fix crash on missing directory

check exists before trying to iterate
poikilos 2019-03-08 22:41:59 -05:00
parent bf870ab941
commit b1ad15c3c8
1 changed files with 27 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ bool UserInterface::loadNextTexture(int direction)
std::wstring texturesPath = parentPath + dirSeparator + L"textures";
// std::wcerr << "lastName: " << lastName << endl;
// std::wcerr << "pathWithoutExt: " << Utility::withoutExtension(m_PreviousPath) << endl;
//std::wcerr << "nameWithoutExt: " << Utility::withoutExtension(lastName) << endl;
// std::wcerr << "nameWithoutExt: " << Utility::withoutExtension(lastName) << endl;
std::wstring tryTexPath = texturesPath + dirSeparator + Utility::withoutExtension(lastName) + L".png";
std::wcerr << "tryTexPath: " << tryTexPath << endl;
if (direction==0 && Utility::isFile(tryTexPath)) {
@ -201,42 +201,45 @@ bool UserInterface::loadNextTexture(int direction)
ret = this->m_Engine->loadTexture(this->m_Engine->m_NextPath);
else {
//wcerr << L"converting path " << texturesPath << endl;
//std::string path = Utility::toString(texturesPath);
// wcerr << L"converting path " << texturesPath << endl;
// std::string path = Utility::toString(texturesPath);
std::wstring path = texturesPath;
//cerr << "looking for next texture in " << path << endl;
wcerr << "looking for next texture in " << path << endl;
// cerr << "looking for next texture in " << path << endl;
// wcerr << "looking for next texture in " << path << endl;
fs::directory_iterator end_itr; // default construction yields past-the-end
std::wstring nextPath = L"";
std::wstring retroPath = L"";
std::wstring lastPath = L"";
//std::string nextPath = "";
// std::string nextPath = "";
bool found = false;
//for (directory_iterator itr(path); itr != end_itr; ++itr) {
for (const auto & itr : fs::directory_iterator(texturesPath)) {
// std::cout << entry.path() << std::endl;
if (!is_directory(itr.status())) {
//if (!itr.is_directory()) {
// cycle through files (go to next after m_PrevTexturePath
// if any, otherwise first)
if (nextPath.length() == 0) nextPath = itr.path().wstring();
lastPath = itr.path().wstring();
if (found) {
nextPath = itr.path().wstring();
if (fs::is_directory(fs::status(texturesPath))) {
// for (directory_iterator itr(path); itr != end_itr; ++itr) {
for (const auto & itr : fs::directory_iterator(texturesPath)) {
// std::cout << entry.path() << std::endl;
if (!is_directory(itr.status())) {
// if (!itr.is_directory()) {
// cycle through files (go to next after m_PrevTexturePath
// if any, otherwise first)
if (nextPath.length() == 0) nextPath = itr.path().wstring();
lastPath = itr.path().wstring();
if (found) {
nextPath = itr.path().wstring();
if (itr.path().wstring()==this->m_Engine->m_PrevTexturePath) found = true;
if (!found) retroPath = itr.path().wstring();
if (itr.path().wstring()==this->m_Engine->m_PrevTexturePath) found = true;
if (!found) retroPath = itr.path().wstring();
if (retroPath.length()==0) retroPath = lastPath; // previous is last if at beginning
if (direction < 0) nextPath = retroPath;
if (nextPath.length() > 0) ret = this->m_Engine->loadTexture(nextPath);
wcerr << "chose texture '" << nextPath << "': " << (ret?"OK":"FAIL") << endl;
if (retroPath.length()==0) retroPath = lastPath; // previous is last if at beginning
if (direction < 0) nextPath = retroPath;
if (nextPath.length() > 0) ret = this->m_Engine->loadTexture(nextPath);
wcerr << "chose texture '" << nextPath << "': " << (ret?"OK":"FAIL") << endl;
// else wcerr << "no '" << texturesPath << "'" << endl;