
504 lines
18 KiB

walkable_road = {}
-- TODO: recognize too high cliffs
-- TODO: handle strange mapgen heightmap inconsistencies at borders
-- TODO: handle the last/first road node in each mapchunk
-- TODO: allow for roads in x direction instead of z direction as well
-- paths are not built below min_path_height; bridges (2 nodes above that
-- level) are used in such a case
-- bridge pillars and tunnel lamps are limited to the current mapchunk
-- in height (a pillar in midair does not look more strange than
-- a pillar stretching too far up); if necessary, additional
-- parallel lines are added below the bridge_side_a and bridge_side_b
-- lines
-- the material for all nodes (normal path, slabs, stairs, bridge, tunnel)
-- is contained in the table "material"
-- trees: the entire trunk standing on the path is removed, but
-- sidewise branches remain standing
-- stairs and slabs are used where needed (mostly slabs if possible);
-- additional air is added above said stairs and slabs so that
-- the player can climb the stiars
-- the maximum length of bridges and tunnels can be configured
-- builds a nice wooden bridge
-- Note: this covers only bridges extending in z direction
walkable_road.build_bridge = function(start_x, path_wide, height, start_z, end_z, heightmap, minp, chunksize, material, min_height )
-- no bridges in or below water level
if(height < min_height) then
height = min_height
-- do not build a bridge if its floor does not fit into the current mapchunk
if(height < minp.y or height > minp.y + chunksize) then
for j=start_z, end_z do
-- note: the bridge floor is set when the path as such is placed
-- trees at the side that hold the fences
if(material.bridge_side_a) then
minetest.set_node({x=start_x-1, y=height, z=j}, material.bridge_side_a)
if(material.bridge_side_b) then
minetest.set_node({x=start_x+path_wide,y=height, z=j}, material.bridge_side_b)
-- fences at the sides as a handrail
if(material.bridge_fence_a) then
minetest.set_node({x=start_x-1, y=height+1,z=j}, material.bridge_fence_a)
if(material.bridge_fence_b) then
minetest.set_node({x=start_x+path_wide,y=height+1,z=j}, material.bridge_fence_b)
-- time for a support-pillar at each side
-- TODO: use cobble when in water?
and (j-start_z)%(2*(path_wide+2)) == (path_wide+2)) then
local h_base_a = heightmap[ ((j-minp.z)*chunksize) + (start_x-1-minp.x) ]
if(not(h_base_a)) then
h_base_a = minp.y-1
for l=math.max(minp.y, h_base_a), height-1 do
minetest.set_node({x=start_x-1,y=l,z=j}, material.bridge_pillar)
-- horizontal connections between the pillars
if(material.bridge_pillar_cross and l>0 and l%3==0 and l>minp.y) then
for m=start_x, start_x+path_wide do
minetest.set_node({x=m,y=l,z=j}, material.bridge_pillar_cross)
-- if we are at the mapchunk border, add additional horizontal connections in
-- order to make the bridge look less cut off
if(h_base_a < minp.y) then
for o = -4 * path_wide, 4 * path_wide do
minetest.set_node({x=start_x-1,y=minp.y,z=j+o}, material.bridge_side_a)
-- second pillar
local h_base_b = heightmap[ ((j-minp.z)*chunksize) + (start_x+path_wide-minp.x) ]
if(not(h_base_b)) then
h_base_b = minp.y-1
for l=math.max(minp.y, h_base_b), height-1 do
minetest.set_node({x=start_x+path_wide,y=l,z=j}, material.bridge_pillar)
if(h_base_b < minp.y) then
for o = -4 * path_wide, 4 * path_wide do
minetest.set_node({x=start_x+path_wide,y=minp.y,z=j+o}, material.bridge_side_a)
-- a tunnel is (for now) a bit more simple;
-- the tunnel itself will be carved out with air later on in the process when the road is made walkable
walkable_road.build_tunnel = function(start_x, path_wide, height, start_z, end_z, heightmap, minp, chunksize, material )
-- only place the lamps if we are still (roughly) inside the current mapchunk
if(height+4 < minp.y or height+4 > minp.y + chunksize) then
for j=start_z, end_z do
-- add some lamps so that the tunnel is not too dark
-- (but only if we are still below the surface)
if(((j-start_z)%10) == 4
and heightmap[ ((j-minp.z)*chunksize) + (start_x+1-minp.x) ] > height+4) then
minetest.set_node({x=start_x+1,y=height+4,z=j}, material.tunnel_lamp)
-- build a path extending in z direction
