
1031 lines
56 KiB

local DEBUG = false -- dev logging
local DEBUG_GEOMETRIC = false -- turn off noise from island shapes
local LOWLAND_BIOMES = false -- If true then determine an island's biome using the biome at altitude "LOWLAND_BIOME_ALTITUDE"
local LOWLAND_BIOME_ALTITUDE = 10 -- Higher than beaches, lower than mountains (See LOWLAND_BIOMES)
local ALTITUDE = 200 -- average altitude of islands
local ALTITUDE_AMPLITUDE = 40 -- rough island altitude variance (plus or minus)
local EDDYFIELD_SIZE = 1 -- size of the "eddy field-lines" that smaller islands follow
local GENERATE_ORES = false -- set to true for island core stone to contain patches of dirt and sand etc.
local VINE_COVERAGE = 0.3 -- set to 0 to turn off vines
local REEF_RARITY = 0.015 -- Chance of a viable island having a reef or atoll
local ISLANDS_SEED = 1000 -- You only need to change this if you want to try different island layouts without changing the map seed
-- Some lists of known node aliases (any nodes which can't be found won't be used).
local NODENAMES_STONE = {"mapgen_stone", "mcl_core:stone", "default:stone"}
local NODENAMES_WATER = {"mapgen_water_source", "mcl_core:water_source", "default:water_source"}
local NODENAMES_ICE = {"mapgen_ice", "mcl_core:ice", "pedology:ice_white", "default:ice"}
local NODENAMES_GRAVEL = {"mapgen_gravel", "mcl_core:gravel", "default:gravel"}
local NODENAMES_SILT = {"mapgen_silt", "default:silt", "aotearoa:silt", "darkage:silt", "mapgen_sand", "mcl_core:sand", "default:sand"} -- silt isn't a thing yet, but perhaps one day it will be. Use sand for the bottom of ponds in the meantime.
local NODENAMES_VINES = {"mcl_core:vine", "vines:side_end"}
local MODNAME = minetest.get_current_modname()
local coreTypes = {
territorySize = 200,
coresPerTerritory = 3,
radiusMax = 96,
depthMax = 50,
thicknessMax = 8,
frequency = 0.1,
pondWallBuffer = 0.03,
requiresNexus = true,
exclusive = false
territorySize = 60,
coresPerTerritory = 1,
radiusMax = 40,
depthMax = 40,
thicknessMax = 4,
frequency = 0.1,
pondWallBuffer = 0.06,
requiresNexus = false,
exclusive = true
territorySize = 30,
coresPerTerritory = 3,
radiusMax = 16,
depthMax = 16,
thicknessMax = 2,
frequency = 0.1,
pondWallBuffer = 0.11, -- larger values will make ponds smaller and further from island edges, so it should be as low as you can get it without the ponds leaking over the edge. A small leak-prone island is at (3160, -2360) on seed 1
requiresNexus = false,
exclusive = true
if minetest.get_biome_data == nil then error(MODNAME .. " requires Minetest v5.0 or greater", 0) end
local function fromSettings(settings_name, default_value)
local result
if type(default_value) == "number" then
result = tonumber(minetest.settings:get(settings_name) or default_value)
elseif type(default_value) == "boolean" then
result = minetest.settings:get_bool(settings_name, default_value)
return result
-- override any settings with user-specified values before these values are needed
ALTITUDE = fromSettings(MODNAME .. "_altitude", ALTITUDE)
ALTITUDE_AMPLITUDE = fromSettings(MODNAME .. "_altitude_amplitude", ALTITUDE_AMPLITUDE)
GENERATE_ORES = fromSettings(MODNAME .. "_generate_ores", GENERATE_ORES)
VINE_COVERAGE = fromSettings(MODNAME .. "_vine_coverage", VINE_COVERAGE * 100) / 100
LOWLAND_BIOMES = fromSettings(MODNAME .. "_use_lowland_biomes", LOWLAND_BIOMES)
local noiseparams_eddyField = {
offset = -1,
scale = 2,
spread = {x = 350 * EDDYFIELD_SIZE, y = 350 * EDDYFIELD_SIZE, z= 350 * EDDYFIELD_SIZE},
seed = ISLANDS_SEED, --WARNING! minetest.get_perlin() will add the server map's seed to this value
octaves = 2,
persistence = 0.7,
lacunarity = 2.0,
local noiseparams_heightMap = {
offset = 0,
spread = {x = 160, y = 160, z= 160},
seed = ISLANDS_SEED, --WARNING! minetest.get_perlin() will add the server map's seed to this value
octaves = 3,
persistence = 0.5,
lacunarity = 2.0,
local DENSITY_OFFSET = 0.7
local noiseparams_density = {
scale = .3,
spread = {x = 25, y = 25, z= 25},
seed = 1000, --WARNING! minetest.get_perlin() will add the server map's seed to this value
octaves = 4,
persistence = 0.5,
lacunarity = 2.0,
local noiseparams_surfaceMap = {
scale = .5,
spread = {x = 40, y = 40, z= 40},
seed = ISLANDS_SEED, --WARNING! minetest.get_perlin() will add the server map's seed to this value
octaves = 4,
persistence = 0.5,
lacunarity = 2.0,
local noiseparams_skyReef = {
offset = .3,
scale = .9,
spread = {x = 3, y = 3, z= 3},
seed = 1000,
octaves = 2,
persistence = 0.5,
lacunarity = 2.0,
local noiseAngle = -15 --degrees to rotate eddyField noise, so that the vertical and horizontal tendencies are off-axis
local ROTATE_COS = math.cos(math.rad(noiseAngle))
local ROTATE_SIN = math.sin(math.rad(noiseAngle))
local noise_eddyField
local noise_heightMap
local noise_density
local noise_surfaceMap
local noise_skyReef
local worldSeed
local nodeId_ignore = minetest.CONTENT_IGNORE
local nodeId_air
local nodeId_stone
local nodeId_water
local nodeId_ice
local nodeId_silt
local nodeId_gravel
local nodeId_vine
local nodeName_vine
local randomNumbers = {} -- array of 0-255 random numbers with values between 0 and 1 (inclusive)
local data = {} -- reuse the massive VoxelManip memory buffers instead of creating on every on_generate()
local surfaceData = {} -- reuse the massive VoxelManip memory buffers instead of creating on every on_generate()
local biomes = {}
-- optional region specified in settings to restrict islands too
local region_restrictions = false
local region_min_x, region_min_z, region_max_x, region_max_z = -32000, -32000, 32000, 32000
-- optional biomes specified in settings to restrict islands too
local limit_to_biomes = nil
local limit_to_biomes_altitude = nil
Math functions
-- avoid having to perform table lookups each time a common math function is invoked
local math_min, math_max, math_floor, math_sqrt, math_cos, math_abs, math_pow, PI = math.min, math.max, math.floor, math.sqrt, math.cos, math.abs, math.pow, math.pi
local function clip(value, minValue, maxValue)
if value <= minValue then
return minValue
elseif value >= maxValue then
return maxValue
return value
local function round(value)
return math_floor(0.5 + value)
Interop functions
local interop = {}
-- returns the id of the first name in the list that resolves to a node id, or nodeId_ignore if not found
interop.find_node_id = function (node_aliases)
local result
for _,alias in ipairs(node_aliases) do
result = minetest.get_content_id(alias)
--if DEBUG then minetest.log("info", alias .. " returned " .. result) end
if result == nodeId_ignore then
-- registered_aliases isn't documented - not sure I'm using it right
local altAlias = minetest.registered_aliases[alias]
if altAlias ~= nil then result = minetest.get_content_id(altAlias) end
if result ~= nodeId_ignore then return result end
return result
interop.register_clone = function(node_name)
local node = minetest.registered_nodes[node_name]
if node == nil then
minetest.log("error", "cannot clone " .. node_name)
return nil
local cloneName = MODNAME .. ":" .. string.gsub(, ":", "_")
if minetest.registered_nodes[cloneName] == nil then
minetest.log("info", "attempting to register: " .. cloneName)
local clone = {}
for key, value in pairs(node) do clone.key = value end = cloneName
minetest.register_node(cloneName, clone)
--minetest.log("info", cloneName .. " id: " .. minetest.get_content_id(cloneName))
--minetest.log("info", cloneName .. ": " .. dump(minetest.registered_nodes[cloneName]))
return cloneName
Initialization and Mapgen
local function init_mapgen()
-- invoke get_perlin() here, since it can't be invoked before the environment
-- is created because it uses the world's seed value.
