
127 lines
5.9 KiB

-- places trees and plants at empty spaces
mg_villages.village_area_fill_with_plants = function( village_area, villages, minp, maxp, data, param2_data, a, cid, trees_to_grow_via_voxelmanip )
-- do not place any plants if we are working on the mapchunk above
if( minp.y > 0 ) then
-- TODO: replacements depend on the actual village...
local replacements = {};
-- add farmland
cid.c_wheat = handle_schematics.get_content_id_replaced( 'farming:wheat_8', replacements );
cid.c_cotton = handle_schematics.get_content_id_replaced( 'farming:cotton_8', replacements );
cid.c_shrub = handle_schematics.get_content_id_replaced( 'default:dry_shrub', replacements);
-- these extra nodes are used in order to avoid abms on the huge fields around the villages
cid.c_soil_wet = handle_schematics.get_content_id_replaced( 'mg_villages:soil', replacements ); --'farming:soil_wet' );
cid.c_soil_sand = handle_schematics.get_content_id_replaced( 'mg_villages:desert_sand_soil', replacements); --'farming:desert_sand_soil_wet' );
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
cid.c_soil_wet = handle_schematics.get_content_id_replaced( 'farming:soil', replacements ); -- TODO: the one from mg_villages would be better...but that one lacks textures
cid.c_soil_sand = handle_schematics.get_content_id_replaced( 'farming:soil', replacements ); -- TODO: the one from mg_villages would be better...but that one lacks textures
cid.c_wheat = handle_schematics.get_content_id_replaced( 'farming:spelt_4', replacements );
cid.c_cotton = handle_schematics.get_content_id_replaced( 'farming:flax_4', replacements );
-- cid.c_shrub = handle_schematics.get_content_id_replaced( 'default:dry_shrub', replacements);
local pr = PseudoRandom(mg_villages.get_bseed(minp));
for x = minp.x, maxp.x do
for z = minp.z, maxp.z do
-- turn unused land (which is either dirt or desert sand) into a field that grows wheat
if( village_area[ x ][ z ][ 2 ]==1
or village_area[ x ][ z ][ 2 ]==6) then
local village_nr = village_area[ x ][ z ][ 1 ];
local village = villages[ village_nr ];
local h = village.vh;
local g = data[a:index( x, h, z )];
-- choose a plant/tree with a certain chance
-- Note: There are no checks weather the tree/plant will actually grow there or not;
-- Tree type is derived from wood type used in the village
local plant_id = data[a:index( x, h+1, z)];
local on_soil = false;
local plant_selected = false;
local has_snow_cover = false;
for _,v in ipairs( village.to_add_data.plantlist ) do
if( plant_id == cid.c_snow or g==cid.c_dirt_with_snow or g==cid.c_snowblock) then
has_snow_cover = true;
-- select the first plant that fits; if the node is not air, keep what is currently inside
if( (plant_id==cid.c_air or plant_id==cid.c_snow) and (( v.p == 1 or pr:next( 1, v.p )==1 ))) then
-- TODO: check if the plant grows on that soil
plant_id =;
plant_selected = true;
-- wheat and cotton require soil
if( plant_id == cid.c_wheat or plant_id == cid.c_cotton ) then
on_soil = true;
local pos = {x=x, y=h+1, z=z};
if( not( plant_selected )) then -- in case there is something there already (usually a tree trunk)
has_snow_cover = nil;
elseif( mg_villages.grow_a_tree( pos, plant_id, minp, maxp, data, a, cid, pr, has_snow_cover, trees_to_grow_via_voxelmanip )) then
param2_data[a:index( x, h+1, z)] = 0; -- make sure the tree trunk is not rotated
has_snow_cover = nil; -- else the sapling might not grow
-- nothing to do; the function has grown the tree already
-- grow wheat and cotton on normal wet soil (and re-plant if it had been removed by mudslide)
elseif( on_soil and (g==cid.c_dirt_with_grass or g==cid.c_soil_wet or g==cid.c_dirt_with_snow)) then
-- wheat needs another option there
if( plant_id == cid.c_wheat ) then
param2_data[a:index( x, h+1, z)] = 0;
param2_data[a:index( x, h+1, z)] = math.random( 1, 179 );
data[a:index( x, h, z)] = cid.c_soil_wet;
-- no plants in winter
if( has_snow_cover and mg_villages.use_soil_snow) then
data[a:index( x, h+1, z)] = cid.c_msnow_soil;
has_snow_cover = nil;
data[a:index( x, h+1, z)] = plant_id;
-- grow wheat and cotton on desert sand soil - or on soil previously placed (before mudslide overflew it; same as above)
elseif( on_soil and (g==cid.c_desert_sand or g==cid.c_soil_sand) and cid.c_soil_sand and cid.c_soil_sand > 0) then
-- wheat needs another option there
if( plant_id == cid.c_wheat ) then
param2_data[a:index( x, h+1, z)] = 0;
param2_data[a:index( x, h+1, z)] = math.random( 1, 179 );
data[a:index( x, h, z)] = cid.c_soil_sand;
-- no plants in winter
if( has_snow_cover and mg_villages.use_soil_snow) then
data[a:index( x, h+1, z)] = cid.c_msnow_soil;
has_snow_cover = nil;
data[a:index( x, h+1, z)] = plant_id;
elseif( on_soil ) then
if( math.random(1,5)==1 ) then
data[a:index( pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)] = cid.c_shrub;
-- do not place any RealTest saplings again after the tree has been grown
elseif( plant_id and not(mg_villages.sapling_to_tree_realtest[plant_id])) then -- place the sapling or plant (moretrees uses spawn_tree)
data[a:index( pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)] = plant_id;
-- put a snow cover on plants where needed
if( has_snow_cover and cid.c_msnow_1 ~= cid.c_ignore and cid.c_msnow_1 ~= cid.c_air) then
data[a:index( x, h+2, z)] = cid.c_msnow_1;
-- place a water source now and then so that the fake soil can later be turned into real soil if needed
if( mg_villages.PLACE_WATER_FOR_FARMING and on_soil and x%3==0 and z%3==0 and h>minp.y) then
data[a:index( x, h-1, z)] = cid.c_water;