
1288 lines
53 KiB

______ ___ _ _______ ________ __
| ___ \/ _ \ | \ | | _ \ _ | \/ | Random for modern C++
| |_/ / /_\ \| \| | | | | | | | . . |
| /| _ || . ` | | | | | | | |\/| | version 1.3.1
| |\ \| | | || |\ | |/ /\ \_/ / | | |
\_| \_\_| |_/\_| \_/___/ \___/\_| |_/
Licensed under the MIT License <>.
Copyright (c) 2019 effolkronium
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files( the "Software" ), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <random>
#include <chrono> // timed seed
#include <type_traits>
#include <cassert>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <utility> // std::forward, std::declval
#include <algorithm> // std::shuffle, std::next, std::distance
#include <iterator> // std::begin, std::end, std::iterator_traits
#include <limits> // std::numeric_limits
#include <ostream>
#include <istream>
namespace effolkronium {
namespace details {
/// Key type for getting common type numbers or objects
struct common{ };
/// True if type T is applicable by a std::uniform_int_distribution
template<typename T>
struct is_uniform_int {
static constexpr bool value =
std::is_same<T, short>::value
|| std::is_same<T, int>::value
|| std::is_same<T, long>::value
|| std::is_same<T, long long>::value
|| std::is_same<T, unsigned short>::value
|| std::is_same<T, unsigned int>::value
|| std::is_same<T, unsigned long>::value
|| std::is_same<T, unsigned long long>::value;
/// True if type T is applicable by a std::uniform_real_distribution
template<typename T>
struct is_uniform_real {
static constexpr bool value =
std::is_same<T, float>::value
|| std::is_same<T, double>::value
|| std::is_same<T, long double>::value;
/// True if type T is plain byte
template<typename T>
struct is_byte {
static constexpr bool value =
std::is_same<T, signed char>::value
|| std::is_same<T, unsigned char>::value;
/// True if type T is plain number type
template<typename T>
struct is_supported_number {
static constexpr bool value =
is_byte <T>::value
|| is_uniform_real<T>::value
|| is_uniform_int <T>::value;
/// True if type T is character type
template<typename T>
struct is_supported_character {
static constexpr bool value =
std::is_same<T, char>::value
|| std::is_same<T, wchar_t>::value
|| std::is_same<T, char16_t>::value
|| std::is_same<T, char32_t>::value;
/// True if type T is iterator
template<typename T>
struct is_iterator {
static char test( ... );
template <typename U,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<U>::difference_type,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<U>::pointer,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<U>::reference,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<U>::value_type,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<U>::iterator_category
> static long test( U&& );
static constexpr bool value = std::is_same<
decltype( test( std::declval<T>( ) ) ), long>::value;
} // namespace details
/// Default seeder for 'random' classes
struct seeder_default {
/// return seed sequence
std::seed_seq& operator() ( ) {
// MinGW issue, std::random_device returns constant value
// Use std::seed_seq with additional seed from C++ chrono
return seed_seq;
std::seed_seq seed_seq{ {
static_cast<std::uintmax_t>( std::random_device{ }( ) ),
static_cast<std::uintmax_t>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now( )
.time_since_epoch( ).count( ) ),
} };
* \brief Base template class for random
* with static API and static internal member storage
* \note it is NOT thread safe but more efficient then
* basic_random_thread_local
* \param Engine A random engine with interface like in the std::mt19937
* \param Seeder A seeder type which return seed for internal engine
* through operator()
typename Engine,
typename Seeder = seeder_default,
template<typename> class IntegerDist = std::uniform_int_distribution,
template<typename> class RealDist = std::uniform_real_distribution,
typename BoolDist = std::bernoulli_distribution
class basic_random_static {
basic_random_static( ) = delete;
/// Type of used random number engine
using engine_type = Engine;
/// Type of used random number seeder
using seeder_type = Seeder;
/// Type of used integer distribution
template<typename T>
using integer_dist_t = IntegerDist<T>;
/// Type of used real distribution
template<typename T>
using real_dist_t = RealDist<T>;
/// Type of used bool distribution
using bool_dist_t = BoolDist;
/// Key type for getting common type numbers or objects
using common = details::common;
* \return The minimum value
* potentially generated by the random-number engine
static constexpr typename Engine::result_type min( ) {
return Engine::min( );
* \return The maximum value
* potentially generated by the random-number engine
static constexpr typename Engine::result_type max( ) {