noise_eddyField = minetest.get_perlin(noiseparams_eddyField)
noise_heightMap = minetest.get_perlin(noiseparams_heightMap)
noise_density = minetest.get_perlin(noiseparams_density)
noise_surfaceMap = minetest.get_perlin(noiseparams_surfaceMap)
noise_skyReef = minetest.get_perlin(noiseparams_skyReef)
local prng = PcgRandom(122456 + ISLANDS_SEED)
for i = 0,255 do randomNumbers[i] = prng:next(0, 0x10000) / 0x10000 end
for k,v in pairs(minetest.registered_biomes) do
biomes[minetest.get_biome_id(k)] = v;
if DEBUG then minetest.log("info", "registered biomes: " .. dump(biomes)) end
nodeId_air = minetest.get_content_id("air")
nodeId_stone = interop.find_node_id(NODENAMES_STONE)
nodeId_water = interop.find_node_id(NODENAMES_WATER)
nodeId_ice = interop.find_node_id(NODENAMES_ICE)
nodeId_silt = interop.find_node_id(NODENAMES_SILT)
nodeId_gravel = interop.find_node_id(NODENAMES_GRAVEL)
nodeId_vine = interop.find_node_id(NODENAMES_VINES)
nodeName_vine = minetest.get_name_from_content_id(nodeId_vine)
local regionRectStr = minetest.settings:get(MODNAME .. "_limit_rect")
if type(regionRectStr) == "string" then
local minXStr, minZStr, maxXStr, maxZStr = string.match(regionRectStr, '(-?[%d%.]+)[,%s]+(-?[%d%.]+)[,%s]+(-?[%d%.]+)[,%s]+(-?[%d%.]+)')
if minXStr ~= nil then
local minX, minZ, maxX, maxZ = tonumber(minXStr), tonumber(minZStr), tonumber(maxXStr), tonumber(maxZStr)
if minX ~= nil and maxX ~= nil and minX < maxX then
region_min_x, region_max_x = minX, maxX
if minZ ~= nil and maxZ ~= nil and minZ < maxZ then
region_min_z, region_max_z = minZ, maxZ
local limitToBiomesStr = minetest.settings:get(MODNAME .. "_limit_biome")
if type(limitToBiomesStr) == "string" and string.len(limitToBiomesStr) > 0 then
limit_to_biomes = limitToBiomesStr:lower()
limit_to_biomes_altitude = tonumber(minetest.settings:get(MODNAME .. "_limit_biome_altitude"))
region_restrictions =
region_min_x > -32000 or region_min_z > -32000
or region_max_x < 32000 or region_max_z < 32000
or limit_to_biomes ~= nil
-- Updates coreList to include all cores of type coreType within the given bounds
local function addCores(coreList, coreType, x1, z1, x2, z2)
for z = math_floor(z1 / coreType.territorySize), math_floor(z2 / coreType.territorySize) do
for x = math_floor(x1 / coreType.territorySize), math_floor(x2 / coreType.territorySize) do
-- Use a known PRNG implementation, to make life easier for Amidstest
local prng = PcgRandom(
x * 8973896 +
z * 7467838 +
worldSeed + 8438 + ISLANDS_SEED
local coresInTerritory = {}
for i = 1, coreType.coresPerTerritory do
local coreX = x * coreType.territorySize + prng:next(0, coreType.territorySize - 1)
local coreZ = z * coreType.territorySize + prng:next(0, coreType.territorySize - 1)
-- there's strong vertical and horizontal tendency in 2-octave noise,
-- so rotate it a little to avoid it lining up with the world axis.
local noiseX = ROTATE_COS * coreX - ROTATE_SIN * coreZ
local noiseZ = ROTATE_SIN * coreX + ROTATE_COS * coreZ
local eddyField = noise_eddyField:get2d({x = noiseX, y = noiseZ})
if (math_abs(eddyField) < coreType.frequency) then
local nexusConditionMet = not coreType.requiresNexus
if not nexusConditionMet then
-- A 'nexus' is a made up name for a place where the eddyField is flat.
-- There are often many 'field lines' leading out from a nexus.
-- Like a saddle in the perlin noise the height "coreType.frequency"
local eddyField_orthA = noise_eddyField:get2d({x = noiseX + 2, y = noiseZ})
local eddyField_orthB = noise_eddyField:get2d({x = noiseX, y = noiseZ + 2})
if math_abs(eddyField - eddyField_orthA) + math_abs(eddyField - eddyField_orthB) < 0.02 then
nexusConditionMet = true
if nexusConditionMet then
local radius = (coreType.radiusMax + prng:next(0, coreType.radiusMax) * 2) / 3 -- give a 33%/66% weighting split between max-radius and random
local depth = (coreType.depthMax + prng:next(0, coreType.depthMax) * 2) / 2
local thickness = prng:next(0, coreType.thicknessMax)
if coreX >= x1 and coreX < x2 and coreZ >= z1 and coreZ < z2 then
local spaceConditionMet = not coreType.exclusive
if not spaceConditionMet then
-- see if any other cores occupy this space, and if so then
-- either deny the core, or raise it
spaceConditionMet = true
local minDistSquared = radius * radius * .7
for _,core in ipairs(coreList) do
if core.type.radiusMax == coreType.radiusMax then
-- We've reached the cores of the current type. We can't exclude based on all
-- cores of the same type as we can't be sure neighboring territories will have been generated.
if (core.x - coreX)*(core.x - coreX) + (core.z - coreZ)*(core.z - coreZ) <= minDistSquared + core.radius * core.radius then
spaceConditionMet = false
if spaceConditionMet then
for _,core in ipairs(coresInTerritory) do
-- We can assume all cores of the current type are being generated in this territory,
-- so we can exclude the core if it overlaps one already in this territory.
if (core.x - coreX)*(core.x - coreX) + (core.z - coreZ)*(core.z - coreZ) <= minDistSquared + core.radius * core.radius then
spaceConditionMet = false
if spaceConditionMet then
-- all conditions met, we've located a new island core
--minetest.log("Adding core "..x..","..y..","..z..","..radius);
local y = round(noise_heightMap:get2d({x = coreX, y = coreZ}))
local newCore = {
x = coreX,
y = y,
z = coreZ,
radius = radius,
thickness = thickness,
depth = depth,
type = coreType,
coreList[#coreList + 1] = newCore
coresInTerritory[#coreList + 1] = newCore
-- We didn't test coreX,coreZ against x1,z1,x2,z2 immediately and save all
-- that extra work, as that would break the determinism of the prng calls.
