lakes (or highlandpools) - ready to use

Sokomine 2019-03-11 13:23:37 +01:00
commit c2171bc51b
2 changed files with 420 additions and 0 deletions

3 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Mod for MineTest
Attention: This is experimental. Use in new worlds only.

init.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
local fill_lake_with = "default:river_water_source";
-- helper function for mark_min_max_height_in_mapchunk(..)
-- math_extrema: math.min for maxheight; math.max for minheight
-- populates the tables minheight and maxheight with data;
local mark_min_max_height_local = function(minp, maxp, heightmap, ax, az, i, chunksize, minheight, maxheight, direction)
i = i+1;
if( ax==minp.x or az==minp.z or ax==maxp.x or az==maxp.z) then
minheight[i] = heightmap[i];
maxheight[i] = heightmap[i];
if( not( minheight[i])) then
minheight[i] = -100000;
if( not( maxheight[i])) then
maxheight[i] = 100000;
local i_side = i-chunksize;
local i_prev = i-1;
local i_add = -1;
local swap_args = false;
if( direction==-1 ) then
i_side = i+chunksize;
i_prev = i+1;
i_add = 1;
swap_args = true;
direction = 1;
-- do for minheight (=search for hills)
local hr = minheight[ i_side ];
-- handle minheight
-- compare minheight with the neighbour to the right or left
if( hr and heightmap[i] and hr>minheight[i]) then
minheight[i] = math.min(hr, heightmap[i]);
if( ((direction==1 and ax>minp.x) or (direction==-1 and ax<maxp.x))
-- has the neighbour before a higher minheight?
and minheight[ i_prev ]
and minheight[ i_prev ] > minheight[ i ]) then
minheight[ i ] = math.min( minheight[ i_prev ], heightmap[i]);
hr = minheight[ i ];
-- walk backward in that row and set all with a lower minheight but
-- a sufficiently high height to the new minheight
local n = 1;
local i_run = i-n;
while( hr
and ((direction==1 and (ax-n)>=minp.x) or (direction==-1 and (ax+n)<=maxp.x))
-- has the neighbour before a lower minheight?
and minheight[ i_run ]
and minheight[ i_run ] < hr
-- is the neighbour before heigh enough?
and (heightmap[ i_run ] >= hr or heightmap[ i_run ] > minheight[ i_run ])) do
hr = math.min( hr, heightmap[ i_run ]);
minheight[ i_run ] = hr;
n = n+1;
i_run = i_run + i_add;
-- same for maxheight (= search for holes)
hr = maxheight[ i_side ];
-- compare maxheight with the neighbour to the right or left
if( hr and heightmap[i] and hr<maxheight[i]) then
maxheight[i] = math.max(hr, heightmap[i]);
if( ((direction==1 and ax>minp.x) or (direction==-1 and ax<maxp.x))
-- has the neighbour before a higher maxheight?
and maxheight[ i_prev ]
and maxheight[ i_prev ] < maxheight[ i ]) then
maxheight[ i ] = math.max( maxheight[ i_prev ], heightmap[i]);
hr = maxheight[ i ];
-- walk backward in that row and set all with a lower maxheight but
-- a sufficiently high height to the new maxheight
local n = 1;
local i_run = i-n;
while( hr
and ((direction==1 and (ax-n)>=minp.x) or (direction==-1 and (ax+n)<=maxp.x))
-- has the neighbour before a lower maxheight?
and maxheight[ i_run ]
and maxheight[ i_run ] > hr
-- is the neighbour before heigh enough?
and (heightmap[ i_run ] <= hr or heightmap[ i_run ] < maxheight[ i_run ])) do
hr = math.max( hr, heightmap[ i_run ]);
maxheight[ i_run ] = hr;
n = n+1;
i_run = i_run + i_add;
-- detect places where nodes might be removed or added without changing the borders
-- of the mapchunk; afterwards, the landscape may be levelled, but one hill or hole
-- cannot yet be distinguished from the other;
-- more complex shapes may require multiple runs
-- Note: There is no general merging here (apart fromm the two runs) because MT maps are
-- usually very small-scale and there would be too many areas that may need merging.