return Engine::max( );
/// Advances the internal state by z times
static void discard( const unsigned long long z ) {
engine_instance( ).discard( z );
/// Reseed by Seeder
static void reseed( ) {
Seeder seeder;
seed( seeder( ) );
* \brief Reinitializes the internal state
* of the random-number engine using new seed value
* \param value The seed value to use
* in the initialization of the internal state
static void seed( const typename Engine::result_type value =
Engine::default_seed ) {
engine_instance( ).seed( value );
* \brief Reinitializes the internal state
* of the random-number engine using new seed value
* \param seq The seed sequence
* to use in the initialization of the internal state
template<typename Sseq>
static void seed( Sseq& seq ) {
engine_instance( ).seed( seq );
/// return random number from engine in [min(), max()] range
static typename Engine::result_type get( ) {
return engine_instance( )( );
* \brief Compares internal pseudo-random number engine
* with 'other' pseudo-random number engine.
* Two engines are equal, if their internal states
* are equivalent, that is, if they would generate
* equivalent values for any number of calls of operator()
* \param other The engine, with which the internal engine will be compared
* \return true, if other and internal engine are equal
static bool is_equal( const Engine& other ) {
return engine_instance( ) == other;
* \brief Serializes the internal state of the
* internal pseudo-random number engine as a sequence
* of decimal numbers separated by one or more spaces,
* and inserts it to the stream ost. The fill character
* and the formatting flags of the stream are
* ignored and unaffected.
* \param ost The output stream to insert the data to
template<typename CharT, typename Traits>
static void serialize( std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& ost ) {
ost << engine_instance( );
* \brief Restores the internal state of the
* internal pseudo-random number engine from
* the serialized representation, which
* was created by an earlier call to 'serialize'
* using a stream with the same imbued locale and
* the same CharT and Traits.
* If the input cannot be deserialized,
* internal engine is left unchanged and failbit is raised on ist
* \param ost The input stream to extract the data from
template<typename CharT, typename Traits>
static void deserialize( std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& ist ) {
ist >> engine_instance( );
* \brief Generate a random integer number in a [from; to] range
* by std::uniform_int_distribution
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random integer number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<details::is_uniform_int<T>::value
, T>::type get( T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min( ),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max( ) ) {
if( from < to ) // Allow range from higher to lower
return IntegerDist<T>{ from, to }( engine_instance( ) );
return IntegerDist<T>{ to, from }( engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Generate a random real number in a [from; to] range
* by std::uniform_real_distribution
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random real number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<details::is_uniform_real<T>::value
, T>::type get( T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min( ),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max( ) ) {
if( from < to ) // Allow range from higher to lower
return RealDist<T>{ from, to }( engine_instance( ) );
return RealDist<T>{ to, from }( engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Generate a random byte number in a [from; to] range
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random byte number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<details::is_byte<T>::value
, T>::type get( T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min( ),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max( ) ) {
// Choose between short and unsigned short for byte conversion
using short_t = typename std::conditional<std::is_signed<T>::value,
short, unsigned short>::type;
return static_cast<T>( get<short_t>( from, to ) );
* \brief Generate a random common_type number in a [from; to] range
* \param Key The Key type for this version of 'get' method
* Type should be '(THIS_TYPE)::common' struct
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random common_type number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Allow implicit type conversion
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion from singed to unsigned types
* Why? std::common_type<Unsigned, Signed> chooses unsigned value,
* then Signed value will be converted to Unsigned value
* which gives us a wrong range for random values.
