Provide "v5" and "v.4" versions of Minetest Game biome profiles

v5 now contains the new Tundra highland biome, and reflects the new permafrost color of Tundra. The Floatland biomes are also affected.
Fixes #18 and #26
Treer 2018-10-21 02:27:55 +11:00
parent 64e796c8a8
commit 4de0119da4
1 changed files with 58 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ public class DefaultBiomes {
private static Map<String, MinetestBiome[]> biomeLists = null;
public static final String BIOMEPROFILENAME_V6 = "v6";
public static final String BIOMEPROFILENAME_MINETEST_GAME = "Minetest Game v.4";
public static final String BIOMEPROFILENAME_MINETEST_GAME = "Minetest Game v5";
public static final short FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT = 1024;
public static final short FLOATLAND_LEVEL = 1280;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class DefaultBiomes {
List<Entry<String, String>> result = new ArrayList<Entry<String, String>>();
result.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>("Minetest Game", "c0f90f045b4111bab064f669958196fd73bad894"));
result.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>("Minetest Game", "c0f90f045b4111bab064f669958196fd73bad894")); // v1.3
result.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>("Minetest default", "b9535c9299fd0ee92067c8c6b38a46c43d22be71")); // v1.1
result.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>("V6 biomes", "2c74eaf3c805c9f05797bfed906b70dd18772587")); // v1.1
@ -58,6 +58,54 @@ public class DefaultBiomes {
new MinetestBiome[] {
new MinetestBiome("Icesheet", BiomeColor.from(213, 221, 240), (short) -8, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 0, 73),
new MinetestBiome("Icesheet ocean", BiomeColor.from(216, 216, 183), (short)-112, (short) -9, 0, 73),
new MinetestBiome("Tundra highland", BiomeColor.from(228, 222, 220), (short) 47, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 0, 40),
new MinetestBiome("Tundra", BiomeColor.from( 82, 68, 63), (short) 2, (short) 46, 0, 40),
new MinetestBiome("Tundra beach", BiomeColor.from(131, 131, 131), (short) -3, (short) 1, 0, 40),
new MinetestBiome("Tundra ocean", BiomeColor.from(214, 213, 179), (short)-112, (short) -4, 0, 40),
new MinetestBiome("Taiga", BiomeColor.from(174, 191, 190), (short) 4, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 25, 70),
new MinetestBiome("Taiga ocean", BiomeColor.from(208, 210, 177), (short)-112, (short) 3, 25, 70),
new MinetestBiome("Snowy grassland", BiomeColor.from(187, 201, 187), (short) 4, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 20, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Snowy grassland ocean", BiomeColor.from(210, 212, 177), (short)-112, (short) 3, 20, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Grassland", BiomeColor.from( 76, 129, 36), (short) 6, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 50, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Grassland dunes", BiomeColor.from(174, 175, 81), (short) 4, (short) 5, 50, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Grassland ocean", BiomeColor.from(198, 204, 156), (short)-112, (short) 3, 50, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Coniferous forest", BiomeColor.from( 25, 61, 33), (short) 6, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 45, 70),
new MinetestBiome("Coniferous forest dunes", BiomeColor.from(162, 180, 114), (short) 4, (short) 5, 45, 70),
new MinetestBiome("Coniferous forest ocean", BiomeColor.from(191, 195, 156), (short)-112, (short) 3, 45, 70),
new MinetestBiome("Deciduous forest", BiomeColor.from( 12, 94, 11), (short) 1, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 60, 68),
new MinetestBiome("Deciduous forest shore", BiomeColor.from( 95, 64, 39), (short) -1, (short) 0, 60, 68),
new MinetestBiome("Deciduous forest ocean", BiomeColor.from(190, 199, 153), (short)-112, (short) -2, 60, 68),
new MinetestBiome("Desert", BiomeColor.from(206, 199, 152), (short) 4, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 92, 16),
new MinetestBiome("Desert ocean", BiomeColor.from(215, 213, 171), (short)-112, (short) 3, 92, 16),
new MinetestBiome("Sandstone desert", BiomeColor.from(194, 168, 127), (short) 4, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 60, 0),
new MinetestBiome("Sandstone desert ocean", BiomeColor.from(212, 206, 165), (short)-112, (short) 3, 60, 0),
new MinetestBiome("Cold desert", BiomeColor.from(193, 191, 179), (short) 4, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 40, 0),
