2018-09-13 08:30:33 +10:00

306 lines
8.8 KiB

Hidden Doors - Adds various wood, stone, etc. doors.
Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Hamlet, Napiophelios
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
-- Load support for intllib.
local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua")
hidden_doors = {}
local description_1 = S("Concealed ")
local description_2 = S(" Door")
-- 'painted' doors are not fully concealed, they are wooden doors painted to blend in
local doors_are_painted = minetest.settings:get_bool("hidden_doors_painted", false)
if doors_are_painted then
description_1 = S("Painted ")
-- Hidden Doors' sounds
local hidden_doors_vol = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("hidden_doors_vol"))
if not hidden_doors_vol then
hidden_doors_vol = 5.0
stone_default = default.node_sound_stone_defaults()
stone_open = {name = "hidden_doors_stone_door_open", gain = hidden_doors_vol}
stone_close = {name = "hidden_doors_stone_door_close", gain = hidden_doors_vol}
wood_default = default.node_sound_wood_defaults()
wood_open = "doors_door_open"
wood_close = "doors_door_close"
metal_default = default.node_sound_metal_defaults()
metal_open = "doors_steel_door_open"
metal_close = "doors_steel_door_close"
gem_default = default.node_sound_glass_defaults()
gem_open = "doors_glass_door_open"
gem_close = "doors_glass_door_close"
-- Hidden door's base recipe item
recipeItem1 = "doors:door_wood"
-- Hidden door's texture variables
local pixels = 16 local width = 0 local height = 0
local image_size = ""
local Y1 = 0 local X1 = 0
local Y2 = 0 local X2 = 0
local Y3 = 0 local X3 = 0
local Y4 = 0 local X4 = 0
local hidden_doors_res = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("hidden_doors_res"))
if not hidden_doors_res then
hidden_doors_res = pixels
if hidden_doors_res == 16 then
-- Item's inventory texture dimensions
inv_w = pixels * 2 inv_h = pixels * 2
inv_size = inv_w.."x"..inv_h
-- Node's texture dimensions
width = (pixels * 2) + 6 height = pixels * 2
image_size = width.."x"..height
-- Composed texture's dimensions
Y1 = pixels X1 = 8
Y2 = 6 X2 = 6
Y3 = pixels X3 = pixels
Y4 = pixels X4 = 22
elseif hidden_doors_res == 32 then
-- Item's inventory texture dimensions
inv_w = pixels * 4 inv_h = pixels * 4
inv_size = inv_w.."x"..inv_h
-- Node's texture dimensions
width = ((pixels * 2) + 6) * 2 height = pixels * 4
image_size = width.."x"..height
-- Composed texture's dimensions
Y1 = 32 X1 = 16
Y2 = 12 X2 = 12
Y3 = pixels * 2 X3 = pixels * 2
Y4 = pixels * 2 X4 = 44
elseif hidden_doors_res == 64 then
-- Item's inventory texture dimensions
inv_w = pixels * 8 inv_h = pixels * 8
inv_size = inv_w.."x"..inv_h
-- Node's texture dimensions
width = ((pixels * 2) + 6) * 4 height = pixels * 8
image_size = width .. "x" .. height
-- Composed texture's dimensions
Y1 = 64 X1 = 32
Y2 = 24 X2 = 24
Y3 = pixels * 4 X3 = pixels * 4
Y4 = pixels * 4 X4 = 88
elseif hidden_doors_res == 128 then
-- Item's inventory texture dimensions
inv_w = pixels * 16 inv_h = pixels * 16
inv_size = inv_w.."x"..inv_h
-- Node's texture dimensions dimensions
width = ((pixels * 2) + 6) * 8 height = pixels * 16
image_size = width .. "x" .. height
-- Composed texture's dimensions
Y1 = 128 X1 = 64
Y2 = 48 X2 = 48
Y3 = pixels * 8 X3 = pixels * 8
Y4 = pixels * 8 X4 = 176
-- If the setting is not valid then set it to 16px and use that resolution
hidden_doors_res = pixels
minetest.settings:set("hidden_doors_res", hidden_doors_res)
-- Item's inventory texture dimensions
inv_w = pixels * 2 inv_h = pixels * 2
inv_size = inv_w.."x"..inv_h
-- Node's texture dimensions
width = (pixels * 2) + 6 height = pixels * 2
image_size = width.."x"..height
-- Composed texture's dimensions
Y1 = pixels X1 = 8
Y2 = 6 X2 = 6
Y3 = pixels X3 = pixels
Y4 = pixels X4 = 22
function hidden_doors.get_painted_texture_suffix(use_default_16px_res)
local texture_suffix = ""
local texture_suffix_inv = ""
if doors_are_painted then
local paint_opacity = 35
local paint_opacity_inv = paint_opacity + 15
if use_default_16px_res then
texture_suffix =
"^((hidden_doors_painted_overlay.png^[opacity:" .. paint_opacity ..