typename Key,
typename A,
typename B,
typename C = typename std::common_type<A, B>::type
static typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<Key, common>::value
&& details::is_supported_number<A>::value
&& details::is_supported_number<B>::value
// Prevent implicit type conversion from singed to unsigned types
&& std::is_signed<A>::value != std::is_unsigned<B>::value
, C>::type get( A from = std::numeric_limits<A>::min( ),
B to = std::numeric_limits<B>::max( ) ) {
return get( static_cast<C>( from ), static_cast<C>( to ) );
* \brief Generate a random character in a [from; to] range
* by std::uniform_int_distribution
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random character in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<details::is_supported_character<T>::value
, T>::type get(T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min(),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
if (from < to) // Allow range from higher to lower
return static_cast<T>(IntegerDist<std::int64_t>{ static_cast<std::int64_t>(from), static_cast<std::int64_t>(to) }(engine_instance()));
return static_cast<T>(IntegerDist<std::int64_t>{ static_cast<std::int64_t>(to), static_cast<std::int64_t>(from) }(engine_instance()));
* \brief Generate a bool value with specific probability
* by std::bernoulli_distribution
* \param probability The probability of generating true in [0; 1] range
* 0 means always false, 1 means always true
* \return 'true' with 'probability' probability ('false' otherwise)
template<typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, bool>::value
, bool>::type get( const double probability = 0.5 ) {
assert( 0 <= probability && 1 >= probability ); // out of [0; 1] range
return BoolDist{ probability }( engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Return random value from initilizer_list
* \param init_list initilizer_list with values
* \return Random value from initilizer_list
* \note Should be 1 or more elements in initilizer_list
* \note Warning! Elements in initilizer_list can't be moved:
template<typename T>
static T get( std::initializer_list<T> init_list ) {
assert( 0u != init_list.size( ) );
return *get( init_list.begin( ), init_list.end( ) );
* \brief Return random iterator from iterator range
* \param first, last - the range of elements
* \return Random iterator from [first, last) range
* \note If first == last, return last
template<typename InputIt>
static typename std::enable_if<details::is_iterator<InputIt>::value
, InputIt>::type get( InputIt first, InputIt last ) {
const auto size = std::distance( first, last );
if( 0 == size ) return last;
using diff_t = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt>::difference_type;
return std::next( first, get<diff_t>( 0, size - 1 ) );
* \brief Return random iterator from Container
* \param container The container with elements
* \return Random iterator from container
* \note If container is empty return std::end( container ) iterator
template<typename Container>
static auto get( Container& container ) ->
typename std::enable_if<details::is_iterator<
, decltype(std::begin(container))
>::type {
return get( std::begin( container ), std::end( container ) );
* \brief Return random pointer from built-in array
* \param array The built-in array with elements
* \return Pointer to random element in array
template<typename T, std::size_t N>
static T* get( T( &array )[ N ] ) {
return std::addressof( array[ get<std::size_t>( 0, N - 1 ) ] );
* \brief Return value from custom Dist distribution
* seeded by internal random engine
* \param Dist The type of custom distribution with next concept:
* \param args The arguments which will be forwarded to Dist constructor
* \return Value from custom distribution
template<typename Dist, typename... Args>
static typename Dist::result_type get( Args&&... args ) {
return Dist{ std::forward<Args>( args )... }( engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Return value from custom 'dist' distribution
* seeded by internal random engine
* \param dist The custom distribution with next concept:
* \param args The arguments which will be forwarded to Dist constructor
* \return Value from custom 'dist' distribution
template<typename Dist>
static typename Dist::result_type get( Dist& dist ) {
return dist( engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Reorders the elements in the given range [first, last)
* such that each possible permutation of those elements
* has equal probability of appearance.
* \param first, last - the range of elements to shuffle randomly
template<typename RandomIt>
static void shuffle( RandomIt first, RandomIt last ) {
std::shuffle( first, last, engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Reorders the elements in the given container
* such that each possible permutation of those elements
* has equal probability of appearance.