-- i.e. if the area was approached from a different direction then a
-- territory might end up with a different list of cores.
-- TODO: filter earlier but advance prng?
-- removes any islands that fall outside region restrictions specified in the options
local function removeUnwantedIslands(coreList)
local testBiome = limit_to_biomes ~= nil
local get_biome_name = nil
if testBiome then
-- minetest.get_biome_name() was added in March 2018, we'll ignore the
-- limit_to_biomes option on versions of Minetest that predate this
get_biome_name = minetest.get_biome_name
testBiome = get_biome_name ~= nil
if get_biome_name == nil then
minetest.log("warning", MODNAME .. " ignoring " .. MODNAME .. "_limit_biome option as Minetest API version too early to support get_biome_name()")
limit_to_biomes = nil
for i = #coreList, 1, -1 do
local core = coreList[i]
local coreX = core.x
local coreZ = core.z
if coreX < region_min_x or coreX > region_max_x or coreZ < region_min_z or coreZ > region_max_z then
table.remove(coreList, i)
elseif testBiome then
local biomeAltitude
if (limit_to_biomes_altitude == nil) then biomeAltitude = ALTITUDE + core.y else biomeAltitude = limit_to_biomes_altitude end
local biomeName = get_biome_name(minetest.get_biome_data({x = coreX, y = biomeAltitude, z = coreZ}).biome)
if not string.match(limit_to_biomes, biomeName:lower()) then
table.remove(coreList, i)
-- gets an array of all cores which may intersect the draw distance
local function getCores(minp, maxp)
local result = {}
for _,coreType in pairs(coreTypes) do
minp.x - coreType.radiusMax,
minp.z - coreType.radiusMax,
maxp.x + coreType.radiusMax,
maxp.z + coreType.radiusMax
-- remove islands only after cores have all generated to avoid the restriction
-- settings from rearranging islands.
if region_restrictions then removeUnwantedIslands(result) end
return result;
local function setCoreBiomeData(core)
local pos = {x = core.x, y = ALTITUDE + core.y, z = core.z}
core.biomeId = minetest.get_biome_data(pos).biome
core.biome = biomes[core.biomeId]
core.temperature = minetest.get_heat(pos)
core.humidity = minetest.get_humidity(pos)
if core.temperature == nil then core.temperature = 50 end
if core.humidity == nil then core.humidity = 50 end
local function addDetail_vines(decoration_list, core, data, area, minp, maxp)
if VINE_COVERAGE > 0 and nodeId_vine ~= nodeId_ignore then
local y = ALTITUDE + core.y
if y >= minp.y and y <= maxp.y then
-- if core.biome is nil then renderCores() never rendered it, which means it
-- doesn't instersect this draw region.
if core.biome ~= nil and core.humidity >= VINES_REQUIRED_HUMIDITY and core.temperature >= VINES_REQUIRED_TEMPERATURE then
local nodeId_top
local nodeId_filler
local nodeId_stoneBase
local nodeId_dust
if core.biome.node_top == nil then nodeId_top = nodeId_stone else nodeId_top = minetest.get_content_id(core.biome.node_top) end
if core.biome.node_filler == nil then nodeId_filler = nodeId_stone else nodeId_filler = minetest.get_content_id(core.biome.node_filler) end
if core.biome.node_stone == nil then nodeId_stoneBase = nodeId_stone else nodeId_stoneBase = minetest.get_content_id(core.biome.node_stone) end
if core.biome.node_dust == nil then nodeId_dust = nodeId_stone else nodeId_dust = minetest.get_content_id(core.biome.node_dust) end
local function isIsland(nodeId)
return (nodeId == nodeId_filler or nodeId == nodeId_top
or nodeId == nodeId_stoneBase or nodeId == nodeId_dust
or nodeId == nodeId_silt)
local function findHighestNodeFace(y, solidIndex, emptyIndex)
-- return the highest y value (or maxp.y) where solidIndex is part of an island
-- and emptyIndex is not
local yOffset = 1
while y + yOffset <= maxp.y and isIsland(data[solidIndex + yOffset * area.ystride]) and not isIsland(data[emptyIndex + yOffset * area.ystride]) do
yOffset = yOffset + 1
return y + yOffset - 1
local radius = round(core.radius)
local xCropped = math_min(maxp.x, math_max(minp.x, core.x))
local zStart = math_max(minp.z, core.z - radius)
local vi = area:index(xCropped, y, zStart)
for z = 0, math_min(maxp.z, core.z + radius) - zStart do
local searchIndex = vi + z * area.zstride
if isIsland(data[searchIndex]) then
-- add vines to east face
if randomNumbers[(zStart + z + y) % 256] <= VINE_COVERAGE then
for x = xCropped + 1, maxp.x do
if not isIsland(data[searchIndex + 1]) then
local yhighest = findHighestNodeFace(y, searchIndex, searchIndex + 1)
decoration_list[#decoration_list + 1] = {pos={x=x, y=yhighest, z= zStart + z}, node={name = nodeName_vine, param2 = 3}}
searchIndex = searchIndex + 1
-- add vines to west face
if randomNumbers[(zStart + z + y + 128) % 256] <= VINE_COVERAGE then
searchIndex = vi + z * area.zstride
for x = xCropped - 1, minp.x, -1 do
if not isIsland(data[searchIndex - 1]) then
local yhighest = findHighestNodeFace(y, searchIndex, searchIndex - 1)
decoration_list[#decoration_list + 1] = {pos={x=x, y=yhighest, z= zStart + z}, node={name = nodeName_vine, param2 = 2}}
searchIndex = searchIndex - 1
local zCropped = math_min(maxp.z, math_max(minp.z, core.z))
local xStart = math_max(minp.x, core.x - radius)
local vi = area:index(xStart, y, zCropped)
local zstride = area.zstride
for x = 0, math_min(maxp.x, core.x + radius) - xStart do
local searchIndex = vi + x
if isIsland(data[searchIndex]) then
-- add vines to north face (make it like moss - grows better on the north side)
if randomNumbers[(xStart + x + y) % 256] <= (VINE_COVERAGE * 1.2) then
for z = zCropped + 1, maxp.z do
if not isIsland(data[searchIndex + zstride]) then
local yhighest = findHighestNodeFace(y, searchIndex, searchIndex + zstride)
