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public class Noise {
public static final int FLAG_DEFAULTS = 0x01;
public static final int FLAG_EASED = 0x02;
public static final int FLAG_ABSVALUE = 0x04;
public static final int FLAG_POINTBUFFER = 0x08;
public static final int FLAG_SIMPLEX = 0x10;
public static final int MAGIC_X = 1619;
public static final int MAGIC_Y = 31337;
public static final int MAGIC_Z = 52591;
public static final int MAGIC_SEED = 1013;
public NoiseParams np;
private int seed;
private int sx;
private int sy;
private int sz;
private float[] noise_buf = null;
private float[] gradient_buf = null;
private float[] persist_buf = null;
private float[] result = null;
public Noise(NoiseParams np_, int seed, int sx, int sy) throws InvalidNoiseParamsException {
this(np_, seed, sx, sy, 1);
public Noise(NoiseParams np_, int seed, int sx, int sy, int sz) throws InvalidNoiseParamsException { = np_;
this.seed = seed; = sx; = sy; = sz;
private void allocBuffers() throws InvalidNoiseParamsException
if (sx < 1) sx = 1;
if (sy < 1) sy = 1;
if (sz < 1) sz = 1;
this.noise_buf = null;
resizeNoiseBuf(sz > 1);
gradient_buf = null;
persist_buf = null;
result = null;
try {
int bufsize = sx * sy * sz;
persist_buf = null;
gradient_buf = new float[bufsize];
result = new float[bufsize];
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw new InvalidNoiseParamsException("out of memory");
private void resizeNoiseBuf(boolean is3d) throws InvalidNoiseParamsException
//if (is3d) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("need to port 3d noise functions");
//maximum possible spread value factor
float ofactor = (np.lacunarity > 1.0) ?
(float)Math.pow(np.lacunarity, np.octaves - 1) :
// noise lattice point count
// (int)(sz * spread * ofactor) is # of lattice points crossed due to length
float num_noise_points_x = sx * ofactor / np.spread.x;
float num_noise_points_y = sy * ofactor / np.spread.y;
float num_noise_points_z = sz * ofactor / np.spread.z;
// protect against obviously invalid parameters
if (num_noise_points_x > 1000000000.f ||
num_noise_points_y > 1000000000.f ||
num_noise_points_z > 1000000000.f)
throw new InvalidNoiseParamsException();
// + 2 for the two initial endpoints
// + 1 for potentially crossing a boundary due to offset
int nlx = (int)Math.ceil(num_noise_points_x) + 3;
int nly = (int)Math.ceil(num_noise_points_y) + 3;
int nlz = is3d ? (int)Math.ceil(num_noise_points_z) + 3 : 1;
try {
noise_buf = new float[nlx * nly * nlz];
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw new InvalidNoiseParamsException("out of memory");
public static float NoisePerlin2D(NoiseParams np, float x, float y, int seed)
float a = 0;
float f = 1.0f;
float g = 1.0f;
x /= np.spread.x;
y /= np.spread.y;
seed += np.seed;
for (int i = 0; i < np.octaves; i++) {
float noiseval = noise2d_gradient(x * f, y * f, seed + i,
(np.flags & (FLAG_DEFAULTS | FLAG_EASED)) > 0);
if ((np.flags & FLAG_ABSVALUE) > 0)
noiseval = Math.abs(noiseval);
a += g * noiseval;
f *= np.lacunarity;
g *= np.persist;
return np.offset + a * np.scale;
static float noise2d(int x, int y, int seed)
// n is an unsigned int, which Java does not possess, so
// divide and shift operations on it must be performed unsigned
// Note that in two's complement arithmetic, the arithmetic operations of
// add, subtract, and multiply are bit-wise identical if the two operands
// are regarded as both being signed or both being unsigned.
// unsigned int n = (MAGIC_X * x + MAGIC_Y * y + MAGIC_SEED * seed) & 0x7fffffff;
// n = (n >> 13) ^ n;
// n = (n * (n * n * 60493 + 19990303) + 1376312589) & 0x7fffffff;
// return 1.f - (float)(int)n / 0x40000000;
int n = (MAGIC_X * x + MAGIC_Y * y + MAGIC_SEED * seed) & 0x7fffffff;
n = (n >>> 13) ^ n;
n = (n * (n * n * 60493 + 19990303) + 1376312589) & 0x7fffffff;
return 1.f - (float)(int)n / 0x40000000; // ?? check this
static float noise2d_gradient(float x, float y, int seed, boolean eased)
// Calculate the integer coordinates
int x0 = ((x) < 0.0 ? (int)(x) - 1 : (int)(x)); // x0 = myfloor(x)
int y0 = ((y) < 0.0 ? (int)(y) - 1 : (int)(y)); // y0 = myfloor(y)
// Calculate the remaining part of the coordinates
float xl = x - (float)x0;
float yl = y - (float)y0;
// Get values for corners of square
float v00 = noise2d(x0, y0, seed);
float v10 = noise2d(x0+1, y0, seed);
float v01 = noise2d(x0, y0+1, seed);
float v11 = noise2d(x0+1, y0+1, seed);
// Interpolate
if (eased) {
return biLinearInterpolation(v00, v10, v01, v11, xl, yl);
return biLinearInterpolationNoEase(v00, v10, v01, v11, xl, yl);
static float biLinearInterpolation(
float v00, float v10,
float v01, float v11,
float x, float y)
float tx = x * x * x * (x * (6.f * x - 15.f) + 10.f); // easeCurve(x);
float ty = y * y * y * (y * (6.f * y - 15.f) + 10.f); // easeCurve(y);
float u = v00 + (v10 - v00) * x; // linearInterpolation(v00, v10, x);
float v = v01 + (v11 - v01) * x; // linearInterpolation(v01, v11, x);
return u + (v - u) * y; // linearInterpolation(u, v, y);
static float biLinearInterpolationNoEase(
float v00, float v10,
float v01, float v11,
float x, float y)
float u = v00 + (v10 - v00) * x; // linearInterpolation(v00, v10, x);
float v = v01 + (v11 - v01) * x; // linearInterpolation(v01, v11, x);
return u + (v - u) * y; // linearInterpolation(u, v, y);