
30 lines
1017 B

--[[ What do you want to be loaded? ]]--
useList = true -- List command
useMSG = true -- Message command
useKill = true -- Kill command
useReply = true -- Reply command
useMOTD = true -- Message of the day
useDeathMSG = true -- Death messages
useReviveMSG = true -- Revive messages
careLetters = true -- Care about small and BIG letters?
--[[ Privleges ]]--
listprivs = {shout = true} -- List privleges
killprivs = {shout = true} -- kill privleges
msgprivs = {shout = true} -- message privleges
replyprivs = {shout = true} -- reply privleges
--[[ Message strings ]]--
MOTD = "Welcome %s! This is the default MOTD." -- Message of the day
DEATH_MSG = "%s left this world :(" -- Death message
REVIVE_MSG = "Like a Phoenix %s rises from the ashes." -- Revive message
--[[ What do you want after the / ]]--
listcmd = "list"
msgcmd = "msg"
killcmd = "kill"
replycmd = "reply"