walkable_road.build_road = function(start_x, start_z, heightmap, minp, chunksize, material, path_wide, interval_size, max_bridge_length, max_tunnel_length, min_path_height, bridge_height)
local get_hsum = function(start_x, z, heightmap, minp, chunksize, path_wide)
local hsum = 0
for x=start_x, start_x+path_wide-1 do
local h = heightmap[ ((z-minp.z)*chunksize) + (x-minp.x) ]
-- deal with areas where no height is available:
-- might require a bridge or tunnel
if(not(h)) then
return nil
hsum = hsum + h
return hsum
-- sets all nodes over the entire width of the path to the desired node
local set_road_nodes = function(start_x, path_wide, height, z, node)
for x=start_x, start_x+path_wide-1 do
minetest.set_node({x=x, y=height, z=z}, node)
-- store the observed height averages (or rather, the sum of
-- all observed heights accross the entire width of the path
-- at a certain point of its length)
local averages = {}
-- the path goes into z direction (x: width)
local z = start_z
-- get the height sums at the beginning of the path
local hsum = get_hsum(start_x, start_z, heightmap, minp, chunksize, path_wide)
if(hsum == nil) then
hsum = minp.y * path_wide
-- store the last height used in order to be able to detect places that get too steep
local last_height = math.floor((hsum/path_wide)+0.5)
-- at the beginning, all height sums are the same
for i=1, interval_size do
averages[i] = hsum
local avg_height_sum = hsum * interval_size
-- has the neighbouring mapchunk already been generated? if so, determine its
-- road level
local pos = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(
{x=start_x, y=minp.y, z=start_z-math.min(16, interval_size-1)},
{x=start_x, y=minp.y+chunksize, z=start_z},
for i,p in ipairs(pos) do
local i2 = start_z-p.z+1
avg_height_sum = avg_height_sum - averages[i2]
averages[i2] = (p.y - 2) * path_wide
avg_height_sum = avg_height_sum + averages[i2]
minetest.set_node(p, {name="wool:pink"})
pos = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(
{x=start_x, y=minp.y, z=start_z+chunksize+1+math.min(16, interval_size-1)},
{x=start_x, y=minp.y+chunksize, z=start_z+chunksize+1},
for i,p in ipairs(pos) do
local i2 = start_z-p.z+1
-- avg_height_sum = avg_height_sum - averages[i2]
-- averages[i2] = (p.y - 2) * path_wide
-- avg_height_sum = avg_height_sum + averages[i2]
minetest.set_node(p, {name="wool:red"})
--minetest.set_node({x=start_x,y=minp.y+chunksize-1,z=start_z}, {name="wool:blue"})
-- store at which height we placed the road with this algorithm
local used_height = {}
-- we want to take heights before and after the current position into account;
-- therefore, we need to deal with an offset
local offset=math.floor((interval_size/2)+0.5)
local i = 1
-- now walk along the length of the path
for z=start_z, start_z + chunksize do
local new_height = math.floor((avg_height_sum / (path_wide * interval_size))+0.5)
-- detect places that are too steep
if( math.abs(new_height - last_height) > 1.5 and false ) then
-- create bridges or tunnels...
new_height = last_height
last_height = new_height
-- create the path at the calculated height
for x=start_x, start_x+path_wide-1 do
local old_height = heightmap[ ((z-minp.z)*chunksize) + (x-minp.x) ]
-- store the heights used for the road
used_height[z] = new_height
-- forget the oldest average
avg_height_sum = avg_height_sum - averages[i]
-- TODO: sum up the heights at the next position
local hsum_new = get_hsum(start_x, z+offset, heightmap, minp, chunksize, path_wide)
-- if the height at that point cannot be determined: stick to the old height
if(hsum_new == nil) then
hsum_new = averages[i]
averages[i] = hsum_new
avg_height_sum = avg_height_sum + averages[i]
-- move to the next index in the averages array
i = (i % interval_size) + 1
--if(true) then return; end -- no bridge building
-- -- TODO: not really used
-- local extrema = {start_z+1}
-- local last_d = 0
-- for z=start_z+1, start_z + chunksize do
-- local d = used_height[z] - used_height[z-1]
-- if(( (last_d > 0) and (d < 0) ) or ((last_d < 0) and (d > 0))) then
-- table.insert( extrema, z )
-- end
-- if( d ~= 0 ) then
-- last_d = d
-- end
-- end
-- those two tables will be true for is_bridge[z] or is_tunnel[z] if
-- there is a bridge or tunnel at position z (needed for placing