local mark_min_max_height_in_mapchunk = function(minp, maxp, heightmap)
local chunksize = maxp.x - minp.x + 1;
local minheight = {}
local maxheight = {}
for j=1, 2 do
local i = 0
for az=minp.z,maxp.z do
for ax=minp.x,maxp.x do
-- fill minheight and maxheight with data whereever hills or holes are
mark_min_max_height_local(minp, maxp, heightmap, ax, az, i, chunksize, minheight, maxheight, 1);
i = i+1
-- we keep i the way it is;
i = i+1;
-- the previous run could not cover all situations; check from the other side now
for az=maxp.z,minp.z,-1 do
for ax=maxp.x,minp.x,-1 do
-- update minheight and maxheight for hills and holes; but this time, start from the
-- opposite corner of the mapchunk in order to preserve what is needed there
mark_min_max_height_local(minp, maxp, heightmap, ax, az, i, chunksize, minheight, maxheight, -1);
i = i-1;
return {minheight = minheight, maxheight = maxheight};
-- helper function for mark_holes_and_hills_in_mapchunk(..)
local identify_individual_holes_or_hills = function( minp, maxp, ax, az, i, chunksize, markmap, merge_into, hole_counter, hole_data, h_real, h_max, condition)
markmap[ i ] = 0;
-- no hole or hill
if( not( condition )) then
return hole_counter;
local h_prev_z = markmap[ i-chunksize ];
local h_prev_x = markmap[ i-1 ];
local match_z = 0;
local match_x = 0;
-- if the node to the right (at z=z-1) is also part of a hole, then
-- both nodes are part of the same hole
if( az>minp.z and h_prev_z and h_prev_z > 0 ) then
match_z = h_prev_z;
-- if the node before (at x=x-1) is also part of a hole, then both
-- nodes are also part of the same hole
if( ax>minp.x and h_prev_x and h_prev_x > 0 ) then
match_x = h_prev_x;
-- continue the hole from z direction
if( match_z > 0 and match_x ==0) then
markmap[ i ] = merge_into[ match_z ];
-- continue the hole from x direction
elseif( match_z ==0 and match_x > 0) then
markmap[ i ] = merge_into[ match_x ];
-- new hole at this place
elseif( match_z ==0 and match_x ==0) then
hole_counter = hole_counter + 1;
merge_into[ hole_counter ] = hole_counter;
markmap[ i ] = hole_counter;
-- both are larger than 0 and diffrent - we need to merge
markmap[ i ] = merge_into[ match_z ];
-- actually do the merge
for k,v in ipairs(merge_into) do
if( merge_into[ k ] == match_x ) then
merge_into[ k ] = merge_into[ match_z ];
-- gather some statistical data in hole_data
if( markmap[ i ]>0 ) then
local id = markmap[ i ];
-- height difference
local ay = math.abs(h_max - h_real);
if( not( hole_data[ id ])) then
hole_data[ id ] = {
minp = {x=ax, z=az, y=math.min(h_max, h_real)},
maxp = {x=ax, z=az, y=math.max(h_max, h_real)},
size = 1,
volume = ay,
-- the surface area is one larger now
hole_data[ id ].size = hole_data[ id ].size + 1;
-- the volume has also grown
hole_data[ id ].volume = hole_data[ id ].volume + ay;
if( ax < hole_data[ id ].minp.x ) then
hole_data[ id ].minp.x = ax;
-- minimal and maximal dimensions may have changed
hole_data[ id ].minp.x = math.min( ax, hole_data[ id ].minp.x );
hole_data[ id ].maxp.x = math.max( ax, hole_data[ id ].maxp.x );
hole_data[ id ].minp.z = math.min( az, hole_data[ id ].minp.z );
hole_data[ id ].maxp.z = math.max( az, hole_data[ id ].maxp.z );
hole_data[ id ].minp.y = math.min( ay, hole_data[ id ].minp.y );
hole_data[ id ].maxp.y = math.max( ay, hole_data[ id ].maxp.y );
return hole_counter;
-- helper function for mark_holes_and_hills_in_mapchunk(..)
