Additional doxygen fixes

This commit is contained in:
sapier 2013-09-01 13:21:23 +02:00
parent f2606e1349
commit 3c82f047fe
2 changed files with 93 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ local mob_template = {
--! @brief [MANDATORY] name of mod defining the mob
modname = "name of mod",
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] factions configuration
factions = {
member = {
--! @brief [MANDATORY] generic parameters for mob
generic = {
--! @brief [MANDATORY] description to show on mouse over in inventory
@ -279,6 +269,90 @@ local mob_template = {
max_hear_distance = 100,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] parameters for rideable mobs
ride = {
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] speed when walking
walkspeed = 7.8,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] speed when sneaking
sneakspeed = 0.8,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] inital jumpspeed
jumpspeed = 58,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] offset to center player is put to
attacheoffset = { x=0,y=2,z=0},
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] texture modifier when player is attached
texturemod = "^mob_ostrich_ostrich_saddle_mesh.png",
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] animation to show when riding
walk_anim = "walk",
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] description of animations
animation = {
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] one or many animation descriptions
animationname = {
--! @brief [MANDATORY] start frame of animation
start_frame = 1,
--! @brief [MANDATORY] end frame of animation
end_frame = 2,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] configuration for a trader mob
trader_inventory = {
--! @brief [MANDATORY] goodlist to be sold
goods = {
--! @brief [MANDOTORY] first element in list
{ "default:mese 1", "default:dirt 99", "default:cobble 50"},
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] any further element
{ "default:steel_ingot 1", "default:dirt 50", "default:cobble 20"},
--! @brief [MANDATORY] list of names randomly choosen for trader
random_names = { "Name1","Name2","Name3"},
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] configuration for attention handling
attention = {
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] hear distance value
hear_distance = 3,
--! @brief [UPPER_VALUE_DEPENDENT | MANDATORY] value to add if within hear distance
hear_distance_value = 0.5,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] view angle to consider
view_angle = nil,
--! @brief [UPPER_VALUE_DEPENDENT | MANDATORY] value to add if someone is within view angke
own_view_value = 0,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] is remove view angle relevant?
remote_view = false,
--! @brief [UPPER_VALUE_DEPENDENT | MANDATORY] value to add if remote target looks at mob
remote_view_value = 0,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] value to add if within attention distance
attention_distance_value = 0.2,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] threshold to issue watch callback
watch_threshold = 2,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] threshold to issue attack callback
attack_threshold = nil,
--! @brief [MANDATORY] maximum distance to consider objects for attantion
attention_distance = 7.5,
--! @brief [MANDATORY] maximum amount of attention any object can draw
attention_max = 10,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] factions configuration
factions = {
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] define factions to be member in
member = {
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] used to specify different movement/model states,
--! you may specify as many states as you like
states = {
@ -338,73 +412,4 @@ local mob_template = {
state_mode = "auto",
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] description of animations
animation = {
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] one or many animation descriptions
animationname = {
--! @brief [MANDATORY] start frame of animation
start_frame = 1,
--! @brief [MANDATORY] end frame of animation
end_frame = 2,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] parameters for rideable mobs
ride = {
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] speed when walking
walkspeed = 7.8,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] speed when sneaking
sneakspeed = 0.8,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] inital jumpspeed
jumpspeed = 58,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] offset to center player is put to
attacheoffset = { x=0,y=2,z=0},
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] texture modifier when player is attached
texturemod = "^mob_ostrich_ostrich_saddle_mesh.png",
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] animation to show when riding
walk_anim = "walk"
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] configuration for a trader mob
trader_inventory = {
--! @brief [MANDATORY] goodlist to be sold
goods = {
--! @brief [MANDOTORY] first element in list
{ "default:mese 1", "default:dirt 99", "default:cobble 50"},
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] any further element
{ "default:steel_ingot 1", "default:dirt 50", "default:cobble 20"},
--! @brief [MANDATORY] list of names randomly choosen for trader
random_names = { "Name1","Name2","Name3"},
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] configuration for attention handling
attention = {
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] hear distance value
hear_distance = 3,
--! @brief [UPPER_VALUE_DEPENDENT | MANDATORY] value to add if within hear distance
hear_distance_value = 0.5,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] view angle to consider
view_angle = nil,
--! @brief [UPPER_VALUE_DEPENDENT | MANDATORY] value to add if someone is within view angke
own_view_value = 0,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] is remove view angle relevant?
remote_view = false,
--! @brief [UPPER_VALUE_DEPENDENT | MANDATORY] value to add if remote target looks at mob
remote_view_value = 0,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] value to add if within attention distance
attention_distance_value = 0.2,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] threshold to issue watch callback
watch_threshold = 2,
--! @brief [OPTIONAL] threshold to issue attack callback
attack_threshold = nil,
--! @brief [MANDATORY] maximum distance to consider objects for attantion
attention_distance = 7.5,
--! @brief [MANDATORY] maximum amount of attention any object can draw
attention_max = 10,

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Q_UNKNOWN = 0
--define some common limits for convenience
--! @brief a position where mob is in media, has full surface contact and is at least on a possible surface
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ LT_GOOD_POS = {
--! @brief a position where mob is in media, has surface contact and is at least on a possible surface
@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ LT_SAFE_POS = {
--! @brief a position where mob is in media, it's center has surface contact and is at least on a possible surface
@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ LT_SAFE_EDGE_POS = {
--! @brief a position where mob is in media, it's center has surface contact and is on a possible surface
@ -81,6 +85,7 @@ LT_SAFE_POSSIBLE_EDGE_POS = {
--! @brief a position where mob is in media, it's center has surface contact and it's center is at least on a possible surface
@ -91,6 +96,7 @@ LT_EDGE_POS_POSSIBLE_CENTER = {
--! @brief a position where mob is in media, it's center has surface contact and it's center is at least on a good surface
@ -101,6 +107,7 @@ LT_EDGE_POS_GOOD_CENTER = {
--! @brief a position where mob is in media, has at least partial contact and is at least on possible surface
@ -111,6 +118,7 @@ LT_EDGE_POS = {
--! @brief a position where mob is in media, has at least partial contact but no contact at center