2019-02-27 02:18:14 +01:00

345 lines
10 KiB

* =====================================================================================
* Filename: BlockCursor.cpp
* Description:
* Created: 14/06/2018 23:39:38
* Author: Quentin Bazin, <>
* =====================================================================================
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
#include <gk/gl/GLCheck.hpp>
#include <gk/gl/Vertex.hpp>
#include <gk/core/GameClock.hpp>
#include <gk/resource/ResourceHandler.hpp>
#include "BlockCursor.hpp"
#include "Client.hpp"
#include "ClientPlayer.hpp"
#include "Config.hpp"
#include "Hotbar.hpp"
#include "Registry.hpp"
static float cubeCoords[6 * 4 * 3] = {
// Right
1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0,
1, 0, 1,
// Top
1, 1, 1,
0, 1, 1,
0, 1, 0,
1, 1, 0,
// Back
1, 1, 1,
1, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1,
// Left
0, 1, 1,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1,
// Bottom
1, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0,
// Front
0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
1, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0,
void BlockCursor::onEvent(const SDL_Event &event, const Hotbar &hotbar) {
if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && m_selectedBlock.w != -1) {
if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) {
m_animationStart = gk::GameClock::getTicks();
else if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
u32 blockId = m_world.getBlock(m_selectedBlock.x, m_selectedBlock.y, m_selectedBlock.z);
const Block &block = Registry::getInstance().getBlock(blockId);
const Item &item = Registry::getInstance().getItem(hotbar.currentItem());
if ( {
sf::Packet packet;
packet << Network::Command::BlockActivated << s32(m_selectedBlock.x) << s32(m_selectedBlock.y) << s32(m_selectedBlock.z);
// FIXME: Check if this block has a callback
// ServerBlock should contain onBlockActivated
// Block should contain hasBlockActivatedCallback
if ( && !block.onBlockActivated({m_selectedBlock.x, m_selectedBlock.y, m_selectedBlock.z}, m_player, m_world)
&& hotbar.currentItem() && item.isBlock()) {
s8 face = m_selectedBlock.w;
s32 x = m_selectedBlock.x;
s32 y = m_selectedBlock.y;
s32 z = m_selectedBlock.z;
if(face == 0) x++;
if(face == 3) x--;
if(face == 1) y++;
if(face == 4) y--;
if(face == 2) z++;
if(face == 5) z--;
m_world.setBlock(x, y, z, hotbar.currentItem());
sf::Packet packet;
packet << Network::Command::PlayerPlaceBlock << x << y << z << u32(hotbar.currentItem());
const ItemStack &currentStack = m_player.inventory().getStack(hotbar.cursorPos(), 0);
m_player.inventory().setStack(hotbar.cursorPos(), 0, currentStack.amount() > 1 ? currentStack.item().name() : "", currentStack.amount() - 1);
sf::Packet invPacket;
invPacket << Network::Command::PlayerInvUpdate;
else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) {
if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) {
m_animationStart = 0;
void BlockCursor::update(const Hotbar &hotbar, bool useDepthBuffer) {
bool selectedBlockChanged = false;
glm::vec4 selectedBlock = findSelectedBlock(useDepthBuffer);
if (selectedBlock.x != m_selectedBlock.x || selectedBlock.y != m_selectedBlock.y || selectedBlock.z != m_selectedBlock.z)
selectedBlockChanged = true;
m_selectedBlock = selectedBlock;
m_currentBlock = &Registry::getInstance().getBlock(m_world.getBlock(m_selectedBlock.x, m_selectedBlock.y, m_selectedBlock.z));
// if (block.boundingBox().intersects(FloatBox{m_selectedBlock.x, m_selectedBlock.y, m_selectedBlock.z, 1, 1, 1})) {
// selectedBlockChanged = false;
// m_selectedBlock.w = -1;
// }
if (selectedBlockChanged)
m_animationStart = (m_animationStart) ? gk::GameClock::getTicks() : 0;
const ItemStack &currentStack = m_player.inventory().getStack(hotbar.cursorPos(), 0);
float timeToBreak = 0;
if (m_animationStart) {
timeToBreak = m_currentBlock->timeToBreak(currentStack.item().harvestCapability(), currentStack.item().miningSpeed());
if (gk::GameClock::getTicks() > m_animationStart + timeToBreak * 1000) {
ItemStack itemDrop = m_currentBlock->getItemDrop();
m_player.inventory().addStack(itemDrop.item().name(), itemDrop.amount());
m_world.setBlock(m_selectedBlock.x, m_selectedBlock.y, m_selectedBlock.z, 0);
m_animationStart = gk::GameClock::getTicks();
sf::Packet packet;
packet << Network::Command::PlayerDigBlock
<< s32(m_selectedBlock.x)
<< s32(m_selectedBlock.y)
<< s32(m_selectedBlock.z);
sf::Packet invPacket;
invPacket << Network::Command::PlayerInvUpdate;
if (m_selectedBlock.w != -1)
m_currentBlock = nullptr;
if (m_animationStart && m_currentBlock)
updateAnimationVertexBuffer(*m_currentBlock, (gk::GameClock::getTicks() - m_animationStart) / (timeToBreak * 100));
void BlockCursor::updateVertexBuffer(const Block &block) {