decoration_list[#decoration_list + 1] = {pos={x=xStart + x, y=yhighest, z=z}, node={name = nodeName_vine, param2 = 5}}
searchIndex = searchIndex + zstride
-- add vines to south face (make it like moss - grows better on the north side)
if randomNumbers[(xStart + x + y + 128) % 256] <= (VINE_COVERAGE * 0.8) then
searchIndex = vi + x
for z = zCropped - 1, minp.z, -1 do
if not isIsland(data[searchIndex - zstride]) then
local yhighest = findHighestNodeFace(y, searchIndex, searchIndex - zstride)
decoration_list[#decoration_list + 1] = {pos={x=xStart + x, y=yhighest, z=z}, node={name = nodeName_vine, param2 = 4}}
searchIndex = searchIndex - zstride
-- A rare formation of rocks circling or crowning an island
-- returns true if voxels were changed
local function addDetail_skyReef(decoration_list, core, data, area, minp, maxp)
local coreTop = ALTITUDE + core.y
local reefAltitude = math_floor(coreTop - 1 - core.thickness / 2)
local reefMaxHeight = 12
local reefMaxUnderhang = 4
if (maxp.y < reefAltitude - reefMaxUnderhang) or (minp.y > reefAltitude + reefMaxHeight) then
--no reef here
return false
local isReef = core.radius < core.type.radiusMax * 0.4 -- a reef can't extend beyond radiusMax, so needs a small island
local isAtoll = core.radius > core.type.radiusMax * 0.8
if not (isReef or isAtoll) then return false end
local fastHash = 3
fastHash = (37 * fastHash) + core.x
fastHash = (37 * fastHash) + core.z
fastHash = (37 * fastHash) + math_floor(core.radius)
fastHash = (37 * fastHash) + math_floor(core.depth)
if ISLANDS_SEED ~= 1000 then fastHash = (37 * fastHash) + ISLANDS_SEED end
local rarityAdj = 1
if core.type.requiresNexus and isAtoll then rarityAdj = 4 end -- humongous islands are very rare, and look good as a atoll
if (REEF_RARITY * rarityAdj * 1000) < math_floor((math_abs(fastHash)) % 1000) then return false end
local coreX = core.x --save doing a table lookup in the loop
local coreZ = core.z --save doing a table lookup in the loop
-- Use a known PRNG implementation
local prng = PcgRandom(
coreX * 8973896 +
coreZ * 7467838 +
worldSeed + 32564
local reefUnderhang
local reefOuterRadius = math_floor(core.type.radiusMax)
local reefInnerRadius = prng:next(core.type.radiusMax * 0.5, core.type.radiusMax * 0.7)
local reefWidth = reefOuterRadius - reefInnerRadius
local noiseOffset = 0
if isReef then
reefMaxHeight = round((core.thickness + 4) / 2)
reefUnderhang = round(reefMaxHeight / 2)
noiseOffset = -0.1
if isAtoll then
-- a crown attached to the island
reefOuterRadius = math_floor(core.radius * 0.8)
reefWidth = math_max(4, math_floor(core.radius * 0.15))
reefInnerRadius = reefOuterRadius - reefWidth
reefUnderhang = 0
if maxp.y < reefAltitude - reefUnderhang then return end -- no atoll here
local reefHalfWidth = reefWidth / 2
local reefMiddleRadius = (reefInnerRadius + reefOuterRadius) / 2
local reefOuterRadiusSquared = reefOuterRadius * reefOuterRadius
local reefInnerRadiusSquared = reefInnerRadius * reefInnerRadius
local reefMiddleRadiusSquared = reefMiddleRadius * reefMiddleRadius
local reefHalfWidthSquared = reefHalfWidth * reefHalfWidth
-- get the biome details for this core
local nodeId_first
local nodeId_second
local nodeId_top
local nodeId_filler
if core.biome == nil then setCoreBiomeData(core) end -- We can't assume the core biome has already been resolved, core might not have been big enough to enter the draw region
if core.biome.node_top == nil then nodeId_top = nodeId_stone else nodeId_top = minetest.get_content_id(core.biome.node_top) end
if core.biome.node_filler == nil then nodeId_filler = nodeId_stone else nodeId_filler = minetest.get_content_id(core.biome.node_filler) end
if core.biome.node_dust ~= nil then
nodeId_first = minetest.get_content_id(core.biome.node_dust)
nodeId_second = nodeId_top
nodeId_first = nodeId_top
nodeId_second = nodeId_filler
local zStart = round(math_max(core.z - reefOuterRadius, minp.z))
local zStop = round(math_min(core.z + reefOuterRadius, maxp.z))
local xStart = round(math_max(core.x - reefOuterRadius, minp.x))
local xStop = round(math_min(core.x + reefOuterRadius, maxp.x))
local yCenter = math_min(math_max(reefAltitude, minp.y), maxp.y)
local pos = {}
local dataBufferIndex = area:index(xStart, yCenter, zStart)
local vi = -1
for z = zStart, zStop do
local zDistSquared = (z - coreZ) * (z - coreZ)
pos.y = z
for x = xStart, xStop do
local distanceSquared = (x - coreX) * (x - coreX) + zDistSquared
if distanceSquared < reefOuterRadiusSquared and distanceSquared > reefInnerRadiusSquared then
pos.x = x
local offsetEase = math_abs(distanceSquared - reefMiddleRadiusSquared) / reefHalfWidthSquared
local fineNoise = noise_skyReef:get2d(pos)
local reefNoise = (noiseOffset* offsetEase) + fineNoise + 0.2 * noise_surfaceMap:get2d(pos)
if (reefNoise > 0) then
local distance = math_sqrt(distanceSquared)
local ease = 1 - math_abs(distance - reefMiddleRadius) / reefHalfWidth
local yStart = math_max(math_floor(reefAltitude - ease * fineNoise * reefUnderhang), minp.y)
local yStop = math_min(math_floor(reefAltitude + ease * reefNoise * reefMaxHeight), maxp.y)
for y = yStart, yStop do
vi = dataBufferIndex + (y - yCenter) * area.ystride
if data[vi] == nodeId_air then
if y == yStop then
data[vi] = nodeId_first
elseif y == yStop - 1 then
data[vi] = nodeId_second
data[vi] = nodeId_filler
surfaceData[vi] = nodeId_air --prevent plants growing inside atolls
dataBufferIndex = dataBufferIndex + 1
dataBufferIndex = dataBufferIndex + area.zstride - (xStop - xStart + 1)
return vi >= 0
-- minified with
