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#include <string>
/// \file ConfigFile.h
/// \brief A class that parses and stores 3m configuration.
/// \author Phitherek_
/// \date 2013
/// \version 0.1-pre
/// \namespace 3m
/// \brief A global namespace for 3m
/// \class ConfigFile
/// \brief A class that parses and stores 3m configuration.
class ConfigFile {
std::string _path;
std::string _localpath;
std::string _modlist;
std::string _repoinfo;
ConfigFile(std::string path); ///< \brief A constructor from file path.
///< Tries to open the config file and parse it. It throws FileException or ParseException.
/// \param path Path to the config file.
std::string& getLocalPath(); ///< \brief A function returning a reference to local 3m repository path (e. g. path to the Minetest mod directory)
/// \return Local 3m repository path.
std::string& getModList(); ///< \brief A function returning a reference to local modlist file path.
///< \return A reference to local modlist file path.
std::string& getRepoInfo(); ///< \brief A function returning a reference to local repoinfo file path.
///< \return A reference to local repoinfo file path
void write(); ///< A function that writes the changes to config file.