-- diffrent materials there later on)
local is_bridge = {}
local is_tunnel = {}
-- there may not be a ground inside the height boundaries of this mapchunk here
local is_out_of_bounds = {}
local z = start_z+1
while( z <= start_z + chunksize ) do
local d = used_height[z] - used_height[z-1]
-- ground is outside of the mapchunk we are currently working on
if(not(used_height[z-1]) or used_height[z-1] < minp.y or used_height[z-1] > minp.y+chunksize+1) then
is_out_of_bounds[z-1] = true
-- no way to tell the gradient
d = 0
-- we may need a bridge here
elseif(used_height[z-1] < min_path_height) then
used_height[z] = min_path_height
-- force a bridge
d = -2
-- if there is a hole we might want to build a bridge above it
if(d<-1) then
local i = z
while( i<start_z + chunksize) do
i = i+1
local bridge_ends = true
or used_height[i] < min_path_height
or used_height[i] < used_height[z-1]) then
bridge_ends = false
elseif(used_height[i] == min_path_height) then
local n = minetest.get_node({x=start_x,y=used_height[i],z=i})
if(not(n) or not( or"default:water_source" or"air") then
bridge_ends = false
if(i-z > max_bridge_length) then
bridge_ends = true
-- let the bridge span as many nodes as possible
if(bridge_ends or i == start_z + chunksize) then
walkable_road.build_bridge(start_x, path_wide, used_height[i], z-1, i+1,
heightmap, minp, chunksize, material,
-- looks better if there is a bit of room between water level
-- and bridge floor
min_path_height + bridge_height + 1)
-- raise the path up to bridge level
-- (the bridge has at least a height of min_path_height + 2)
for k=z-1, i do
used_height[k] = math.max(min_path_height + bridge_height + 1, used_height[i])
is_bridge[k] = true
-- make sure the bridge can be reached (the entrance may be
-- quite steep right now)
local k = z
local last_direction = 0
local direction = 0
while(k>minp.z and used_height[k-1]) do
if( used_height[k-1] < used_height[k] - 1) then
-- make sure not to drop below water level with this
used_height[k-1] = math.max(min_path_height, used_height[k] - 1)
direction = -1
elseif( used_height[k-1] > used_height[k] + 1) then
used_height[k-1] = math.max(min_path_height, used_height[k] + 1)
direction = 1
k = k-1
-- abort searching once the gradient changes
if(direction ~= last_direction and last_direction ~= 0) then
k = minp.z
last_direction = direction
z = i
-- end the loop
i = start_z + chunksize + 1
-- if there is a mountain we might want to dig a tunnel
elseif(d>1) then
local i = z
while( i<start_z + chunksize) do
i = i+1
-- no tunnels below water level
if(used_height[i] <= used_height[z-1] and used_height[i]>0 and (i-z <= max_tunnel_length)) then
walkable_road.build_tunnel(start_x, path_wide, used_height[i], z, i, heightmap, minp, chunksize, material )
-- lower the path to the floor of the tunnel
for k=z, i do
used_height[k] = math.max(min_path_height, used_height[i])
is_tunnel[k] = true
z = i
i = start_z + chunksize + 1
z = z+1
-- make sure there is no place on the road that has a gradient higher than one
-- because stairs cannot cover more than that
for z=start_z, start_z + chunksize do
if(used_height[z] and used_height[z-1] and not(is_out_of_bounds[z-1]) and not(is_out_of_bounds[z])) then
local d = used_height[z] - used_height[z-1]
if(d > 1) then
used_height[z] = used_height[z-1] + 1
elseif( d < -1 ) then
used_height[z] = used_height[z-1] - 1
-- also smoothen 1 node wide gaps or elevations
if(used_height[z+1] and used_height[z+1]==used_height[z-1] and used_height[z]~=used_height[z-1]) then
used_height[z] = used_height[z-1]
-- actually place the road nodes
for z=start_z, start_z + chunksize do
-- do not place anything if ground is not part of this mapchunk
if(is_out_of_bounds[z] and not(is_bridge[z] or is_tunnel[z])) then
-- if there is a tree trunk at ground level, clean up the entire tree
-- (check the entire width of the path)
for x=start_x, start_x+path_wide-1 do
local height = heightmap[ ((z-minp.z)*chunksize) + (x-minp.x) ]
if(height) then
height = height + 1
-- trees usually start at ground height
local node = minetest.get_node({x=x, y=height, z=z})
-- check upwards until we find a node that is not a tree
while(node and ~= "air" and ~= "ignore"
and minetest.get_item_group(, "tree")>0) do