* \param container - the container with elements to shuffle randomly
template<typename Container>
static void shuffle( Container& container ) {
shuffle( std::begin( container ), std::end( container ) );
/// return internal engine by copy
static Engine get_engine( ) {
return engine_instance( );
/// return internal engine by ref
static Engine& engine() {
return engine_instance();
/// get reference to the static engine instance
static Engine& engine_instance( ) {
static Engine engine{ Seeder{ }( ) };
return engine;
* \brief Base template class for random
* with thread_local API and thread_local internal member storage
* \note it IS thread safe but less efficient then
* basic_random_static
* \param Engine A random engine with interface like in the std::mt19937
* \param Seeder A seeder type which return seed for internal engine
* through operator()
typename Engine,
typename Seeder = seeder_default,
template<typename> class IntegerDist = std::uniform_int_distribution,
template<typename> class RealDist = std::uniform_real_distribution,
typename BoolDist = std::bernoulli_distribution
class basic_random_thread_local {
basic_random_thread_local( ) = delete;
/// Type of used random number engine
using engine_type = Engine;
/// Type of used random number seeder
using seeder_type = Seeder;
/// Type of used integer distribution
template<typename T>
using integer_dist_t = IntegerDist<T>;
/// Type of used real distribution
template<typename T>
using real_dist_t = RealDist<T>;
/// Type of used bool distribution
using bool_dist_t = BoolDist;
/// Key type for getting common type numbers or objects
using common = details::common;
* \return The minimum value
* potentially generated by the random-number engine
static constexpr typename Engine::result_type min( ) {
return Engine::min( );
* \return The maximum value
* potentially generated by the random-number engine
static constexpr typename Engine::result_type max( ) {
return Engine::max( );
/// Advances the internal state by z times
static void discard( const unsigned long long z ) {
engine_instance( ).discard( z );
/// Reseed by Seeder
static void reseed( ) {
Seeder seeder;
seed( seeder( ) );
* \brief Reinitializes the internal state
* of the random-number engine using new seed value
* \param value The seed value to use
* in the initialization of the internal state
static void seed( const typename Engine::result_type value =
Engine::default_seed ) {
engine_instance( ).seed( value );
* \brief Reinitializes the internal state
* of the random-number engine using new seed value
* \param seq The seed sequence
* to use in the initialization of the internal state
template<typename Sseq>
static void seed( Sseq& seq ) {
engine_instance( ).seed( seq );
/// return random number from engine in [min(), max()] range
static typename Engine::result_type get( ) {
return engine_instance( )( );
* \brief Compares internal pseudo-random number engine
* with 'other' pseudo-random number engine.
* Two engines are equal, if their internal states
* are equivalent, that is, if they would generate
* equivalent values for any number of calls of operator()
* \param other The engine, with which the internal engine will be compared
* \return true, if other and internal engine are equal
static bool is_equal( const Engine& other ) {
return engine_instance( ) == other;
* \brief Serializes the internal state of the
* internal pseudo-random number engine as a sequence
* of decimal numbers separated by one or more spaces,
* and inserts it to the stream ost. The fill character
* and the formatting flags of the stream are
* ignored and unaffected.
* \param ost The output stream to insert the data to
template<typename CharT, typename Traits>
static void serialize( std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& ost ) {
ost << engine_instance( );
* \brief Restores the internal state of the
* internal pseudo-random number engine from
* the serialized representation, which
* was created by an earlier call to 'serialize'
* using a stream with the same imbued locale and
* the same CharT and Traits.