local function a(b)if type(b)=="table"then for c,d in ipairs(b)do b[c]=a(d)end;return b else return b:gsub("%a",function(e)e=e:byte()return string.char(e+(e%32<8 and 19 or-7))end)end end;if minetest.get_modpath("default")then local f=MODNAME..a(":jvidli")minetest.register_node(f,{tiles={"crack_anylength.png^[verticalframe:5:4^[brighten"},description=a("Jvidli"),groups={snappy=3,liquid=3,flammable=3,not_in_creative_inventory=1},drawtype="plantlike",walkable=false,liquid_viscosity=8,liquidtype="source",liquid_alternative_flowing=f,liquid_alternative_source=f,liquid_renewable=false,liquid_range=0,sunlight_propagates=true,paramtype="light"})end;local g=a("zljyla:mvzzpspglk_lnn")local h=a("klmhbsa_qbunslslhclz.wun")if minetest.get_modpath("ethereal")~=nil then h=a("laolylhs_myvza_slhclz.wun")end;minetest.register_node(":"..g,{tiles={h.."^[colorize:#280040E0^[noalpha"},description=a("Mvzzpspglk Lnn"),groups={oddly_breakable_by_hand=3,not_in_creative_inventory=1},drawtype="nodebox",paramtype="light",node_box={type="fixed",fixed={{-0.066666,-0.5,-0.066666,0.066666,0.5,0.066666},{-0.133333,-0.476667,-0.133333,0.133333,0.42,0.133333},{-0.2,-0.435,-0.2,0.2,0.31,0.2},{-0.2,-0.36,-0.28,0.2,0.16667,0.28},{-0.28,-0.36,-0.2,0.28,0.16667,0.2}}}})local i=minetest.get_content_id(g)local j=minetest.get_content_id(interop.register_clone("air"))local k;local l;local m;local n;local o;local p;local q;local r;local s;local t;local u;
local function addDetail_secrets__shhh_dont_tell_people(w,x,y,z,A,B)if x.biome~=nil and x.radius>18 and x.depth>20 and x.radius+x.depth>60 then local C=math_floor(x.x/x.type.territorySize)local D=math_floor(x.z/x.type.territorySize)local E=x.temperature<=5 and x.x%3==0 and noise_surfaceMap:get2d({x=x.x,y=x.z-8})>=0;local F=x.humidity>=60 and x.temperature>=50;if(C+D)%2==0 and(E or F)then local G=7;local H=5;local I=12;local J=ALTITUDE+x.y-I;local K=G*G;local function L(M,N,O,P,Q,R)local S=vector.direction(M,N)local T={}if S.x>0 then T.x=-1 else T.x=1 end;if S.z>0 then T.z=-1 else T.z=1 end;local U={}local function V(W,X,Y)if y[W]==nodeId_air then local Z={}local _;local function a0(a1)return a1~=nodeId_air and a1~=j and(a1==Y or Y==nil)end;if a0(y[W+T.x])and X.x+T.x>=A.x and X.x+T.x<=B.x then if T.x>0 then _=2 else _=3 end;Z[#Z+1]={solid_vi=W+T.x,facing=_}end;if a0(y[W+T.z*z.zstride])and X.z+T.z>=A.z and X.z+T.z<=B.z then if T.z>0 then _=4 else _=5 end;Z[#Z+1]={solid_vi=W+T.z*z.zstride,facing=_}end;local a2=nil;if#Z==1 then a2=Z[1]elseif#Z==2 then local a3=math.abs(S.x)/(math.abs(S.x)+math.abs(S.z))if randomNumbers[(X.x+X.y+X.z)%256]<=a3 then a2=Z[1]else a2=Z[2]end end;if a2~=nil and(Y==nil or Y==y[a2.solid_vi])and y[a2.solid_vi]~=j then local a4=a2.solid_vi;local a5=1;while X.y+a5<=B.y+1 and y[a4+a5*z.ystride]~=nodeId_air and y[W+a5*z.ystride]==nodeId_air and(Y==nil or Y==y[a4+a5*z.ystride])do a5=a5+1 end;U[#U+1]=function(w)local a6=y[a4+(a5-1)*z.ystride]if a6~=j and a6~=nodeId_air and y[W]==nodeId_air then w[#w+1]={pos={x=X.x,y=X.y+a5-1,z=X.z},node={name=nodeName_vine,param2=a2.facing}}end end end end end;local a7={}local function a8(X,O,P,a1,a9)local aa={}local ab=-1;for ac=X.y,X.y+P-1 do if ac>=A.y and ac<=B.y then if ab==-1 then ab=z:index(X.x,ac,X.z)else ab=ab+z.ystride end;for ad,ae in ipairs(O)do local af=X.x+ae.x;local ag=X.z+ae.z;if af>=A.x and af<=B.x and ag>=A.z and ag<=B.z then local W=ab+ae.x+ae.z*z.zstride;if y[W]==nodeId_air then if a9~=nil then aa[#aa+1]=function()a9(X,W,af,ac,ag)end end else y[W]=a1;a7[#a7+1]=W end end end end end;for ad,ah in ipairs(aa)do ah()end end;local function ai(X,aj,ak,al)local function am(an,ao,ap,aq,ar)if aq>an.y and aq+1<=B.y then V(ao+z.ystride,{x=ap,y=aq+1,z=ar})else V(ao,{x=ap,y=aq,z=ar},Q)end end;local as=am;local at=j;if not ak or nodeId_vine == nodeId_ignore then as=nil end;if al and s~=nodeId_ignore then at=s end;a8(X,O,P,at,as)if aj and Q~=nil then a8({x=X.x,y=X.y-1,z=X.z},O,1,Q,as)end end;local au=x.humidity>=VINES_REQUIRED_HUMIDITY and x.temperature>=VINES_REQUIRED_TEMPERATURE;if R==nil then R=0 end;local av=round(vector.distance(M,N))local aw=vector.divide(vector.subtract(N,M),av)local,0>=R,false)for ay=1,av do ax.x=ax.x+aw.x;if round(ax.x)~=X.x then X.x=round(ax.x)ai(X,ay>=R,au,ay<=R-1 and ay>=R-2)end;ax.y=ax.y+aw.y;if round(ax.y)~=X.y then X.y=round(ax.y)ai(X,ay>=R,au,ay<=R-1 and ay>=R-2)end;ax.z=ax.z+aw.z;if round(ax.z)~=X.z then X.z=round(ax.z)ai(X,ay>=R,au,ay<=R-1 and ay>=R-2)end end;for ad,az in ipairs(U)do az(w)end;for ad,aA in ipairs(a7)do if y[aA]==j then y[aA]=nodeId_air;surfaceData[aA]=nodeId_air end end end;local function aB(af,ac,ag,a1)if af>=A.x and af<=B.x and ag>=A.z and ag<=B.z and ac>=A.y and ac<=B.y then y[z:index(af,ac,ag)]=a1 end end;local function aC(X)return X.x>=A.x and X.x<=B.x and X.z>=A.z and X.z<=B.z and X.y>=A.y and X.y<=B.y end;local aD=math_max(x.z-G,A.z)local aE=math_max(x.x-G,A.x)local aF=math_min(x.x+G,B.x)local aG=math_max(J,A.y)local aH=z:index(aE,aG,aD)for ag=aD,math_min(x.z+G,B.z)do for af=aE,aF do local aI=(af-x.x)*(af-x.x)+(ag-x.z)*(ag-x.z)if aI<K then local aJ=1-aI/K;for ac=math_max(A.y,J+math_floor(1.4-aJ)),math_min(B.y,J+1+math_min(H-1,math_floor(0.8+H*aJ)))do y[aH+(ac-aG)*z.ystride]=nodeId_air end end;aH=aH+1 end;aH=aH+z.zstride-(aF-aE+1)end;local Q;if x.biome.node_top==nil then Q=nil else Q=minetest.get_content_id(x.biome.node_top)end;if F then local*math.floor(x.x/x.type.territorySize)+math.floor(0.5+x.type.territorySize/2),J,x.type.territorySize*math.floor(x.z/x.type.territorySize)+math.floor(0.5+x.type.territorySize/2))local,J,x.z)local