gk::Vertex vertices[24];
for (u8 i = 0 ; i < 24 ; ++i) {
vertices[i].coord3d[0] = cubeCoords[i * 3] * block.boundingBox().width + block.boundingBox().x;
vertices[i].coord3d[1] = cubeCoords[i * 3 + 1] * block.boundingBox().height + block.boundingBox().y;
vertices[i].coord3d[2] = cubeCoords[i * 3 + 2] * block.boundingBox().depth + block.boundingBox().z;
vertices[i].coord3d[3] = -1;
m_vbo.setData(sizeof(vertices), vertices, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
void BlockCursor::updateAnimationVertexBuffer(const Block &block, int animationPos) {
gk::Vertex vertices[24];
for (u8 i = 0 ; i < 24 ; ++i) {
vertices[i].coord3d[0] = cubeCoords[i * 3] * block.boundingBox().width + block.boundingBox().x;
vertices[i].coord3d[1] = cubeCoords[i * 3 + 1] * block.boundingBox().height + block.boundingBox().y;
vertices[i].coord3d[2] = cubeCoords[i * 3 + 2] * block.boundingBox().depth + block.boundingBox().z;
vertices[i].coord3d[3] = -1;
GLfloat color[4] = {1, 1, 1, 0.5};
for (int i = 0 ; i < 24 ; ++i)
memcpy(vertices[i].color, color, 4 * sizeof(GLfloat));
if (animationPos != -1) {
glm::vec4 blockTexCoords{0.1f * animationPos, 0.0, 0.1f + 0.1f * animationPos, 1.0};
float faceTexCoords[2 * 4] = {
blockTexCoords.x, blockTexCoords.w,
blockTexCoords.z, blockTexCoords.w,
blockTexCoords.z, blockTexCoords.y,
blockTexCoords.x, blockTexCoords.y
for (u8 i = 0 ; i < 6 ; ++i) {
for(u8 j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) {
vertices[j + i * 4].texCoord[0] = faceTexCoords[j * 2];
vertices[j + i * 4].texCoord[1] = faceTexCoords[j * 2 + 1];
m_animationVBO.setData(sizeof(vertices), vertices, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
void BlockCursor::draw(gk::RenderTarget &target, gk::RenderStates states) const {
if (m_selectedBlock.w == -1) return;
states.transform.translate({m_selectedBlock.x, m_selectedBlock.y, m_selectedBlock.z});
target.draw(m_vbo, GL_LINES, 0, 24, states);
if (m_animationStart > 0) {
glCheck(glBlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO));
states.texture = &gk::ResourceHandler::getInstance().get<gk::Texture>("texture-block_destroy"); // FIXME
target.draw(m_animationVBO, GL_QUADS, 0, 24, states);
// Not really GLSL fract(), but the absolute distance to the nearest integer value
// FIXME: fract also exists in glm, check if its the same thing
float BlockCursor::fract(float value) const {
float f = value - floorf(value);
if(f > 0.5) return 1 - f;
else return f;
glm::vec4 BlockCursor::findSelectedBlock(bool useDepthBuffer) const {
int mx, my, mz;
int face = -1;
glm::vec3 lookAt{m_player.pointTargetedX() - m_player.x(),
m_player.pointTargetedY() - m_player.y(),
m_player.pointTargetedZ() - m_player.z()};
glm::vec3 position{m_player.x(),
// FIXME: Add max distance
if(useDepthBuffer) {
// At which voxel are we looking? First, find out coords of the center pixel
float depth;
glCheck(glReadPixels(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &depth));
glm::vec4 viewport = glm::vec4(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
glm::vec3 winCoord = glm::vec3(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, depth);
glm::vec3 objCoord = glm::unProject(winCoord,,, viewport);
// Find out which block it belongs to
mx = objCoord.x;
my = objCoord.y;
mz = objCoord.z;
if(objCoord.x < 0) mx--;
if(objCoord.y < 0) my--;
if(objCoord.z < 0) mz--;
// Find out which face of the block we are looking at
if(fract(objCoord.x) < fract(objCoord.y)) {
if(fract(objCoord.x) < fract(objCoord.z)) {
face = 0; // X
} else {
face = 2; // Z
} else {
if(fract(objCoord.y) < fract(objCoord.z)) {
face = 1; // Y
} else {
face = 2; // Z
if(face == 0 && lookAt.x > 0) face += 3;
if(face == 1 && lookAt.y > 0) face += 3;
if(face == 2 && lookAt.z > 0) face += 3;
} else {
// Very naive ray casting algorithm to find out which block we are looking at
glm::vec3 testPos = position;
glm::vec3 prevPos = position;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++) {
// Advance from our current position to the direction we are looking at, in small steps
prevPos = testPos;
testPos += lookAt * 0.1f;
mx = floorf(testPos.x);
my = floorf(testPos.y);
mz = floorf(testPos.z);
// If we find a block that is not air, we are done
u32 block = m_world.getBlock(mx, my, mz);
if(block && block != BlockType::Water) break;
// Find out which face of the block we are looking at
int px = floorf(prevPos.x);
int py = floorf(prevPos.y);
int pz = floorf(prevPos.z);
if(px > mx) face = 0;
else if(px < mx) face = 3;
else if(py > my) face = 1;
else if(py < my) face = 4;
else if(pz > mz) face = 2;
else if(pz < mz) face = 5;
// If we are looking at air, disable the cursor
u32 block = m_world.getBlock(mx, my, mz);
if(!block || block == BlockType::Water) {
face = -1;
return {mx, my, mz, face};