = offset_to_port
function area_containers.container.mesecons.conductor.rules(node)
local rules = {
{x = 1, y = 1, z = 0},
{x = 1, y = 0, z = 0},
{x = 1, y = -1, z = 0},
{x = -1, y = 1, z = 0},
{x = -1, y = 0, z = 0},
{x = -1, y = -1, z = 0},
{x = 0, y = 1, z = 1},
{x = 0, y = 0, z = 1},
{x = 0, y = -1, z = 1},
{x = 0, y = 1, z = -1},
{x = 0, y = 0, z = -1},
{x = 0, y = -1, z = -1},
local self_pos = area_containers.get_related_container(
node.param1, node.param2)
if self_pos then
local inside_pos = area_containers.get_related_inside(
node.param1, node.param2)
container_rules_add_port(rules[1], "px", self_pos, inside_pos)
container_rules_add_port(rules[2], "nx", self_pos, inside_pos)
container_rules_add_port(rules[3], "pz", self_pos, inside_pos)
container_rules_add_port(rules[4], "nz", self_pos, inside_pos)
return rules
area_containers.exit = {}
-- Teleports the player out of the container.
function area_containers.exit.on_rightclick(_pos, node, clicker)
local inside_pos =
area_containers.get_related_inside(node.param1, node.param2)
local clicker_pos = clicker and clicker:get_pos()
if clicker_pos and
clicker_pos.x > inside_pos.x and
clicker_pos.x < inside_pos.x + 15 and
clicker_pos.y > inside_pos.y and
clicker_pos.y < inside_pos.y + 15 and
clicker_pos.z > inside_pos.z and
clicker_pos.z < inside_pos.z + 15 then
local container_pos = area_containers.get_related_container(
node.param1, node.param2)
if container_pos then
local dest = vector.offset(container_pos, 0, 0.6, 0)
-- Update the count before the block is deactivated:
if minetest.is_player(clicker) then
area_containers.digiline = {
digiline = {
effector = {rules = digiline_node_rules},
receptor = {rules = digiline_node_rules},
-- Forwards digiline messages to the container.
function area_containers.digiline.digiline.effector.action(_pos, node,
channel, msg)
local container_pos =
area_containers.get_related_container(node.param1, node.param2)
if not container_pos then return end
digiline:receptor_send(container_pos, digiline.rules.default,
channel, msg)
area_containers.port = {
groups = {
tubedevice = 1,
tubedevice_receiver = 1,
tube = {
connect_sides = {
right = 1, -- Connect to +X.
function area_containers.port.tube.can_insert(_pos, node)
local container_pos =
area_containers.get_related_container(node.param1, node.param2)
if not container_pos then return false end
local id = get_port_id_from_name(node.name)
return can_insert(container_pos, port_dirs[id])
function area_containers.port.tube.insert_object(_pos, node, stack, dir, owner)
local container_pos = area_containers.get_related_container(
node.param1, node.param2)
if not container_pos then return stack end
local id = get_port_id_from_name(node.name)
local out_dir = port_dirs[id]
local out_speed = math.max(vector.length(dir), 0.1)
local out_vel = vector.multiply(out_dir, out_speed)
pipeworks.tube_inject_item(container_pos, container_pos, out_vel, stack,
return ItemStack() -- All inserted.
-- The ports conduct in a similar way to the container, using param1 and param2.
local function get_port_rules(node)
local rules = {
{x = 1, y = -1, z = 0},
{x = 1, y = 0, z = 0},
{x = 1, y = 1, z = 0},
local container_pos = area_containers.get_related_container(
node.param1, node.param2)
if container_pos then
local id = get_port_id_from_name(node.name)
local inside_pos = area_containers.get_related_inside(
node.param1, node.param2)
local self_pos = vector.add(inside_pos, port_offsets[id])
local container_offset =
vector.subtract(container_pos, self_pos)
rules[#rules + 1] = container_offset
return rules
-- The vertical faces don't get mesecons since it wasn't working with them.
area_containers.all_port_variants = {
py_off = {},
ny_off = {},
for _, id in ipairs(port_ids_horiz) do
local on_state = id .. "_on"
local off_state = id .. "_off"
area_containers.all_port_variants[on_state] = {
mesecons = {conductor = {
state = "on",
offstate = port_name_prefix .. off_state,
rules = get_port_rules,
area_containers.all_port_variants[off_state] = {
mesecons = {conductor = {
state = "off",
onstate = port_name_prefix .. on_state,
rules = get_port_rules,
area_containers.object_counter = {}
function area_containers.object_counter.on_timer(pos)
-- The counter's position is also the inside_pos:
return true