new MinetestBiome("Cold desert ocean", BiomeColor.from(211, 210, 175), (short)-112, (short) 3, 40, 0),
new MinetestBiome("Savanna", BiomeColor.from(139, 142, 64), (short) 1, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 89, 42),
new MinetestBiome("Savanna shore", BiomeColor.from(113, 95, 49), (short) -1, (short) 0, 89, 42),
new MinetestBiome("Savanna ocean", BiomeColor.from(201, 200, 152), (short)-112, (short) -2, 89, 42),
new MinetestBiome("Rainforest", BiomeColor.from( 0, 60, 0), (short) 1, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 86, 65),
new MinetestBiome("Rainforest swamp", BiomeColor.from( 0, 40, 0), (short) -1, (short) 0, 86, 65),
new MinetestBiome("Rainforest ocean", BiomeColor.from(188, 195, 151), (short)-112, (short) -2, 86, 65),
// Underground (normally Amidst don't care, but here it's needed because ocean floor can drop lower than -112)
new MinetestBiome("Underground", BiomeColor.from( 20, 20, 20), Short.MIN_VALUE, (short)-113, 50, 50),
// Floatlands
new MinetestBiome("Floatland grassland", BiomeColor.from( 76, 129, 36), (short)(FLOATLAND_LEVEL + 2), Short.MAX_VALUE, 50, 25),
new MinetestBiome("Floatland coniferous forest", BiomeColor.from( 25, 61, 33), (short)(FLOATLAND_LEVEL + 2), Short.MAX_VALUE, 50, 75),
new MinetestBiome("Floatland ocean", BiomeColor.from(198, 204, 156), FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, (short)(FLOATLAND_LEVEL + 1), 50, 50)
"Minetest Game v.4",
new MinetestBiome[] {
new MinetestBiome("Icesheet", BiomeColor.from(213, 221, 240), (short) -8, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 0, 73),
@ -70,11 +118,11 @@ public class DefaultBiomes {
new MinetestBiome("Snowy grassland", BiomeColor.from(187, 201, 187), (short) 5, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 20, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Snowy grassland ocean", BiomeColor.from(210, 212, 177), (short)-112, (short)4, 20, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Grassland", BiomeColor.from( 76, 129, 36), (short) 6, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 50, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Grassland dunes", BiomeColor.from(174, 175, 81), (short) 4, (short)5, 50, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Grassland ocean", BiomeColor.from(198, 204, 156), (short)-112, (short)3, 50, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Grassland dunes", BiomeColor.from(174, 175, 81), (short) 5, (short)5, 50, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Grassland ocean", BiomeColor.from(198, 204, 156), (short)-112, (short)4, 50, 35),
new MinetestBiome("Coniferous forest", BiomeColor.from( 25, 61, 33), (short) 6, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 45, 70),
new MinetestBiome("Coniferous forest dunes", BiomeColor.from(162, 180, 114), (short) 4, (short)5, 45, 70),
new MinetestBiome("Coniferous forest ocean", BiomeColor.from(191, 195, 156), (short)-112, (short)3, 45, 70),
new MinetestBiome("Coniferous forest dunes", BiomeColor.from(162, 180, 114), (short) 5, (short)5, 45, 70),
new MinetestBiome("Coniferous forest ocean", BiomeColor.from(191, 195, 156), (short)-112, (short)4, 45, 70),
new MinetestBiome("Deciduous forest", BiomeColor.from( 12, 94, 11), (short) 1, FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, 60, 68),
new MinetestBiome("Deciduous forest shore", BiomeColor.from( 95, 64, 39), (short) -1, (short)0, 60, 68),
new MinetestBiome("Deciduous forest ocean", BiomeColor.from(190, 199, 153), (short)-112, (short)-2, 60, 68),
@ -95,8 +143,10 @@ public class DefaultBiomes {
new MinetestBiome("Underground", BiomeColor.from( 20, 20, 20), Short.MIN_VALUE, (short)-113, 50, 50),
// Floatlands
new MinetestBiome("Floatland grassland", BiomeColor.from( 76, 129, 36), (short)(FLOATLAND_LEVEL + 4), Short.MAX_VALUE, 50, 50),
new MinetestBiome("Floatland grassland ocean", BiomeColor.from(198, 204, 156), FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, (short)(FLOATLAND_LEVEL + 3), 50, 50)
new MinetestBiome("floatland coniferous forest", BiomeColor.from( 25, 61, 33), (short)(FLOATLAND_LEVEL + 2), Short.MAX_VALUE, 50, 70),
new MinetestBiome("floatland grassland", BiomeColor.from( 76, 129, 36), (short)(FLOATLAND_LEVEL + 2), Short.MAX_VALUE, 50, 35),
new MinetestBiome("floatland sandstone desert", BiomeColor.from(194, 168, 127), (short)(FLOATLAND_LEVEL + 2), Short.MAX_VALUE, 50, 0),
new MinetestBiome("floatland ocean", BiomeColor.from(198, 204, 156), FLOATLAND_SHADOW_LIMIT, (short)(FLOATLAND_LEVEL + 1), 50, 50)