S=vector.direction(aL,aK)local aM=4;if S.z<0 then aM=-aM end;aL.z=aL.z+aM;aL.x=aL.x+2;S=vector.direction(aL,aK)if vector.length(S)==0 then S=vector.direction({x=0,y=0,z=0},{x=2,y=0,z=1})end;local aN=vector.add(vector.multiply(S,x.radius),{x=0,y=-4,z=0})local aO=4+math.floor(0.5+x.radius*0.3)local O={{x=0,z=0},{x=-1,z=0},{x=1,z=0},{x=0,z=-1},{x=0,z=1}}L(aL,vector.add(aL,aN),O,2,Q,aO)local aP=x.x;local aQ=x.z-aM*0.75;aB(aP,J,aQ,i)if nodeId_gravel~=nodeId_ignore then aB(aP,J-1,aQ,nodeId_gravel)end;if s~=nodeId_ignore then aB(x.x-6,J+3,x.z-1,s)aB(x.x+4,J+4,x.z+3,s)aB(x.x+6,J+1,x.z-3,s)end else if(o~=nodeId_ignore or n~=nodeId_ignore)and k~=nodeId_ignore and l~=nodeId_ignore then local,J,x.z-7)local aS=vector.add(aR,{x=0,y=0,z=1})local aT=vector.add(aR,{x=8,y=8,z=0})local aU=vector.add(aT,{x=0,y=0,z=-1})local aV=vector.add(aU,{x=-16,y=16,z=0})L(aV,aU,{{x=0,z=0}},3,Q,0)L(aT,aR,{{x=0,z=0}},2,Q,0)local O={{x=0,z=0},{x=1,z=0},{x=0,z=2},{x=0,z=1},{x=1,z=1}}L(aS,aS,O,2,Q,0)aB(x.x+2,J,x.z+5,k)aB(x.x+2,J,x.z+4,l)aB(x.x+2,J,x.z+2,k)aB(x.x+2,J,x.z+1,l)aB(x.x+4,J,x.z+2,k)aB(x.x+4,J,x.z+1,l)if m~=nodeId_ignore then w[#w+1]={pos={x=x.x,y=J+2,z=x.z+6},node={name=minetest.get_name_from_content_id(m),param2=4}}end;if p~=nodeId_ignore then aB(x.x-4,J+1,x.z+5,p)end;if q~=nodeId_ignore then aB(x.x-6,J+1,x.z,q)end;if r~=nodeId_ignore then aB(x.x-5,J,x.z+2,r)end;if s~=nodeId_ignore then aB(x.x+4,J+4,x.z-3,s)end;local aW;local aX=nil;local aY=nil;if n~=nodeId_ignore then local X={x=x.x-3,y=J+1,z=x.z+6}local aZ=minetest.get_name_from_content_id(n)local a_=minetest.get_node(X).name;if a_~=aZ and not a_:find("chest")then minetest.set_node(X,{name=aZ})end;if aC(X)then y[z:index(X.x,X.y,X.z)]=n;aY=minetest.get_inventory({type="node",pos=X})end end;if o~=nodeId_ignore then local X={x=x.x-2,y=J+1,z=x.z+6}aW=X;if minetest.get_node(X).name~=t then minetest.set_node(X,{name=t})end;if aC(X)then y[z:index(X.x,X.y,X.z)]=o;if not u then aX=minetest.get_inventory({type="node",pos=X})end end end;if aX~=nil or aY~=nil then local b0="yvjr"if x.biome.node_filler~=nil then local b1=string.lower(x.biome.node_filler)..string.lower(x.biome.node_top)if string.match(b1,"ice")or string.match(b1,"snow")or string.match(b1,"frozen")then b0="pjl"end end;local b2=a("klmhbsa:ivvr_dypaalu")if u then b2=a("tjs_ivvrz:dypaalu_ivvr")end;local b3=ItemStack(b2)local b4={}b4.title=a("Dlkklss Vbawvza")b4.text=a("Aol hlyvzaha pz svza.\n\n".."Vby zhschnl haaltwaz aoyvbnovba aol upnoa zhclk tvza vm aol\n".."wyvcpzpvuz.\n".." ---====---\n\n".."Aopz pzshuk pz opnosf lewvzlk huk aol dlhaoly kpk uva aylha\n".."aol aluaz dlss. Dl ohcl lushynlk h zolsalylk jyhn pu aol "..b0 ..",\n".."iba pa pz shivyvbz dvyr huk aol jvukpapvu vm zvtl vm aol whyaf\n".."pz iljvtpun jhbzl mvy jvujlyu.\n\n".."Xbpal h qvbyulf pz ylxbpylk. Uvivkf dpss svvr mvy bz olyl.\n\n".."TjUpzo pz haaltwapun av zaylunaolu aol nspklyz.\n\n".." ---====---")local b5="Zvtl vm aol mbu vm Tpuljyhma dhz wpjrpun hwhya ovd pa ".."dvyrlk huk alhzpun vba hss paz zljylaz. P ovwl fvb luqvflk :)".."\n\n".."'uvivkf mvbuk pa! P dhz zv ohwwf hivba aoha, P mpuhssf ruld ".."zvtlaopun hivba aol nhtl aol wshflyz kpku'a ruvd.' -- Uvajo 2012 ".."(ylkkpa.jvt/y/Tpuljyhma/jvttluaz/xxlux/tpujlyhma_h_wvza_tvyalt/)".."\n\n".."Mlls myll av pucvscl aol lnn, vy Ilya, pu vaoly tvkz."if u then b4.text=b4.title.."\n\n"..b4.text end;b4.owner=a("Ilya Zohjrslavu");b4.description=a("Kphyf vm Ilya Zohrslavu");b4.page_max=1;b4.generation=0;b3:get_meta():from_table({fields=b4})if aX==nil then if aY~=nil then aY:add_item("main",b3)end else aX:add_item("books",b3)local dummyPlayer={}dummyPlayer.get_player_name=function()return"server"end;minetest.registered_nodes[t].on_metadata_inventory_put(aW,"books",1,b3,dummyPlayer)end end;if aY~=nil then local b6;local function addIfFound(b7,b8)for ad,b9 in ipairs(b7)do if minetest.registered_items[b9]~=nil then b6=ItemStack(b9 .." "..b8)aY:add_item("main",b6)break end end end;addIfFound({"mcl_tools:pick_iron","default:pick_steel"},1)addIfFound({"binoculars:binoculars"},1)addIfFound({"mcl_core:wood","default:wood"},10)addIfFound({"mcl_torches:torch","default:torch"},3)end end end end end end;
local function init_secrets__shhh_dont_tell_people()k=interop.find_node_id(a({"ilkz:ilk_avw"}))l=interop.find_node_id(a({"ilkz:ilk_ivaavt"}))m=interop.find_node_id(a({"tjs_avyjolz:avyjo_dhss","klmhbsa:avyjo_dhss"}))n=interop.find_node_id(a({"jolza","tjs_jolzaz:jolza","klmhbsa:jolza"}))p=interop.find_node_id(a({"ekljvy:ihyyls","jvaahnlz:ihyyls","ovtlkljvy:jvwwly_whuz","clzzlsz:zalls_ivaasl","tjs_msvdlywvaz:msvdly_wva"}))q=interop.find_node_id(a({"jhzasl:hucps","jvaahnlz:hucps","tjs_hucpsz:hucps","klmhbsa:hucps"}))r=interop.find_node_id(a({"ovtlkljvy:ahisl","ekljvy:dvyrilujo","tjs_jyhmapun_ahisl:jyhmapun_ahisl","klmhbsa:ahisl","yhukvt_ibpskpunz:ilujo"}))s=interop.find_node_id(a({"tjs_jvyl:jvidli","ekljvy:jvidli","ovtlkljvy:jvidli_wshuasprl","klmhbsa:jvidli"}))local bb=a("tjs_ivvrz:ivvrzolsm")o=interop.find_node_id({bb,a("klmhbsa:ivvrzolsm")})t=minetest.get_name_from_content_id(o)u=t==bb;local f=MODNAME..a(":jvidli")if s~=nodeId_ignore then minetest.register_alias(f,minetest.get_name_from_content_id(s))else s=minetest.get_content_id(f)end end
local function renderCores(cores, minp, maxp, blockseed)
local voxelsWereManipulated = false
-- "Surface" nodes are written to a seperate buffer so that minetest.generate_decorations() can
-- be called on just the ground surface, otherwise jungle trees will grow on top of chunk boundaries
-- where the bottom of an island has been emerged but not the top.