* If the input cannot be deserialized,
* internal engine is left unchanged and failbit is raised on ist
* \param ost The input stream to extract the data from
template<typename CharT, typename Traits>
static void deserialize( std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& ist ) {
ist >> engine_instance( );
* \brief Generate a random integer number in a [from; to] range
* by std::uniform_int_distribution
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random integer number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<details::is_uniform_int<T>::value
, T>::type get( T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min( ),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max( ) ) {
if( from < to ) // Allow range from higher to lower
return IntegerDist<T>{ from, to }( engine_instance( ) );
return IntegerDist<T>{ to, from }( engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Generate a random real number in a [from; to] range
* by std::uniform_real_distribution
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random real number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<details::is_uniform_real<T>::value
, T>::type get( T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min( ),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max( ) ) {
if( from < to ) // Allow range from higher to lower
return RealDist<T>{ from, to }( engine_instance( ) );
return RealDist<T>{ to, from }( engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Generate a random byte number in a [from; to] range
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random byte number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<details::is_byte<T>::value
, T>::type get( T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min( ),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max( ) ) {
// Choose between short and unsigned short for byte conversion
using short_t = typename std::conditional<std::is_signed<T>::value,
short, unsigned short>::type;
return static_cast<T>( get<short_t>( from, to ) );
* \brief Generate a random common_type number in a [from; to] range
* \param Key The Key type for this version of 'get' method
* Type should be '(THIS_TYPE)::common' struct
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random common_type number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Allow implicit type conversion
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion from singed to unsigned types
* Why? std::common_type<Unsigned, Signed> chooses unsigned value,
* then Signed value will be converted to Unsigned value
* which gives us a wrong range for random values.
typename Key,
typename A,
typename B,
typename C = typename std::common_type<A, B>::type
static typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<Key, common>::value
&& details::is_supported_number<A>::value
&& details::is_supported_number<B>::value
// Prevent implicit type conversion from singed to unsigned types
&& std::is_signed<A>::value != std::is_unsigned<B>::value
, C>::type get( A from = std::numeric_limits<A>::min( ),
B to = std::numeric_limits<B>::max( ) ) {
return get( static_cast<C>( from ), static_cast<C>( to ) );
* \brief Generate a random character in a [from; to] range
* by std::uniform_int_distribution
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random character in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<details::is_supported_character<T>::value
, T>::type get(T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min(),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
if (from < to) // Allow range from higher to lower
return static_cast<T>(IntegerDist<std::int64_t>{ static_cast<std::int64_t>(from), static_cast<std::int64_t>(to) }(engine_instance()));
return static_cast<T>(IntegerDist<std::int64_t>{ static_cast<std::int64_t>(to), static_cast<std::int64_t>(from) }(engine_instance()));
* \brief Generate a bool value with specific probability
* by std::bernoulli_distribution
* \param probability The probability of generating true in [0; 1] range
* 0 means always false, 1 means always true
* \return 'true' with 'probability' probability ('false' otherwise)
template<typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, bool>::value
, bool>::type get( const double probability = 0.5 ) {
assert( 0 <= probability && 1 >= probability ); // out of [0; 1] range
return BoolDist{ probability }( engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Return random value from initilizer_list
* \param init_list initilizer_list with values
* \return Random value from initilizer_list
* \note Should be 1 or more elements in initilizer_list
* \note Warning! Elements in initilizer_list can't be moved:
template<typename T>
static T get( std::initializer_list<T> init_list ) {
assert( 0u != init_list.size( ) );
return *get( init_list.begin( ), init_list.end( ) );
* \brief Return random iterator from iterator range
* \param first, last - the range of elements
* \return Random iterator from [first, last) range
* \note If first == last, return last
template<typename InputIt>
static typename std::enable_if<details::is_iterator<InputIt>::value
, InputIt>::type get( InputIt first, InputIt last ) {
const auto size = std::distance( first, last );
if( 0 == size ) return last;
using diff_t = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt>::difference_type;
return std::next( first, get<diff_t>( 0, size - 1 ) );
* \brief Return random iterator from Container
* \param container The container with elements
* \return Random iterator from container
* \note If container is empty return std::end( container ) iterator
template<typename Container>
static auto get( Container& container ) ->
typename std::enable_if<details::is_iterator<
, decltype(std::begin(container))
>::type {
return get( std::begin( container ), std::end( container ) );
* \brief Return random pointer from built-in array
* \param array The built-in array with elements
* \return Pointer to random element in array
template<typename T, std::size_t N>
static T* get( T( &array )[ N ] ) {
return std::addressof( array[ get<std::size_t>( 0, N - 1 ) ] );
* \brief Return value from custom Dist distribution
* seeded by internal random engine
* \param Dist The type of custom distribution with next concept:
* \param args The arguments which will be forwarded to Dist constructor
* \return Value from custom distribution
template<typename Dist, typename... Args>
static typename Dist::result_type get( Args&&... args ) {
return Dist{ std::forward<Args>( args )... }( engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Return value from custom 'dist' distribution
* seeded by internal random engine
* \param dist The custom distribution with next concept:
* \param args The arguments which will be forwarded to Dist constructor
* \return Value from custom 'dist' distribution
template<typename Dist>
static typename Dist::result_type get( Dist& dist ) {
return dist( engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Reorders the elements in the given range [first, last)
* such that each possible permutation of those elements
* has equal probability of appearance.
