
313 lines
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import amidst.documentation.Immutable;
import amidst.logging.AmidstLogger;
import amidst.logging.AmidstMessageBox;
import amidst.settings.biomeprofile.BiomeProfileSelection;
public class BiomeDataOracleValleys extends MinetestBiomeDataOracle {
private final MapgenValleysParams valleysParams;
// Raising this reduces the rate of evaporation
static final float evaporation = 300.0f;
static final float humidity_dropoff = 4.0f;
// Constant to convert altitude chill to heat
static final float alt_to_heat = 20.0f;
// Humidity reduction by altitude
static final float alt_to_humid = 10.0f;
private Noise noise_cave1;
private Noise noise_cave2;
private Noise noise_filler_depth;
private Noise noise_inter_valley_fill;
private Noise noise_inter_valley_slope;
private Noise noise_rivers;
private Noise noise_massive_caves;
private Noise noise_terrain_height;
private Noise noise_valley_depth;
private Noise noise_valley_profile;
boolean humid_rivers;
boolean use_altitude_chill;
boolean use_altitude_dry;
boolean vary_driver_depth;
float altitude_chill;
float river_depth_bed;
float river_size_factor;
* Reusable instance of TerrainNoise, to save unnecessary construction/mem-fragmentation
TerrainNoise tempTerrainNoise = new TerrainNoise();
class TerrainNoise {
int x;
int z;
float terrain_height;
float rivers;
float valley;
float valley_profile;
float slope;
float inter_valley_fill;
float heat;
float humidity;
boolean isRiver;
* @param mapgenCarpathianParams
* @param biomeProfileSelection - if null then a default biomeprofile will be used
* @param seed
* @throws InvalidNoiseParamsException
public BiomeDataOracleValleys(MapgenParams mapgenValleysParams, BiomeProfileSelection biomeProfileSelection, long seed) {
super(mapgenValleysParams, biomeProfileSelection, seed);
if (params instanceof MapgenValleysParams) {
valleysParams = (MapgenValleysParams)params;
} else {
AmidstLogger.error("Error: BiomeDataOracleCarpathian cannot cast params to CarpathianParams. Using defaults instead.");
this.params = valleysParams = new MapgenValleysParams();
altitude_chill = valleysParams.altitude_chill;
river_depth_bed = valleysParams.river_depth + 1.0f;
river_size_factor = valleysParams.river_size / 100.0f;
try {
// 2D noise
noise_filler_depth = new Noise(valleysParams.np_filler_depth, this.seed, params.chunk_length_x, params.chunk_length_z);
noise_inter_valley_slope = new Noise(valleysParams.np_inter_valley_slope, this.seed, params.chunk_length_x, params.chunk_length_z);
noise_rivers = new Noise(valleysParams.np_rivers, this.seed, params.chunk_length_x, params.chunk_length_z);
noise_terrain_height = new Noise(valleysParams.np_terrain_height, this.seed, params.chunk_length_x, params.chunk_length_z);
noise_valley_depth = new Noise(valleysParams.np_valley_depth, this.seed, params.chunk_length_x, params.chunk_length_z);
noise_valley_profile = new Noise(valleysParams.np_valley_profile, this.seed, params.chunk_length_x, params.chunk_length_z);
//// 3D terrain noise
// 1 up 1 down overgeneration
noise_inter_valley_fill = new Noise(valleysParams.np_inter_valley_fill, this.seed, params.chunk_length_x, params.chunk_length_y + 2, params.chunk_length_z);
// 1-down overgeneraion
noise_cave1 = new Noise(valleysParams.np_cave1, this.seed, params.chunk_length_x, params.chunk_length_y + 1, params.chunk_length_z);
noise_cave2 = new Noise(valleysParams.np_cave2, this.seed, params.chunk_length_x, params.chunk_length_y + 1, params.chunk_length_z);
