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2020-06-19 17:18:18 +02:00
# Network Protocol
**Note:** All packets are sent using TCP only.
## Integer types
Integer types are represented with `s8`/`s16`/`s32`/`s64` and `u8`/`u16`/`u32`/`u64`.
The `s`/`u` means `signed`/`unsigned` and the number is the size of the type in bits.
## Login
### Clientbound
#### ClientOk
Packet sent from a server to accept a connection.
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Client ID | u16 | ID assigned by the server for this client |
| Singleplayer? | bool | Whether or not the server runs a singleplayer game |
#### ClientRefused
Packet sent from a server to refuse a connection.
_This packet has no field._
### Serverbound
#### ClientConnect
Packet sent from a client attempting to connect.
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Username | std::string | Name of the player attempting to connect |
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#### ClientDisconnect
Packet sent from a client attempting to disconnect.
_This packet has no field._
## Game
### Clientbound
#### ServerTick
Packet sent at the beginning of every server tick.
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Current time | u64 | Current time in the server |
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#### ServerClosed
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Message | std::string | Why the server has been closed |
#### ChunkData
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Chunk X | s32 | Chunk X coordinate |
| Chunk Y | s32 | Chunk Y coordinate |
| Chunk Z | s32 | Chunk Z coordinate |
| Array | | |
| - Block data | u32 | Block ID and data |
| - Light value | u8 | Sunlight and torchlight values |
#### ChunkUnload
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Chunk X | s32 | Chunk X coordinate |
| Chunk Y | s32 | Chunk Y coordinate |
| Chunk Z | s32 | Chunk Z coordinate |
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#### PlayerInvUpdate (clientbound)
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ID | u16 | Player ID |
| Inventory | Inventory | Player inventory |
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| Current slot | s8 | Player held item slot |
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#### PlayerPosUpdate (clientbound)
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| -------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ID | u16 | Player ID |
| Player X | double | Player X coordinate |
| Player Y | double | Player Y coordinate |
| Player Z | double | Player Z coordinate |
| Teleportation? | bool | Whether or not this update is a teleportation |
#### PlayerSpawn
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| -------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ID | u16 | Player ID |
| Player X | double | Player X coordinate |
| Player Y | double | Player Y coordinate |
| Player Z | double | Player Z coordinate |
| Dimension | u16 | Dimension ID |
| Username | std::string | Name of the player |
| Camera Yaw | float | Horizontal camera view angle |
| Camera Pitch | float | Vertical camera view angle |
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#### PlayerChangeDimension
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ID | u16 | Player ID |
| Spawn X | s32 | Spawn X coordinate in the new dimension |
| Spawn Y | s32 | Spawn Y coordinate in the new dimension |
| Spawn Z | s32 | Spawn Z coordinate in the new dimension |
| Dimension | u16 | New dimension ID |
#### BlockUpdate
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Block X | s32 | Block X coordinate |
| Block Y | s32 | Block Y coordinate |
| Block Z | s32 | Block Z coordinate |
| Block ID | u32 | Block ID and data |
#### BlockGUIData
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Width | u16 | Width of the GUI |
| Height | u16 | Height of the GUI |
| Centered? | bool | Whether or not the GUI is centered on the screen |
| Widget defs | Array | List of widget definitions (see LuaGUI::show) |
#### BlockInvUpdate (clientbound)
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Block X | s32 | Block X coordinate |
| Block Y | s32 | Block Y coordinate |
| Block Z | s32 | Block Z coordinate |
| Inventory | Inventory | Block inventory |
#### BlockDataUpdate
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| -------------- | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| Block X | s32 | Block X coordinate |
| Block Y | s32 | Block Y coordinate |
| Block Z | s32 | Block Z coordinate |
| Metadata | BlockMetadata | Block metadata |
| Use alt tiles? | bool | Whether or not the block should use alternative tiles |
#### RegistryData
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| -------------- | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| Registry | Registry | Registry |
#### ChatMessage (clientbound)
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ID | u16 | Player ID (`0` means it's a server message) |
| Message | std::string | Message sent by the client |
#### EntitySpawn
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ID | entt::entity | Entity ID |
#### EntityDespawn
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ID | entt::entity | Entity ID |
#### EntityPosition
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ID | entt::entity | Entity ID |
| Entity X | double | Entity X coordinate |
| Entity Y | double | Entity Y coordinate |
| Entity Z | double | Entity Z coordinate |
#### EntityRotation
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| --------------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ID | entt::entity | Entity ID |
| Rotation | glm::quat4 | Entity rotation quaternion |
#### EntityAnimation
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ID | entt::entity | Entity ID |
| Animation | AnimationComponent | Entity animation data |
#### EntityDrawableDef
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ID | entt::entity | Entity ID |
| Drawable def | DrawableDef | Entity drawable component definition |
### Serverbound
#### ChunkRequest
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Chunk X | s32 | Chunk X coordinate |
| Chunk Y | s32 | Chunk Y coordinate |
| Chunk Z | s32 | Chunk Z coordinate |
#### PlayerPlaceBlock
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Block X | s32 | Block X coordinate |
| Block Y | s32 | Block Y coordinate |
| Block Z | s32 | Block Z coordinate |
| Block ID | u32 | Block ID and data |
#### PlayerDigBlock
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Block X | s32 | Block X coordinate |
| Block Y | s32 | Block Y coordinate |
| Block Z | s32 | Block Z coordinate |
#### PlayerInvUpdate (serverbound)
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Inventory | Inventory | Player inventory |
#### PlayerPosUpdate (serverbound)
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Player X | double | Player X coordinate |
| Player Y | double | Player Y coordinate |
| Player Z | double | Player Z coordinate |
#### PlayerRotUpdate
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Camera Yaw | float | Horizontal camera view angle |
| Camera Pitch | float | Vertical camera view angle |
#### PlayerHeldItemChanged
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Hotbar slot | u8 | ID of the current hotbar slot |
| Item ID | u16 | Current item ID (to check match with server) |
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#### PlayerReady
Packet sent from a client when it is ready to receive chunks.
_This packet has no field._
#### PlayerChunkPosUpdate
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Chunk X | s32 | Chunk X coordinate |
| Chunk Y | s32 | Chunk Y coordinate |
| Chunk Z | s32 | Chunk Z coordinate |
2020-06-19 17:18:18 +02:00
#### BlockActivated
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Block X | s32 | Block X coordinate |
| Block Y | s32 | Block Y coordinate |
| Block Z | s32 | Block Z coordinate |
| Screen width | u16 | Client screen width |
| Screen height | u16 | Client screen height |
| GUI scale | u8 | Client GUI scale |
#### BlockInvUpdate (serverbound)
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Block X | s32 | Block X coordinate |
| Block Y | s32 | Block Y coordinate |
| Block Z | s32 | Block Z coordinate |
| Inventory | Inventory | Block inventory |
#### ItemActivated
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Block X | s32 | Selected block X coordinate |
| Block Y | s32 | Selected block Y coordinate |
| Block Z | s32 | Selected block Z coordinate |
| Screen width | u16 | Client screen width |
| Screen height | u16 | Client screen height |
| GUI scale | u8 | Client GUI scale |
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#### ChatMessage (serverbound)
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Message | std::string | Message sent by the client |
#### KeyPressed
| Field name | Field type | Notes |
| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Key ID | u16 | Key ID in the registry |
| Screen width | u16 | Client screen width |
| Screen height | u16 | Client screen height |
| GUI scale | u8 | Client GUI scale |