* \param first, last - the range of elements to shuffle randomly
template<typename RandomIt>
static void shuffle( RandomIt first, RandomIt last ) {
std::shuffle( first, last, engine_instance( ) );
* \brief Reorders the elements in the given container
* such that each possible permutation of those elements
* has equal probability of appearance.
* \param container - the container with elements to shuffle randomly
template<typename Container>
static void shuffle( Container& container ) {
shuffle( std::begin( container ), std::end( container ) );
/// return internal engine by copy
static Engine get_engine( ) {
return engine_instance( );
/// return internal engine by ref
static Engine& engine() {
return engine_instance();
/// get reference to the thread local engine instance
static Engine& engine_instance( ) {
thread_local Engine engine{ Seeder{ }( ) };
return engine;
* \brief Base template class for random
* with local API and local internal member storage
* \note it IS thread safe but less efficient then
* basic_random_static
* \param Engine A random engine with interface like in the std::mt19937
* \param Seeder A seeder type which return seed for internal engine
* through operator()
typename Engine,
typename Seeder = seeder_default,
template<typename> class IntegerDist = std::uniform_int_distribution,
template<typename> class RealDist = std::uniform_real_distribution,
typename BoolDist = std::bernoulli_distribution
class basic_random_local {
/// Type of used random number engine
using engine_type = Engine;
/// Type of used random number seeder
using seeder_type = Seeder;
/// Type of used integer distribution
template<typename T>
using integer_dist_t = IntegerDist<T>;
/// Type of used real distribution
template<typename T>
using real_dist_t = RealDist<T>;
/// Type of used bool distribution
using bool_dist_t = BoolDist;
/// Key type for getting common type numbers or objects
using common = details::common;
* \return The minimum value
* potentially generated by the random-number engine
static constexpr typename Engine::result_type min( ) {
return Engine::min( );
* \return The maximum value
* potentially generated by the random-number engine
static constexpr typename Engine::result_type max( ) {
return Engine::max( );
/// Advances the internal state by z times
void discard( const unsigned long long z ) {
m_engine.discard( z );
/// Reseed by Seeder
void reseed( ) {
Seeder seeder;
seed( seeder( ) );
* \brief Reinitializes the internal state
* of the random-number engine using new seed value
* \param value The seed value to use
* in the initialization of the internal state
void seed( const typename Engine::result_type value =
Engine::default_seed ) {
m_engine.seed( value );
* \brief Reinitializes the internal state
* of the random-number engine using new seed value
* \param seq The seed sequence
* to use in the initialization of the internal state
template<typename Sseq>
void seed( Sseq& seq ) {
m_engine.seed( seq );
/// return random number from engine in [min(), max()] range
typename Engine::result_type get( ) {
return m_engine( );
* \brief Compares internal pseudo-random number engine
* with 'other' pseudo-random number engine.
