
52 lines
1.4 KiB

game = {}
game.version = "1.0"
game.path_mod = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
game.path_world = minetest.get_worldpath()
-- Intllib
local S
local NS
if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then
S = intllib.Getter()
S, NS = dofile(game.path_mod.."/intllib.lua")
game.intllib = S
minetest.log(S("[MOD] game: Loading..."))
--game.world_type = minetest.settings:get("game_world_type")
--minetest.log(S("[MOD]: game: Using world type " .. tostring(game.world_type)))
game.api = {} --provides hooks for accessing the installed APIs
game.library = {} --Provides access to libraries functions called JIT.
game.players = {} --controls all aspects of player. Sets the definition of and controls attributes of(avatar and game stats)
game.rules = {} --Provides a library of functions for creating the "rules" of a game based on the type of game chosen. = {} --Provides general world data during runtime
dofile(game.path_mod .. "/game_api.lua")
dofile(game.path_mod .. "/game_lib.lua")
--API functionality. This is concept, not official. May not even possilble.
--game.register_api = function(name, def)
--game.register_player = function(player, def)
--game.register_ruleset = function(ruleset, def)
--game.callbacks = function(name, callbacks)
minetest.log(S("[MOD] game: Successfully loaded."))