-- works the same for hills and holes
local merge_if_same_hole_or_hill = function(hole_data, merge_into)
local id2merged = {}
local merged = {}
local hole_counter = 1;
-- we already know from merge_into that k needs to be merged into v
for k,v in ipairs(merge_into) do
-- we have not covered the merge target
if( not( id2merged[ v ])) then
id2merged[ v ] = hole_counter;
hole_counter = hole_counter + 1;
merged[ v ] = hole_data[ v ];
-- another hole or hill has already been treated -> merge with new data needed
-- merge hole_data_merged
merged[v].size = merged[ v ].size + hole_data[ k ].size;
merged[v].volume = merged[ v ].volume + hole_data[ k ].volume;
-- minimal and maximal dimensions may have changed
merged[v].minp.x = math.min( merged[v].minp.x, hole_data[k].minp.x );
merged[v].maxp.x = math.max( merged[v].maxp.x, hole_data[k].maxp.x );
merged[v].minp.z = math.min( merged[v].minp.z, hole_data[k].minp.z );
merged[v].maxp.z = math.max( merged[v].maxp.z, hole_data[k].maxp.z );
merged[v].minp.y = math.min( merged[v].minp.y, hole_data[k].minp.y );
merged[v].maxp.y = math.max( merged[v].maxp.y, hole_data[k].maxp.y );
id2merged[ k ] = id2merged[ v ];
return {id2merged=id2merged, merged=merged};
local mark_holes_and_hills_in_mapchunk = function( minp, maxp, heightmap, minheight, maxheight)
local chunksize = maxp.x - minp.x + 1;
-- distinguish the individual hills and holes from each other so that we may treat
-- each one diffrently if so desired
local holes_markmap = {}
local hills_markmap = {}
-- used to mark the individual holes on the markmap
local hole_counter = 0;
local hill_counter = 0;
-- some holes will first be seen from diffrent directions and get diffrent IDs (=
-- hole_counter) assigned; these need to be merged because they're the same
local holes_merge_into = {};
local hills_merge_into = {};
-- store size, minp/maxp, max/min depth/height
local hole_data = {};
local hill_data = {};
local i = 0
for az=minp.z,maxp.z do
for ax=minp.x,maxp.x do
i = i+1;
local h_real = heightmap[i];
local h_min = minheight[i];
local h_max = maxheight[i];
-- do this for holes
hole_counter = identify_individual_holes_or_hills( minp, maxp, ax, az, i, chunksize,
holes_markmap, holes_merge_into, hole_counter, hole_data, h_real, h_min,
-- h_max>0 because we do not want to create pools/fill land below sea level
( h_max and h_real and h_max>h_real and h_max<maxp.y and h_max>minp.y and h_max>0));
-- ..and for hills
hill_counter = identify_individual_holes_or_hills( minp, maxp, ax, az, i, chunksize,
hills_markmap, hills_merge_into, hill_counter, hill_data, h_real, h_max,
-- the socket of individual hills may well lie below water level
( h_min and h_real and h_min<h_real and h_min<maxp.y and h_min>minp.y and h_min>minp.y));
-- a hole or hill might have been found from diffrent directions and thus
-- might have gotten diffrent ids; merge them if they represent the same
-- hole or hill
local holes = merge_if_same_hole_or_hill(hole_data, holes_merge_into);
local hills = merge_if_same_hole_or_hill(hill_data, hills_merge_into);
return {holes = holes, holes_merge_into = holes_merge_into, holes_markmap = holes_markmap,
hills = hills, hills_merge_into = hills_merge_into, hills_markmap = hills_markmap};
-- create a (potential) new heightmap where all the hills we discovered are flattened and all
-- holes filled with something so that we get more flat terrain;
-- this function also adjusts
-- detected.hills.merged[id].target_height (set to the flattened value)
-- and detected.hills_markmap[i] for easier access without having to go throuh
-- detected.hills_merge_into in the future
-- (same for holes)
local heightmap_with_hills_lowered_and_holes_filled = function( minp, maxp, heightmap, extrema, detected)
local adjusted_heightmap = {}
local chunksize = maxp.x - minp.x + 1;
local i = 0
for az=minp.z,maxp.z do
for ax=minp.x,maxp.x do
i = i+1;
-- no changes at the borders of the mapchunk
if( ax==minp.x or ax==maxp.x or az==minp.z or az==maxp.z) then
adjusted_heightmap[i] = heightmap[i];
-- make sure it gets one value set
adjusted_heightmap[i] = heightmap[i];
-- is there a hill?