* Two engines are equal, if their internal states
* are equivalent, that is, if they would generate
* equivalent values for any number of calls of operator()
* \param other The engine, with which the internal engine will be compared
* \return true, if other and internal engine are equal
bool is_equal( const Engine& other ) {
return m_engine == other;
* \brief Serializes the internal state of the
* internal pseudo-random number engine as a sequence
* of decimal numbers separated by one or more spaces,
* and inserts it to the stream ost. The fill character
* and the formatting flags of the stream are
* ignored and unaffected.
* \param ost The output stream to insert the data to
template<typename CharT, typename Traits>
void serialize( std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& ost ) {
ost << m_engine;
* \brief Restores the internal state of the
* internal pseudo-random number engine from
* the serialized representation, which
* was created by an earlier call to 'serialize'
* using a stream with the same imbued locale and
* the same CharT and Traits.
* If the input cannot be deserialized,
* internal engine is left unchanged and failbit is raised on ist
* \param ost The input stream to extract the data from
template<typename CharT, typename Traits>
void deserialize( std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& ist ) {
ist >> m_engine;
* \brief Generate a random integer number in a [from; to] range
* by std::uniform_int_distribution
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random integer number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<details::is_uniform_int<T>::value
, T>::type get( T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min( ),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max( ) ) {
if( from < to ) // Allow range from higher to lower
return IntegerDist<T>{ from, to }( m_engine );
return IntegerDist<T>{ to, from }( m_engine );
* \brief Generate a random real number in a [from; to] range
* by std::uniform_real_distribution
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random real number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<details::is_uniform_real<T>::value
, T>::type get( T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min( ),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max( ) ) {
if( from < to ) // Allow range from higher to lower
return RealDist<T>{ from, to }( m_engine );
return RealDist<T>{ to, from }( m_engine );
* \brief Generate a random byte number in a [from; to] range
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random byte number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<details::is_byte<T>::value
, T>::type get( T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min( ),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max( ) ) {
// Choose between short and unsigned short for byte conversion
using short_t = typename std::conditional<std::is_signed<T>::value,
short, unsigned short>::type;
return static_cast<T>( get<short_t>( from, to ) );
* \brief Generate a random common_type number in a [from; to] range
* \param Key The Key type for this version of 'get' method
* Type should be '(THIS_TYPE)::common' struct
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random common_type number in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Allow implicit type conversion
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion from singed to unsigned types
* Why? std::common_type<Unsigned, Signed> chooses unsigned value,
* then Signed value will be converted to Unsigned value
* which gives us a wrong range for random values.
typename Key,
typename A,
typename B,
typename C = typename std::common_type<A, B>::type
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<Key, common>::value
&& details::is_supported_number<A>::value
&& details::is_supported_number<B>::value
// Prevent implicit type conversion from singed to unsigned types
&& std::is_signed<A>::value != std::is_unsigned<B>::value
, C>::type get( A from = std::numeric_limits<A>::min( ),
B to = std::numeric_limits<B>::max( ) ) {
return get( static_cast<C>( from ), static_cast<C>( to ) );
* \brief Generate a random character in a [from; to] range
* by std::uniform_int_distribution
* \param from The first limit number of a random range
* \param to The second limit number of a random range
* \return A random character in a [from; to] range
* \note Allow both: 'from' <= 'to' and 'from' >= 'to'
* \note Prevent implicit type conversion
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<details::is_supported_character<T>::value
, T>::type get(T from = std::numeric_limits<T>::min(),
T to = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
if (from < to) // Allow range from higher to lower
return static_cast<T>(IntegerDist<std::int64_t>{ static_cast<std::int64_t>(from), static_cast<std::int64_t>(to) }(m_engine));