noise_massive_caves = new Noise(valleysParams.np_massive_caves, this.seed, params.chunk_length_x, params.chunk_length_y + 1, params.chunk_length_z);
} catch (InvalidNoiseParamsException ex) {
AmidstLogger.error("Invalid valleysParams from Minetest game. " + ex);
humid_rivers = (valleysParams.spflags & MapgenValleysParams.FLAG_VALLEYS_HUMID_RIVERS) > 0;
use_altitude_chill = (valleysParams.spflags & MapgenValleysParams.FLAG_VALLEYS_ALT_CHILL) > 0;
use_altitude_dry = (valleysParams.spflags & MapgenValleysParams.FLAG_VALLEYS_ALT_DRY) > 0;
vary_driver_depth = (valleysParams.spflags & MapgenValleysParams.FLAG_VALLEYS_VARY_RIVER_DEPTH) > 0;
float terrainLevelAtPoint(int x, int z)
tempTerrainNoise.heat =
Noise.NoisePerlin2D(params.np_heat, x, z, seed) +
Noise.NoisePerlin2D(params.np_heat_blend, x, z, seed);
tempTerrainNoise.humidity =
Noise.NoisePerlin2D(params.np_humidity, x, z, seed) +
Noise.NoisePerlin2D(params.np_humidity_blend, x, z, seed);
// Altitude chill tends to reduce the average heat.
if (use_altitude_chill) tempTerrainNoise.heat += 5.0f;
// River humidity tends to increase the humidity range.
if (humid_rivers) tempTerrainNoise.humidity *= 0.8f;
tempTerrainNoise.x = x;
tempTerrainNoise.z = z;
tempTerrainNoise.terrain_height = Noise.NoisePerlin2D(, x, z, seed);
tempTerrainNoise.rivers = Noise.NoisePerlin2D(, x, z, seed);
tempTerrainNoise.valley = Noise.NoisePerlin2D(, x, z, seed);
tempTerrainNoise.valley_profile = Noise.NoisePerlin2D(, x, z, seed);
tempTerrainNoise.slope = Noise.NoisePerlin2D(, x, z, seed);
tempTerrainNoise.inter_valley_fill = 0.f;
float terrain_height = adjustedTerrainLevelFromNoise(tempTerrainNoise);
// Note that tempTerrainNoise.slope, tempTerrainNoise.rivers, and
// tempTerrainNoise.valley have now been updated with new values.
// Ground height ignoring riverbeds
float t_alt = Math.max(tempTerrainNoise.rivers, terrain_height);
if (humid_rivers) {
float river_y = tempTerrainNoise.rivers;
if (vary_driver_depth) {
float heat = (use_altitude_chill && (terrain_height > 0.0f || river_y > 0.0f)) ?
tempTerrainNoise.heat - alt_to_heat * Math.max(terrain_height, river_y) / altitude_chill :
float delta = tempTerrainNoise.humidity - 50.0f;
if (delta < 0.0f) {
float t_evap = (heat - 32.0f) / evaporation;
river_y += delta * Math.max(t_evap, 0.08f);
float water_depth = (t_alt - river_y) / humidity_dropoff;
tempTerrainNoise.humidity *= 1.0f + Math.pow(0.5f, Math.max(water_depth, 1.0f));
if (use_altitude_dry) {
if (t_alt > 0.0f) tempTerrainNoise.humidity -= alt_to_humid * t_alt / altitude_chill;
if (use_altitude_chill) {
if (t_alt > 0.0f) tempTerrainNoise.heat -= alt_to_heat * t_alt / altitude_chill;
return terrain_height;
* Side effect warning: Updates tn.slope, tn.rivers, tn.valley
* This avoids duplicating the code in terrainLevelFromNoise, adding
* only the final step of terrain generation without a noise map.
float adjustedTerrainLevelFromNoise(TerrainNoise tn)
float mount = terrainLevelFromNoise(tn);
int y_start = (int)(mount < 0.f ? (mount - 0.5f) : (mount + 0.5f)); // was "myround(muount);", s32 myround(f32 f) { return (s32)(f < 0.f ? (f - 0.5f) : (f + 0.5f)); }
for (int y = y_start; y <= y_start + 1000; y++) {
float fill = Noise.NoisePerlin3D(, tn.x, y, tn.z, seed);
if (fill * tn.slope < y - mount) {
mount = Math.max(y - 1, mount); // was using MYMAX(),, #define MYMAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
return mount;
* Side effect warning: Updates tn.slope, tn.rivers, tn.valley
* This is in a separate function to save the code inside minetest from having
* to maintain two similar sets of complicated code to determine ground level.