minetest.set_node({x=x, y=height, z=z}, {name="air"})
height = height + 1
node = minetest.get_node({x=start_x, y=height, z=z})
-- create the path at the calculated height
if( is_bridge[z] ) then
set_road_nodes(start_x, path_wide, used_height[z], z, material.bridge_floor)
elseif( is_tunnel[z] ) then
set_road_nodes(start_x, path_wide, used_height[z], z, material.tunnel_floor)
set_road_nodes(start_x, path_wide, used_height[z], z, material.normal)
-- clear the area above the path so that there is room for walking
for h=used_height[z]+1, used_height[z]+3 do
set_road_nodes(start_x, path_wide, h, z, {name="air"})
set_road_nodes(start_x, path_wide, used_height[z]+2, z, material.path_air)
-- for x=start_x, start_x+path_wide-1 do
-- local old_height = heightmap[ ((z-minp.z)*chunksize) + (x-minp.x) ]
-- -- illustrate with glass if the path is lower than the original landscape
-- if(old_height and old_height>used_height[z] and old_height-used_height[z]<20 and old_height>=minp.y) then
-- for k=used_height[z]+1, old_height do
-- minetest.set_node({x=x,y=k,z=z},{name="default:glass"})
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- add slabs and stairs where possible
for z=start_z, start_z + chunksize do
-- there needs to be more room for the player in order to be able to use stairs etc
local clear_headroom = nil
-- do not place anything if ground is not part of this mapchunk
if(is_out_of_bounds[z]) then
-- do nothing
-- candidate for a slab
elseif(used_height[z] == used_height[z+1] and used_height[z-1] == used_height[z-2]) then
if( used_height[z-1] and used_height[z] == used_height[z-1] + 1) then
set_road_nodes(start_x, path_wide, used_height[z], z-1, material.slab_up)
clear_headroom = z-1
elseif( used_height[z-1] and used_height[z] == used_height[z-1] - 1) then
set_road_nodes(start_x, path_wide, used_height[z]+1, z, material.slab_down)
clear_headroom = z
-- stair leading up
elseif(used_height[z+1] and used_height[z] == used_height[z+1] -1 ) then
set_road_nodes(start_x, path_wide, used_height[z]+1, z, material.stair_up)
clear_headroom = z
elseif(used_height[z-1] and used_height[z] == used_height[z-1] -1 ) then
set_road_nodes(start_x, path_wide, used_height[z]+1, z, material.stair_down)
clear_headroom = z
-- make sure there is enough room above so that the player can use the stair or slab
if(clear_headroom) then
for az = clear_headroom-1, clear_headroom+1 do
if(used_height[az]) then
set_road_nodes(start_x, path_wide, used_height[az]+4, az, {name="air"})
minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed)
if( minp.y < -64 or minp.y > 500) then
local heightmap = minetest.get_mapgen_object('heightmap')
-- the heightmap is necessary for the calculations; give up if none exists
if(not(heightmap)) then
local chunksize = maxp.x - minp.x + 1
local dx=minp.x+3
while(dx < minp.x + chunksize - 4) do
walkable_road.build_road( dx, minp.z, heightmap, minp, chunksize, {
-- the materials used
normal = {name="default:stonebrick"},
slab_up = {name="stairs:slab_stonebrick", param2=0},
slab_down = {name="stairs:slab_stonebrick", param2=0},
stair_up = {name="stairs:stair_stonebrick", param2=0},
stair_down = {name="stairs:stair_stonebrick", param2=2},
bridge_floor = {name="default:wood"},
bridge_side_a = {name="default:tree", param2=4},
bridge_side_b = {name="default:tree", param2=4},
bridge_fence_a = {name="default:fence_wood"},
bridge_fence_b = {name="default:fence_wood"},
bridge_pillar = {name="default:tree"},
bridge_pillar_cross = {name="default:tree", param2=12},
tunnel_floor = {name="default:stonebrick"},
tunnel_lamp = {name="default:meselamp"},
path_air = {name="air"}, --flatpath:path_air"},
}, 2, 5,
-- max_bridge_length
-- max_tunnel_length
-- min_path_height (ought to be at water level)
-- min_bridge_height (2 nodes between bridge and water - enough room for
-- players in a boat)
dx = dx + 8
-- walkable_road.draw_line( minp.x+math.floor(chunksize/2), minp.z, heightmap, minp, chunksize, "default:meselamp", 2, 5)
minetest.register_node("flatpath:path_air", {
description = "Path air",
drawtype = "airlike",
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
diggable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drop = "",