2013-02-03 20:11:58 +00:00
-- Mob Framework Mod by Sapier
-- You may copy, use, modify or do nearly anything except removing this
-- copyright notice.
-- And of course you are NOT allow to pretend you have written it.
--! @file geometry.lua
--! @brief generic functions used in many different places
--! @copyright Sapier
--! @author Sapier
--! @date 2013-02-04
-- Contact sapier a t gmx net
--! @defgroup gen_func Generic functions
--! @brief functions for various tasks
--! @ingroup framework_int
--! @{
-- name: mobf_calc_distance(pos1,pos2)
--! @brief calculate 3d distance between to points
--! @param pos1 first position
--! @param pos2 second position
--! @retval scalar value, distance
function mobf_calc_distance(pos1,pos2)
2013-02-03 23:14:35 +00:00
mobf_assert_backtrace(pos1 ~= nil)
mobf_assert_backtrace(pos2 ~= nil)
2013-02-03 20:11:58 +00:00
return math.sqrt( math.pow(pos1.x-pos2.x,2) +
math.pow(pos1.y-pos2.y,2) +
-- name: mobf_calc_distance_2d(pos1,pos2)
--! @brief calculate 2d distance between to points
--! @param pos1 first position
--! @param pos2 second position
--! @return scalar value, distance
function mobf_calc_distance_2d(pos1,pos2)
2013-02-03 23:14:35 +00:00
return math.sqrt( math.pow(pos1.x-pos2.x,2) +
2013-02-03 20:11:58 +00:00
-- name: mobf_calc_scalar_speed(speedx,speedz)
--! @brief calculate scalar speed
--! @param speedx speed in direction x
--! @param speedz speed in direction z
--! @return scalar speed value
function mobf_calc_scalar_speed(speedx,speedz)
return math.sqrt(math.pow(speedx,2)+
-- name: mobf_calc_vector_components(dir_radians,absolute_speed)
--! @brief calculate calculate x and z components of a directed speed
--! @param dir_radians direction of movement radians
--! @param absolute_speed speed in direction
--! @return {x,z}
function mobf_calc_vector_components(dir_radians,absolute_speed)
local retval = {x=0,z=0}
retval.x = absolute_speed * math.cos(dir_radians)
retval.z = absolute_speed * math.sin(dir_radians)
return retval
-- name: mobf_get_direction(pos1,pos2)
--! @brief get normalized direction from pos1 to pos2
--! @param pos1 source point
--! @param pos2 destination point
--! @return xyz direction
function mobf_get_direction(pos1,pos2)
local x_raw = pos2.x -pos1.x
local y_raw = pos2.y -pos1.y
local z_raw = pos2.z -pos1.z
local x_abs = math.abs(x_raw)
local y_abs = math.abs(y_raw)
local z_abs = math.abs(z_raw)
if x_abs >= y_abs and
x_abs >= z_abs then
y_raw = y_raw * (1/x_abs)
z_raw = z_raw * (1/x_abs)
x_raw = x_raw/x_abs
if y_abs >= x_abs and
y_abs >= z_abs then
x_raw = x_raw * (1/y_abs)
z_raw = z_raw * (1/y_abs)
y_raw = y_raw/y_abs
if z_abs >= y_abs and
z_abs >= x_abs then
x_raw = x_raw * (1/z_abs)
y_raw = y_raw * (1/z_abs)
z_raw = z_raw/z_abs
return {x=x_raw,y=y_raw,z=z_raw}
-- name: mobf_calc_yaw(x,z)
--! @brief calculate radians value of a 2 dimendional vector
--! @param x vector component 1
--! @param z vector component 2
--! @return radians value
function mobf_calc_yaw(x,z)
local direction = math.atan2(z,x)
while direction < 0 do
direction = direction + (2* math.pi)
while direction > (2*math.pi) do
direction = direction - (2* math.pi)
return direction
2013-02-05 21:14:40 +00:00
-- name: mobf_assert_backtrace(value)
--! @brief assert in case value is false
--! @param heightdiff height difference between shooter and target
--! @param time time to reach target
--! @param acceleration acceleration set for object
--! @return y-velocity at start
function mobf_balistic_start_speed(heightdiff,time,acceleration)
mobf_assert_backtrace(heightdiff ~= nil)
mobf_assert_backtrace(time ~= nil)
mobf_assert_backtrace(acceleration ~= nil)
return (heightdiff - (acceleration/2) * (time*time)) / time
2013-08-17 11:52:34 +02:00
-- name: mobf_calc_travel_time(distance,velocity,acceleration)
--! @brief assert in case value is false
--! @param distance distance to target
--! @param velocity to start with
--! @param acceleration acceleratio to use
--! @return time to target
function mobf_calc_travel_time(distance,velocity,acceleration)
mobf_assert_backtrace(distance ~= nil)
mobf_assert_backtrace(velocity ~= nil)
mobf_assert_backtrace(acceleration ~= nil)
if acceleration == 0 then
--print("no accel shortcut time calculation")
return distance/velocity
local a = acceleration/2
local b = velocity
local c = -distance
--print("a=" .. a .. " b=" .. b .. " c=" .. c)
local det = b*b - 4*a*c
--print("det=" .. det)
if det < 0 then
return nil
local ret1 = (-b + math.sqrt(det))/(2*a)
local ret2 = (-b - math.sqrt(det))/(2*a)
--print("x1=" .. ret1 .. " x2=" .. ret2)
if ret1 > 0 then
return ret1
return ret2
-- name: mobf_same_quadrant(x1,z1,x2,z2)
--! @brief check if two points are in same quadrant
--! @param x1 x of point1
--! @param z1 z of point1
--! @param x2 x of point2
--! @param z2 z of point2
--! @return true/false
function mobf_same_quadrant(x1,z1,x2,z2)
if x1 > 0 and x2 < 0 or
x1 < 0 and x2 >0 then
return false
if z1 > 0 and z2 < 0 or
z1 < 0 and z2 >0 then
return false
return true
2013-02-03 20:11:58 +00:00