* @param tn
* @return
float terrainLevelFromNoise(TerrainNoise tn)
// The square function changes the behaviour of this noise:
// very often small, and sometimes very high.
float valley_d = tn.valley * tn.valley; // was using MYSQUARE(), #define MYSQUARE(x) (x) * (x)
// valley_d is here because terrain is generally higher where valleys
// are deep (mountains). base represents the height of the
// rivers, most of the surface is above.
float base = tn.terrain_height + valley_d;
// "river" represents the distance from the river
float riverDist = Math.abs(tn.rivers) - river_size_factor;
// Use the curve of the function 1-exp(-(x/a)^2) to model valleys.
// "valley" represents the height of the terrain, from the rivers.
float tv = Math.max(riverDist / tn.valley_profile, 0.0f);
tn.valley = valley_d * (1.0f - (float)Math.exp(-(tv * tv)));
// Approximate height of the terrain at this point
float mount = base + tn.valley;
tn.slope *= tn.valley;
// Base ground is returned as rivers since it's basically the water table.
tn.rivers = base;
// Rivers are placed where "river" is negative, so where the original noise
// value is close to zero.
if (riverDist < 0.0f) {
tn.isRiver = true;
// Use the the function -sqrt(1-x^2) which models a circle
float tr = riverDist / river_size_factor + 1.0f;
float depth = (float) (river_depth_bed *
Math.sqrt(Math.max(0.0f, 1.0f - (tr * tr))));
// base - depth : height of the bottom of the river
// water_level - 3 : don't make rivers below 3 nodes under the surface.
// We use three because that's as low as the swamp biomes go.
// There is no logical equivalent to this using rangelim.
mount =
Math.min(Math.max(base - depth, (float)(params.water_level - 3)), mount);
// Slope has no influence on rivers
tn.slope = 0.0f;
} else {
tn.isRiver = false;
return mount;
public short populateArray(CoordinatesInWorld corner, short[][] result, boolean useQuarterResolution) {
// The Carpathian mapgen terrain is not yet stable.
// See
int width = result.length;
if (width > 0) {
Resolution resolution = Resolution.from(useQuarterResolution);
int height = result[0].length;
int left = (int) corner.getX();
int top = (int) corner.getY();
int shift = resolution.getShift();
int step = resolution.getStep();
int world_z;
int world_x;
short biomeValue;
MinetestBiome[] biomes = getBiomeArray();
try {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
world_z = top + (y << shift);
world_x = left;
// Use -world_z because Minetest uses left-handed coordinates, while Minecraft
// and Amidst use right-handed coordinates.
world_z = -world_z;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
biomeValue = 0;
// Add the ocean bitplane
int surface_y = (int)terrainLevelAtPoint(world_x, world_z);
if (surface_y < valleysParams.water_level) biomeValue |= BITPLANE_OCEAN;
if (tempTerrainNoise.isRiver) biomeValue |= BITPLANE_RIVER;
//if (isMountains) biomeValue |= BITPLANE_MOUNTAIN;
// add the biome index
// (mask the bitplanes in case the biome returned is -1 (NONE)
biomeValue |= calcBiomeFromNoise(biomes, tempTerrainNoise.heat, tempTerrainNoise.humidity, surface_y).getIndex() & MASK_BITPLANES;
result[x][y] = biomeValue;
world_x += step;
} catch (Exception e) {
AmidstMessageBox.displayError("Error", e);