
42 lines
1.8 KiB

package amidst;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
import amidst.documentation.ThreadSafe;
* An instance of this class will be created to hold the command line
* parameters. Afterwards, the assigned values should not be modified.
public class CommandLineParameters {
// @formatter:off
@Option(name = "-mtpath", usage = "location of the minetest directory.", metaVar = "<directory>")
public volatile String minetestDirectory;
@Option(name = "-mcpath", usage = "location of the '.minecraft' directory.", metaVar = "<directory>")
public volatile String dotMinecraftDirectory;
@Option(name = "-mcjar", usage = "location of the minecraft jar file", metaVar = "<file>", depends = { "-mcjson" })
public volatile String minecraftJarFile;
@Option(name = "-mcjson", usage = "location of the minecraft json file", metaVar = "<file>", depends = { "-mcjar" })
public volatile String minecraftJsonFile;
@Option(name = "-biome-profiles", usage = "location of the biome profile directory", metaVar = "<directory>")
public volatile String biomeProfilesDirectory;
@Option(name = "-history", usage = "location of the seed history file", metaVar = "<file>")
public volatile String seedHistoryFile;
@Option(name = "-log", usage = "location of the log file", metaVar = "<file>")
public volatile String logFile;
@Option(name = "-help", usage = "print usage information")
public volatile boolean printHelp;
@Option(name = "-version", usage = "print version")
public volatile boolean printVersion;
// @formatter:on