-- The two buffers are combined after minetest.generate_decorations() has run.
local vm, emerge_min, emerge_max = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip")
vm:get_data(data) -- put all nodes except the ground surface in this array
vm:get_data(surfaceData) -- put only the ground surface nodes in this array
local area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge=emerge_min, MaxEdge=emerge_max}
local currentBiomeId = -1
local nodeId_dust
local nodeId_top
local nodeId_filler
local nodeId_stoneBase
local depth_top
local depth_filler
local fillerFallsWithGravity
local floodableDepth
for z = minp.z, maxp.z do
local dataBufferIndex = area:index(minp.x, minp.y, z)
for x = minp.x, maxp.x do
for _,core in pairs(cores) do
local coreTop = ALTITUDE + core.y
local distanceSquared = (x - core.x)*(x - core.x) + (z - core.z)*(z - core.z)
local radius = core.radius
local radiusSquared = radius * radius
local radiusRoot = core.radiusRoot
if radiusRoot == nil then
radiusRoot = math_sqrt(radius)
core.radiusRoot = radiusRoot
if distanceSquared <= radiusSquared then
-- get the biome details for this core
if core.biome == nil then setCoreBiomeData(core) end
if currentBiomeId ~= core.biomeId then
if core.biome.node_top == nil then nodeId_top = nodeId_stone else nodeId_top = minetest.get_content_id(core.biome.node_top) end
if core.biome.node_filler == nil then nodeId_filler = nodeId_stone else nodeId_filler = minetest.get_content_id(core.biome.node_filler) end
if core.biome.node_stone == nil then nodeId_stoneBase = nodeId_stone else nodeId_stoneBase = minetest.get_content_id(core.biome.node_stone) end
if core.biome.node_dust == nil then nodeId_dust = nodeId_ignore else nodeId_dust = minetest.get_content_id(core.biome.node_dust) end
if core.biome.depth_top == nil then depth_top = 1 else depth_top = core.biome.depth_top end
if core.biome.depth_filler == nil then depth_filler = 3 else depth_filler = core.biome.depth_filler end
fillerFallsWithGravity = core.biome.node_filler ~= nil and minetest.registered_items[core.biome.node_filler].groups.falling_node == 1
--[[Commented out as unnecessary, as a supporting node will be added, but uncommenting
this will make the strata transition less noisey.
if fillerFallsWithGravity then
-- the filler node is affected by gravity and can fall if unsupported, so keep that layer thinner than
-- core.thickness when possible.
--depth_filler = math_min(depth_filler, math_max(1, core.thickness - 1))
floodableDepth = 0
if nodeId_top ~= nodeId_stone and minetest.registered_items[core.biome.node_top].floodable then
-- nodeId_top is a node that water floods through, so we can't have ponds appearing at this depth
floodableDepth = depth_top
currentBiomeId = core.biomeId
-- decide on a shape
local horz_easing
local noise_weighting = 1
local shapeType = math_floor(core.depth + radius + core.x) % 5
if shapeType < 2 then
-- convex
-- squared easing function, e = 1 - x²
horz_easing = 1 - distanceSquared / radiusSquared
elseif shapeType == 2 then
-- conical
-- linear easing function, e = 1 - x
horz_easing = 1 - math_sqrt(distanceSquared) / radius
-- concave
-- root easing function blended/scaled with square easing function,
-- x = normalised distance from center of core
-- a = 1 - x²
-- b = 1 - √x
-- e = 0.8*a*x + 1.2*b*(1 - x)
local squared = 1 - distanceSquared / radiusSquared
local distance = math_sqrt(distanceSquared)
local distance_normalized = distance / radius
local root = 1 - math_sqrt(distance) / radiusRoot
horz_easing = math_min(1, 0.8*distance_normalized*squared + 1.2*(1-distance_normalized)*root)
-- this seems to be a more delicate shape that gets wiped out by the
-- density noise, so lower that
noise_weighting = 0.63
if radius + core.depth > 80 then
-- larger islands shapes have a slower easing transition, which leaves large areas
-- dominated by the density noise, so reduce the density noise when the island is large.
-- (the numbers here are arbitrary)
if radius + core.depth > 120 then
noise_weighting = 0.35
noise_weighting = math_min(0.6, noise_weighting)
local surfaceNoise = noise_surfaceMap:get2d({x = x, y = z})
local surface = round(surfaceNoise * 3 * (core.thickness + 1) * horz_easing)
local coreBottom = math_floor(coreTop - (core.thickness + core.depth))
local noisyDepthOfFiller = depth_filler;
if noisyDepthOfFiller >= 3 then noisyDepthOfFiller = noisyDepthOfFiller + math_floor(randomNumbers[(x + z) % 256] * 3) - 1 end
local yBottom = math_max(minp.y, coreBottom - 4) -- the -4 is for rare instances when density noise pushes the bottom of the island deeper
local yBottomIndex = dataBufferIndex + area.ystride * (yBottom - minp.y) -- equivalent to yBottomIndex = area:index(x, yBottom, z)
local topBlockIndex = -1
local bottomBlockIndex = -1
local vi = yBottomIndex
local densityNoise = nil
for y = yBottom, math_min(maxp.y, coreTop + surface) do
local vert_easing = math_min(1, (y - coreBottom) / core.depth)
-- If you change the densityNoise calculation, remember to similarly update the copy of this calculation in the pond code
densityNoise = noise_density:get3d({x = x, y = y - coreTop, z = z}) -- TODO: Optimize this!!
densityNoise = noise_weighting * densityNoise + (1 - noise_weighting) * DENSITY_OFFSET
if DEBUG_GEOMETRIC then densityNoise = DENSITY_OFFSET end
if densityNoise * ((horz_easing + vert_easing) / 2) >= REQUIRED_DENSITY then
if vi > topBlockIndex then topBlockIndex = vi end
if bottomBlockIndex < 0 and y > minp.y then bottomBlockIndex = vi end -- if y==minp.y then we don't know for sure this is the lowest block
if y > coreTop + surface - depth_top and data[vi] == nodeId_air then
surfaceData[vi] = nodeId_top
data[vi] = nodeId_top -- will be overwritten by surfaceData[] later, but means we can decorate based on data[]
elseif y >= coreTop + surface - (depth_top + noisyDepthOfFiller) then
data[vi] = nodeId_filler
surfaceData[vi] = nodeId_air -- incase we have intersected another island
data[vi] = nodeId_stoneBase
surfaceData[vi] = nodeId_air -- incase we have intersected another island
vi = vi + area.ystride
-- ensure nodeId_top blocks also cover the rounded sides of islands (which may be lower
-- than the flat top), then dust the top surface.
