Unlike Minecraft, however, our cactus has no bottom face. Who cares.
107 lines
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107 lines
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using System;
using TrueCraft.API.Logic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using TrueCraft.Core.Logic.Blocks;
namespace TrueCraft.Client.Rendering.Blocks
public class WheatRenderer : BlockRenderer
static WheatRenderer()
BlockRenderer.RegisterRenderer(CropsBlock.BlockID, new WheatRenderer());
private Vector2[][] Textures;
public WheatRenderer()
var textureMap = new Vector2(8, 5);
Textures = new Vector2[8][];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
Textures[i] = new[]
textureMap + Vector2.UnitX + Vector2.UnitY,
textureMap + Vector2.UnitY,
textureMap + Vector2.UnitX,
for (int j = 0; j < Textures[i].Length; j++)
Textures[i][j] *= new Vector2(16f / 256f);
textureMap += new Vector2(1, 0);
public override VertexPositionNormalColorTexture[] Render(BlockDescriptor descriptor, Vector3 offset,
VisibleFaces faces, Tuple<int, int> textureMap, int indiciesOffset, out int[] indicies)
// Wheat is rendered by rendering the four vertical faces of a cube, then moving them
// towards the middle. We also render a second set of four faces so that you can see
// each face from the opposite side (to avoid culling)
var texture = Textures[0];
if (descriptor.Metadata < Textures.Length)
texture = Textures[descriptor.Metadata];
indicies = new int[4 * 2 * 6];
var verticies = new VertexPositionNormalColorTexture[4 * 2 * 6];
int[] _indicies;
var center = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
for (int _side = 0; _side < 4; _side++) // Y faces are the last two in the CubeFace enum, so we can just iterate to 4
var side = (CubeFace)_side;
var quad = CreateQuad(side, center, texture, 0, indiciesOffset, out _indicies, Color.White);
if (side == CubeFace.NegativeX || side == CubeFace.PositiveX)
for (int i = 0; i < quad.Length; i++)
quad[i].Position.X *= 0.5f;
quad[i].Position += offset;
for (int i = 0; i < quad.Length; i++)
quad[i].Position.Z *= 0.5f;
quad[i].Position += offset;
Array.Copy(quad, 0, verticies, _side * 4, 4);
Array.Copy(_indicies, 0, indicies, _side * 6, 6);
indiciesOffset += 4 * 6;
for (int _side = 0; _side < 4; _side++)
var side = (CubeFace)_side;
var quad = CreateQuad(side, center, texture, 0, indiciesOffset, out _indicies, Color.White);
if (side == CubeFace.NegativeX || side == CubeFace.PositiveX)
for (int i = 0; i < quad.Length; i++)
quad[i].Position.X *= 0.5f;
quad[i].Position.X = -quad[i].Position.X;
quad[i].Position += offset;
for (int i = 0; i < quad.Length; i++)
quad[i].Position.Z *= 0.5f;
quad[i].Position.Z = -quad[i].Position.Z;
quad[i].Position += offset;
Array.Copy(quad, 0, verticies, _side * 4 + 4 * 4, 4);
Array.Copy(_indicies, 0, indicies, _side * 6 + 6 * 4, 6);
for (int i = 0; i < verticies.Length; i++)
verticies[i].Position.Y -= 1 / 16f;
verticies[i].Position -= center;
return verticies;
} |