local hill_id = detected.hills_markmap[i];
if( hill_id and hill_id>0) then
-- which hill are we dealing with?
local id = detected.hills_merge_into[ hill_id ];
local new_height = detected.hills.merged[id].target_height;
if( not( new_height )) then
-- target height: height if this hill would be removed completely
new_height = minp.y-1;
new_height = math.max( new_height, extrema.minheight[i]);
local id_hole_right = detected.holes_markmap[ i-chunksize ];
if( id_hole_right and id_hole_right > 0) then
new_height = math.max( new_height, detected.holes.merged[id_hole_right].target_height);
local id_hole_prev = detected.holes_markmap[ i-1 ];
if( id_hole_prev and id_hole_prev > 0) then
new_height = math.min( new_height, detected.holes.merged[id_hole_prev ].target_height);
detected.hills.merged[id].target_height = new_height;
adjusted_heightmap[i] = new_height;
-- store for later use
detected.hills_markmap[i] = id;
-- is there a hole?
local hole_id = detected.holes_markmap[i];
if( hole_id and hole_id>0) then
-- which hole are we dealing with?
local id = detected.holes_merge_into[ hole_id ];
local new_height = detected.holes.merged[id].target_height;
if( not( new_height )) then
-- target height: height if this hole would be filled completely
new_height = maxp.y + 1;
new_height = math.min( new_height, extrema.maxheight[i]);
-- is either the neighbour to the right or in the south a hill?
-- we have processed that place already; thus we can be sure
-- that this is an id that can be fed to detected.hills.merged
-- directly
local id_hill_right = detected.hills_markmap[ i-chunksize ];
if( id_hill_right and id_hill_right > 0) then
new_height = math.min( new_height, detected.hills.merged[id_hill_right].target_height);
local id_hill_prev = detected.hills_markmap[ i-1 ];
if( id_hill_prev and id_hill_prev > 0) then
new_height = math.min( new_height, detected.hills.merged[id_hill_prev ].target_height);
detected.holes.merged[id].target_height = new_height;
adjusted_heightmap[i] = new_height;
-- store for later use
detected.holes_markmap[i] = id;
return adjusted_heightmap;
minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed)
local heightmap = minetest.get_mapgen_object('heightmap');
local chunksize = maxp.x - minp.x + 1;
if( not( heightmap )) then
-- do the actual work of hill and hole detection
local t1 = minetest.get_us_time();
-- find places where the land could be lowered or raised
local extrema = mark_min_max_height_in_mapchunk(minp, maxp, heightmap);
-- distinguish between individual holes and hills
local detected = mark_holes_and_hills_in_mapchunk( minp, maxp, heightmap, extrema.minheight, extrema.maxheight);
-- flatten hills, fill holes (just virutal in adjusted_heightmap)
local adjusted_heightmap = heightmap_with_hills_lowered_and_holes_filled( minp, maxp, heightmap, extrema, detected);
local t2 = minetest.get_us_time();
print("Time elapsed: "..tostring( t2-t1 ));
-- for now: fill each hole (no matter how big or tiny) with river water
for id, data in pairs( detected.holes.merged ) do
detected.holes.merged[id].material = fill_lake_with;
-- show something to the user; change the landscape
local i = 0
for az=minp.z,maxp.z do
for ax=minp.x,maxp.x do
i = i+1;
-- is there a hole?
if( detected.holes_markmap[i] and detected.holes_markmap[i]>0) then
local id = detected.holes_merge_into[ detected.holes_markmap[i] ];
local hole = detected.holes.merged[id];
minetest.set_node( {x=ax, z=az, y=hole.target_height}, {name=hole.material});