texture_suffix_inv =
":8,0=hidden_doors_painted_overlay.png\\^[opacity\\:" ..
paint_opacity_inv .. "\\^[resize\\:38x32"
texture_suffix =
"^((hidden_doors_painted_overlay.png^[opacity:" .. paint_opacity ..
"^hidden_doors_hinges_overlay.png)^[resize:" .. image_size .. ")"
texture_suffix_inv =
": " .. X1 .. ",0=hidden_doors_painted_overlay.png\\^[opacity\\:" ..
paint_opacity_inv .. "\\^[resize\\:" .. image_size
return texture_suffix, texture_suffix_inv
function hidden_doors.register_hidden_doors(modname, subname, recipeItem1,
recipeItem2, recipeItem3, desc, sounds, sound_open, sound_close)
local texture_name = modname .. "_" .. subname .. ".png"
-- If the door uses textures from Darkage then use the default 16px res.
-- Do the same for Moreblocks.
if (modname ~= "darkage") and (modname ~= "moreblocks") then
local new_texture = "[combine:" .. image_size .. ": 0," ..
"0=" .. texture_name .. ": 0," ..
Y3 .. "=" .. texture_name .. ":" .. X2 .. "," ..
"0=" .. texture_name .. ":" .. X2 .. "," ..
Y3 .. "=" .. texture_name .. ":" .. X4 .. "," ..
"0=" .. texture_name .. ":" .. X4 .. "," ..
Y3 .. "=" .. texture_name
local painted_texture_suffix, painted_texture_suffix_inv =
doors.register("hidden_door_" .. subname, {
description = description_1 .. desc .. description_2,
tiles = {{ name = "(" .. new_texture ..
"^[transformFX)^([combine:" .. image_size.. ":" ..X3.. "," ..
"0=" .. texture_name .. ":" .. X3 .. "," ..
Y3 .. "=" .. texture_name .. ")" .. painted_texture_suffix,
backface_culling = true }},
inventory_image = "[combine:" .. inv_size .. ":" .. X1 .. "," ..
"0=" .. texture_name .. ":" .. X1 .. "," ..
Y1 .. "=" ..texture_name .. painted_texture_suffix_inv,
groups = {cracky = 1, level = 2},
sounds = sounds,
sound_open = sound_open,
sound_close = sound_close,
recipe = { {recipeItem1, recipeItem2, recipeItem3}, }}
local new_texture = "[combine:" .. "38x32" .. ": 0," ..
"0=" .. texture_name .. ": 0," ..
"16=" .. texture_name .. ": 6," ..
"0=" .. texture_name .. ": 6," ..
"16=" .. texture_name .. ": 22," ..
"0=" .. texture_name .. ": 22," ..
"16=" .. texture_name
local painted_texture_suffix, painted_texture_suffix_inv =
doors.register("hidden_door_" .. subname, {
description = description_1 .. desc .. description_2,
tiles = {{ name = "(" .. new_texture ..
"^[transformFX)^([combine:" .. "38x32" .. ": 16," ..
"0=" .. texture_name .. ": 16," ..
"16=" .. texture_name .. ")" .. painted_texture_suffix,
backface_culling = true }},
inventory_image = "[combine:" .. "32x32" .. ": 8," ..
"0=" .. texture_name .. ": 8," ..
"16=" .. texture_name .. painted_texture_suffix_inv,
groups = {cracky = 1, level = 2},
sounds = sounds,
sound_open = sound_open,
sound_close = sound_close,
recipe = { {recipeItem1, recipeItem2, recipeItem3}, }}
-- Minetest Game's based hidden doors
dofile(MP .. "/minetest_game.lua")
-- Compatible modules' based hidden doors
if minetest.get_modpath("darkage") then
dofile(MP .. "/darkage.lua")
if minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks") then
dofile(MP .. "/moreblocks.lua")