return static_cast<T>(IntegerDist<std::int64_t>{ static_cast<std::int64_t>(to), static_cast<std::int64_t>(from) }(m_engine));
* \brief Generate a bool value with specific probability
* by std::bernoulli_distribution
* \param probability The probability of generating true in [0; 1] range
* 0 means always false, 1 means always true
* \return 'true' with 'probability' probability ('false' otherwise)
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, bool>::value
, bool>::type get( const double probability = 0.5 ) {
assert( 0 <= probability && 1 >= probability ); // out of [0; 1] range
return BoolDist{ probability }( m_engine );
* \brief Return random value from initilizer_list
* \param init_list initilizer_list with values
* \return Random value from initilizer_list
* \note Should be 1 or more elements in initilizer_list
* \note Warning! Elements in initilizer_list can't be moved:
template<typename T>
T get( std::initializer_list<T> init_list ) {
assert( 0u != init_list.size( ) );
return *get( init_list.begin( ), init_list.end( ) );
* \brief Return random iterator from iterator range
* \param first, last - the range of elements
* \return Random iterator from [first, last) range
* \note If first == last, return last
template<typename InputIt>
typename std::enable_if<details::is_iterator<InputIt>::value
, InputIt>::type get( InputIt first, InputIt last ) {
const auto size = std::distance( first, last );
if( 0 == size ) return last;
using diff_t = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt>::difference_type;
return std::next( first, get<diff_t>( 0, size - 1 ) );
* \brief Return random iterator from Container
* \param container The container with elements
* \return Random iterator from container
* \note If container is empty return std::end( container ) iterator
template<typename Container>
auto get( Container& container ) ->
typename std::enable_if<details::is_iterator<
, decltype(std::begin(container))
>::type {
return get( std::begin( container ), std::end( container ) );
* \brief Return random pointer from built-in array
* \param array The built-in array with elements
* \return Pointer to random element in array
template<typename T, std::size_t N>
T* get( T( &array )[ N ] ) {
return std::addressof( array[ get<std::size_t>( 0, N - 1 ) ] );
* \brief Return value from custom Dist distribution
* seeded by internal random engine
* \param Dist The type of custom distribution with next concept:
* \param args The arguments which will be forwarded to Dist constructor
* \return Value from custom distribution
template<typename Dist, typename... Args>
typename Dist::result_type get( Args&&... args ) {
return Dist{ std::forward<Args>( args )... }( m_engine );
* \brief Return value from custom 'dist' distribution
* seeded by internal random engine
* \param dist The custom distribution with next concept:
* \param args The arguments which will be forwarded to Dist constructor
* \return Value from custom 'dist' distribution
template<typename Dist>
typename Dist::result_type get( Dist& dist ) {
return dist( m_engine );
* \brief Reorders the elements in the given range [first, last)
* such that each possible permutation of those elements
* has equal probability of appearance.
* \param first, last - the range of elements to shuffle randomly
template<typename RandomIt>
void shuffle( RandomIt first, RandomIt last ) {
std::shuffle( first, last, m_engine );
* \brief Reorders the elements in the given container
* such that each possible permutation of those elements
* has equal probability of appearance.
* \param container - the container with elements to shuffle randomly
template<typename Container>
void shuffle( Container& container ) {
shuffle( std::begin( container ), std::end( container ) );
/// return internal engine by copy
Engine get_engine( ) const {
return m_engine;
/// return internal engine by ref
Engine& engine() {
return m_engine;
/// return engine seeded by Seeder
static Engine make_seeded_engine( ) {
// Make seeder instance for seed return by reference like std::seed_seq
return Engine{ Seeder{ }( ) };
/// The random number engine
Engine m_engine{ make_seeded_engine( ) };
* \brief The basic static random alias based on a std::mt19937
* \note It uses static methods API and data with static storage
* \note Not thread safe but more prefomance
using random_static = basic_random_static<std::mt19937>;
* \brief The basic static random alias based on a std::mt19937
* \note It uses static methods API and data with thread_local storage
* \note Thread safe but less perfomance
using random_thread_local = basic_random_thread_local<std::mt19937>;
* \brief The basic static random alias based on a std::mt19937
* \note It uses non static methods API and data with auto storage
* \note Not thread safe. Should construct on the stack at local scope
using random_local = basic_random_local<std::mt19937>;
} // namespace effolkronium