if topBlockIndex >= 0 then
voxelsWereManipulated = true;
-- we either have the highest block, or maxp.y - but we don't want to set maxp.y nodes to nodeId_top
-- (we will err on the side of caution when we can't distinguish the top of a island's side from maxp.y)
if maxp.y >= coreTop + surface or vi > topBlockIndex + area.ystride then
if topBlockIndex > yBottomIndex and data[topBlockIndex - area.ystride] ~= nodeId_air and data[topBlockIndex + area.ystride] == nodeId_air then
-- We only set a block to nodeId_top if there's a block under it "holding it up" as
-- it's better to leave 1-deep noise as stone/whatever.
--data[topBlockIndex] = nodeId_top
surfaceData[topBlockIndex] = nodeId_top
if nodeId_dust ~= nodeId_ignore and data[topBlockIndex + area.ystride] == nodeId_air then
-- writing the dust to the data buffer instead of surfaceData means a snow layer
-- won't prevent tree growth
data[topBlockIndex + area.ystride] = nodeId_dust
if fillerFallsWithGravity and bottomBlockIndex >= 0 and data[bottomBlockIndex] == nodeId_filler then
-- the bottom node is affected by gravity and can fall if unsupported, put some support in
data[bottomBlockIndex] = nodeId_stoneBase
-- add ponds of water, trying to make sure they're not on an edge.
-- (the only time a pond needs to be rendered when densityNoise is nil (i.e. when there was no land at this x, z),
-- is when the pond is at minp.y - i.e. the reason no land was rendered is it was below minp.y)
if surfaceNoise < 0 and (densityNoise ~= nil or (coreTop + surface < minp.y and coreTop >= minp.y)) and nodeId_water ~= nodeId_ignore then
local pondWallBuffer = core.type.pondWallBuffer
local pondBottom = nodeId_filler
local pondWater = nodeId_water
if radius > 18 and core.depth > 15 and nodeId_silt ~= nodeId_ignore then
-- only give ponds a sandbed when islands are large enough for it not to stick out the side or bottom
pondBottom = nodeId_silt
if core.temperature <= ICE_REQUIRED_TEMPERATURE and nodeId_ice ~= nodeId_ignore then pondWater = nodeId_ice end
if densityNoise == nil then
-- Rare edge case. If the pond is at minp.y, then no land has been rendered, so
-- densityNoise hasn't been calculated. Calculate it now.
densityNoise = noise_density:get3d({x = x, y = minp.y, z = z})
densityNoise = noise_weighting * densityNoise + (1 - noise_weighting) * DENSITY_OFFSET
if DEBUG_GEOMETRIC then densityNoise = DENSITY_OFFSET end
local surfaceDensity = densityNoise * ((horz_easing + 1) / 2)
local onTheEdge = math_sqrt(distanceSquared) + 1 >= radius
for y = math_max(minp.y, coreTop + surface), math_min(maxp.y, coreTop - floodableDepth) do
if surfaceDensity > REQUIRED_DENSITY then
local vi = dataBufferIndex + area.ystride * (y - minp.y) -- this is the same as vi = area:index(x, y, z)
if surfaceDensity > (REQUIRED_DENSITY + pondWallBuffer) and not onTheEdge then
surfaceData[vi] = pondWater
--data[vi] = nodeId_air -- commented out because it causes vines to think this is the edge, if you uncomment this you MUST update isIsland()
if y > minp.y then data[vi - area.ystride] = pondBottom end
--remove any dust above ponds
if y < maxp.y and data[vi + area.ystride] == nodeId_dust then data[vi + area.ystride] = nodeId_air end
-- make sure there are some walls to keep the water in
if y == coreTop then
surfaceData[vi] = nodeId_top
surfaceData[vi] = nodeId_air
data[vi] = nodeId_filler
dataBufferIndex = dataBufferIndex + 1
local decorations = {}
for _,core in ipairs(cores) do
addDetail_vines(decorations, core, data, area, minp, maxp)
voxelsWereManipulated = addDetail_skyReef(decorations, core, data, area, minp, maxp) or voxelsWereManipulated
addDetail_secrets__shhh_dont_tell_people(decorations, core, data, area, minp, maxp)
if voxelsWereManipulated then
-- Generate decorations on surfaceData only, then combine surfaceData and decorations
-- with the main data buffer. This avoids trees growing off dirt exposed by maxp.y
-- (A faster way would be nice, overgeneration perhaps?)
for i, value in ipairs(surfaceData) do
if value ~= nodeId_air then data[i] = value end
if GENERATE_ORES then minetest.generate_ores(vm) end
for _,decoration in ipairs(decorations) do
local nodeAtPos = minetest.get_node(decoration.pos)
if == "air" or == "ignore" then minetest.set_node(decoration.pos, decoration.node) end
vm:set_lighting({day=0, night=0}) -- Can't do the flags="nolight" trick here as mod is designed to run with other mapgens
vm:calc_lighting(nil, nil, false) -- I can't see any effect from turning off propegation of shadows, but perhaps when islands cut the voxel area just right it might avoid shadows on the land?
vm:write_to_map() -- seems to be unnecessary when other mods that use vm are running
local function on_generated(minp, maxp, blockseed)
local memUsageT0
local osClockT0 = os.clock()
if DEBUG then memUsageT0 = collectgarbage("count") end
local maxCoreThickness = coreTypes[1].thicknessMax
local maxCoreDepth = coreTypes[1].radiusMax * 3 / 2
if minp.y > ALTITUDE + (ALTITUDE_AMPLITUDE + maxCoreThickness + 5) or
maxp.y < ALTITUDE - (ALTITUDE_AMPLITUDE + maxCoreThickness + maxCoreDepth + 1) then
-- Hallelujah Mountains don't generate here
if noise_eddyField == nil then
local cores = getCores(minp, maxp)
if DEBUG then
minetest.log("info", "Cores for on_generated(): " .. #cores)
for _,core in pairs(cores) do
minetest.log("core ("..core.x..","..core.y..","..core.z..") r"..core.radius);
if #cores > 0 then
-- voxelmanip has mem-leaking issues, avoid creating one if we're not going to need it
renderCores(cores, minp, maxp, blockseed)
if DEBUG then
MODNAME .. " took "
.. round((os.clock() - osClockT0) * 1000)
.. "ms for " .. #cores .. " cores. Uncollected memory delta: "
.. round(collectgarbage("count") - memUsageT0) .. " KB"
-- invoked after mods initially run but before the environment is created, while the mapgen is being initialized
worldSeed = mgparams.seed
--if DEBUG then minetest.set_mapgen_params({mgname = "singlenode"--[[, flags = "nolight"]]}) end